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Hello to everybody I'm Adriano! I'm italian. I live in Rome.

アドリアーノですイタリア人ですローマ にすんでいます

My name in kanji is:

Minnasan dōso yoroshiku!!

My user page in it.wiki is here please visit it!

I love very much Japanese culture. I'm writing in it:wiki about Japan literature, art, economy.
I visited Japan in 1994年 (8月), 2002年 (8月) and 2006 (11月). I saw about ten towns in Japan.

I wrote about:

Case automobilistiche (Automobile manufacturers)


Capri (Capri island) カプリ島


Letteratura e poesia (Literature and poetry)


Settecento francese (History of 18th century in France)


Settecento veneziano (History of 18th century in Venice)


Storia e cultura del Giappone (Japan culture)


Arti zen (Zen arts)


Città e geografia (Towns of Japan)


Cucina (Japanese cuisine) 日本料理


Economia (Economy)


Letteratura (Literature)


vedi anche Wikipedia:ウィキポータル 文学

Teatro (Theatre)


Varie (Various)


Storia Romana (Ancient Romans history)


Venezia (Venice) ヴェネツィア


Culture and tradition of Venice

Foto (Photos)


In this folder I collected photos of the places and countries I love: Maldives, Japan, Orvieto and Venice