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22行目: 22行目:
* {{Cite book|author= Ivor R.H. Kramer , J.J. Pindborg , M. Shear |title=Histological Typing of Odontogenic Tumours |edition= 2nd |date=1992-02-06 |publisher= [[シュプリンガー・サイエンス・アンド・ビジネス・メディア|Springer]] |location = [[ベルリン|Berlin]]/[[ハイデルベルク|Heidelberg]] |series= WHO. World Health Organization. International Histological Classification of Tumours |language = English |isbn= 9783540541424 |page= 32|ref=Ivor}}
* {{Cite book|author= Ivor R.H. Kramer , J.J. Pindborg , M. Shear |title=Histological Typing of Odontogenic Tumours |edition= 2nd |date=1992-02-06 |publisher= [[シュプリンガー・サイエンス・アンド・ビジネス・メディア|Springer]] |location = [[ベルリン|Berlin]]/[[ハイデルベルク|Heidelberg]] |series= WHO. World Health Organization. International Histological Classification of Tumours |language = English |isbn= 9783540541424 |page= 32|ref=Ivor}}
* Kahn, Michael A. Basic Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Volume 1. 2001.
* Kahn, Michael A. Basic Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Volume 1. 2001.
* {{Cite journal|author = Gardner DG |coauthor = Kessler HP, Morency R, Schaffner DL |year = 1988 |month = Sep |title = The glandular odontogenic cyst: an apparent entity. |journal = Journal of oral pathology. |volume = 17 |issue = 8 |pages = 359-366 |publisher = Munksgaard |location = [[コペンハーゲン|Copenhagen]], [[デンマーク|Denmark]] |issn = 0300-9777 |PMID=3146620|ref=Gardner }}
* {{Cite journal|author = Gardner DG |coauthor = Kessler HP, Morency R, Schaffner DL |year = 1988 |month = Sep |title = The glandular odontogenic cyst: an apparent entity. |journal = Journal of oral pathology. |volume = 17 |issue = 8 |pages = 359-366 |publisher = Munksgaard |location = [[コペンハーゲン|Copenhagen]], [[デンマーク|Denmark]] |issn = 0300-9777 |pmid=3146620|ref=Gardner }}
* {{Cite journal|author = Kaplan I, Gal G, Anavi Y, Manor R, Calderon S |year = 2005 |month = Apr |title = Glandular odontogenic cyst: treatment and recurrence. |journal = [[ジャーナル・オブ・オーラル・アンド・マキシロフェイシャル・サージェリー|Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery]] |volume = 63 |issue = 4 |pages = 435-441 |publisher = [[エルゼビア|Elsevier]] for [[アメリカ口腔顎顔面外科学会|the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons]] |location = [[アメリカ合衆国|United States]] |issn = 0278-2391 |doi = 10.1016/j.joms.2004.08.007 |PMID= 15789313 |ref=Kaplan }}
* {{Cite journal|author = Kaplan I, Gal G, Anavi Y, Manor R, Calderon S |year = 2005 |month = Apr |title = Glandular odontogenic cyst: treatment and recurrence. |journal = [[ジャーナル・オブ・オーラル・アンド・マキシロフェイシャル・サージェリー|Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery]] |volume = 63 |issue = 4 |pages = 435-441 |publisher = [[エルゼビア|Elsevier]] for [[アメリカ口腔顎顔面外科学会|the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons]] |location = [[アメリカ合衆国|United States]] |issn = 0278-2391 |doi = 10.1016/j.joms.2004.08.007 |pmid= 15789313 |ref=Kaplan }}
* {{Cite journal|和書|author=[[岩渕博史]] |coauthor=[[岩渕絵美]]、[[内山公男]]、[[高森康次]]、[[永井哲夫]]、[[田中陽一]] |date =2006-12-20 |title =下顎骨に発生した腺性歯原性嚢胞の1例 |journal = 日本口腔外科学会雑誌 |volume =52 |issue =12 |pages =703-707 |publisher = [[日本口腔外科学会]] |issn =0021-5163 |doi =10.5794/jjoms.52.703 |naid =10018858682 |id = {{JOI|JST.Journalarchive/jjoms1967/52.703}} |ref=岩渕 }}
* {{Cite journal|和書|author=[[岩渕博史]] |coauthor=[[岩渕絵美]]、[[内山公男]]、[[高森康次]]、[[永井哲夫]]、[[田中陽一]] |date =2006-12-20 |title =下顎骨に発生した腺性歯原性嚢胞の1例 |journal = 日本口腔外科学会雑誌 |volume =52 |issue =12 |pages =703-707 |publisher = [[日本口腔外科学会]] |issn =0021-5163 |doi =10.5794/jjoms.52.703 |naid =10018858682 |id = {{JOI|JST.Journalarchive/jjoms1967/52.703}} |ref=岩渕 }}
* {{Cite journal|和書|author=[[岡本喜之]] |coauthor=[[川田賢介]]、[[岩井俊憲]]、[[小澤幹夫]]、[[菊地良直]]、[[石川好美]] |date =2006-01-20 |title = 右側下顎智歯部に発生した腺性歯原性嚢胞の1例 |journal = 日本口腔外科学会雑誌 |volume =52 |issue =1 |pages =11-14 |publisher = [[日本口腔外科学会]] |issn =0021-5163 |doi =10.5794/jjoms.52.11 |naid =10018860517 |id = {{JOI|JST.Journalarchive/jjoms1967/52.11}} |ref=岡本 }}
* {{Cite journal|和書|author=[[岡本喜之]] |coauthor=[[川田賢介]]、[[岩井俊憲]]、[[小澤幹夫]]、[[菊地良直]]、[[石川好美]] |date =2006-01-20 |title = 右側下顎智歯部に発生した腺性歯原性嚢胞の1例 |journal = 日本口腔外科学会雑誌 |volume =52 |issue =1 |pages =11-14 |publisher = [[日本口腔外科学会]] |issn =0021-5163 |doi =10.5794/jjoms.52.11 |naid =10018860517 |id = {{JOI|JST.Journalarchive/jjoms1967/52.11}} |ref=岡本 }}

2020年1月25日 (土) 14:07時点における版

腺性歯原性嚢胞(せんせいしげんせいのうほう、Glandular Odontogenic Cyst;GOC)は歯原性嚢胞の一つ。X線画像上では、単房性もしくは多房性の透過像を示す。









