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全面改訳。en:Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Writing about fiction 22:32, 17 March 2012‎ より
1行目: 1行目:
{{Navibox 編集案内}}
{{Navibox 編集案内}}
Wikipedia contains numerous articles on fiction-related subjects, fictional worlds, and elements from them.


When an article is created, the subject's real-world notability should be established according to the general notability guideline by including independent reliable secondary sources—this will also ensure that there is enough source material for the article to be comprehensive and factually accurate.


Next, if the subject warrants inclusion in Wikipedia, editors should consider what to write about a subject, and how to best present that information. Because these questions are complementary, they should not be interpreted in isolation from one another, and editors should address both these questions simultaneously in order to create a well-written article.
== 現実世界の観点 ==

* フィクション作品そのものと、フィクション作品が現実世界に持っている''影響力''のような''制作の過程''や''公開''といった側面を慎重に区別すること
* 一方では作品で言及された時間と架空の年表、もう片方では作品で言及された時間と現実世界の出来事における実際の年表を慎重に区別すること
* フィクションの資料提供
** 特に映画やテレビに関連した話題では''[[撮影]]''という側面を含むかもしれません
** 文学においては、''文体''や''文学の技法''を含むかもしれません
* [[ストーリー|物語]]の目的としての、架空の人物・場所・デバイスについての記述
* 作者の意志の(参照が付けられた)言及

This page is a guideline, not policy, and it should be approached with common sense and the occasional exception. However, following the basic notions laid out in this guideline is generally a good way to improve articles on fictional topics.
=== フィクションの世界観による問題 ===


== 現実世界の観点に立って記述する ==
* 作品の創作における努力としての側面の全て、あるいはほとんどを無視すること
* 記事スタイルを実在物のスタイルに従って記述すること
** [[歴史|歴史記述]]のようにプロット(ストーリー)を記述する
** [[伝記]]のように架空の人物を記述する
** 地理学の解説のように架空の場所を記述する
** 架空の人物や事柄に、現実世界の主題のために作成されたインフォボックスを使用すること([[#インフォボックス]]を参照)
* 関係性が不明瞭な派生作品について、主題の作品本体と等価に議論すること
* 些細なコメントや冗談、描写を情報源として用いること
* 作品の矛盾点や言及されていない不明な点を(矛盾点や不明点として)そのまま記述することよりも、それらに触れず矛盾を一致させたり、不明な点を埋めるように記述しようとすること
* ある作品から影響を受けた作品(パロディやオマージュ作)を、同じ連続性のある後継作とみなすこと
* 作中に登場する架空の出来事や日付を、その世界観のものとしてではなく、現実世界のものとして関連付けさせること
* 実際に公開(発行)された順序よりも、フィクション上の年表の順序を優先すること

Articles about fiction, like all Wikipedia articles, should adhere to the real world as their primary frame of reference. The approach is to describe the subject matter from the perspective of the real world, in which the work of fiction and its publication are embedded. It necessitates the use of both primary and secondary information.


Exemplary aspects of real-world perspective include:


* Careful differentiation between the work of fiction itself and aspects of its production process and publication, such as the impact a work of fiction has had in the real world (see also below) フィクション作品そのものと、その作品の製作過程と、そのフィクション作品が現実世界に及ぼした影響などの発表の側面とを注意深く峻別すること。
* Careful differentiation between narrated time and fictional chronology on the one hand, and narrative time and actual chronology of real-world events on the other (of particular relevance to all film and TV-related topics) 一方で[[語り手|語り]]の時間と架空の世界の時系列とを注意深く峻別し、他方で物語世界の時間と現実世界の時系列とを注意深く峻別すること(特に映画作品とテレビ番組に関するトピックとに関係します)。
* The presentation of fictional material フィクションの素材の提示方法。
** particularly for film and TV-related topics, this may include cinematographical aspects 特に映画・テレビ関連では、[[撮影]]という側面が含まれるでしょう。
** for literature, this may include writing style and literary technique 文学であれば、作風や文体、文芸技法といったことが含まれるでしょう。
* Description of fictional characters, places and devices as objects of the narrative 物語の要素としての、架空の人物、場所、機器に関する解説。
* Making (referenced!) mention of the author's intention 作者の意図の解説(検証可能性に注意)。

See below for a list of exemplary articles which employ a consistent real-world perspective. However, consider that real-world perspective is not an "optional" quality criterion but a general, basic requirement for all articles.


=== 物語世界内の観点に立った記述の問題点 ===

An in-universe perspective describes the narrative from the perspective of characters within the fictional universe, treating it as if it were real and ignoring real-world context and sourced analysis. The threshold of what constitutes in-universe writing is making any effort to re-create or uphold the illusion of the original fiction by omitting real-world info.


Many fan wikis and fan websites (see below) take this approach, but it should not be used for Wikipedia articles. An in-universe perspective is inaccurate and misleading, inviting unverifiable original research. Most importantly, in-universe perspective defies community consensus as to what we do not want Wikipedia to be or become.


Problems associated with an in-universe perspective include:


* Disregarding all or most aspects of a work of fiction as a creative endeavour フィクション作品の、創作の成果としての側面をほぼあるいは完全に無視すること。 
* A plot synopsis written like a historical account 歴史的事実であるかのように書かれたあらすじ。
* Fictography – a fictional character article or section written as if it were a biography 伝記のような形式で書かれた登場人物の記事あるいは節。
* Description of fictional places written like a geographical account 実在の地理のように書かれた架空の土地の解説。
* Using past tense when discussing the plot or any of its elements あらすじやその要素を論じるのに過去形を使うこと。
* Trying to reconcile contradictions or fill gaps in a fictional continuity, rather than reporting them as such 物語に矛盾があったり連続性が絶たれている箇所があるときに、それをそのまま伝えずに想像で補ってしまうこと。
* Discussing a fictional topic's appearances in major works and obscure spin-off material in equal detail メインの作品に登場する事物と、著名でないスピンオフに登場する事物とを同様の詳細さで解説すること。
* Placing spiritual successors in the same continuity as the works that inspired them ある作品に影響を受けている後発の作品を、その作品の続編であるかのように記述すること。
* Using throwaway comments or jokes as a source of information ちょっとしたコメントやジョークを情報源として利用すること。
* Using infoboxes intended for real world topics 現実のものに使われることが想定されている情報テンプレートを架空のものに使用すること。
* Using image captions for film stills and screenshots asserting that what is depicted is the character, rather than a film scene depicting the character 映画のスチールやスクリーンショットに、映画の一シーンとしてではなく、キャラクターの一シーンとしてのキャプションをつけること。
* Referring to the fictional events or dates which occur in the story, rather than the fictional works themselves フィクション作品そのものではなく、物語の中の出来事や日付を参照事項にすること。
* Ordering works by their fictional chronology, rather than the actual order they were published その作品が出版された順序ではなく、物語の時系列にしたがって作品を並べ替えてしまうこと。

== 一次情報と二次情報 ==
== 一次情報と二次情報 ==
Where the above section discusses the principal perspective from which an article is written and makes the distinction between real-world perspective versus "in-universe" perspective, this section discusses the incorporation of information. Please see also the related policy on the use of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources.
[edit] Primary information


=== 一次情報 ===
=== 一次情報 ===
The term primary information describes information that originates from primary sources about the fictional universe, i.e., the original work of fiction or an affiliated work of fiction (e.g., another episode of the same series). Even with strict adherence to the real-world perspective, writing about fiction always includes using the original fiction itself as a source. See also the sections on fair use and templates.


Examples of information available in primary sources include:


* the birth and death dates of fictional characters; 登場人物の生没年月日。
* performance statistics or characteristics for fictional vehicles or devices; 架空の乗り物や機器の性能。
* 架空のキャラクターの生没日
* history of fictional locations or organizations; 架空の土地や組織・団体の歴史。
* 架空の乗り物や装置についての性能統計や特性
* background information on fictional creatures; and, 架空の生物の素性。
* 架空の場所や組織の歴史
* the plot itself 物語の筋そのもの。
* 架空の生物に関する基礎的な情報
* そして、もちろん[[プロット (物語)|プロット]]自体も該当します

=== 二次情報 ===
=== 二次情報 ===
The term secondary information describes information external to the fictional universe, and is usually taken from secondary sources (about the work of art or the fictional world) contained therein, or from primary and secondary sources about the author and the circumstances of creation. Publications affiliated with a particular work of fiction (e.g. fan magazines), are mostly not considered suitable secondary sources about the primary works. However, such publications may be suitable primary or secondary sources in an article about the fan publication itself or other related topics.


The rule of thumb is to use as much secondary information as necessary and useful to give the article a real-world perspective, not more and not less. Another rule of thumb is that if the topic is notable, secondary information should be available and possibly already in the article.
* 作者
* 作成の過程における他の重要人物、例えば映画における撮影技師、あるいは小説における特筆すべき翻訳者
* 映画・ソフトウェア会社または出版社
* デザイン
* 初出以前や物語の過程における制作内容
* 仕事やフィクションの要素に影響を及ぼした現実世界の事象
* 作品における架空のキャラクター、役割を演じた俳優、およびそのキャラクターを演じることへのアプローチ
* 外国における翻訳
* 公衆の人気
* 売上高(商業上の言及)
* 評論家による評価
* 主題の批評的な分析
* 後世のクリエーターや彼らの企画に作品が与えた影響

== 文脈の提供 ==
{{See also|Wikipedia:あらすじの書き方|Wikipedia:キャラクターの記述に対するガイドライン}}
一般的に''創作した文脈''と''原書(オリジナルフィクション)の文脈''という二つの可能性のものとみなされています。オリジナルの[[フィクション]]そのものが記事の主題であるとき、フィクション世界の外部にある情報は全て、そのオリジナルのフィクション(例えば、[[プロット (物語)|プロット]]の概要を含む)の文脈に設定される必要があります。記事の関心、例えばオリジナルのフィクションについての文書であるときに、一次資料の材料の内容について議論することは必ずしも重要であるというわけではないでしょう。

Examples of useful information typically provided by secondary sources about the original work, or primary and secondary sources about information external to the work:


* the author or creator 著者や製作者。
=== プロットの概要 ===
* other key figures of the creation process, e.g., the cinematographer for films or notable translators for novels その他の作品制作関係者。映画の撮影者や小説の著名な翻訳者など。
[[プロット (物語)|プロット]]とは、作品内の出来事を時系列ごとに並べる[[ストーリー]]とは違い、出来事を再構成してまとめたもので、日本語版ウィキペディアの記事においては一般的に「あらすじ」「人物」などといったセクションに書かれるものです。現実世界の観点から特定の作品や作品の一部(例:「第1巻より」「第2章より」)を参照したり、作者の見解(例:「著者の前書きより」「話の説明より」)から、その物について説明することによってプロットの概要を書くことができます。これによって根拠のある論調を概要に与えて、未知のものであるそれらを資料とともにより利用しやすくなります。プロットの概要の長さは他の節の長さとのバランスを慎重に取るべきです。
* the film or software company or publishing house 映画・ソフトウェアの製作・販売会社や出版社。
* the design デザイン。
* the development, both before its first appearance and over the course of the narrative 作品の発表以前から、物語の進行までをふくむ作品展開。
* real-world factors that have influenced the work or fictional element 作品や作中の物事に影響を与えた現実の事物。
* for a fictional character in a dramatic production, the actor who portrayed the role and their approach to playing that character 映画、ドラマへの翻案であれば、俳優、および俳優のその役へのアプローチの仕方。
* foreign translations 別の言語への翻訳。
* its popularity among the public 公衆の間での人気。
* its sales figures (for commercial offerings) 売り上げの数値。
* its reception by critics 批評家の間での評価。
* a critical analysis of the subject 主題の批評的な分析。
* the influence of the work on later creators and their projects 他の作家や作品への影響。

== 文脈の提示 ==
=== 要約に関する記述 ===
There are generally two possible issues to be considered: The context of the production and the context of the original fiction. Whenever the original fiction itself is the subject of the article, all out-of-universe information needs to be set in the context of that original fiction (e.g., by including a plot summary). When the article concerns, e.g., a documentary about that original fiction, then it would not necessarily be important to discuss the content of the original source material.

スピンアウト記事は作品でカバーされた話題や話題の詳細を簡潔に明らかにすべきです。スピンアウト記事が成長するためのより多くのスペースが与えられたものだからといって、過度な[[プロット (物語)|プロット]]の概要や架空のキャラクター伝記が適切であることを意味しません。他のフィクション作品の記事同様に、スピンアウト記事も(架空の世界観ではなく)現実世界のスタイルで書かれるべきです。そして他の全てのウィキペディア記事同様に、スピンアウト記事も[[Wikipedia:検証可能性|検証可能性]]を満たす必要があり、[[Wikipedia:独自研究を載せない|独自研究]]は完全に排除され、[[Wikipedia:中立的な観点|中立的な観点]]を反映させなければなりません。

Details of creation, development, etc. relating to a particular fictional element are more helpful if the reader understands the role of that element in the story. This often involves providing plot summaries, character descriptions or biographies, or direct quotations. By convention, these synopses should be written in the present tense, as this is the way that the story is experienced as it is read or viewed (see also WP:TENSE). At any particular point in the story there is a 'past' and a 'future', but whether something is 'past' or 'future' changes as the story progresses. It is simplest and conventional to recount the entire description as continuous 'present'.
=== ストーリー記事の独立化 ===
上記の[[#プロットの概要|プロットの概要]]での説明にあるように[[ストーリー]]は出来事を再構成せず、時系列順に記述するため一般的に[[プロット (物語)|プロット]]に比べ長い文章となります。ストーリーの記述が長くなるようなものなら他のセクションとの分量のバランスをとるため、小説や漫画では各巻単位、ドラマやアニメでは各話単位で内容をまとめ、「○○のエピソード一覧」といった名称でスピンアウト記事を作成することを検討してください。


Presenting fictional material from the original work is fine, provided passages are short, are given the proper context, and do not constitute the main portion of the article. If such passages stray into the realm of interpretation, secondary sources must be provided to avoid original research.


=== 物語の要約 ===

Plot summaries can be written from the real-world perspective by referring to specific works or parts of works ("In the first book", "In Act II") or describing things from the author or creator's perspective ("The author introduces", "The story describes"). This gives the summary a more grounded tone and makes it more accessible to those unfamiliar with the source material. This style of writing should be preferred for plot summaries that encompass multiple works, such as a series of novels. Such conventions are not as important for plot summaries of single works, such as novels that are not part of a series; nevertheless, some real-world language at the beginning of such summaries is often good style. The length of a plot summary should be carefully balanced with the length of the other sections. Strictly avoid creating pages consisting only of a plot summary.


=== 記事の分割 ===

Sometimes, when an article gets long (see Wikipedia:Article size), a section of the article is made into its own article, and the handling of the subject in the main article is condensed to a brief summary. This is completely normal Wikipedia procedure; see for example Wikipedia:Summary style, which explains the technique. The new article is sometimes called a "spinout" or "spinoff" of the main article. For fictional works, these spinout articles are typically lists of characters or other elements that usually rely on the coverage of the parent topic, and may lack demonstration of real-world coverage through sources dedicated specifically to those elements (see Wikipedia:Lists). Very rarely should such spinout articles be about a singular topic (e.g., character, plot item); either that topic has demonstrated its own notability, or should be merged into the main article or existing spinout articles.


The spinout article should concisely provide details of the topic or topics covered in the work – just because the spinout article is given more space to grow does not mean that excessive plot summaries or fictional character biographies are appropriate. As with other fictional works, the spinout article should be written in an "out-of-universe" style. As with all other Wikipedia articles, the spinout article needs to be verifiable, must possess no original research, and must reflect a neutral point of view.


==== エピソード一覧の分割 ====

* [[:Category:エピソード一覧]]
* [[:Category:エピソード一覧]]
* [[:en:Category:Lists of novels]](英語)
* [[:en:Category:Lists of novels]](英語)
103行目: 154行目:
* [[:en:Category:Lists of television series episodes]](英語)
* [[:en:Category:Lists of television series episodes]](英語)
* [[:en:Category:Television episodes by series]](英語)
* [[:en:Category:Television episodes by series]](英語)

=== トリビア ===

== 特筆性 ==
== 特筆性 ==

There are notability prerequisites to be met by all subjects to warrant articles specifically about them. As mentioned earlier, the rule of thumb is that if the topic is sufficiently notable, secondary sources should be available and should ideally be included on article creation.
== 最新の情報 ==

== 雑多な内容 ==

== 精度適切な分量 ==
== 正確さバランス ==
It is not only important that articles be written from a neutral point of view and that they give due weight to all aspects of the subject but also that appropriate weight be given to all elements of the article page, including, e.g., infoboxes and succession boxes as well as images and the text. The goal is to attain the greatest possible degree of accuracy in covering the topic at hand, which is also the basic rationale behind discouraging, e.g., disproportionately long plot summaries and in-universe writing.
重要なのは記事が[[Wikipedia:中立的な観点|中立的な観点]]から書かれ、主題の全ての側面に分量を付け加えることだけではなく、記事の全ての要素に適切な分量を与えることです。それは例えばインフォボックスのようなものも含んでいます。話題をカバーするために正確性の程度を可能な限り巨大なものにするといった目標は、基本的な原理から離れ落胆させます。例えば不釣合いに冗長な人物・用語の説明や、極端に短くて情報不足な[[プロット (物語)|プロット]]の記述などは適切なものとはいえません。各項目の記述は多すぎても少なすぎてもいけません。


== 結論 ==
== 結論 ==
* 出典の主要な基準は常に現実世界にあります。'''現実世界の観点から書いてください'''
* 現実世界の観点には一次と二次、両方の情報が必要です。'''一次資料と二次資料のバランスの取れている使用を維持してください'''
* 記事の主題と一次資料に関する未発表の個人的な推測と解釈はウィキペディアでは認められていません。'''独自研究は避けてください'''
* 記載されている全ての情報には[[Wikipedia:検証可能性|検証可能性]]と[[Wikipedia:信頼できる情報源|信頼できる情報源]]によって支持された表現が必要とされ、一次情報を含む全ての情報源は記事において[[Wikipedia:出典を明記する|適切な参照]]を必要としています。'''全ての情報には参照を付け、資料を引用してください'''
* 記事の全ての要素に全ての関連する側面の分量を与えなければなりません、テキスト、レイアウトの要素、および記事タイトルさえ含んでいます。'''分量を支払わなければならないところに重きを置いてください'''
* 読み易さと分かり易さ。'''オリジナルのフィクションがある文脈に必要とされるすべての情報を組み込んでください'''
* [[Wikipedia:雑多な内容を箇条書きした節を避ける|トリビアのリスト]]を作成するのは避けてください。'''代わりに必要な関連情報は記事の中身に組み込むようにしてください'''
<!--== Templates ==

When writing about fiction, keep the following in mind:
If you notice an article that predominantly describes a fictional topic from an in-universe perspective, or even provides no indication that a fictional subject is fictional, preferably improve it yourself, or add the {{tl|In-universe}} template to bring the issue to the attention of others. Be sure to leave a note on the article's talk page explaining your objections. This template looks like this:

あなたが宇宙の中の見解から作り事の話題について支配的に説明するか、または作り事の対象が作り事であるという指示を全く提供さえしない記事に気付くなら、望ましくは、自分でそれを改良するか、または}{{宇宙}のテンプレートを加えて、他のものの注意に問題を持って来てください。 あなたの反論について説明する記事の話のページに必ずメモを残してください。 このテンプレートはこれに似ています:

* The principal frame of reference is always the real world, in which both the work of fiction and its publication are embedded: write from a real-world perspective; 記述の第一の基準系は、フィクション作品とその出版とがともに含まれるところの現実世界におかれる必要があります。現実世界の観点に立って記述してください。
* Both primary and secondary information is necessary for a real-world perspective: maintain a balanced use of both primary and secondary sources; 現実世界の観点には一次情報と二次情報の双方が必要になります。一次資料と二次資料をバランスよく使用してください。

* Unpublished personal observation and interpretation of the article's subject and primary sources are not acceptable on Wikipedia: avoid original research; 個人の見解・記事主題に対する解釈・一次情報源は、未出版であったり広く公表されていないものは使用できません。独自研究を避けてください。
この記事は主として宇宙の中のスタイルでフィクションの仕事か要素について説明します。 より明確にフィクションについて説明して、ノンフィクション見解を提供するためにそれを書き直すのを助けてください。
* All included information needs to be verifiable and derive from and be supported by reliable sources, and all sources (including the primary sources) need to be appropriately cited in the article: reference all information and cite your sources; 記事中のすべての情報は信頼できる情報源に基づいた検証可能なものである必要があります。またすべての情報源(一次資料を含む)は記事の中で適切に参照されていなければなりませせん。すべての情報に情報源を明示してください。

* All relevant aspects must be given due weight in all elements of the article page, including text, images, elements of layout and even the article title: give weight where weight is due; 本文ばかりでなく、画像、テンプレート、記事のタイトルなど記事のすべての要素に対して相応な注意を払ってください。記事のバランスに注意してください。
* Readability and comprehensibility: put all information into context with the original fiction; 読みやすさと包括性。すべての情報を当のフィクション作品の文脈に位置づけてください。
If you notice an article featuring only primary sources and sources affiliated with the subject, preferably improve it yourself, or add the {{tl|Primarysources}} template to bring the issue to the attention of others. This template looks like this:
* Check with the image use policy before adding images to any article; 

* Avoid creating lists of trivia; instead, incorporate relevant information into the body of the article; トリビアのリストを作らないでください。その代わりに記事本文の中に関連する情報を加筆してください。
あなたが、記事が対象に加わられる一次資料とソースだけを特集しているのに気付くなら、望ましくは、自分でそれを改良するか、または}{{Primarysources}テンプレートを加えて、他のものの注意に問題を持って来てください。 このテンプレートはこれに似ています:
* Wikipedia's fair-use policy: the amount of copyrighted work used should be as little as possible.

{{Primary sources|date=May 2009}}

この記事は信頼できる第三者刊行物に載っている参照を必要とします。 一般に、対象に加わられる一次資料かソースが、ウィキぺディア記事に十分ではありません。 信頼すべき筋から、より適切な引用を加えてください。 (2009年5月)-->

== インフォボックス ==
== インフォボックス ==
150行目: 190行目:

== 関連項目 ==
=== 関連するウィキプロジェクト ===
* [[プロジェクト:フィクション]]

* [[プロジェクト:漫画]]
* [[プロジェクト:漫画雑誌]]
* [[プロジェクト:ライトノベル]]
* [[プロジェクト:アニメ]]
* [[プロジェクト:映画]]
* [[プロジェクト:特撮]]
* [[プロジェクト:放送番組]]
* [[プロジェクト:テレビドラマ]]
* [[プロジェクト:コンピュータRPG]]
* [[プロジェクト:コンピュータゲーム]]
* [[プロジェクト:対戦型格闘ゲーム]]
* [[プロジェクト:美少女ゲーム系]]


2012年3月28日 (水) 20:07時点における版

Wikipedia contains numerous articles on fiction-related subjects, fictional worlds, and elements from them.


When an article is created, the subject's real-world notability should be established according to the general notability guideline by including independent reliable secondary sources—this will also ensure that there is enough source material for the article to be comprehensive and factually accurate.


Next, if the subject warrants inclusion in Wikipedia, editors should consider what to write about a subject, and how to best present that information. Because these questions are complementary, they should not be interpreted in isolation from one another, and editors should address both these questions simultaneously in order to create a well-written article.


This page is a guideline, not policy, and it should be approached with common sense and the occasional exception. However, following the basic notions laid out in this guideline is generally a good way to improve articles on fictional topics.



Articles about fiction, like all Wikipedia articles, should adhere to the real world as their primary frame of reference. The approach is to describe the subject matter from the perspective of the real world, in which the work of fiction and its publication are embedded. It necessitates the use of both primary and secondary information.


Exemplary aspects of real-world perspective include:


  • Careful differentiation between the work of fiction itself and aspects of its production process and publication, such as the impact a work of fiction has had in the real world (see also below) フィクション作品そのものと、その作品の製作過程と、そのフィクション作品が現実世界に及ぼした影響などの発表の側面とを注意深く峻別すること。
  • Careful differentiation between narrated time and fictional chronology on the one hand, and narrative time and actual chronology of real-world events on the other (of particular relevance to all film and TV-related topics) 一方で語りの時間と架空の世界の時系列とを注意深く峻別し、他方で物語世界の時間と現実世界の時系列とを注意深く峻別すること(特に映画作品とテレビ番組に関するトピックとに関係します)。
  • The presentation of fictional material フィクションの素材の提示方法。
    • particularly for film and TV-related topics, this may include cinematographical aspects 特に映画・テレビ関連では、撮影という側面が含まれるでしょう。
    • for literature, this may include writing style and literary technique 文学であれば、作風や文体、文芸技法といったことが含まれるでしょう。
  • Description of fictional characters, places and devices as objects of the narrative 物語の要素としての、架空の人物、場所、機器に関する解説。
  • Making (referenced!) mention of the author's intention 作者の意図の解説(検証可能性に注意)。

See below for a list of exemplary articles which employ a consistent real-world perspective. However, consider that real-world perspective is not an "optional" quality criterion but a general, basic requirement for all articles.



An in-universe perspective describes the narrative from the perspective of characters within the fictional universe, treating it as if it were real and ignoring real-world context and sourced analysis. The threshold of what constitutes in-universe writing is making any effort to re-create or uphold the illusion of the original fiction by omitting real-world info.


Many fan wikis and fan websites (see below) take this approach, but it should not be used for Wikipedia articles. An in-universe perspective is inaccurate and misleading, inviting unverifiable original research. Most importantly, in-universe perspective defies community consensus as to what we do not want Wikipedia to be or become.


Problems associated with an in-universe perspective include:


  • Disregarding all or most aspects of a work of fiction as a creative endeavour フィクション作品の、創作の成果としての側面をほぼあるいは完全に無視すること。 
  • A plot synopsis written like a historical account 歴史的事実であるかのように書かれたあらすじ。
  • Fictography – a fictional character article or section written as if it were a biography 伝記のような形式で書かれた登場人物の記事あるいは節。
  • Description of fictional places written like a geographical account 実在の地理のように書かれた架空の土地の解説。
  • Using past tense when discussing the plot or any of its elements あらすじやその要素を論じるのに過去形を使うこと。
  • Trying to reconcile contradictions or fill gaps in a fictional continuity, rather than reporting them as such 物語に矛盾があったり連続性が絶たれている箇所があるときに、それをそのまま伝えずに想像で補ってしまうこと。
  • Discussing a fictional topic's appearances in major works and obscure spin-off material in equal detail メインの作品に登場する事物と、著名でないスピンオフに登場する事物とを同様の詳細さで解説すること。
  • Placing spiritual successors in the same continuity as the works that inspired them ある作品に影響を受けている後発の作品を、その作品の続編であるかのように記述すること。
  • Using throwaway comments or jokes as a source of information ちょっとしたコメントやジョークを情報源として利用すること。
  • Using infoboxes intended for real world topics 現実のものに使われることが想定されている情報テンプレートを架空のものに使用すること。
  • Using image captions for film stills and screenshots asserting that what is depicted is the character, rather than a film scene depicting the character 映画のスチールやスクリーンショットに、映画の一シーンとしてではなく、キャラクターの一シーンとしてのキャプションをつけること。
  • Referring to the fictional events or dates which occur in the story, rather than the fictional works themselves フィクション作品そのものではなく、物語の中の出来事や日付を参照事項にすること。
  • Ordering works by their fictional chronology, rather than the actual order they were published その作品が出版された順序ではなく、物語の時系列にしたがって作品を並べ替えてしまうこと。


Where the above section discusses the principal perspective from which an article is written and makes the distinction between real-world perspective versus "in-universe" perspective, this section discusses the incorporation of information. Please see also the related policy on the use of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. [edit] Primary information



The term primary information describes information that originates from primary sources about the fictional universe, i.e., the original work of fiction or an affiliated work of fiction (e.g., another episode of the same series). Even with strict adherence to the real-world perspective, writing about fiction always includes using the original fiction itself as a source. See also the sections on fair use and templates.


Examples of information available in primary sources include:


  • the birth and death dates of fictional characters; 登場人物の生没年月日。
  • performance statistics or characteristics for fictional vehicles or devices; 架空の乗り物や機器の性能。
  • history of fictional locations or organizations; 架空の土地や組織・団体の歴史。
  • background information on fictional creatures; and, 架空の生物の素性。
  • the plot itself 物語の筋そのもの。


The term secondary information describes information external to the fictional universe, and is usually taken from secondary sources (about the work of art or the fictional world) contained therein, or from primary and secondary sources about the author and the circumstances of creation. Publications affiliated with a particular work of fiction (e.g. fan magazines), are mostly not considered suitable secondary sources about the primary works. However, such publications may be suitable primary or secondary sources in an article about the fan publication itself or other related topics.


The rule of thumb is to use as much secondary information as necessary and useful to give the article a real-world perspective, not more and not less. Another rule of thumb is that if the topic is notable, secondary information should be available and possibly already in the article.


Examples of useful information typically provided by secondary sources about the original work, or primary and secondary sources about information external to the work:


  • the author or creator 著者や製作者。
  • other key figures of the creation process, e.g., the cinematographer for films or notable translators for novels その他の作品制作関係者。映画の撮影者や小説の著名な翻訳者など。
  • the film or software company or publishing house 映画・ソフトウェアの製作・販売会社や出版社。
  • the design デザイン。
  • the development, both before its first appearance and over the course of the narrative 作品の発表以前から、物語の進行までをふくむ作品展開。
  • real-world factors that have influenced the work or fictional element 作品や作中の物事に影響を与えた現実の事物。
  • for a fictional character in a dramatic production, the actor who portrayed the role and their approach to playing that character 映画、ドラマへの翻案であれば、俳優、および俳優のその役へのアプローチの仕方。
  • foreign translations 別の言語への翻訳。
  • its popularity among the public 公衆の間での人気。
  • its sales figures (for commercial offerings) 売り上げの数値。
  • its reception by critics 批評家の間での評価。
  • a critical analysis of the subject 主題の批評的な分析。
  • the influence of the work on later creators and their projects 他の作家や作品への影響。


There are generally two possible issues to be considered: The context of the production and the context of the original fiction. Whenever the original fiction itself is the subject of the article, all out-of-universe information needs to be set in the context of that original fiction (e.g., by including a plot summary). When the article concerns, e.g., a documentary about that original fiction, then it would not necessarily be important to discuss the content of the original source material.


Details of creation, development, etc. relating to a particular fictional element are more helpful if the reader understands the role of that element in the story. This often involves providing plot summaries, character descriptions or biographies, or direct quotations. By convention, these synopses should be written in the present tense, as this is the way that the story is experienced as it is read or viewed (see also WP:TENSE). At any particular point in the story there is a 'past' and a 'future', but whether something is 'past' or 'future' changes as the story progresses. It is simplest and conventional to recount the entire description as continuous 'present'.


Presenting fictional material from the original work is fine, provided passages are short, are given the proper context, and do not constitute the main portion of the article. If such passages stray into the realm of interpretation, secondary sources must be provided to avoid original research.



Plot summaries can be written from the real-world perspective by referring to specific works or parts of works ("In the first book", "In Act II") or describing things from the author or creator's perspective ("The author introduces", "The story describes"). This gives the summary a more grounded tone and makes it more accessible to those unfamiliar with the source material. This style of writing should be preferred for plot summaries that encompass multiple works, such as a series of novels. Such conventions are not as important for plot summaries of single works, such as novels that are not part of a series; nevertheless, some real-world language at the beginning of such summaries is often good style. The length of a plot summary should be carefully balanced with the length of the other sections. Strictly avoid creating pages consisting only of a plot summary.



Sometimes, when an article gets long (see Wikipedia:Article size), a section of the article is made into its own article, and the handling of the subject in the main article is condensed to a brief summary. This is completely normal Wikipedia procedure; see for example Wikipedia:Summary style, which explains the technique. The new article is sometimes called a "spinout" or "spinoff" of the main article. For fictional works, these spinout articles are typically lists of characters or other elements that usually rely on the coverage of the parent topic, and may lack demonstration of real-world coverage through sources dedicated specifically to those elements (see Wikipedia:Lists). Very rarely should such spinout articles be about a singular topic (e.g., character, plot item); either that topic has demonstrated its own notability, or should be merged into the main article or existing spinout articles.


The spinout article should concisely provide details of the topic or topics covered in the work – just because the spinout article is given more space to grow does not mean that excessive plot summaries or fictional character biographies are appropriate. As with other fictional works, the spinout article should be written in an "out-of-universe" style. As with all other Wikipedia articles, the spinout article needs to be verifiable, must possess no original research, and must reflect a neutral point of view.








There are notability prerequisites to be met by all subjects to warrant articles specifically about them. As mentioned earlier, the rule of thumb is that if the topic is sufficiently notable, secondary sources should be available and should ideally be included on article creation.



It is not only important that articles be written from a neutral point of view and that they give due weight to all aspects of the subject but also that appropriate weight be given to all elements of the article page, including, e.g., infoboxes and succession boxes as well as images and the text. The goal is to attain the greatest possible degree of accuracy in covering the topic at hand, which is also the basic rationale behind discouraging, e.g., disproportionately long plot summaries and in-universe writing.



When writing about fiction, keep the following in mind:


  • The principal frame of reference is always the real world, in which both the work of fiction and its publication are embedded: write from a real-world perspective; 記述の第一の基準系は、フィクション作品とその出版とがともに含まれるところの現実世界におかれる必要があります。現実世界の観点に立って記述してください。
  • Both primary and secondary information is necessary for a real-world perspective: maintain a balanced use of both primary and secondary sources; 現実世界の観点には一次情報と二次情報の双方が必要になります。一次資料と二次資料をバランスよく使用してください。
  • Unpublished personal observation and interpretation of the article's subject and primary sources are not acceptable on Wikipedia: avoid original research; 個人の見解・記事主題に対する解釈・一次情報源は、未出版であったり広く公表されていないものは使用できません。独自研究を避けてください。
  • All included information needs to be verifiable and derive from and be supported by reliable sources, and all sources (including the primary sources) need to be appropriately cited in the article: reference all information and cite your sources; 記事中のすべての情報は信頼できる情報源に基づいた検証可能なものである必要があります。またすべての情報源(一次資料を含む)は記事の中で適切に参照されていなければなりませせん。すべての情報に情報源を明示してください。
  • All relevant aspects must be given due weight in all elements of the article page, including text, images, elements of layout and even the article title: give weight where weight is due; 本文ばかりでなく、画像、テンプレート、記事のタイトルなど記事のすべての要素に対して相応な注意を払ってください。記事のバランスに注意してください。
  • Readability and comprehensibility: put all information into context with the original fiction; 読みやすさと包括性。すべての情報を当のフィクション作品の文脈に位置づけてください。
  • Check with the image use policy before adding images to any article; 
  • Avoid creating lists of trivia; instead, incorporate relevant information into the body of the article; トリビアのリストを作らないでください。その代わりに記事本文の中に関連する情報を加筆してください。
  • Wikipedia's fair-use policy: the amount of copyrighted work used should be as little as possible.


