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Left: Postcranial skeleton of Anzu wyliei gen. et sp. nov. as preserved in the CM specimens.

(A) Skeletal reconstruction in left lateral view, with illustrated bones in gray and other preserved bones in white (hatching indicates heavily reconstructed portions of the ilia of CM 78001). (B) Anterior dorsal vertebra of CM 78001 in anterior view. Anterior (C) and posteriormost preserved (D) caudal vertebrae of CM 78000 in left lateral view. (E) Right humerus of CM 78000 in anterior view. (F) Manual ungual I of CM 78000 in lateral view. Left pubis (G) and ischium (H) of CM 78001 in lateral view. Right femur (I) and left tibia (J) and astragalocalcaneum (K) of CM 78000 in anterior view. (L) Pedal ungual of CM 78000 in lateral view. Abbreviations: ap, ascending process; atc, ‘accessory trochanteric crest’; cal, calcaneum; cc, cnemial crest; dpc, deltopectoral crest; el, extensor ‘lip’; f, foramen; fh, femoral head; hy, hypapophysis; isp, ischial peduncle; ns, neural spine; op, obturator process; pb, pubic ‘boot’; pf, pneumatic fossa; prz, prezygapophysis; tp, transverse process; tu, tubercle; vg, vascular groove. Scale bars = 50 cm in A; 1 cm in B–L.

Right: Craniomandibular skeleton of Anzu wyliei gen. et sp. nov.

(A) Reconstructed skull and mandible in left lateral view, with preserved bones in gray. (B) Left premaxilla of CM 78001 in lateral view. (C) Left maxilla of CM 78001 in lateral view. (D) Left jugal of CM 78001 in lateral view. (E) Braincase with articulated quadrates and pterygoids of CM 78001 in posterior view. Reconstructed mandible of CM 78000 in left lateral (F) and dorsal (G) views (hatching indicates broken areas, dashed lines indicate restoration). Abbreviations: ang, angular; aof, antorbital fenestra; ap, ascending process; bpt, basipterygoid process; d, dentary; emf, external mandibular fenestra; fm, foramen magnum; lf, lateral flange; lg, lateral groove; lgl, lateral facet of mandibular glenoid; lr, lingual ridge; mgl, medial facet of mandibular glenoid; oc, occipital condyle; pdp, posterodorsal process; pop, paroccipital process; por, postorbital process; pt, pterygoid; pvp, posteroventral process; q, quadrate; qjp, quadratojugal process; r, retroarticular process; sac, surangular–articular–coronoid complex. Scale bars = 10 cm in A; 1 cm in B–G.
原典 http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0092022
作者 Scott Hartman, Matthew C. Lamanna,Hans-Dieter Sues, Emma R. Schachner, Tyler R. Lyson
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現在の版2014年3月20日 (木) 11:482014年3月20日 (木) 11:48時点における版のサムネイル6,677 × 3,646 (5.17メガバイト)FunkMonk{{Information |Description=Left: Postcranial skeleton of Anzu wyliei gen. et sp. nov. as preserved in the CM specimens. (A) Skeletal reconstruction in left lateral view, with illustrated bones in gray and other preserved bones in white (hatching indic...



