Text Appearing Before Image: Golden bar or Golden chips. FELS-NAPTHA banishesTattleTale Gray 238 I.\I)IIS- HOME JOURNAL J Pconomw-. y°urr.k:i Text Appearing After Image: Delicious Counter*** FLAVOR! l!n i Bonnet is made from cultured, pas-teurized -kirn milk, churned into choiceAmerican-farm vegetable oils! Taste it! See■nil a reall) fine margarine can be! Solidn NUTRITION! 3300 units of food-energy in every pound- jusl as much as the expensive spread;..i bread! \ml I!m i Bonni i is fortifiedwith I.).ooo units of natural Vitamin A,winter a rid summer! Plusother importanl food essen-tials! No other spread for bread is richer in f l-energ). richer in \ itamin \! „f7*>- eCOAtOM-£0tTOo and counts-sweetblue bonnet is MADE By THE MAKERSOf FLEiSCHMMNS yEAsr/ ^ F«-EISCHMANNS WueBonnet ^^OMARGABINE Guaranteed byl Good Housekeeping
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