Deutsch: Denkmal von Schauspieler Heinz Erhardt in Göttingen. Auf dem Schild steht: „Heinz Erhardt (1909-1979) in dem hier in Göttingen gedrehten Film ‘Natürlich die Autofahrer’ (D 1959)“. Im Hintergrund das Iduna-Zentrum. Die Stele ist aus bedampften Acrylglas gefertigt
English: Memorial of actor Heinz Erhardt in Göttingen. Text on the plate: Heinz Erhardt (1909-1979) in the movie ‘Natürlich die Autofahrer’ (Germany 1959), filmed here in Göttingen. Iduna-Zentrum is in the background.
The photographical reproduction of this work is covered under the article § 59 of the German copyright law, which states that "It shall be permissible to reproduce, by painting, drawing, photography or cinematography, works which are permanently located on public ways, streets or places and to distribute and publicly communicate such copies. For works of architecture, this provision shall be applicable only to the external appearance."
As with all other “limits of copyright by legally permitted uses”, no changes to the actual work are permitted under § 62 of the German copyright law (UrhG).
{{Information |Description={{de| Denkmal von Schauspieler Heinz Erhardt in Göttingen.<br/>}}{{en| Memorial of actor Heinz Erhardt in Göttingen.}} |Source= own work |Date=2007-07-14 |Author= Times