



  • domestic partnerships   Unregistered cohabitation or legal guardianship   Nonbinding certification   Limited recognition of marriage performed in certain other…
    126キロバイト (10,032 語) - 2024年7月2日 (火) 21:49
  • action, removal action, response action, remedy, or corrective action. A nonbinding allocation of responsibility (NBAR) is a device, established in the Superfund…
    45キロバイト (5,109 語) - 2024年5月5日 (日) 00:10
  • Referendum (Nonbinding referendumからのリダイレクト)
    A referendum (pl.: referendums or less commonly referenda) is a direct vote by the electorate on a proposal, law, or political issue. This is in contrast…
    33キロバイト (4,168 語) - 2024年6月14日 (金) 16:22
  • Non-binding (Nonbinding opinionからのリダイレクト)
    Non-binding or nonbinding may refer to Nonbinding allocation of responsibility (NBAR) in a superfund Non-binding authority in law Non-binding arbitration…
    497バイト (86 語) - 2023年6月6日 (火) 19:44
  • Non-binding resolution (Nonbinding resolutionからのリダイレクト)
    Way Too Late for Nonbinding Resolutions on Iraq". AlterNet. Retrieved 2007-02-17. The Associated Press (2007-02-03). "What's a nonbinding resolution?". nwsource…
    10キロバイト (1,051 語) - 2024年1月10日 (水) 09:54
  • S. House of Representatives had passed Resolution 185 (H.Res. 185), a nonbinding "sense of the House" resolution concerning the fate of 800000 Jews who…
    237キロバイト (30,080 語) - 2024年7月3日 (水) 17:36
  • Constitution (art. 114). The boroughs have the power to advise the mayor with nonbinding opinions on a large spectrum of topics (environment, construction, public…
    106キロバイト (11,004 語) - 2024年6月29日 (土) 11:46
  • Arms control is a term for international restrictions upon the development, production, stockpiling, proliferation and usage of small arms, conventional…
    46キロバイト (5,259 語) - 2024年6月22日 (土) 06:25
  • Constitution (art. 114). The boroughs have the power to advise the Mayor with nonbinding opinions on a large spectrum of topics (environment, construction, public…
    123キロバイト (13,211 語) - 2024年7月3日 (水) 19:44
  • referendum, Puerto Ricans decisively voted for statehood; the measure was nonbinding (since only Congress may admit a state to the Union) but was a significant…
    228キロバイト (14,026 語) - 2024年6月25日 (火) 22:01
  • A 1978 fatwa (nonbinding legal opinion) issued by the Fatawa Council at Al-Azhar, the chief centre of Islamic and Arabic learning in the world. The fatwa…
    88キロバイト (10,766 語) - 2024年6月28日 (金) 13:54
  • Italian Constitution. The boroughs have the power to advise the Mayor with nonbinding opinions on a large spectrum of topics (environment, construction, public…
    180キロバイト (18,500 語) - 2024年7月2日 (火) 14:55
  • states to behave in a certain way, unenforceable except by force, and nonbinding except as matters of honour and faithfulness.[citation needed] One of…
    115キロバイト (13,634 語) - 2024年6月26日 (水) 09:47
  • corresponding differences between a fatwa and a qada (court decision): A fatwa is nonbinding (unless issued by a government judge in an Islamic state), while a court…
    51キロバイト (6,508 語) - 2024年5月26日 (日) 01:23
  • Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives. A subsequent nonbinding referendum was held on November 3, 2020, to decide whether Puerto Rico…
    152キロバイト (14,651 語) - 2024年7月3日 (水) 19:00
  • invitation of approximately 200 members of the Central Committee to cast nonbinding votes for Politburo candidates.: 67  Consensus-based decision-making became…
    98キロバイト (9,238 語) - 2024年6月24日 (月) 06:28
  • ensure star player Deandre Ayton signed with Arizona. Because he signed a nonbinding financial aid agreement with Arizona instead of a formal letter of intent…
    21キロバイト (1,655 語) - 2024年6月30日 (日) 18:06
  • of religious violence, jihadist individuals and networks resort to the nonbinding genre of Islamic legal literature (fatwa) developed by jihadi-Salafist…
    308キロバイト (36,267 語) - 2024年6月29日 (土) 06:37
  • Yes  Bougainville 2019  Papua New Guinea Yes Subject to negotiation Yes Nonbinding vote. Independence rests with Papua New Guinea's parliament.  New Caledonia…
    30キロバイト (935 語) - 2024年7月2日 (火) 19:48
  • S. or Canadian terms. WES reports that its credential evaluations are nonbinding advisory opinions. WES's proprietary database collects and stores information…
    3キロバイト (260 語) - 2023年8月23日 (水) 20:21
  • reform, the Borough Councils have the power to advise the Mayor with nonbinding opinions on a large spectrum of topics and are responsible for running…
    201キロバイト (18,459 語) - 2024年7月3日 (水) 21:52