お知らせ: 保存した後、ブラウザのキャッシュをクリアしてページを再読み込みする必要があります。
多くの Windows や Linux のブラウザ
- Ctrl を押しながら F5 を押す。
Mac における Safari
Mac における Chrome や Firefox
- ⌘ Cmd と ⇧ Shift を押しながら R を押す。
Generate warnings on Special:Movepage, per the states of the move destination.
@author [[User:Dragoniez]]
@version 1.2.0
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias */
// @ts-check
/* global mw */
(function() {
// Check whether we should run the script
var moveFrom = mw.config.get('wgRelevantPageName').replace(/_/g, ' ');
if (!(
// User is on Special:Movepage, and
mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === 'Movepage' &&
// User isn't on the root of Special:Movepage, and
moveFrom && moveFrom !== mw.config.get('wgPageName').replace(/_/g, ' ') &&
// User has the right to move pages, and
// @ts-ignore
mw.config.get('wgUserGroups', []).indexOf('autoconfirmed') !== -1 &&
// Browser is compatible with MutationObserver (we have to be able to detect changes in software-defined OOUI elements)
)) {
// If any of the above lacks, stop running the script
// Define main functions, using a class
var MovePageWarnings = /** @class */ (function() {
// Collect all localized, canonical namespace prefixes
var wgFormattedNamespaces = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces');
var prefixes = Object.keys(wgFormattedNamespaces).reduce(/** @param {string[]} acc */ function(acc, key) {
var val = wgFormattedNamespaces[key];
if (val) acc.push(val); // Except for the main namespace
return acc;
}, []);
* Sanitize a localized namespace prefix.
* @param {string} prefix
* @returns {string} An empty string if there's no match with any of the localized namespace prefixes. ("(Main)" -> "")
var sanitizePrefix = function(prefix) {
return prefixes.some(function(pfx) { return pfx === prefix; }) ? prefix : '';
// Create namespace alias regex
var wgNamespaceIds = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds');
var aliases = Object.keys(wgNamespaceIds).reduce(/** @param {string[]} acc */ function(acc, alias) {
if (alias) acc.push(alias.replace(/_/g, '[_ ]'));
return acc;
}, []);
var rWhitespaceStr = '[ _\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000]*'; // Stringified `\s`, including underscore and excluding tab
var rAliases = new RegExp('^' + rWhitespaceStr + '(' + aliases.join('|') + ')' + rWhitespaceStr + ':', 'i');
* Regex for unicode bidirectional characters (from `MediaWikiTitleCodec::splitTitleString()` in PHP).
var rUnicodeBidi = /[\u200E\u200F\u202A-\u202E]+/g;
* Initialize a MovePageWarnings instance.
* @constructor
* @param {Element} prefixLabel
* @param {HTMLInputElement} titleInput
* @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} $submitButton
function MovePageWarnings(prefixLabel, titleInput, $submitButton) {
// Define class properties
* The page name of the moving target (the "from" page name).
* @type {string}
* @readonly
*/ = moveFrom;
* The value selected in the namespace selector dropdown (updated in the callback of MutationObserver).
* @type {string}
this.prefix = sanitizePrefix(prefixLabel.innerHTML);
* The input tag in the OOUI InputWidget used as a wgTitle specifier.
* @type {HTMLInputElement}
* @readonly
this.titleInput = titleInput;
* The span tag in the OOUI button for form submission.
* @type {JQuery<HTMLSpanElement>}
* @readonly
this.$submitButton = $submitButton;
* The "move associated talk page" button.
* @type {HTMLInputElement?}
* @readonly
this.moveTalkBox = document.querySelector('#wpMovetalk > input');
* Stores the page name of the move destination last inputted.
* @type {string}
this.lastPagename = moveFrom;
* Whether the current user can delete pages.
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
// @ts-ignore
this.candelete = mw.config.get('wgUserGroups', []).concat(mw.config.get('wgGlobalGroups', [])).some(function(group) {
return ['eliminator', 'sysop', 'interface-admin', 'global-deleter', 'staff', 'steward', 'sysadmin'].indexOf(group) !== -1;
/** @type {mw.Api} @readonly */
this.api = new mw.Api();
// Watch the move destination specifiers
var _this = this;
var inputTimeout;
* The input event handler.
* @param {boolean} [moveTalkChanged]
* @param {boolean} [noTimeout]
var initWarnings = function(moveTalkChanged, noTimeout) {
var mtc = !!moveTalkChanged;
inputTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, noTimeout ? 0 : 1000);
// Event listener for changes in the namespace prefix
new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
var val = mutations[1] && mutations[1].addedNodes[0] && mutations[1].addedNodes[0].nodeValue;
if (val) {
_this.prefix = sanitizePrefix(val); // Update prefix
}).observe(prefixLabel, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
// Event listener for changes in the title
this.titleInput.addEventListener('input', function() {
// Event listener for changes in "move associated talk page"
if (this.moveTalkBox) {
this.moveTalkBox.addEventListener('change', function() {
* The wrapper div for warning messages.
* @type {JQuery<HTMLDivElement>}
this.$warning = $('<div>');
* The warning message list.
* @type {JQuery<HTMLOListElement>}
this.$warningList = $('<ol>');
// Append the warning wrapper to the DOM
.addClass('mw-message-box mw-message-box-warning')
.prop('id', 'mpw-warnings')
document.createTextNode(' 移動先ページについて、以下の点を確認してください。('),
id: 'mpw-warnings-reload',
href: '#',
role: 'button'
.off('click').on('click', function(e) {
_this.lastPagename = '';
initWarnings(false, true);
.prop('id', 'mpw-warnings-list')
initWarnings(false, true);
* Load dependent modules and call the constructor.
* @static
MovePageWarnings.init = function() {
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.Title', 'mediawiki.util']),
).then(function() { // Load modules and the DOM, then
var prefixLabel = document.querySelector('#wpNewTitleNs span.oo-ui-labelElement-label');
/** @type {HTMLInputElement?} */
var titleInput = document.querySelector('#wpNewTitleMain > input');
var $submitButton = $('button[name="wpMove"]').eq(0).parent('span');
// Run the script if all the above are defined
if (prefixLabel && titleInput && $submitButton.length) {
new MovePageWarnings(prefixLabel, titleInput, $submitButton);
* The movepage form is created by OOUI dynamically, so it's not enough to just wait for document ready.
* This function ensures that the form is ready in the document.
* See `[[Special:Permalink/98980431]]` for the older 1.0.X version of this function written with MutationObserver,
* which turned out to not work well if the page has been opened on a different tab (see also the bottom of this
* script for a handler of this situation).
function formReady() {
var def = $.Deferred();
/** @returns {boolean} */
var elementsReady = function() {
return !!(
document.querySelector('#wpNewTitleNs') &&
document.querySelector('#wpNewTitleMain') &&
$(function() { // When the document is ready
// Check the ready state of form elements every 0.5 seconds (up to 10 times)
var iterations = 0;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
if ((++iterations) > 10) {
// If we have already done 10 iterations, reject the procedure
def.reject(new Error('[mpw] The form never got ready'));
} else if (elementsReady()) {
// If the form elements are ready, resolve the procedure
// <= Proceed to the next interval
}, 500);
return def.promise();
Object.defineProperty(MovePageWarnings.prototype, 'moveTalk', {
* Return the check state of the `Move associated talk page` box.
* @returns {boolean}
get: function() {
return this.moveTalkBox && this.moveTalkBox.checked || false;
Object.defineProperty(MovePageWarnings.prototype, 'length', {
* Return the number of warnings.
* @returns {number}
get: function() {
return this.$warningList.children('li').length;
* Add a \<style> for MovePageWarnings.
* @static
MovePageWarnings.addStyleTag = function() {
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent =
'.mpw-seewarning::after {' +
'display: inline-block;' +
'content: "※ 下記の警告も確認してください";' +
'color: red;' +
'font-family: inherit;' +
'font-weight: bold;' +
'margin-left: 1em;' +
'padding-top: 5px;' +
'}' +
'.mpw-logline-hidden {' +
'text-decoration: line-through;' +
'color: #72777d;' +
'font-style: italic;' +
* Toggle the visibility of warnings.
* @param {boolean} show
MovePageWarnings.prototype.toggle = function(show) {
this.$submitButton.toggleClass('mpw-seewarning', show);
* @param {string} logline
function log(logline) {
console.log('[mpw]', logline);
* Update warnings. This is to be called when either the prefix or the title has been changed.
* @param {boolean} moveTalkChanged
* @returns {JQueryPromise<void>}
MovePageWarnings.prototype.updateWarnings = function(moveTalkChanged) {
// Pick up the page name to which to move the current page
var prefix = this.prefix && this.prefix + ':';
var title = this.titleInput.value.replace(rUnicodeBidi, '');
var pagename = prefix + title;
var hasPrefixInTitle = rAliases.test(title);
var hasDuplicatePrefixes = !!prefix && hasPrefixInTitle;
var Title = mw.Title.newFromText(pagename);
pagename = Title ? Title.getPrefixedText() : pagename.replace(/_/g, ' ');
log('Move destination: ' + pagename);
// Compare with the last-checked pagename
var isSamePagename = pagename === this.lastPagename;
this.lastPagename = pagename;
var isSameAsTarget = pagename ===;
// Synchronous checks for possible warnings
if (isSamePagename && !moveTalkChanged) {
log('Exited for the reason of "same pagename".');
return $.Deferred().resolve(void 0);
} else if (!pagename || isSameAsTarget && !hasPrefixInTitle && !hasDuplicatePrefixes) {
log('Exited for the reason of "no pagename" or "same as target pagename".');
return $.Deferred().resolve(void 0);
} else if (isSameAsTarget || !Title) {
log('Exited for the reason of "invalid pagename".');
invalidPagename: !Title ? [pagename] : null,
misplacedPrefix: hasPrefixInTitle ? [] : null,
duplicatePrefixes: hasDuplicatePrefixes ? [pagename] : null
return $.Deferred().resolve(void 0);
// Asynchronous checks for possible warnings
var _this = this;
var talkTitle = this.moveTalk && Title && !Title.isTalkPage() && Title.getTalkPage() || void 0;
var talkPagename = talkTitle && talkTitle.getPrefixedText();
return this.getVerificationFunc(pagename, talkPagename).then(function(is) {
if (!is('main', 'verifiable')) {
log('Exited for the reason of "info is null".');
} else {
log('Generated warnings.');
invalidPagename: !is('main', 'valid') ? [pagename] : null,
misplacedPrefix: hasPrefixInTitle ? [] : null,
duplicatePrefixes: hasDuplicatePrefixes ? [pagename] : null,
overwriteRedirect: is('main', 'overwritable') ? [pagename] : null,
overwriteTalkRedirect: talkPagename && is('talk', 'overwritable') ? [talkPagename] : null,
talkPageExists: talkPagename && is('talk', 'verifiable') && !is('talk', 'missing') && !is('talk', 'overwritable') ? [talkPagename] : null,
deleteToMove: !(is('main', 'missing') || is('main', 'overwritable')) && _this.candelete ? [pagename] : null,
cantDelete: !(is('main', 'missing') || is('main', 'overwritable')) && !_this.candelete ? [pagename] : null
var prot, pwCnt = 0;
if ((prot = is('main', 'protected'))) {
pwCnt += _this.setProtectionWarning(prot);
if (talkPagename && (prot = is('talk', 'protected'))) {
pwCnt += _this.setProtectionWarning(prot);
if (pwCnt) {
if (_this.length) {
// If new warnings have been generated, trigger the wikipage.content hook to run any script
// that watches the hook for updates in the page content (this will activate e.g. nav_popups
// on links in the warnings)
* Generate a wrapper for a protection warning.
* @param {string} str
* @returns {string}
var protectionWarningWrapper = function(str) {
return '<b>移動先のページは保護されています</b>。<ul><li>' + str + '</li></ul>';
* Warning templates.
* @static
MovePageWarnings.template = {
/** `$1`: page name */
invalidPagename: '「$1」は[[Help:ページ名#特殊文字|不正なページ名]]です。',
misplacedPrefix: 'ページ名指定用テキストボックスの値に[[H:NS#詳細|名前空間]]接頭辞が含まれています。(名前空間の指定にはドロップダウンを' +
/** `$1`: page name */
duplicatePrefixes: '「[[$1]]」には重複した[[H:NS#詳細|名前空間]]接頭辞が含まれています。',
/** `$1`: page name */
overwriteRedirect: 'リダイレクトの「[[$1]]」を上書きして移動します。',
/** `$1`: page name */
overwriteTalkRedirect: '付随移動により、ノートページリダイレクトの「[[$1]]」を上書きして移動します。',
/** `$1`: page name */
talkPageExists: '「[[$1]]」が存在するため、<b>ノートページは付随移動されません</b>。',
/** `$1`: page name */
deleteToMove: '「[[$1]]」への移動を行うためにはページの削除が必要です。',
/** `$1`: page name */
cantDelete: '「[[$1]]」への移動は削除権限を要するため、<b>あなたは移動できません</b>。記事としての履歴がない (またはあっても' +
'即時削除対象となる) 場合は[[Wikipedia:移動依頼|移動依頼]]を、そうでない場合は[[Wikipedia:削除の方針#C|ケースC]]の' +
/** `$1`: logid, `$2`: timestamp, `$3`: user, `$4`: target, `$5`: levels, `$6`: parsedcomment */
'protect/protect': protectionWarningWrapper(
'[[Special:Redirect/logid/$1|$2]] <span class="mpw-logline-user">[[User:$3|$3]] ([[User_talk:$3|会話]] | ' +
'[[Special:Contribs/$3|投稿記録]])</span><span class="mpw-logline-connective"></span><span class="mpw-logline-action">' +
'[[$4]] を保護しました $5</span> <span class="mpw-logline-comment">$6</span>'
/** `$1`: logid, `$2`: timestamp, `$3`: user, `$4`: target, `$5`: levels, `$6`: parsedcomment */
'protect/modify': protectionWarningWrapper(
'[[Special:Redirect/logid/$1|$2]] <span class="mpw-logline-user">[[User:$3|$3]] ([[User_talk:$3|会話]] | ' +
'[[Special:Contribs/$3|投稿記録]])</span><span class="mpw-logline-connective"></span><span class="mpw-logline-action">' +
'[[$4]] の保護設定を変更しました $5</span> <span class="mpw-logline-comment">$6</span>'
/** `$1`: logid, `$2`: timestamp, `$3`: user, `$4`: target, `$5`: moved_from, `$6`: parsedcomment */
'protect/move_prot': protectionWarningWrapper(
'[[Special:Redirect/logid/$1|$2]] <span class="mpw-logline-user">[[User:$3|$3]] ([[User_talk:$3|会話]] | ' +
'[[Special:Contribs/$3|投稿記録]])</span><span class="mpw-logline-connective-move"></span><span class="mpw-logline-action">' +
'保護設定を [[$5]] から [[$4]] に移動しました</span> <span class="mpw-logline-comment">$6</span>'
* Set warnings.
* @param {Partial<Record<keyof MovePageWarnings.template, string[]?>>} warningMap
* The values should be an array of variables for `mw.format`, or `null` if they shouldn't be converted to warnings.
* @returns {number} The number of warnings generated.
MovePageWarnings.prototype.setWarnings = function(warningMap) {
// Erase old warnings
// Loop each object key and set up a warning if the corresponding value is an array
for (var key in warningMap) {
var variables = warningMap[key];
if (variables) {
var li = document.createElement('li');
// @ts-ignore
li.innerHTML = createWarning(key, variables);
// Show/hide the warning wrapper depending on whether there's at least one warning
var cnt = this.length;
return cnt;
* Clear all warnings.
* @returns {number} The number of warnings generated (always 0).
MovePageWarnings.prototype.clearWarnings = function() {
return 0;
* Create a warning message as a raw HTML by parsing [[links]] and $-variables.
* @param {keyof MovePageWarnings.template} key
* @param {string[]} variables
* @param {string} [template] Use this template instead of what can be obtained by the key
* @returns {string}
function createWarning(key, variables, template) {
// Get template and replace variables
var def = template || MovePageWarnings.template[key];
def = mw.format.apply(mw, [def].concat(variables)); // Same as "mw.format(def, $1, $2, ...)"
var transformed = def;
// Parse [[links]]
var rLink = /\[\[([^|\]]+)\|?([^\]]*)\]\]/g; // Matches [[page|display]] or [[page]]
var m;
while ((m = rLink.exec(def))) {
// Replace the [[link]] with <a>
transformed = transformed.replace(m[0], createLink(m[1], m[2]));
return transformed;
* Create an anchor tag as a raw HTML.
* @param {string} page
* @param {string} [display]
* @returns {string}
function createLink(page, display) {
return '<a href="' + mw.util.getUrl(page, {redirect: 'no'}) + '">' + (display || page) + '</a>';
* Set a protection warning.
* @param {TitleInfoProtection} info
* @returns {number} The number of warnings generated.
MovePageWarnings.prototype.setProtectionWarning = function(info) {
if (!info.action) return 0;
// Get template
var key = 'protect/' + info.action;
/** @type {string} */
var template = MovePageWarnings.template[key];
if (!template) return 0;
// Handle hidden parts in the logline, if any
var $logline = $('<div>').prop('innerHTML', template); // Temporarily convert the string to a JQuery element
var userHidden = info.user === null;
var actionHidden = info.actionhidden;
var commentHidden = info.parsedcomment === null;
if (!userHidden && !actionHidden) {
$logline.find('.mpw-logline-connective').text(' が ');
$logline.find('.mpw-logline-connective-move').text(' が');
} else {
$logline.find('.mpw-logline-connective, .mpw-logline-connective-move').text(' ');
if (userHidden) {
$logline.find('.mpw-logline-user').addClass('mpw-logline-hidden').prop('innerHTML', '(利用者名は除去されています)');
if (actionHidden) {
$logline.find('.mpw-logline-action').addClass('mpw-logline-hidden').prop('innerHTML', '(ログの詳細は除去されています)');
if (commentHidden) {
$logline.find('.mpw-logline-comment').addClass('mpw-logline-hidden').prop('innerHTML', '(要約は除去されています)');
template = $logline.prop('innerHTML'); // Convert back to a string
// Get variables to mw.format
var variables = [
info.user || void 0,,
info.action === 'move_prot' ? info.moved_from : translateLevels(info.levels),
info.parsedcomment && ('(' + info.parsedcomment + ')') || ''
// Create warning
var li = document.createElement('li');
// @ts-ignore
li.innerHTML = createWarning(key, variables, template);
return 1;
* Turn blue links into red ones if any anchor in the warnings is linked to a non-existing page.
* This is to be called after `setProtectionWarning`.
* @returns {JQueryPromise<void>}
MovePageWarnings.prototype.searchRedlinks = function() {
* @typedef {Record<string, HTMLAnchorElement[]>} AnchorMap
* Keyed by a page title and valued by anchors
/** @type {AnchorMap} */
var anchors = // Collect anchors by pagename and create a mapping object
* @param {AnchorMap} acc
* @param {HTMLAnchorElement} a
function(acc, a) {
var title = mw.util.getParamValue('title', a.href);
if (title) {
if (!acc[title]) acc[title] = [];
return acc;
if ($.isEmptyObject(anchors)) return $.Deferred().resolve(void 0);
// Check page existence
var pagenames = Object.keys(anchors);
return this.getExistenceFunc(pagenames).then(function(exists) {
pagenames.forEach(function(p) {
if (anchors[p] && !exists(p)) { // If the page doesn't exist
anchors[p].forEach(function(a) {
a.classList.add('new'); // Add class that applies the redlink CSS
* Translate e.g. "[edit=autoconfirmed] (無期限)[move=autoconfirmed] (無期限)".
* @param {string} [levels]
function translateLevels(levels) {
if (levels === void 0) return levels;
var translations = {
create: '作成',
edit: '編集',
move: '移動',
upload: 'アップロード',
autoconfirmed: '自動承認された利用者のみ許可',
extendedconfirmed: '拡張承認された利用者と管理者に許可',
sysop: '管理者のみ許可'
var rLevels = /\[([^=]+)=([^\]]+)\]/g;
var m;
var ret = levels;
while ((m = rLevels.exec(levels))) {
var line = m[0]
.replace(m[1], translations[m[1]] || m[1])
.replace(m[2], translations[m[2]] || m[2]);
ret = ret.replace(m[0], line);
return ret;
* Get a function that verifies the properties of moving destination(s).
* @param {string} mainPagename
* @param {string} [talkPagename]
MovePageWarnings.prototype.getVerificationFunc = function(mainPagename, talkPagename) {
return $.when(
this.getRedirectMap(talkPagename ? [mainPagename, talkPagename] : [mainPagename])
).then(function(mInfo, tInfo, rMap) {
* @overload
* @param {"main"|"talk"} target
* @param {"verifiable"|"valid"|"missing"|"overwritable"} type
* @returns {boolean}
* @overload
* @param {"main"|"talk"} target
* @param {"protected"} type
* @returns {TitleInfoProtection=}
* @param {"main"|"talk"} target
* @param {"verifiable"|"valid"|"missing"|"overwritable"|"protected"} type
* @returns {boolean|TitleInfoProtection=}
var verify = function(target, type) {
var info = target === 'main' ? mInfo : tInfo;
switch (type) {
case 'verifiable':
return !!info;
case "valid":
return !(info && info.invalid);
case "missing":
return !!(info && info.missing);
case "overwritable":
return !!(info && info.single && info.redirect && rMap[info.title || ''] === (function() {
if (target === 'main') {
return moveFrom;
} else {
var tp = new mw.Title(moveFrom).getTalkPage();
return tp && tp.getPrefixedText();
case "protected":
return info && || void 0;
throw new Error();
return verify;
* @typedef ApiResponse
* @type {{
* query?: {
* normalized?: ApiResponseNormalized[];
* redirects?: {
* from: string;
* to: string;
* }[];
* pages?: {
* ns: number;
* title: string;
* missing?: boolean;
* known?: boolean;
* redirect?: boolean;
* invalid?: boolean;
* invalidreason?: string;
* protection?: {
* type: string;
* level: string;
* expiry: string;
* }[];
* revisions?: {
* revid: number;
* parentid: number;
* }[];
* }[];
* logevents?: {
* logid: number;
* title: string;
* params: {
* description?: string;
* cascade?: boolean;
* details?: ApiResponseLogeventsParamsDetails[];
* oldtitle_ns?: number;
* oldtitle_title?: string;
* };
* type: "protect";
* actionhidden?: boolean;
* action?: "protect"|"modify"|"move_prot";
* userhidden?: boolean;
* user?: string;
* timestamp: string;
* commenthidden?: boolean;
* parsedcomment?: string;
* }[];
* };
* }}
* @typedef ApiResponseNormalized
* @type {{
* fromencoded: boolean;
* from: string;
* to: string;
* }}
* @typedef ApiResponseLogeventsParamsDetails
* @type {{
* type: string;
* level: string;
* expiry: string;
* cascade: boolean;
* }}
* The object returned by `MovePageWarnings.queryTitleInfo`.
* @typedef {object} TitleInfo
* @property {string} [title]
* @property {boolean} [missing]
* @property {boolean} [redirect]
* @property {boolean} [invalid]
* @property {boolean} [protected]
* @property {boolean} [single]
* @property {TitleInfoProtection} [protection]
* @typedef {object} TitleInfoProtection
* @property {("protect"|"modify"|"move_prot")?} action `null` if hidden
* @property {boolean} actionhidden
* @property {number} logid
* @property {string} timestamp
* @property {string?} user `null` if hidden
* @property {string} target
* @property {string} [levels]
* @property {string} [moved_from]
* @property {string?} parsedcomment `null` if hidden
* Get information about a move destination.
* @param {string=} title
* @returns {JQueryPromise<TitleInfo?>}
MovePageWarnings.prototype.queryTitleInfo = function(title) {
if (!title) {
return $.Deferred().resolve(null);
return this.api.get({
action: 'query',
titles: title,
prop: 'info|revisions',
inprop: 'protection',
rvprop: 'ids',
rvlimit: 2,
list: 'logevents',
leprop: 'ids|title|type|user|timestamp|parsedcomment|details',
letype: 'protect',
letitle: title,
lelimit: 'max',
formatversion: '2'
}).then(/** @param {ApiResponse} res */ function(res) {
/** @type {TitleInfo} */
var ret = {};
var resPg = res && res.query && res.query.pages && res.query.pages[0];
if (resPg) {
$.extend(ret, {
title: resPg.title,
missing: !!(resPg.missing && !resPg.known),
redirect: !!resPg.redirect,
invalid: !!resPg.invalid,
protected: Array.isArray( && !!,
single: Array.isArray(resPg.revisions) && resPg.revisions.length === 1
var resLgev = res && res.query && res.query.logevents;
if (resLgev && ret.protected) {
for (var i = 0; i < resLgev.length; i++) {
var obj = resLgev[i];
if (
['protect', 'modify', 'move_prot'].indexOf(obj.action || '') !== -1 &&
// The first log entry might not be the one assocaited with the current protection settings,
// if the log body has been deleted and the script user doesn't have the "deletelogentry" user right
) { = {
action: obj.action || null,
actionhidden: !!obj.actionhidden, // If this is true and the user doesn't have "deletelogentry", the entire log is gone
logid: obj.logid,
timestamp: obj.timestamp.replace(/Z$/, ''),
user: !obj.userhidden && obj.user || null,
target: obj.title,
levels: obj.params.description && obj.params.description
.replace(rUnicodeBidi, '') // Remove unicode bidirectional markers
.replace(/([^ ])\[/g, '$1 ['), // Ensure that there's a space before every "["
moved_from: obj.params.oldtitle_title,
parsedcomment: !obj.commenthidden && obj.parsedcomment || null
return ret;
}).catch(function(_, err) {
if (err && err['exception'] !== 'abort') {
return null;
* Look at the details array of a `list=logevents&letype=protect` response and check if the relevant page is currently protected.
* @param {ApiResponseLogeventsParamsDetails[]} [details]
* @returns {boolean} Always `true` if `undefined` is passed
function isProtected(details) {
var d = new Date();
if (!Array.isArray(details)) {
return true;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < details.length; i++) {
var obj = details[i];
if (!obj.expiry) {
} else if (/^in/.test(obj.expiry)) {
return true;
} else {
return d < new Date(obj.expiry);
return false;
* Get a function to normalize pagenames (as in API responses).
* @param {ApiResponseNormalized[]} [normalized] response.query.normalized
* @returns {(page: string) => string} Function that takes a pagename and formats it
function normalizerFactory(normalized) {
var normalizerMap = (normalized || []).reduce(/** @param {Record<string, string>} acc */ function(acc, obj) {
acc[obj.from] =; // Keyed by non-canonical pagenames and valued by canonical, normalized ones
return acc;
}, Object.create(null));
return /** @param {string} page */ function(page) {
return normalizerMap[page] || page; // Get the normalized pagesname, falling back to the input pagename
* Get mappings from redirecting pages to redirected pages.
* @param {string[]} pagenames
* @returns {JQueryPromise<Record<string, string>>} Object keyed by redirecting pages (where the titles are normalized)
* and valued by redirected pages.
MovePageWarnings.prototype.getRedirectMap = function(pagenames) {
return this.api.get({
action: 'query',
titles: pagenames.join('|'),
redirects: true,
formatversion: '2'
}).then(/** @param {ApiResponse} res */ function(res) {
var ret = Object.create(null);
if (res && res.query) {
(res.query.redirects || []).forEach(function(obj) {
ret[obj.from] =;
return ret;
}).catch(function(_, err) {
if (err && err['exception'] !== 'abort') {
return Object.create(null);
* Get a function from a pagename to its existence boolean.
* @param {string[]} [pagenames]
* @returns {JQueryPromise<(page: string) => boolean>}
MovePageWarnings.prototype.getExistenceFunc = function(pagenames) {
if (pagenames === void 0 || !pagenames.length) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
return $.Deferred().resolve(/** @param {string} page */ function(page) { return false; });
/** @typedef {Record<string, boolean>} ExistenceMap */
return this.api.get({
action: 'query',
titles: pagenames,
formatversion: '2'
}).then(/** @param {ApiResponse} res */ function(res) {
var normalize = normalizerFactory(res && res.query && res.query.normalized);
var fPagenames = {
return normalize(p);
return (res && res.query && res.query.pages || []).reduce(/** @param {ExistenceMap} acc */ function(acc, obj) {
var index = fPagenames.indexOf(obj.title);
if (index !== -1) {
acc[pagenames[index]] = !(obj.missing && !obj.known);
return acc;
}, Object.create(null));
}).catch(function(_, err) {
if (err && err['exception'] !== 'abort') {
return Object.create(null);
}).then(/** @param {ExistenceMap} existenceMap */ function(existenceMap) {
/** @param {string} page */
return function(page) {
return !!existenceMap[page];
return MovePageWarnings;
// Entry point
if (document.hidden) {
// If Special:Movepage is opened on an inactive tab, wait until the tab gets active
var vc = 'visibilitychange';
var init = function() {
if (!document.hidden) {
document.removeEventListener(vc, init);
document.addEventListener(vc, init);
} else {