English: Picture of a Gateway Handbook 486 viewing the English-language Wikipedia main page as seen on the GPL-licensed Dillo browser.
Here is the caption for this photo on the English Wikipedia:
By using the Dillo web browser, it is possible to view web pages on a Gateway Handbook 486. It is also possible to run Firefox on the Handbook's screen, albeit slowly, by running the browser on another computer, and using the X Window System's ability to run an application over the network.
A 12 ounce soft drink aluminium beverage can is included in the picture to give the viewer a sense of this computer's small size.
This image is dual licensed, under both the GFDL and the Creative Commons share alike licenses.
Camera data
Camera Kodak CX6230 (automatic consumer-oriented 2 megapixel digital camera)
Notes on taking of photo
This picture is not a mock-up; the computer was really connected to the internet and viewing the Wikipedia web page with Dillo when this picture was taken.
This photo was taken with a 35mm-equivalent focal length of roughly 36mm (somewhat wide angle). The night shot mode was enabled, and the built-in flash was disabled. In order to make the contents of the screen more visible, and to minimize camera shake (no tripod was used), the exposure was made one stop darker.
The image was color-corrected in the GIMP to compensate for the lighting, which had a distinct warm tint to it. In more detail, the blues were made brighter. Additionally, the screen of the laptop was made darker since the image on the screen was a lot brighter than the rest of the picture. The entire picture was then made brighter. Finally, a noise reduction filter was applied to just the blue tones.
この作品は自由ソフトウェアです。あなたは、フリーソフトウェア財団の発行する GNU 一般公衆利用許諾書 (GNU General Public License) (バージョン2、またはそれ以降のライセンス) の規約に基づき、このライブラリの再配布や改変ができます。この作品は、有用であることを期待して配布されていますが、商用あるいは特定の目的に適するかどうかも含めて、暗黙的にも、一切保証されません。詳しくは、バージョン2およびバージョン3のGNU 一般公衆利用許諾書をご覧ください。http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.htmlGPLGNU General Public Licensetruetrue
This is my last revision of this photo (hopefully); I did some more processing of the blue channel to minimize the visible noise; it gives the image a soft surreal look to it, which I like, and also makes the picture look more smooth.
This is a picture of a Gateway Handbook 486 viewing the English-language Wikipedia main page on the morning of April 20, 2005. User:Samboy took this picture himself. This image, on the computer screen, features a screenshot of a Wikipedia web page a
This is a picture of a Gateway Handbook 486 viewing the English-language Wikipedia main page on the morning of April 20, 2005. User:Samboy too this picture himself. This image, on the computer screen, features a screenshot of a Wikipedia web page as