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これはこのページの過去の版です。KAZUMIMIYAZAKI (会話 | 投稿記録) による 2018年2月5日 (月) 13:55個人設定で未設定ならUTC)時点の版 (国際紅白)であり、現在の版とは大きく異なる場合があります。

グローバルコミュニティー主宰 KAZUMIMIYAZAKI (宮崎計実)の活動実績

1:観光庁設立時前より Visit Japan Campaign キャンペーンにも賛同し、2009年4月より、在日留学生との日本人の相互理解をテーマに多言語フリーフリーペーパー・WEBサイトを発行。公式サイト http://yokosojapan.net

2: 2009年、GC学生通訳ボランテイアガイドを組織。4月には、オリンピック招致委員会に協力し、4週間、IOC招致委員会の来日に伴い開設されたプレスセンターにて、通訳サポートのボランテイアを行う。その後は、活動拠点を明治神宮に定め、海外からの観光客を案内。2015年現在、延登録者は、200名を超える。





4 看護留学生を迎える高島平団地の可能性を考える」と題して代表の宮崎が発表を行う。(2009年)










《後援》 観光庁  外務省  東京都  国際機関日本アセアンセンター フィリピン政府観光省 海外日系人協会(2017)



スペシャル・ゲストや仲間の出演者と共に会場全体で歌を楽しもう!! 日本に住む外国人や将来を日本に賭ける留学生などの多くは何とか日本の社会を明るくしようと頑張っています。『国際紅白歌合戦』は彼らと国際交流に興味のある日本人とが共に作り上げていく新しいタイプの歌の祭典を目指しています

NHKの紅白歌合戦は、3世代が、コミュニケーションしながら、楽しめる数少ないテレビ番組といわれています。また、プロデユーサーの方もそのことを意識して、番組を作っておられるとテレビのインタビューで見たこともあります。 『国際紅白歌合戦』のイメージは、親子3世代だけでなく、たとえば、外国人留学生の下宿人や国際結婚した娘のアメリカから来た孫と一緒に楽しんで見るようなイメージです。

TOKYO 2011年ー2017年 国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター https://www.irws.org/tokyo/

Osaka 2013-2014 https://www.irws.org/osaka/ Cebu 2017 https://www.irws.org/cebu/

Achievement record of KAZUMIMIYAZAKI (Miyazaki Tami) presided over the global community

1: We agreed with the Visit Japan Campaign campaign before the establishment of Tourism Agency, and since April 2009 issued multi-language free-free paper · WEB site with the theme of mutual understanding between Japanese and foreign students. Official website http://yokosojapan.net

2: In 2009, organized GC Student Interpreter Volunteer Guide. In April, in cooperation with the Olympic Games Bidding Committee, we will volunteer interpreter support at the press center opened for 4 weeks following the arrival of the IOC Bid Committee. After that, we set up an activity base in Meiji Jingu and guide tourists from overseas. As of 2015, extension registrants exceed 200 people.


3: Planning and management of international student internship hosted by Japan Rental Housing Management Association (from 2010)

We propose internship for international students who are working for the first time in industry groups throughout Japan. Since 2010, we support a long-term internship for 4 weeks by more than 100 students. With the understanding of many real estate managers, it contributes to alleviating housing problems of foreigners.

https://www.yokosojapan.net/article.php/event_JPM%EF%BC%90%EF%BC% 91 _ ja

4 Miyazaki, Representative, will present a presentation entitled "Possibility of Takashimadaira Complex with Nursing International Students." (2009)


5: Plan and operate a pair intern for international students and Japanese students in 2012 (sponsored by the Tourism Agency)

International students and Japanese students are paired, learning methods of information dissemination for regional revitalization, entering each region, contributing to the promotion of the region through information dissemination in multiple languages


6: Since 2011, we will sing "international red and white singing game" to sing with fellows from the world. In the year 2014, the fourth time will be sponsored by the Tourism Authority, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ASEAN-Japan Center, Tokyo and Osaka Prefecture. It is also taken up by mass media such as NHK, Mainichi Newspaper, Newsletter, and multilingual media in nine languages. Ambassadors of more than 20 countries and officials of the embassy also participated in the 2014 Tokyo tournament.


What the goal of international red and white singing fight


International red and white singing fight

"Supported" Tourism Agency Tokyo Metropolitan Organization Japan ASEAN Center Center Philippines Government Tourism Ministry Overseas Japanese Association (2017)

- Japanese sing in foreign languages, foreigners in Japanese

A song event for Japanese people to sing in foreign languages ​​and foreigners to sing in Japanese so that international exchange and mutual understanding will be achieved.

Let's enjoy singing throughout the whole venue with special guests and fellow performers! ! Many foreigners who live in Japan and foreign students who bet on the future in Japan are somehow trying to brighten up the society of Japan somehow. "International Kohaku Gymnastics Festival" aims at a festival of a new type of song that will be created by them together with Japanese who are interested in international exchange

NHK's red and white singing fight is said to be the few television programs that three generations can enjoy while communicating. Also, the producer also conscious about that, and saw it in a TV interview when making a program. The image of "International Kohaku Utagen Battle" is not only the parent and child 3 generations, but it is an image like to enjoy with a grandson from a foreigner international student lodger or an international married daughter from the USA.

TOKYO 2011 - 2017 National Olympics Memorial Youth Center General Center https://www.irws.org/tokyo/

Osaka 2013-2014 https://www.irws.org/osaka/Cebu 2017 https://www.irws.org/cebu/