
利用者:NA sounds/na lib.js

お知らせ: 保存した後、ブラウザのキャッシュをクリアしてページを再読み込みする必要があります。

多くの WindowsLinux のブラウザ

  • Ctrl を押しながら F5 を押す。

Mac における Safari

  • Shift を押しながら、更新ボタン をクリックする。

Mac における ChromeFirefox

  • Cmd Shift を押しながら R を押す。


Copyright (C) 2007 by N/A sounds <[email protected]>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

//*************************na_lib start
function na_lib(){

//************** この部分はglobalな名前に対する代入とprototypeの追加なので、na_lib名前空間とは関係ない
//************** na_libが使っているので定義しているが、他にも影響する。
__global_objs = {
	global_obj_prefix: "__na_lib_global__",
	global_obj_count: 0,
	global_objs: {},
	set: function( o ){
		if( o ){
			var s = this.find(o);
			if( s )	return s;

			s = this.global_obj_prefix + this.global_obj_count;
			this.global_objs[s] = o;
			return s;
	find: function( o ){
		for( var k in this.global_objs )
			if( this.global_objs[k] == o )
				return k;
	get: function( s ){
		if( s ){ return this.global_objs[s]; };
		return function(){};
	remove: function( s ){
		var ret;
		if( s in this.global_objs ){
			ret = this.global_objs[s];
			delete this.global_objs[s];
		return ret;
	access_code: function( k ){
		return "(__global_objs.get('"+k+"'))";

Function.prototype.global_func = function(){
	var global_name = __global_objs.set(this);
	return eval( "function(){ return __global_objs.get('"+global_name+"').apply(this, arguments); }" );

//function(val){ return function(){ any(val); } }(val)	//の代わり。
//function(val){ any(val); }.preset_args(val)		//こんな感じ。
Function.prototype.preset_args = function(){
	var args = [];
	for( var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++ ){
        	args.push( arguments[i] );

	var f = function(){
		var tmp=[];
		for( var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++ ){
		return f.__self.apply(this, f.__preset_args.concat(tmp));

	if( this.__self ){
		f.__self = this.__self;
		if( args.length > 0 ) f.__preset_args = this.__preset_args.concat(args);
		else f.__preset_args = this.__preset_args; //これは意味がないか...?
		f.__self = this;
		f.__preset_args = args;

	function args_to_str( args ){
		var arg_str = "[ ";
		for( var i=0; i<args.length; i++ ){
			var v = args[i];
			var type = (typeof v);
			if( type == "number" )		arg_str += v;
			else if( type == "string" )	arg_str += "'"+v+"'";
			else if( type == undefined )	arg_str += "undefined";
			else if( (v=__global_objs.find(v)) ) arg_str += __global_objs.access_code(v);
			else return;
			arg_str += ",";
		return (arg_str.substring(0,arg_str.length-1) + "]");

	f.global_func = function(){ //個別に__global_objs.setした方が良いかも...
		var global_name = __global_objs.set(f.__self);
		var arg_str = args_to_str(f.__preset_args);
		if( arg_str ){
			eval( "var ret = function(){ \
				var tmp="+arg_str+"; \
				for( var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++ ){ tmp.push(arguments[i]); }; \
				return __global_objs.get('"+global_name+"').apply(this, tmp); \
			}" );
			return ret;
		else {
			var args_name = __global_objs.set(f.__preset_args);
			eval( "var ret = function(){ \
				var tmp=[]; \
				for( var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++ ){ tmp.push(arguments[i]); }; \
				return __global_objs.get('"+global_name+"').apply(this, __global_objs.get('"+args_name+"').concat(tmp)); \
			}" );
			return ret;

	return f;

//%02dみたいなことをする。from python??
Number.prototype.zfill = function(len){
	var s = new String(this); //this.toString()の方が良いのか?
	while( s.length < len )
		s = "0" + s;
	return s;

with( na_lib ){

function checkBrowser(){ //とりあえず。いい加減だが。
	var results = { code_base:"unknown" };

	//this idea from http://nanto.asablo.jp/blog/2005/10/29/123294
	if( document.documentElement.getAttribute("style") == document.documentElement.style ){
		results.code_base = "ie";
		results.setAttr_class = false;

	results.with_namespace = with_ns_test();
	results.hasAddEventListener = ( document.documentElement.addEventListener != undefined );
	results.hasRemoveEventListener = ( document.documentElement.removeEventListener != undefined );
	results.setAttr_class = setAttr_class_test(); //もっと良い名前...
	results.elementNS = ( document.createElementNS != undefined );
	results.hasNodeType = hasNodeType_test();

	//for( var k in results ) alert( k+" "+results[k] );

	return results;

	function hasNodeType_test(){
			results.Node = Node;
			return true;
		return false;

	function with_ns_test(){
		var v = "a";
		function test_ns(){
				var v = "b";
				function f(){ return v; }
			test_ns.v = "c";
			test_ns.f = f;
		with( test_ns ){
			if( f && f() == test_ns.v ) return true;
			else return false;

	function setAttr_class_test(){
		var e = document.createElement("div");
		var test_code = "test class";
		e.setAttribute("class", test_code);
		if( e.getAttribute("class") != test_code ) return false;
		else if( test_code != e.className ) return false;
		else return true;

var browser = checkBrowser();

if( !Array.indexOf ){
	Array.prototype.indexOf = function( obj ){
		for( var i=0; i<this.length; i++ )
			if( this[i] == obj ) return i;
		return -1;

if( !document.importNode ){
    document.importNode = function(node, r){
	if( !node ) return;
	var root = document.createElement( node.nodeName );
	root.nodeValue = node.nodeValue;
	deepcopy(root, node.childNodes);
	deepcopy(root, node.attributes);
	return root;

	function deepcopy( root, nodes ){
	    for( var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++ ){
		var elm = nodes[i];
		var e = undefined, a = undefined;
		switch( elm.nodeType ){
			case browser.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
				if(r) e = document.importNode(elm, r);
			case browser.Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
				if( browser.code_base == "ie" && elm.name == "style" ) //if ie
					root.style.cssText = elm.value;
					if( (elm.name == "id" || elm.name == "ID") && document.getElementById(elm.value) ){
						message( "remove conflicted id("+elm.value+")", 0 );
					a = document.createAttribute( elm.name );
					a.value = elm.value;
			case browser.Node.TEXT_NODE:
				e = document.createTextNode(elm.data);
			case browser.Node.COMMENT_NODE:
				e = document.createComment(elm.data);
			case browser.Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
				message( elm.nodeType, 2 );
			if( browser.code_base != "ie" || root.nodeName != "SCRIPT" ) //ie6?
		if(a)	root.setAttributeNode(a);

var _namespaceURI = undefined;
function createElement_defaultNS( tag ){
	if( !browser.elementNS ){ return document.createElement(tag); } //ie

	if( _namespaceURI )
		return document.createElementNS( _namespaceURI, tag );
		return document.createElement( tag );

function createElement( tag, type, classes, type_is_not_class ){
	if( !browser.code_base == "ie" )
		var e = createElement_defaultNS( "<"+tag+" type="+type+">"); //...さらにradioのname対策が必要
		var e = createElement_defaultNS(tag);
		//textareaはtype属性がread only。
		if( type ) if( e.type != undefined ) e.type = type; //eがtypeを持ってない場合はどうなるんだっけ?

	if( !type_is_not_class && type )
		class_change( e, type, true );
	if( classes )
		for( var i=0; i<classes.length; i++ )
			class_change( e, classes[i], true );
	return e;

//************** message
var _msg_element = undefined;
var _debug_level = 1;
var _message_num=0;

function init_message_element( elm, level ){ //ie
    _msg_element = elm;
    debug_level( level );

function message_clear(){
      _message_num = 0;
	if( _msg_element ){
	      _msg_element.innerHTML = "";

function debug_level( level ){
	if( level >= 0 ){ _debug_level = level; message( "debug level => "+level, 2 ); }
	return _debug_level;

function message( s, level ){
	if( level < _debug_level || !s ){
	if( window.hasOwnProperty && window.hasOwnProperty("console") && console.log ){ //ie
	   if( _msg_element ){
	      s = s.replace( "&", "&amp;" );
	      s = s.replace( "<", "&lt;" );
	      s = s.replace( ">", "&gt;" );
	      if( level >= 2 ){
		var e = createElement_defaultNS( "span" );
		e.style.color = "red";
		e.appendChild( document.createTextNode(s) );
		insertFirstChild( _msg_element, createElement_defaultNS("br") );
		insertFirstChild( _msg_element, e );
		insertFirstChild( _msg_element, document.createTextNode( _message_num+": " ) );
	      else if( level >= _debug_level ){
		insertFirstChild( _msg_element, createElement_defaultNS("br") );
		insertFirstChild( _msg_element, document.createTextNode( _message_num+":"+ s ) );
		//alert( s );
        _message_num += 1;

//************** class
var class_delimiter = " ";
function class_check( element, val ){
        if( browser.setAttr_class ) var s = element.getAttribute("class");
        else var s = element.className;
	if( s ){
	      var classes = s.split(class_delimiter);
     	      for( var i=0; i<classes.length; i++ )
                if( classes[i] == val ) return true;
      return false;

function class_change( element, val, onoff, optional ){
      if( !element ){
        return undefined;
      if( browser.setAttr_class ) var s = element.getAttribute("class");
      else var s = element.className;
      if( !s ){
	message( "class is null", 0 );
	if( onoff && !browser.setAttr_class ){ element.className = val; return val; }
	if( onoff ){ element.setAttribute( "class", val ); return val; }
	else{ return ""; }

      if( onoff ){
        if( !class_check(element, val) ){
  	    s = s + class_delimiter + val;
        else {
          message( "class_change: already set.", 1 );
	  return s;
        var classes = s.split(class_delimiter);
	s = "";
        for( var i=0; i<classes.length; i++ )
          if( classes[i] != val )
            s += classes[i] + class_delimiter;
	if( s.length > 0 ) s = s.substring(0,s.length-1);
      if( browser.setAttr_class )
		element.setAttribute( "class", s );
		element.className = s;
      message( "class_change: " + s, 0 );
      return s;

//************ node
function insertAfter( parent, new_e, old_e ){
	if( old_e.nextSibling )
		parent.insertBefore( new_e, old_e.nextSibling );
		parent.appendChild( new_e );
	return parent;

function insertFirstChild( parent, new_e ){
	if( parent.hasChildNodes() )
		return parent.insertBefore( new_e, parent.firstChild );
		return parent.appendChild( new_e );
	return parent;

function foreachElementsByNodeType( root, type, func, ret ){
	if( !ret ) ret = [];
	if( !root.childNodes ) return;
	for( var i=0; i<root.childNodes.length; i++ ){
		if( root.childNodes[i].nodeType == type ){
			var r = func( root.childNodes[i], ret.length );
			if(r) ret.push(r);
		foreachElementsByNodeType( root.childNodes[i], type, func, ret );
	return ret;

function foreachElementsByTagName( root, tag, func ){
	var elements = root.getElementsByTagName( tag );
	var ret = [];
	for( var i=0; i<elements.length; i++ ){
		var r = func( elements[i], ret.length )
		if(r) ret.push(r);
        return ret;

function getElementsBy( doc, tag, func ){
	var ret = [];
	var elements = doc.getElementsByTagName( tag );
	for( var i=0; i<elements.length; i++ )
		if( func(elements[i]) )
			ret.push( elements[i] );
        return ret;

//ie対応は? とりあえず、classNameに対応する必要あり?
function getElementsByTagAttrValue( doc, tag, attr, val ){
	var func = function(attr, val, element){ return (element.getAttribute(attr) == val); };
	return getElementsBy( doc, tag, func.preset_args(attr, val) );

function getElementByTagAttrValue( doc, tag, attr, val ){
      return getElementsByTagAttrValue( doc, tag, attr, val )[0];

function getElementsByTextNodeValue( doc, tag, val ){
	var func = function(val, element){
		return (get_text(element).replace(/\s*$/,"") == val.replace(/\s*$/,"")); //ie
	return getElementsBy( doc, tag, func.preset_args(val) );

function getElementsByClasses( doc, tag, classes ){
	function func(classes, element){
		var fail = false;
		for( var i=0; i<classes.length; i++ ){
			var c = classes[i];
			if( !class_check(element, c) ){
				fail = true;
		return !fail;
	return getElementsBy( doc, tag, func.preset_args(classes) );

function getElementsByNodeType( doc, type, array ){
	if( !array ) array = [];
	for( var i=0; i<doc.childNodes.length; i++ ){
		if( doc.childNodes[i].nodeType == type ){
		getElementsByNodeType( doc.childNodes[i], type, array );
	return array;

function getElementsByClassName(root, tag, c){
	return getElementsByClasses( doc, tag, [c] );

function getSequentialElements( groups, root, tag, class_name ){
	var elms = getElementsByClassName(root, tag, class_name);
	var g = [];
	var re = new RegExp(/\s*/);
	var re2 = new RegExp( class_name );
	for( var i=0; i<elms.length; i++ ){
		var next = elms[i].nextSibling;
		while( next && ( next.nodeType==8 || (next.nodeType==3 && !(next.data.replace(re,"").length > 0)) ) )
			next = next.nextSibling;
		if( next && next.className && next.className.search( re2 ) != -1 )
			g.push( elms[i] );
		else if( g.length > 0 ){
			g = [];
	return groups;

function get_text( element ){
	if( element.textContent ) return element.textContent;
	var elms = getElementsByNodeType( element, browser.Node.TEXT_NODE );
	var s = "";
	for( var i=0; i<elms.length; i++ )
		s += elms[i].nodeValue;
	return s;

function set_text( element, val, create_text ){
	for( var i=0; i<element.childNodes.length; i++ ){
		if( element.childNodes[i].nodeName == "#text" ){
			element.childNodes[i].nodeValue = val;
			return true;
			if( set_text(element.childNodes[i], val) ){
				return true;
	if( create_text ){
		var text_element = document.createTextNode(val);
		element.appendChild( text_element );
	return false;

function remove_LF( s ){
	return s.replace(/\r\n/g, "").replace(/\n/g,"");

[ {id:"id", tag:"tag", classes:["class", "class2"]}, { "event":[function(element, event){}, usecatch] } ], 

function setupChildrenByEventMap( root, event_map ){
	for( var k in event_map ){
		var conf = event_map[k];
		var elements = [];
		if( conf[0].id ){
			var element = document.getElementById(conf[0].id);
			if( element ){
				var n = element;
					if( n == root ){ elements.push( element ); break; }
					n = n.parentNode;
				}while( n );
		else if( conf[0].tag && conf[0].classes ){
			elements = elements.concat( getElementsByClasses(root, conf[0].tag, conf[0].classes) );
		else if( conf[0].tag ){
			var tmp = root.getElementsByTagName(conf[0].tag)
			for( var i=0; i<tmp.length; i++ ){
				elements.push( tmp[i] );

		for( var i=0; i<elements.length; i++ ){
			element = elements[i];
			for( var key in conf[1] ){
				if( key == "_init" ){
					conf[1][key][0]( element );
					addEventListener( element, key, conf[1][key][0].preset_args(element), conf[1][key][1] );

function attach_input( array, name, num, input ){
	if( !name ) name = input.name;
	if( !name ) return false;

	if( num )
		array[name] = Number(input.value);
		array[name] = input.value;

	if( array.watch ){
		var watch_callback = update_input.preset_args(num, input);
		array.watch( name, watch_callback );

	addEventListener( input, "change", update_array.preset_args(num,array,name,watch_callback), true );

	function update_input( num, target, i, o, n ){
		if( target.value != n ){
			if( num )
				target.value = String(n);
				target.value = n;
		return n;
	function update_array( num, array, name, watch_callback, e ){
		if( array[name] != e.target.value ){ //newValue;
			if( array.unwatch ) array.unwatch( name );
			if( num )
				array[name] = Number(e.target.value);
				array[name] = e.target.value;
			if( array.unwatch ) array.watch( name, watch_callback );

function addEventListener( elm, event_code, func, usecatch ){
	if( browser.hasAddEventListener ){
		return elm.addEventListener( event_code, func, usecatch );
		function event(target){ this.target = target; }
		event.prototype = {
			target: undefined,
			preventDefault: function(){ this.ret = false; },
			stopPropagation: function(){},
			ret: true

		function on_( func, event, elm ){
			delete event.ret;
			return event.ret;
		var f = on_.preset_args(func, new event(elm));
		eval( "elm.on"+event_code+" = f;" );

//************ tab
function create_tab( name, title, id ){
	var dt = createElement_defaultNS("dt");
	if(id) dt.setAttribute( "id", id+"_tip" );
	class_change( dt, "tip", true );

	if( !title ){title = name;}
	dt.appendChild( document.createTextNode(title) );

	var dd = createElement_defaultNS("dd");
	if(id) dd.setAttribute( "id", id );
	class_change( dd, "frame", true );

	return { 'tip':dt, 'frame':dd, 'name':name, 'parent':undefined };

function create_iframe_tab( name, title, frame_id ){
	var tab = create_tab( name, title, frame_id+"_tab" );
	class_change( tab['frame'], "iframe", true );
	var iframe = createElement_defaultNS("iframe");
	iframe.setAttribute( "id", frame_id );
	iframe.setAttribute( "name", frame_id );
	iframe.location = "about:blank";
	tab['frame'].appendChild( iframe );
	tab['iframe'] = iframe;
	return tab;

//************ tabset
var _tabsets = []; //タブセットの配列。内部で使う。
function get_tabset( tabset_name ){
	return _tabsets[tabset_name];

function tabset_Constructor( tabset_name, root ) {
	message( "tabset_constructor(). "+tabset_name, 1 );
	this.tabs = {};
	this.name = tabset_name;
	this.root = root;  //最初は作らない? rootがundefinedなら、get_node()で呼び出すべき。
	_tabsets[tabset_name] = this;

tabset_Constructor.prototype = {
	tip_onclick: function(tab){ //tip_onclick();
		if( tab && tab.onclick ){ tab.onclick(); }
	tab_onchange: function( old_tab, new_tab ){
		if( old_tab && old_tab.onchange ){ old_tab.onchange(false); }
		if( new_tab && new_tab.onchange ){ new_tab.onchange(true); }

	find_tabs : function( tabnames, append, _doc ){
		var doc = document;
		var import_flag = false;
		var found_tabs = [];
		if( _doc ){
			doc = _doc;
			import_flag = true; //importNodeの必要がある?
		for( var i=0; i<tabnames.length; i++ ){
        		message( "find tab " + tabnames[i], 1 );
	        	var element = doc.getElementById(tabnames[i]);
			var tab = { 'name':tabnames[i] };
        		if( element ){
  		      		message( "found tabframe " + tabnames[i], 0 );
				if( import_flag ){ element = document.importNode(element, true); }
				tab['frame'] = element;
				class_change( element, "frame", true );
 			element = doc.getElementById(tabnames[i]+"_tip");
        		if( element ){
        			message( "found tabtip " + tabnames[i], 0 );
				if( import_flag ){ element = document.importNode(element, true); }
				tab['tip'] = element;

			if( tab['name'] && tab['frame'] && tab['tip'] ){
				message( "found tab " + tabnames[i], 1 );
				if( append ){
					this.append_tab( tab );
				found_tabs.push( tab );
			else {
				message( "find fail.", 1 );
	    	return found_tabs;

	append_tab : function( tab, current_flag, rm_button ){
		if( !tab ){ return false; }
		if( tab["parent"] ){
			var old_tabset = tab["parent"];
			if( tab["parent"] == this ){
				message( "tab is aleady append. "+this.name, 2 );
				return false;
			tab = old_tabset.remove_tab( tab["name"] );
		tab["parent"] = this;

			tab['frame'].style.visibility = "hidden";
	       		s = class_change( tab['tip'], "selected", false );
		if( this.root ){
			if( this.tabs[tab['name']] ){
				this.root.replaceChild( tab['tip'], this.tabs[tab['name']]['tip'] );
				this.root.replaceChild( tab['frame'], this.tabs[tab['name']]['frame'] );
				this.root.appendChild( tab['tip'] );
				this.root.appendChild( tab['frame'] );
		this.tabs[tab['name']] = tab;
		message( "append tab: " + this.name + " <- " + tab['name'], 1 );
		if( current_flag ){
			this.select_tab( tab.name );

		function tip_onclick(self, name){
			if( self.tip_onclick ){ self.tip_onclick(self.tabs[name]); };
			return false;
		if( tab['callback'] ){
			if( browser.hasRemoveEventListener )
				tab['tip'].removeEventListener( "click", tab['callback'], false );
		var f = tip_onclick.preset_args(this, tab['name']);
		addEventListener( tab['tip'], "click", f, false );
		tab['callback'] = f;

		if( rm_button ){
			var rm_b = createElement_defaultNS("span");
			class_change( rm_b, "switch", true );
			class_change( rm_b, "rm_button", true );
			rm_b.style.color = "red";
			addEventListener( rm_b, "click", function(self, name){
			}.preset_args(this, tab['name']), false );

			rm_b.appendChild( document.createTextNode("x") );
			tab['tip'].appendChild( rm_b );
		return true;

	get_tabnames : function(){
		var ret = [];
		for( key in this.tabs )	ret.push( key ); //他に方法は?
		return ret;

	remove_tab : function( tab_name ){
		message( "remove_tab: "+ this.name + "/" + tab_name, 1 );
		var tab = this.tabs[tab_name];

		var target = {};
		if( class_check( tab['tip'], "selected" ) ){
			var tmp;
			for( var key in this.tabs ){
				if( tmp == tab_name ){
					target['post'] = key;
				else if( key == tab_name ){
					target['pre'] = tmp;
				tmp = key;

		delete this.tabs[tab['name']];
		tab['parent'] = undefined;
		if( this.root ){
			this.root.removeChild( tab['tip'] );
			this.root.removeChild( tab['frame'] );

		if( class_check( tab['tip'], "selected" ) ){
			if( target['post'] ){
				this.select_tab( target['post'] );
			else if( target['pre'] ){
				this.select_tab( target['pre'] );
		return tab;

	get_node : function( root, top_tab, relative ) {
		if( this.root ){ //繋ぎ換えをするべき?
			class_change( this.root, "tab", true );
			class_change( this.root, "relative", relative );
			return this.root;
		else if( root ){
			this.root = root;
		else {
			this.root = createElement_defaultNS("dl");
			class_change( this.root, "tab", true );
		class_change( this.root, "relative", relative );
		this.select_tab( top_tab );
		for( key in this.tabs ){
			this.root.appendChild( this.tabs[key]['tip'] );
			this.root.appendChild( this.tabs[key]['frame'] );
		return this.root;

	set_tabframe_height : function(){
		var max_height = 0;
		var key;
		for( key in this.tabs ){
			var height = this.tabs[key]['frame'].scrollHeight + 1;  //umm.
			this.tabs[key]['frame'].style.height = height + "px";
			if( height > max_height ){
				max_height = this.tabs[key]['frame'].offsetHeight;
		var tip_height = 0;
		if( class_check( this.tabs[key]['tip'], "selected" ) ){
			class_change( this.tabs[key]['tip'], "selected", false ); //umm.
			tip_height = this.tabs[key]['tip'].offsetHeight;
			class_change( this.tabs[key]['tip'], "selected", true );
		else {
			tip_height = this.tabs[key]['tip'].offsetHeight;

		return max_height + tip_height;

	select_tab : function( tabname ){
		if( ! this.tabs[tabname] ){
			return false;
		var old_tab = undefined;
		var new_tab = undefined;
		for( key in this.tabs ){
		       	var frame = this.tabs[key]['frame'];
		       	var tip = this.tabs[key]['tip'];
		       	if( key == tabname ){
		       		class_change( tip, "selected", true );
				new_tab = this.tabs[key];
        		else {
				if( class_check( tip, "selected" ) ){
					old_tab = this.tabs[key];
		       		class_change( tip, "selected", false );
		message( "sel: " + tabname, 0 );

		if( old_tab != new_tab ){
			if( old_tab ){
				old_tab['frame'].style.visibility = "hidden";
			if( new_tab ){
				new_tab['frame'].style.visibility = "visible";
			if( this.tab_onchange ){
				this.tab_onchange( old_tab, new_tab );
		return true;

	get_tabs_num: function(){
		var count = 0;
		for( var key in this.tabs )
			count+=1; //何だっけ。数え方...keys()見たいのはないんだっけ?
		return count;

//******** script loader
//obj = new script_loader( 全読み込み終了後のcallback = function(){} );
//obj.add( 検索する要素, 読み込みパス, 読み込み後のcallback = function(path){}, [scriptを追加する要素] );
//obj.start(); or any_set_callback_function(obj.start_func());
function script_loader( onload_func ){
	if( !script_loader.prototype._global_name ){
		try{script_loader.prototype._global_name = __global_objs.set(script_loader);}
	script_loader.prototype._instance.push(this);	//クラスメンバのコード。になっているはず。
	this.id = script_loader.prototype._instance.length-1;

	this.script_onload = onload_func;
script_loader.prototype = {
	_instance: [],
	_global_name: undefined,

	script_onload : undefined,
	id: undefined,
	task: {},
	timer : undefined,
	counter : 0,

	check: function( name ){
			if( eval(name) != undefined ) return true;
			else return false;
			return undefined;

	add : function( find, path, callback, root ){
		if( this.check(find) != undefined )	return false;
		if( !root )	root = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
		if( !root )	return false;
		var e = document.createElement("script");
		e.type = "text/javascript";
		e.src = path;
		root.appendChild( e );

		this.task[path] = [ find, callback ];
		return true;

	start : function(){
		if( this.timer ) return;
		if( this._global_name )
			this.timer = setInterval( "__global_objs.get('"+this._global_name+"').prototype._instance["+this.id+"].script_loading();", 200 );
			this.timer = setInterval( "script_loader.prototype._instance["+this.id+"].script_loading();", 200 );

	start_func: function(){ var that=this; return function(){ that.start(); } },

	stop :function(flag){
		if( this.timer )
			clearInterval( this.timer );
		//if( flag ){alert( "error!" );}

	script_loading : function(){
		var failed = false;
		for( var key in this.task ){
			var ret = this.check( this.task[key][0] );

			if( ret ){
				if( this.task[key][1] ){
						failed = true;
				delete this.task[key];
			else if( ret == false ){
				failed = true;
			else { //undefined
				if( this.counter > 100 )
				failed = true;
				this.counter += 1;
		if( !failed ){
			if( this.script_onload() ){
				try{ this.script_onload(); } //エラーが分かんなくなるか?
				catch(e){ }

//******** download
//func = function(xmlhttp)
function download_xml( url, func, element ){
	var xmlhttp;
	if( window.ActiveXObject ){
		try {
			xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
			xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
	else if( window.XMLHttpRequest ){
		xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

      if (xmlhttp) {
        class_change( element, "downloading", true );
        xmlhttp.open('GET', url, true);
        xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function(xmlhttp, func, element, url) {
           if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
              message("download done. url = " + url, 1);
              func( xmlhttp );
              class_change( element, "downloading", false );
      }.preset_args(xmlhttp, func, element, url);

        message("download start... url = " + url, 1);

function parse_from_string( text, rm_LF ){
	if( rm_LF ){ text = remove_LF(text); }
	var doc;
	if( window.ActiveXObject ){
		doc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
		//Msxml2.DOMDocument, Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0
	else if( window.XMLHttpRequest ){
		doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(text, "text/xml");
	if( !doc.getElementById ){
		//doc.getElementById = getElementsByTagAttrValue.preset_args( doc, "*", "id" );
	return doc;

function get_processor( procs, name, url, post_func ){
        message("load_processor("+name+"): start", 1);

	procs[name] = undefined;
        var func = function(name, procs, post_func, xmlhttp){
          var p = new XSLTProcessor();
          var nodes = parse_from_string( xmlhttp.responseText );
          message("load_processor(" + name + "): done.", 1);
          procs[name] = p;
          if( post_func ){
            post_func(name, p);
	download_xml( url, func.preset_args(name, procs, post_func) );

//******** timer
function Timer( delta ){
	this.code = __global_objs.set(this);
	if( delta != undefined ) this.delta = delta;
Timer.prototype = {
	timer: undefined,
	code: undefined,
	events: {},
	delta: 100,
	sub_timers: {},

	get: function( name ){
		if( this.events.hasOwnProperty(name) )
			return this.events[name];
		return this.sub_timers[name];
	remove: function( name ){
		var ret;
		if( this.events.hasOwnProperty(name) ){
			ret = this.events[name];
			delete this.events[name];
		else {
			ret = this.sub_timers[name];
			delete this.sub_timers[name];
		return ret;
	addTimerEvent: function( name, f, ms, repeat, paranoid, delta ){
		var e;
		if( (e=this.get(name)) ){
			e.f = f;
			if( repeat ) e.interval = ms;
			if( delta != undefined ) e.delta = delta;
			if( paranoid ){
				if( !e.paranoid ) e.latest_call = new Date();//Date.now();
				e.paranoid = true;
			else	e.paranoid = false;
			return e;
		e = { func:f, name:name, period:ms, count:0, delta:this.delta, paranoid:paranoid, retval:undefined };
		if( delta != undefined ) e.delta = delta;
		if( repeat ) e.interval = ms;
		if( paranoid ) e.latest_call = new Date();//Date.now();
		if( !this.timer ){
			this.events[name] = e;
			this.latest_call = new Date(); //Date.now();
			this.timer = setInterval( "__global_objs.get('"+this.code+"').run("+ms+");", ms );
			this.current_interval = ms;
			this.sub_timers[name] = e;
			e.sub_timer = setInterval( "var self = __global_objs.get('"+this.code+"'); self.sub_run(self.sub_timers['"+name+"']);", ms );
		return e;
	sub_run: function( e ){
		e.count += 1;
		if( e.end_request || !e.interval ){
			message( "end rq", 0 );
			clearInterval( e.sub_timer );
			e.end_time = new Date();//Date.now();
			e.sub_timer = undefined;
		var now = new Date(); //Date.now();
		e.func(e, e.period - (now - e.latest_call));
		e.latest_call = now;
		if( !this.timer ){
			this.addTimerEvent( 0, function(){}, "dummy", false );
	run: function( interval ){
		var now = new Date(); //Date.now();
		ms = (now - this.latest_call);
		this.latest_call = now;

		var min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
		for( var k in this.sub_timers ){
			var s = this.sub_timers[k];
			message("sub "+s.name, 0 );
			if( s.end_time ){
				delete this.sub_timers[s.name];
				if( s.interval ){
					this.events[s.name] = s;
					s.period = s.interval - (now - s.end_time) + ms;
				s.end_request = true;
				if( s.interval && min > s.interval ){
					min = s.interval;
					min_ev = s;

		var timeouts = [];
		var min_ev;
		for( var k in this.events ){
			var e = this.events[k];
			message("events "+e.name, 0 );
			e.period -= ms;
			if( e.period <= e.delta ){
				timeouts.push( e );
				if( e.interval ){
					do {
						e.count += 1;
						e.period += e.interval;
					} while( e.period <= 0 );
				else		e.period = undefined;
			if( e.period && min > e.period + e.delta ){
				min = e.period + e.delta;
				min_ev = e;

		if( min >= Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ){
			message( "stop", 1 );
			if( this.timer ) clearInterval(this.timer);
			this.timer = undefined;
		else if( min_ev.period+min_ev.delta <= interval || min_ev.period-min_ev.delta >= interval ){
			if( this.timer ) clearInterval(this.timer);
			var now2 = new Date(); //Date.now();
			var sleep_time = min_ev.period - (now2 - now);
	 		this.timer = setInterval( "__global_objs.get('"+this.code+"').run("+sleep_time+")", sleep_time );
			//message( "restart "+interval+"->"+ sleep_time + " sleep time="+ms+" "+min_ev.name+": period("+min_ev.period+"), delta("+min_ev.delta+")/ interval("+interval+")", 1 );
			//message( "continue. min_ev.period("+min_ev.period+"), min_ev.delta("+min_ev.delta+"), interval("+interval+")", 1 );

		for( var i=0; i<timeouts.length; i++ ){
			var diff = undefined;
			if( timeouts[i].paranoid ){
				var now2 = new Date(); //Date.now();
				diff = timeouts[i].interval - (now2 - timeouts[i].latest_call);
			timeouts[i].retval = timeouts[i].func(timeouts[i], diff);
			if( !now && timeouts[i].paranoid ) timeouts[i].latest_call = new Date(); //Date.now();
			else if( timeouts[i].paranoid ) timeouts[i].latest_call = now2;
			if( !timeouts[i].period )

function comment_visualization( root ){
	foreachElementsByNodeType( root, browser.Node.COMMENT_NODE, function(elm){
		var span = createElement_defaultNS("span");
		class_change( span, "hidden_comment", true );
		addEventListener( span, "click", comment_onclick, false );
		elm.parentNode.replaceChild( span, elm );

	function comment_onclick(e){
		class_change( e.target, "visible", !class_check(e.target,"visible") );

function TreeDictParser(){
TreeDictParser.prototype = {
	re_end: /^(.*(?:[\s\{\},]|^))'(.*)'\s*:\s*\{\s*(.*),*\s*$/, 
	re_begin: /^(.*)\}.*/,
	re_test: /',?\s*$/,  	//速度のため?
	re_pair: /^(.*(?:[\s\{\},]|^))'(.*)'\s*:\s*'(.*)',*\s*$/, 

	encode: function(s){ return s.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/\r/g, "\\r"); },
	decode: function(s){ return s.replace(/\\r/g, "\r").replace(/\\n/g, "\n").replace(/\\'/g, "'"); },

	parse: function(s){
		var array = {};
		this.parse_tree( "'r':" + s, array );
		if( array.r ) return array.r;
		return {};

	parse_tree: function( s, array, parent ){
		s = this.parse_pairs( s, array );
		var block = s.match(this.re_end);
		if( !block ) return "";		//sを返すとループするかも。
		if( block[3].length > 0 ){	//処理すべき内容が残っているのに停止した。
			var m = s.match(this.re_begin);
			if( !m ) return "";
			s = this.parse_tree( m[1], {}, array );
			return this.parse_tree( s, array, parent );
			parent[this.decode(block[2])] = array;
			return block[1];

	parse_pairs: function( s, array ){
		var pair;
		while( s.length > 0 ){
			if( s.search(this.re_test) != -1 )
				pair = s.match(this.re_pair);
			if( !pair ) break;
			array[this.decode(pair[2])] = this.decode(pair[3]);
			s = pair[1];
		return s;

function CookieBox( name, path, date, doc ){
	this.name = name;
	this.path = path;
	if( date ) this.date = date;
	if( doc ) this.doc = doc;
	else this.doc = document;

	this.parser = new TreeDictParser();

	var tmp = [];
	var cookies = this.get_cookies( new RegExp(this.encode(name)) );
	var name_re = new RegExp( name+"([0-9])" );
	for( var k in cookies ){
		var m = this.decode(k).match( name_re );
		if( m && m.length >= 2 )
			tmp[Number(m[1])] = cookies[k];
	var s = "";
	for( var i=0; i<tmp.length; i++ ) s += tmp[i];

		this.data = this.string_to_dict( this.decode(s) );
		alert( "cookie error." );
		this.data = {};
CookieBox.prototype = {
	name: undefined,
	data: undefined,
	path: undefined,
	date: new Date(),
	parser: undefined,

	access: function( name, func ){
		var re = /^(\/|)((?:\\\\|\\.|[^\\\/])*)\/?(.*)/;
		var p = name;
		var m = name.match(re);
		if( !m ) return undefined;
		if( !m[1] ){
			if( m[2] != this.name ) return undefined;
			p = m[3];
		var o = this.data;
		while( o && p ){
			m = p.match(re);
			if( m[2] ) o = o[m[2]];
			p = m[3];
		if( o ) return func(o);

	set: function( name, value ){
		var m = name.match(/(.*(?:[^\\]|^)(?:\\\\)*\/)(.*)/);
		if( m )
			return this.access( m[1], function(o){ o[m[2]] = value; return true;} );
			return false;

	get: function( name ){
		return this.access( name, function(o){ return o; } );

	eat: function( name ){
		var m = name.match(/(.*(?:[^\\]|^)(?:\\\\)*\/)(.*)/);
		if( m )
			return this.access( m[1], function(o){ return delete o[m[2]]; } );
			return false;

	keys: function(o, p, array){
		if(!o) o = this.data;
		if(p==undefined) p = "";
		if(!array) array = [];
		for( var k in o ){
			var c = p + "/" + k;
			if( typeof o[k] == "string" ) array.push( c );
				array.push( c );
				this.keys( o[k], c, array );
		return array;

	find: function(re){
		var keys = this.keys();
		var ret = [];
		for( var i=0; i<keys.length; i++ )
			if( keys[i].search(re) != -1 )
				ret.push( keys[i] );
		return ret;

	eat_cookies: function(){
		this.remove_cookies( this.encode(this.name) + "[0-9]" );

	encode: function(s){
		return encodeURIComponent(s.replace(/'/g, "\\'"));

	decode: function( s ){
		return decodeURIComponent( s ).replace(/\\'/g, "'");

	string_to_dict: function( s ){
		if( !s ) return {};
		return this.parser.parse(s);
		eval( "var d = " + s );
		function decode_data(d){
			for( var k in d ){
				if( (typeof d[k]) == "string" || d[k] instanceof String )
					d[this.decode(k)] = this.decode(d[k]);

	dict_to_string: function( d ){
		if( !d ) return "";
		var s = "{ ";
		for( var k in d ){
			if( !d[k] ) continue;
			else if( (typeof d[k]) == "string" || d[k] instanceof String
				|| d[k] instanceof MLString )
				s += "'"+this.parser.encode(k)+"':'"+this.parser.encode(d[k])+"',";
				s += "'"+this.parser.encode(k)+"':"+this.dict_to_string(d[k])+",";

		if( s.length > 0 )
			return s.substring(0,s.length-1) + "}";
			return "{}";

	update: function(){
		var s = this.encode(this.dict_to_string(this.data));
		this.remove_cookies( this.encode(this.name)+"[0-9]" );
		var tmp = [];
		for( var o=0; o<s.length; o+=4000 )
			tmp.push( s.substring(o, o+4000) );
		for( var i=0; i<tmp.length; i++ ){
			var s = this.encode(this.name+i) + "=" + tmp[i] + "; ";
			s += "expires="+ this.date.toUTCString() +"; ";
			if( this.path )
				s += "path="+this.path+"; ";
			this.doc.cookie = s;

	get_cookies: function( name_re ){
		var chips = this.doc.cookie.split(";");
		var re = new RegExp(/^\s*(.*)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*/);
		var tmp = {};
		for( var i=0; i<chips.length; i++ ){
			var chip = chips[i].match( re );
			if( chip && chip.length >= 3 )
				if( chip[1].search( name_re ) != -1 )
					tmp[chip[1]] = chip[2];
		return tmp;

	remove_cookies: function( name_re ){
		var chips = this.get_cookies(name_re);
		for( var k in chips ){
			var s = k + "=x; ";
			if( this.path ) s += "path="+this.path+"; ";
			s += "expires=Tue, 1-Jan-1980 00:00:00; ";
			this.doc.cookie = s;
			if( this.path ) //ie???
				this.doc.cookie = k + "=x; expires=Tue, 1-Jan-1980 00:00:00; ";
			message( "I eat cookie. " + k, 1 );

MLString.prototype.lang = ["en", "ja"];
	s1 = new MLString( "a" );
	s2 = new MLString( { en:"b", ja:"は" } );

s1.toString()	//etc
s2.toString()	//b
s2.lang = "ja";
s2.toString()	//は

na_lib.MLString.prototype.lang = ["ja", "en"];
var s = new na_lib.MLString("test", "en");
console.log(s);		//test
var db = new na_lib.TranslateDB();
na_lib.MLString.prototype.translator = db;
db.add( "en", "ja", { "test":"試験" } );
console.log(s);		//試験	//この場合、support_langsが適当でない...まあいいか...

function MLString( s, l, translator ){
        this.support_langs = [];
	if( translator ) this.translator = translator;

	if( s == undefined ); //?
	else if( (s instanceof String) || (typeof s) == "string" )
		this.ml_set(s, l);
	else if( s instanceof MLString ){
		for( var i=0; i<s.support_langs.length; i++ )
			this.ml_set( s[s.support_langs[i]], s.support_langs[i] );
		if( s.hasOwnProperty && s.hasOwnProperty("lang") ) this.lang = s.lang;
	else if( s instanceof Object )
		for( var k in s )
			this.ml_set( s[k], k );
		this.ml_set(s.toString(), l); //この振る舞いは正しい?
MLString.prototype = {
	lang: ["ja", "en"],		//default language
	support_langs: undefined,	//オブジェクト毎に持つ
	translator: undefined,

	ml_get: function( l ){
		if( !l ) l = this.lang[0];
		if( this[l] != undefined )
			return undefined;
			return this[l];

	ml_set: function( s, l, no_overwrite ){
		if( !l ) l = this.lang[0];
		if( this[l] != undefined ){ if( no_overwrite ) return false; else this[l] = s; }
			this[l] = s;
		return true;

	ml_concat: function( mls ){
		var n = {};
		if( mls instanceof MLString ){
			for( var i=0; i<mls.support_langs.length; i++ ){
				var l = mls.support_langs[i];
				if( this[l] ) n[l] = this[l].concat(mls[l]);
				else n[l] = mls[l];
			for( var i=0; i<this.support_langs.length; i++ ){
				var l = this.support_langs[i];
				if( !(l in n) )
					n[l] = this[l];
		return new MLString( n );

	ml_merge: function( mls, overwrite ){
		var count = 0;
		for( var i=0; i<mls.support_langs.length; i++ ){
			var l = mls.support_langs[i];
			if( this.ml_set(mls[l], l, !overwrite) ) count += 1;
		return count;

function setupMLString(){
var funcs = ["charAt", "charCodeAt", "concat", "indexOf", "lastIndexOf", "match", "replace", "search", "slice", "split", "substring", "toLowerCase", "toSource", "toString", "valueOf"];
var sample = new String("");
for( var i=0; i<funcs.length; i++ ){
	var k = funcs[i];
	if( (sample[k] instanceof Function) || (typeof sample[k]) == "function" ){
		function create_redirect_func(k){
			return function(){
				var l = this.lang[0];
				if( this[l] != undefined )
					return this[l][k].apply(this[l], arguments);
				else if( this.translator ){
					var mls = this.translator.translate(this, undefined, true);
					if( mls[l] != undefined )
						return mls[l][k].apply(mls[l], arguments);
				else	var mls = this;

				for( var i=1; i<mls.lang.length; i++ ){
					l = mls.lang[i];
					if( mls[l] != undefined )
						return mls[l][k].apply(mls[l], arguments);
				return undefined; //throwの方が良いのか...?
		MLString.prototype[k] = create_redirect_func(k);
		//message( k + " is notfound?" + sample[k], 2 );

function TranslateDB(){
	this.data = {};
TranslateDB.prototype = {
	translate: function( s, l, deep ){
		if( s instanceof MLString ) return this.translate_ml( s, deep );
		if( s instanceof Object ) return this.translate_ml( new MLString(s,l), deep );
		if( !l ) l = MLString.prototype.lang[0];
		var ml = this.find_strings( s, l );
		if( deep && ml.support_langs.length > 0 )
			return this.translate_ml( ml, true );
			return ml;

	translate_ml: function( from, deep ){
		var n = new MLString(from);
		var count = 0;
		for( var i=0; i<from.support_langs.length; i++ ){
			var l = from.support_langs[i];
			var ml = this.find_strings( from[l], l );
			count += n.ml_merge(ml, false);    //ml_mergeはno overwriteで呼び出される
		if( deep && count > 0 ) //ので、真に新しい文が無くなった時点でcount == 0になる。
			return this.translate_ml( n, true );
			return n;

	find_strings: function( s, l ){
		var n = new MLString( s, l );
		if( !this.data[l] ) return n;
		for( var tl in this.data[l] )
			if( this.data[l][tl][s] )
				n.ml_set( this.data[l][tl][s], tl );
		return n;

	add: function( from, to, dict, no_overwrite, no_create_reverse ){
		if( !this.data[from] ) this.data[from] = {};
		if( !this.data[from][to] ) this.data[from][to] = {};
		if( !no_create_reverse ){
			if( !this.data[to] ) this.data[to] = {};
			if( !this.data[to][from] ) this.data[to][from] = {};
		for( var k in dict ){
			if( !this.data[from][to][k] || !no_overwrite )
				this.data[from][to][k] = dict[k];
			if( !no_create_reverse &&
			    ( !this.data[to][from][dict[k]] || !no_overwrite ) )
				this.data[to][from][dict[k]] = k;

} /*end of with(na_lib)*/

//for name in $(grep "^function" $file |sed -e "s/function //" -e "s/(.*$//" ); do echo "'$name'," ; done
	function exports( ns, array ){
		for( var i=0; i<array.length; i++ )
			eval( ns+"."+array[i]+" = "+array[i]+";" );

	exports( "na_lib", [
	"_namespaceURI",		//var
	"_msg_element",			//var
	"_message_num",			//var
	"_debug_level",			//var

	"init_message_element",	/*ie*/











	] );

} /**********************na_lib end*/