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B bacru utter [facu]

   發出 (发出) [fā chū] “to send out; to issue” 
   cf. 說出 (说出) [shuō chū] “utter” (component) 

badna banana [cianjiau]

   香蕉 [xiāng jiāo] “banana” 

badri sad [beiai]

   悲哀 [bēi āi] “sad” 
   source: chinaboard.de; cf. 悲 [bēi] “sad; sadness; sorrow; grief” (component); cf. 哀 [āi] “sorrow; grief; pity; to grieve for; to pity; to lament” (component) 

bajra run [ban]

   辦 (办) [bàn] “to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with” 

bakfu bundle [bau]

   包 [bāo] “to cover; to wrap; to hold; to include; to take charge of; package; wrapper; container; bag; to hold or embrace; bundle; packet; to contract (to or for)” 

bakni bovine [nieu]

   牛 [niú] “ox; cow; bull” 

bakri chalk [baie]

   白堊 (白垩) [bái è] “chalk” 

baktu bucket [tun]

   桶 [tǒng] “pail; bucket; bin; barrel” 

balji bulb [linjin]

   鱗莖 (鳞茎) [lín jīng] “bulb” 

balni balcony [iantai]

   陽臺 (阳台) [yáng tái] “balcony; porch” 

balre blade [ren]

   刃 [rèn] “edge of blade” 

balvi future [jianlai]

   將來 (将来) [jiāng lái] “(the) future” 

bancu beyond [cu]

   出 [chū] “to go out; to come out; to occur; to produce; to go beyond; to rise; to put forth; to occur; to happen; (a measure word for dramas, plays, or operas)” 

bandu defend [bau]

   保 [bǎo] “to defend; to protect; to insure or guarantee; to maintain; hold or keep; to guard” 

banfi amphibian [lianci]

   兩棲 (两栖) [liǎng qī] “amphibious; dual-talented; able to work in two different lines” 

bangu language [iuian]

   語言 (语言) [yǔ yán] “(spoken) language” 

banli great [juanli]

   壯麗 (壮丽) [zhuàng lì] “magnificence; magnificent; majestic; glorious” 

banro grow [jan]

   長 (长) [zhǎng] “chief; head; elder; to grow; to develop” 
   cf. 生長 (生长) [shēng zhǎng] “grow” (compound); cf. 增長 (增长) [zēng zhǎng] “grow; increase” (compound) 

banxa bank [iinxan]

   銀行 (银行) [yín háng] “bank” 

banzu suffice [zu]

   足 [zú] “foot; to be sufficient” 

bapli force [li]

   力 [lì] “power; force; strength” 

barda big [da]

   大 [dà] “big; huge; large; major; great; wide; deep; oldest; eldest” 

bargu arch [gun]

   拱 [gǒng] “arch” 

barja bar [jieubajian]

   酒吧間 (酒吧间) [jiǔ bā jiān] “bar” 
   source: chinaboard.de; cf. 酒吧 [jiǔ bā] “bar; pub” (component) 

barna mark [ban]

   瘢 [bān] “mark; scar on the skin” 

bartu out [biau]

   表 [biǎo] “surface; exterior; to watch; to show; express; an example; a list or table; a meter; a watch; chart; external” 

basna emphasize [ciandau]

   強調 (强调) [qiáng diào] “to emphasize (a statement); to stress” 
   FIXIT correct transcription “ciandiau” 

basti replace [ti]

   替 [tì] “to substitute for; to take the place of; to replace; for; on behalf of; to stand in for” 

batci bite [ci]

   噬 [shì] “devour; to bite” 

batke button [keu]

   釦 (扣) [kòu] “button” 

bavmi barley [damai]

   大麥 (大麦) [dà mài] “barley” 

bebna foolish [ben]

   笨 [bèn] “stupid; foolish; silly; slow-witted; clumsy” 

bende orchestra [iueduei]

   樂隊 (乐队) [yuè duì] “band” 

benji send [ji]

   齎 [jī] “send; to present in both hands” 

bersa son [er]

   兒 (儿) [ér] “son” 

berti north [bei]

   北 [běi] “north” 

besna brain [nau]

   腦 (脑) [nǎo] “brain” 

betfu abdomen [fu]

   腹 [fù] “abdomen; stomach; belly” 

betri tragedy [bei]

   悲 [bēi] “sad; sadness; sorrow; grief” 
   cf. 悲劇 (悲剧) [bēi jù] “tragedy” (compound) 

bevri carry [bei]

   揹 (背) [bēi] “carry on one's back” 

bidju bead [ju]

   珠 [zhū] “bead; pearl” 

bifce bee [mifen]

   蜜蜂 [mì fēng] “bee; honeybee” 

bikla whip [bian]

   鞭 [biān] “a whip or lash; to flog; slash or whip” 

bilga obliged [bi]

   必 [bì] “certainly; must; will; necessarily” 

bilma ill [bin]

   病 [bìng] “ailment; sickness; illness; disease; fall ill; sick; defect” 

bilni military [bin]

   兵 [bīng] “soldiers; a force; an army; weapons; arms; military; warlike” 

binra insure [baucian]

   保險 (保险) [bǎo xiǎn] “insurance; to insure; safe; secure; be sure; be bound to” 

binxo become [bian]

   變 (变) [biàn] “to change; to become different; to transform; to vary; rebellion” 
   cf. 變得 (变得) [biàn de] “become; change into” (compound) 

birje beer [pijieu]

   啤酒 [pí jiǔ] “beer” 

birka arm [bi]

   臂 [bì] “arm” 

birti certain [bi]

   必 [bì] “certainly; must; will; necessarily” 

bisli ice [bin]

   冰 [bīng] “ice” 

bitmu wall [bi]

   壁 [bì] “wall; rampart” 

blabi white [bai]

   白 [bái] “white; snowy; empty; blank; bright; clear; plain; pure; gratuitous” 

blaci glass [boli]

   玻璃 [bō li] “glass; nylon; plastic” 

blanu blue [lan]

   藍 (蓝) [lán] “blue” 

bliku block [dakuai]

   大塊 (大块) [dà kuài] “block” 
   FIXIT no reports; 8,660,000 (8,690,000) Google hits; cf. 大木塊 (大木块) [dài mù kuài] “Klotz (= block)” (compound) (source: chinaboard.de) 

bloti boat [tin]

   艇 [tǐng] “small boat” 

bolci ball [cieu]

   球 [qiú] “ball; sphere” 
   cf. 毬 [qiú] “ball” (variant) 

bongu bone [gu]

   骨 [gǔ] “bone” 

botpi bottle [pin]

   瓶 [píng] “bottle; (a measure word); vase; pitcher” 
   cf. 缾 [píng] “vase; bottle; pitcher” (variant) 

boxfo sheet [bo]

   箔 [bó] “bamboo screen; door screen; metal foil; leaf; sheet; tinsel” 

boxna wave [bo]

   波 [bō] “wave; ripple; storm; surge” 

bradi enemy [di]

   敵 (敌) [dí] “enemy; match” 

bratu hail [bau]

   雹 [báo] “hail” 

bredi ready [bei]

   備 (备) [bèi] “to prepare; get ready; to provide or equip” 

bridi predicate [binsi]

   賓詞 (宾词) [bīn cí] “predicate” 

brife breeze [fen]

   風 (风) [fēng] “wind; news; style; custom; manner” 
   cf. 飌 [fēng] “wind” (variant) 

briju office [ju]

   局 [jú] “(a measure word used for games) set or round office; situation; office” 

bruna brother [ciun]

   兄 [xiōng] “brother” 

bukpu cloth [bu]

   布 [bù] “cloth” 

bumru fog [bouu]

   薄霧 (薄雾) [bó wù] “mist; haze” 

bunda pound [ban]

   鎊 (镑) [bàng] “pound (sterling)” 

bunre brown [zunse]

   棕色 [zōng sè] “brown (the color)” 

burcu brush [cua]

   刷 [shuā] “brush” 

burna embarrassed [ueinan]

   為難 (为难) [wéi nán] “make things difficult for” 
   cf. 難為 (难为) [nán wéi] “embarrassed” (component) 

C cabna now [cian]

   現 (现) [xiàn] “appear; present; now; existing; current” 

cabra apparatus [cebei]

   設備 (设备) [shè bèi] “equipment; facilities; installations” 

cacra hour [ciauc]

   小時 (小时) [xiǎo shí] “hour” 

cadzu walk [zeu]

   走 [zǒu] “to walk; to go; to move; to leave” 

cafne often [can]

   常 [cháng] “always; ever; often; frequently; common; general; constant” 

cakla chocolate [ciaukeli]

   巧克力 [qiǎo kè lì] “chocolate” 

calku shell [ciau]

   殼 (壳) [qiào] “shell” 

canci vanish [cian]

   潛 (潜) [qián] “hidden; latent; secret; to hide; to conceal; secret; hidden; to submerge” 

cando idle [cian]

   閒 [xián] “idle” 

cange farm [can]

   場 (场) [chǎng] “a courtyard; open space; place; field; a measure word; (a measure word, used for sport or recreation)” 
   cf. 農場 (农场) [nóng chǎng] “farm” (compound) 

canja exchange [can]

   商 [shāng] “commerce; consult” 

canko window [cuan]

   窗 [chuāng] “shutter; window” 

canlu space [can]

   場 (场) [chǎng] “a courtyard; open space; place; field; a measure word; (a measure word, used for sport or recreation)” 
   cf. 場地 (场地) [chǎng dì] “space; site; place” (compound); cf. 敞 [chǎng] “spacious; uncovered” (variant) 

canpa shovel [can]

   鏟 (铲) [chǎn] “spade; shovel” 

canre sand [ca]

   沙 [shā] “granule; hoarse; raspy; sand; powder” 
   cf. 砂 [shā] “sand; gravel; granule” (variant) 

canti gut [can]

   腸 (肠) [cháng] “intestines” 

carce cart [ce]

   車 (车) [chē] “car; a vehicle; machine; to shape with a lathe” 

carmi intense [min]

   明 [míng] “clear; bright; to understand; next; the Ming dynasty” 

carna turn [cuan]

   旋 [xuán] “revolve” 

cartu chart [tu]

   圖 (图) [tú] “diagram; to plan; picture; drawing; chart” 

carvi rain [ciaiu]

   下雨 [xià yǔ] “rainy” 

casnu discuss [can]

   商 [shāng] “commerce; consult” 
   cf. 商談 (商谈) [shāng tán] “confer; discuss; engage in talks” (compound); cf. 商討 (商讨) [shāng tǎo] “discuss; deliberate” (compound) 

catke shove [tuei]

   推 [tuī] “push; refuse (responsibility); shove” 

catlu look [ciau]

   瞧 [qiáo] “look at” 

catni authority [cuan]

   權 (权) [quán] “authority; power; right” 

catra kill [ca]

   殺 (杀) [shā] “to kill; to murder; to slaughter” 

caxno shallow [cian]

   淺 (浅) [qiǎn] “shallow” 
   cf. 粗淺 (粗浅) [cū qiǎn] “shallow; superficial” (compound); cf. 譾 (谫) [jiǎn] “shallow; stupid” (variant); cf. 俴 [jiàn] “short; shallow; thin plate” (variant) 

cecla launcher [ce]

   射 [shè] “radio- (chem.); shoot” 

cecmu community [cecu]

   社區 (社区) [shè qū] “community” 

cedra era [cidai]

   時代 (时代) [shí dài] “age; era; epoch; period” 

cenba vary [cen]

   參 (参) [cān] “take part in; participate; join; attend; to join; unequal; varied; irregular; to counsel; uneven; not uniform” 
   FIXIT dubious; cf. 甡 [shēn] “multitude; crowd” (variant); cf. 摻 (掺) [chān] “mix” (variant); cf. 成 [chéng] “finish; complete; accomplish; become; turn into; win; succeed; one tenth” (variant) 

censa holy [cen]

   聖 (圣) [shèng] “holy; sacred; saint; sage” 

cerda heir [jicen]

   繼承 (继承) [jí chéng] “to inherit; to carry on; to succeed” 

cerni morning [cen]

   晨 [chén] “morning; dawn; daybreak” 

certu expert [ceu]

   授 [shòu] “to teach; to instruct; to award; to give” 

cevni god [cen]

   神 [shén] “God; unusual; mysterious; soul; spirit; divine essence; lively; spiritual being” 

cfari initiate [fa]

   發 (发) [fā] “to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue; to develop” 
   cf. 發動 (发动) [fā dòng] “to start; to launch; to mobilize” (compound); cf. 引發 (引发) [yǐn fā] “lead to; trigger; initiate” (compound) 

cfika fiction [ciaucue]

   小說 (小说) [xiǎo shuō] “novel; fiction; (CL 篇)” 

cfila flaw [cia]

   瑕 [xiá] “blemish; flaw in jade” 
   cf. 瑕疵 [xiá cī] “blemish; flaw” (compound) 

cfine wedge [cie]

   楔 [xiē] “to wedge; wedge” 

cfipu confuse [ciau]

   淆 [xiáo] “confused” 
   source: zhongwen.com; cf. 混淆 [hùn xiáo] “obscure; confuse; mix up; blur” (compound) 

ciblu blood [ciue]

   血 [xuè] “blood” 

cicna cyan [cian]

   酰 [xiān] “(chem.) -acyl; acid radical” 
   FIXIT missing 

cidja food [ci]

   食 [shí] “animal feed; eat; food” 
   cf. 饎 [chì] “food; to cook” (variant) 

cidni knee [ci]

   膝 [xī] “knee” 

cidro hydrogen [cin]

   氫 (氢) [qīng] “hydrogen” 

cifnu infant [iin]

   嬰 (婴) [yīng] “infant; baby” 

cigla gland [cian]

   腺 [xiàn] “gland” 

cikna awake [cin]

   醒 (醒) [xǐng] “to wake up; to awaken; to be awake” 

cikre repair [cieu]

   脩 [xiū] “cultivate; repair; teacher's pay” 

ciksi explain [ci]

   釋 (释) [shì] “explain; to release” 

cilce wild [iecen]

   野生 [yě shēng] “wild; undomesticated” 

cilmo moist [ci]

   濕 (湿) [shī] “moist; wet” 

cilre learn [ciue]

   學 (学) [xué] “learn; study; science; -ology” 

cilta thread [cian]

   線 (线) [xiàn] “thread; string; wire; line” 

cimde dimension [ciduen]

   尺端 [chǐ duān] 
   FIXIT no reports; 661,000 Google hits 

cimni infinite [uuciun]

   無窮 (无穷) [wú qióng] “endless” 

cinba kiss [cin]

   親 (亲) [qīn] “dear; intimate; parent; relation; closely related” 
   cf. 親吻 (亲吻) [qīn wěn] “kiss” (compound) 

cindu oak [cian]

   橡 [xiàng] “oak; Quercus serrata” 

cinfo lion [ci]

   獅 (狮) [shī] “lion” 

cinje wrinkle [je]

   折 [zhé] “tenth (in price); to break; to fold; to turn” 
   cf. 摺 [zhé] “folded document; to fold” (variant) 

cinki insect [cun]

   虫 [chóng] “insect; worm” 

cinla thin [ci]

   細 (细) [xì] “fine; minutely; thin; slender” 

cinmo emotion [cin]

   情 [qíng] “feeling; emotion; passion; situation” 

cinri interesting [cin]

   興 (兴) [xìng] “interest” 

cinse sexual [cin]

   性 [xìng] “sex; nature; surname; suffix corresponding to -ness or -ity” 

cinta paint [ci]

   漆 [qī] “paint; lacquer” 

cinza tongs [cian]

   鉗 (钳) [qián] “pincers; pliers; tongs; claw (of animal); to grasp with pincers; to pinch; to clamp; to restrain; to restrict; to gag” 

cipni bird [cin]

   禽 [qín] “birds; fowl” 
   cf. 雂 [qín] “(bird)” (variant) 

cipra test [ci]

   試 (试) [shì] “to test; to try; experiment; examination; test” 

cirko lose [ci]

   失 [shī] “to lose; to miss; to fail” 

cirla cheese [lau]

   酪 [lào] “Chinese cream; cheese” 

ciska write [cie]

   寫 (写) [xiě] “to write” 

cisma smile [ciau]

   笑 [xiào] “laugh; smile” 

ciste system [ci]

   系 [xì] “be; system; to tie; department; faculty” 
   系統 (系统) [xì tǒng] “system”; 體系 (体系) [tǐ xì] “system; setup” 

citka eat [ci]

   吃 [chī] “eat; eradicate; destroy; receive” 
   cf. 喫 (吃) [chī] “eat” (variant) 

citno young [cin]

   青 [qīng] “green (blue, black); Qinghai province (abbrev.)” 
   “young” (source: zhongwen.com, chinaboard.de, en.wiktionary.org); cf. 新 [xīn] “new; newly; meso- (chem.)” (variant) 

citri history [ci]

   史 [shǐ] “history” 

citsi season [ci]

   季 [jì] “season; period” 

civla louse [ci]

   蝨 [shī] “louse” 
   cf. 虱 [shī] “louse” (variant) 

cizra strange [ci]

   奇 [qí] “strange; odd; weird; wonderful” 

ckabu rubber [cianjiau]

   橡膠 (橡胶) [xiàng jiāo] “rubber” 

ckafi coffee [kafei]

   咖啡 [kā fēi] “coffee” 

ckaji quality [ji]

   質 (质) [zhì] “hostage; substance; nature; quality” 

ckana bed [cuan]

   床 [chuáng] “bed; couch; (a measure word)” 

ckape peril [cian]

   險 (险) [xiǎn] “danger (ous); rugged” 

ckasu ridicule [cau]

   嘲 [cháo] “ridicule; mock” 

ckeji ashamed [kuei]

   媿 [kuì] “ashamed” 
   cf. 愧 [kuì] “ashamed” (variant) 

ckiku key [iau]

   鑰 (钥) [yào] “key” 

ckilu scale [cidu]

   尺度 [chǐ dù] “scale; yardstick” 

ckini related [cin]

   親 (亲) [qīn] “dear; intimate; parent; relation; closely related” 

ckire grateful [cie]

   謝 (谢) [xiè] “(surname); to thank” 

ckule school [ciue]

   學 (学) [xué] “learn; study; science; -ology” 
   cf. 學校 (学校) [xué xiào] “school” (compound) 

ckunu conifer [cieugue]

   FIXIT missing 

cladu loud [cau]

   吵 [chǎo] “to quarrel; to make a noise; noisy; to disturb by making a noise” 

clani long [can]

   長 (长) [cháng] “length; long; forever; always; constantly” 
   cf. 梴 [chān] “length (of a tree or beam); long” (variant) 

claxu without [cau]

   少 [shǎo] “few; little; lack” 

clika mossy [cian]

   蘚 (藓) [xiǎn] “mosses on damp walls” 

clira early [cian]

   先 [xiān] “early; prior; former; in advance; first” 

clite polite [li]

   禮 (礼) [lǐ] “gift; propriety; rite” 
   cf. 有禮貌 (有礼貌) [yǒu lǐ mào] “courteous; polite; politeness” (compound) 

cliva leave [li]

   離 (离) [lí] “to leave; to depart; to go away; from” 

clupa loop [cuan]

   圈 [quān] “circle; ring; loop” 

cmaci mathematics [cuciue]

   數學 (数学) [shù xué] “mathematic; mathematics” 

cmalu small [ciau]

   小 [xiǎo] “small; tiny; few; young” 

cmana mountain [can]

   山 [shān] “mountain; hill” 

cmene name [cen]

   稱 (称) [chēng] “to call; to praise; to weigh; to estimate; to consider; to call; to address; to name; to say; commend” 
   cf. 稱為 (称为) [chēng wéi] “(v) call; name; be called” (compound) 

cmila laugh [ciau]

   笑 [xiào] “laugh; smile” 

cmima member [iuan]

   員 (员) [yuán] “person; employee; member” 

cmoni moan [ceniin]

   呻吟 [shēn yín] “to moan; to groan” 

cnano norm [can]

   常 [cháng] “always; ever; often; frequently; common; general; constant” 
   “ordinary; common” (source: zhongwen.com) 

cnebo neck [bo]

   脖 [bó] “neck” 

cnemu reward [ceu]

   酬 [chóu] “entertain; repay; return; reward; compensate” 

cnici orderly [ci]

   齊 (齐) [qí] “(surname); even; to make even” 
   “ordentlich (= orderly)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

cnino new [cin]

   新 [xīn] “new; newly; meso- (chem.)” 

cnisa lead [cian]

   鉛 (铅) [qiān] “lead (metal)” 

cnita beneath [cia]

   下 [xià] “under; second (of two parts); next (week, etc.); lower; below; underneath; down(wards); to decline; to go down; latter” 

cokcu soak [ciceu]

   吸收 [xī shōu] “absorb; assimilate” 

condi deep [cen]

   深 [shēn] “deep; profound” 

cortu pain [tun]

   痛 [tòng] “ache; pain; sorrow” 

cpacu get [cu]

   取 [qǔ] “to take; to get; to choose; to fetch” 
   cf. 領取 (领取) [lǐng qǔ] “receive; draw; get” (compound) 

cpana upon [can]

   上 [shàng] “on; up; on top; upon; first (of two parts); previous or last (week, etc.); upper; higher; above; previous; to climb; to go into; above; to go up” 

cpare climb [pa]

   爬 [pá] “crawl; climb” 
   cf. 扒 [pá] “climb; crawl; snatch” (variant) 

cpedu request [cieu]

   求 [qiú] “to seek; to look for; to request; to demand; to beseech” 

cpina pungent [cin]

   辛 [xīn] “8th heavenly stem; tired” 
   FIXIT dubious; “scharf (= spicy)” (source: chinaboard.de); cf. 馨 [xīn] “fragrant” (variant) 

cradi radio [uuciandian]

   無線電 (无线电) [wú xiàn diàn] “wireless” 

crane front [cian]

   前 [qián] “before; in front; ago; former; previous; earlier; front” 

creka shirt [cencan]

   襯衫 (衬衫) [chèn shān] “shirt; blouse” 

crepu harvest [ceu]

   收 [shōu] “to receive; to accept; to collect; in care of (used on address line after name)” 
   “Ernte, ernten (= harvest)” (source: chinaboard.de); cf. 收成 [shōu cheng] “harvest” (compound) 

cribe bear [cien]

   熊 [xióng] “bear; to scold; to rebuke” 

crida fairy [cian]

   僊 (仙) [xiān] “immortal” 
   cf. 仙女 [xiān nǚ] “fairy” (compound); “fairy; god; divine” (source: zhongwen.com) 

crino green [cin]

   青 [qīng] “green (blue, black); Qinghai province (abbrev.)” 

cripu bridge [ciau]

   橋 (桥) [qiáo] “bridge” 
   cf. 礄 [qiáo] “bridge” (variant) 

crisa summer [cia]

   夏 [xià] “summer; Xia (proper name)” 

critu autumn [cieu]

   秋 [qiū] “autumn; fall; harvest time; a swing” 

ctaru tide [cau]

   潮 [cháo] “tide; current; damp; moist; humid” 

ctebi lip [cuen]

   唇 [chún] “lip” 
   cf. 脣 [chún] “lip” (variant) 

cteki tax [cuei]

   稅 (税) [shuì] “taxes; duties” 

ctile petroleum [ciieu]

   石油 [shí yóu] “oil; petroleum” 

ctino shadow [iin]

   影 [yǐng] “picture; image; reflection; shadow” 

ctuca teach [ceu]

   授 [shòu] “to teach; to instruct; to award; to give” 

cukla round [cuan]

   圈 [quān] “circle; ring; loop” 

cukta book [cu]

   書 (书) [shū] “book; letter” 

culno full [cun]

   充 [chōng] “fill; satisfy; fulfill; to act in place of; substitute; sufficient; full” 

cumki possible [cu]

   許 (许) [xǔ] “to allow; to permit; to praise; (surname)” 
   “permit; perhaps” (source: zhongwen.com) 

cumla humble [cu]

   遜 (逊) [xùn] “to yield” 
   FIXIT correct transcription “cun”; “humble; inferior” (source: zhongwen.com); cf. 謙遜 (谦逊) [qiān xùn] “humble; humility; modesty” (compound) 

cunmi millet [cu]

   黍 [shǔ] “broomcorn millet; glutinous millet” 

cunso random [iun]

   運 (运) [yùn] “to move; to transport; to use; to apply; fortune; luck; fate” 

cuntu affair [ciuu]

   事務 (事务) [shì wù] “business; affairs” 

cupra produce [cu]

   出 [chū] “to go out; to come out; to occur; to produce; to go beyond; to rise; to put forth; to occur; to happen; (a measure word for dramas, plays, or operas)” 

curmi let [cu]

   許 (许) [xǔ] “to allow; to permit; to praise; (surname)” 

curnu worm [cun]

   虫 [chóng] “insect; worm” 

curve pure [cuen]

   純 (纯) [chún] “pure; simple; unmixed; genuine” 
   cf. 淳 [chún] “genuine; pure; honest” (variant); cf. 醇 [chún] “rich; pure; good wine; sterols” (variant) 

cusku express [cuo]

   說 (说) [shuō] “to speak; to say” 

cutci shoe [cie]

   鞋 [xié] “shoe” 

cutne chest [ciun]

   胸 [xiōng] “chest; bosom; heart; mind; thorax” 
   cf. 匈 [xiōng] “Hungary; thorax; chest” (variant) 

cuxna choose [cuan]

   選 (选) [xuǎn] “to choose; to pick; to select; to elect” 

D dacru drawer [ceuti]

   抽屜 (抽屉) [chōu ti] “drawer” 

dacti object [dunci]

   東西 (东西) [dōng xi] “thing; person” 
   “thing” (source: zhongwen.com) 

dakfu knife [dau]

   刀 [dāo] “knife” 

dakli sack [dai]

   袋 [dài] “a pouch; bag; sack; pocket” 

damba fight [da]

   打 [dǎ] “beat; strike; break; mix up; build; fight; fetch; make; tie up; issue; shoot; calculate; since; from” 

damri drum [daji]

   打擊 (打击) [dǎ jī] “to hit; to strike; to attack” 
   cf. 打擊樂器 (打击乐器) [dǎ jí yuè qì] “Schlaginstrument (= percussion instrument)” (compound) (source: chinaboard.de) 

dandu hang [diau]

   弔 (吊) [diào] “condole with; hang” 

danfu answer [dafu]

   答復 (答复) [dá fù] “answer; reply” 

danlu animal [dunuu]

   動物 (动物) [dòng wù] “animal” 

danmo smoke [ian]

   煙 (烟) [yān] “cigarette; tobacco; smoke” 

danre pressure [an]

   按 [àn] “to press (with the hand); to push; to control; to restrain; to check; pressing down (brush movement in painting); according to; in the light of” 

dansu dance [uudau]

   舞蹈 [wǔ dǎo] “dance” 

danti projectile [dan]

   彈 (弹) [dàn] “crossball; bullet; shot; shell; ball” 

daplu island [dau]

   島 (岛) [dǎo] “island” 

dapma curse [ma]

   罵 (骂) [mà] “scold; abuse” 
   cf. 傌 [mà] “to curse, to revile, to abuse; to scold” (variant) 

dargu road [dau]

   道 [dào] “direction; way; method; road; path; principle; truth; reason; skill; method; Tao (of Taoism); a measure word; to say; to speak; to talk” 

darlu argue [jenluen]

   爭論 (争论) [zhēng lùn] “to argue; to debate; to contend; argument; contention; controversy; debate” 

darno far [iaun]

   遠 (远) [yuǎn] “far; distant; remote” 
   FIXIT correct transcription “iuan” 

darsi audacity [xauiisi]

   好意思 [hǎo yì si] “to be brazen” 
   “sich nicht schämen (= not to be ashamed of)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

darxi hit [da]

   打 [dǎ] “beat; strike; break; mix up; build; fight; fetch; make; tie up; issue; shoot; calculate; since; from” 

daski pocket [dai]

   袋 [dài] “a pouch; bag; sack; pocket” 

dasni wear [dai]

   帶 (带) [dài] “band; belt; girdle; ribbon; area; zone; region; wear; carry; lead; bring; consists of; show; and” 

daspo destroy [po]

   破 [pò] “to break; to split; broken; damaged; worn out” 
   cf. 破壞 (破坏) [pò huài] “wreck; break; destroy” (compound) 

dasri ribbon [dai]

   帶 (带) [dài] “band; belt; girdle; ribbon; area; zone; region; wear; carry; lead; bring; consists of; show; and” 

datka duck [iazi]

   鴨子 (鸭子) [yā zi] “duck” 

datka duck [ia]

   鴨 (鸭) [yā] “duck” 

datni data [tunji]

   統計 (统计) [tǒng jì] “statistics” 

degji finger [ji]

   指 [zhǐ] “finger; to point; to direct; to indicate” 

dejni owe [jai]

   債 (债) [zhài] “debt” 

dekpu gallon [deu]

   斗 [dǒu] “Chinese peck” 

dembi bean [deu]

   豆 [dòu] “bean; sacrificial vessel” 
   cf. 豆類 (豆类) [dòu lèi] “bean” (compound); cf. 豆子 [dòu zi] “bean; pea” (compound); cf. 荳 (豆) [dòu] “bean; peas” (variant) 

denci tooth [ci]

   齒 (齿) [chǐ] “tooth” 

denmi dense [mi]

   密 [mì] “secret; confidential; close; thick; dense” 

denpa wait [den]

   等 [děng] “class; rank; grade; equal to; same as; wait for; await; et cetera; and so on” 

dertu dirt [tu]

   土 [tǔ] “earth; dust” 
   “soil; earth; dirt” (source: zhongwen.com) 

derxi heap [duei]

   堆 [duī] “a pile; a mass; heap; stack” 

desku shake [deu]

   哆 [duō] “quiver; woolen cloth” 

detri date [rici]

   日期 [rì qī] “date” 

detri date [rizi]

   日子 [rì zi] “a (calendar) date; day; livelihood; daily living” 

dicra interrupt [daca]

   打岔 [dǎ chà] “(n) interruption” 

dikca electric [dian]

   電 (电) [diàn] “electric; electricity; electrical” 

diklo local [di]

   地 [dì] “earth; ground; field; place; land” 
   FIXIT dubious; cf. 本地 [běn dì] “local; this locality” (compound) 

dikni regular [dinci]

   定期 [dìng qī] “regularly; at regular intervals” 

dilcu quotient [cu]

   除 [chú] “remove; do away with; wipe out; divide; except” 

dilnu cloud [iun]

   雲 (云) [yún] “cloud; (abbr.) for Yunnan; surname” 

dimna fate [iun]

   運 (运) [yùn] “to move; to transport; to use; to apply; fortune; luck; fate” 

dinju building [jianju]

   建築 (建筑) [jiàn zhù] “building; construct” 

dinko nail [din]

   釘 (钉) [dīng] “nail” 

donri daytime [ri]

   日 [rì] “day; sun; date; day of the month; Japan (abbrev.)” 

dirba dear [bau]

   寶 (宝) [bǎo] “a jewel or gem; a treasure; precious” 

dirce radiate [ce]

   射 [shè] “radio- (chem.); shoot” 
   cf. 幅射 [fú shè] “radiation; radiate” (compound) 

dirgo drop [di]

   滴 [dī] “a drop; to drip” 

dizlo low [di]

   低 [dī] “to lower (one's head); to let droop; to hang down; low; to incline; beneath; low” 

djacu water [cuei]

   水 [shuǐ] “water; river” 

djedi day [jeu]

   晝 (昼) [zhòu] “daytime” 

djica desire [iuan]

   願 (愿) [yuàn] “hope; wish; desire; ready; willing” 

djine ring [jie]

   戒 [jiè] “swear off; warn against” 
   “(Finger-)Ring (= ring)” (source: chinaboard.de); cf. 戒子 [jiè zi] “ring” (compound) 

djuno know [dun]

   懂 [dǒng] “to understand; to know” 

draci drama [ci]

   戲 (戏) [xì] “trick; drama; play; show” 

drani correct [dan]

   當 (当) [dàng] “at or in the very same...; to pawn; suitable; adequate; fitting; proper; replace; represent” 
   cf. 當 (当) [dāng] “to be; to act as; to hold a position (in space, time, or organizational space); manage; withstand; when; during; ought; should; match equally; equal; same; obstruct; just at (a time or place); on the spot; right; just at” (variant) 

drata other [ta]

   它 [tā] “it (used for things)” 
   cf. 其它 [qí tā] “other” (compound); cf. 他 [tā] “he; him” (variant); cf. 其他 [qí tā] “other; else” 

drudi roof [uudin]

   屋頂 (屋顶) [wū dǐng] “roof” 

dugri logarithm [dueicu]

   對數 (对数) [duì shù] “logarithm” 

dukse excess [due]

   多 [duō] “many; much; a lot of; numerous; multi-” 

dukti opposite [duei]

   對 (对) [duì] “couple; pair; to be opposite; to oppose; to face; for; to; correct (answer); to answer; to reply; to direct (towards sth); right” 

dunda give [sun]

   送 [sòng] “to deliver; to carry; to give (as a present); to present (with); to see off; to send” 

dunja freeze [dun]

   凍 (冻) [dòng] “to freeze” 

dunku anguish [tunku]

   痛苦 [tòng kǔ] “pain; suffering; painful” 

dunli equal [den]

   等 [děng] “class; rank; grade; equal to; same as; wait for; await; et cetera; and so on” 
   cf. 相等 [xiāng děng] “equal; equally; equivalent” (compound) 

dunra winter [dun]

   冬 [dōng] “winter” 

dzena ancestor [zen]

   曾 [zēng] “(surname); great-grand (father)” 

F facki discover [facian]

   發現 (发现) [fā xiàn] “to find; to discover” 

fadni ordinary [fan]

   凡 [fán] “ordinary; every; all; whatever; worldly” 

fagri fire [xue]

   火 [huǒ] “fire” 

falnu sail [fan]

   帆 [fān] “sail” 
   cf. 颿 [fán] “sail” (variant) 

famti aunt [fumu]

   父母 [fù mǔ] “parents” 
   “Eltern (= parents)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

fancu function [xancu]

   函數 (函数) [hán shù] “function” 

fange alien [uaigue]

   外國 (外国) [wài guó] “foreign (country)” 

fanmo end [mo]

   末 [mò] “end; final stage; latter part” 

fanri factory [can]

   廠 (厂) [chǎng] “cliff; slope; factory; yard; depot; workhouse; works; (industrial) plant” 

fanta prevent [fan]

   防 [fáng] “to protect; to defend; to guard (against)” 

fanva translate [fan]

   翻 [fān] “flit about; translate; turn over” 
   cf. 翻譯 (翻译) [fān yì] “translate” (compound); cf. 繙 [fān] “translate” (variant) 

fanza annoy [fan]

   煩 (烦) [fán] “feel vexed; to bother” 

fapro oppose [fan]

   反 [fǎn] “wrong side out or up; anti-” 
   cf. 反對 (反对) [fǎn duì] “to fight against; to oppose; to be opposed to; opposition” (compound) 

farlu fall [lue]

   落 [luò] “alight; to fall; to drop (behind)” 

farna direction [fan]

   方 [fāng] “square; quadrilateral; direction; just” 
   cf. 方向 [fāng xiàng] “direction; orientation; path to follow” (compound) 

farvi develop [fa]

   發 (发) [fā] “to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue; to develop” 

fasnu event [facen]

   發生 (发生) [fā shēng] “to happen; to occur; to take place” 

fatci fact [ci]

   實 (实) [shí] “real; true; honest; really; solid” 

fatne reverse [fan]

   反 [fǎn] “wrong side out or up; anti-” 

fatri distribute [fa]

   發 (发) [fā] “to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue; to develop” 
   cf. 分發 (分发) [fēn fā] “distribute; distribution” (compound) 

febvi boil [fei]

   沸 [fèi] “boil” 

fendi divide [fen]

   分 [fēn] “to divide; minute; (a measure word); (a unit of length = 0.33 centimeter)” 

fengu angry [fenu]

   憤怒 (愤怒) [fèn nù] “angry; indignant” 

fenki crazy [fen]

   瘋 (疯) [fēng] “insane; mad; wild” 

fenra crack [fen]

   縫 (缝) [fèng] “crack; seam” 

fenso sew [fen]

   縫 (缝) [féng] “to sew; to stitch” 

fepni cent [fen]

   分 [fēn] “to divide; minute; (a measure word); (a unit of length = 0.33 centimeter)” 
   cf. 分錢 (分钱) [fēn qián] “cent; penny” (compound) 

fepri lung [fei]

   肺 [fèi] “lung” 

ferti fertile [fei]

   肥 [féi] “loose-fitting; fat; fertile” 

festi waste [fei]

   費 (费) [fèi] “to cost; to spend; fee; wasteful; expenses; (surname)” 

fetsi female [si]

   雌 [cí] “female” 

figre fig [uuxuague]

   無花果 (无花果) [wú huā guǒ] “fig” 

finpe fish [iu]

   魚 (鱼) [yú] “fish” 

finti invent [famin]

   發明 (发明) [fā míng] “to invent; invention” 

flalu law [faliu]

   法律 [fǎ lǜ] “law” 

flani flute [guan]

   管 [guǎn] “to take care (of); to control; to manage; to be in charge of; to look after; to run; tube; pipe” 
   cf. 筦 [guǎn] “(surname); to control; tube; pipe” (variant) 

flecu flow [lieu]

   流 [liú] “to flow; to spread; to circulate; to move” 

fliba fail [cibai]

   失敗 (失败) [shī bài] “be defeated” 
   “fail; lose” (source: zhongwen.com) 

flira face [lian]

   臉 (脸) [liǎn] “face” 

foldi field [di]

   地 [dì] “earth; ground; field; place; land” 

fonmo foam [mo]

   沫 [mò] “foam; suds” 

fonxa telephone [dianxua]

   電話 (电话) [diàn huà] “telephone; phone call” 

forca fork [ca]

   叉 [chā] “fork; pitchfork; prong; pick; cross; intersect” 

frati react [faniin]

   反映 [fǎn yìng] “reaction; response; to reflect; to mirror” 
   cf. 反應 (反应) [fǎn yìng] “reaction; response; reply” (variant) 

fraxu forgive [rau]

   饒 (饶) [ráo] “(surname); to spare” 
   “begnadigen, jn. etw. nachsehen, jn. etw. verzeihen (= to pardon; to be lenient; to forgive)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

frica differ [ca]

   差 [chà] “differ from; short of; to lack; poor” 

frili easy [runii]

   容易 [róng yì] “easy; likely; liable (to)” 

frinu fraction [fencu]

   分數 (分数) [fēn shù] “fraction” 

friti offer [tigun]

   提供 [tí gōng] “to supply; to provide; to furnish” 

frumu frown [jeumeiteu]

   愁眉頭 (愁眉头) [chóu méi tóu] “frown” 
   FIXIT correct transcription “jeumeiteu”; cf. 愁眉苦臉 (愁眉苦脸) [chóu méi kǔ liǎn] “frown” (component); cf. 頭 (头) [tóu] “head” (component) 

fukpi copy [fu]

   復 (复) [fù] “again; recover; reply to a letter; to repeat; to duplicate” 

fulta float [fu]

   浮 [fú] “to float” 

funca luck [fu]

   福 [fú] “good fortune; happiness; luck; Fujian province (abbrev); a surname” 

fusra rotten [fu]

   腐 [fǔ] “decay; rotten” 

fuzme responsible [fuze]

   負責 (负责) [fù zé] “in charge of; to be responsible for (sth)” 

G gacri cover [gai]

   蓋 (盖) [gài] “lid; top; cover; canopy; to build” 

gadri article [guanci]

   冠詞 (冠词) [guàn cí] “article” 
   source: chinaboard.de; lit. “head word” 

galfi modify [gai]

   改 [gǎi] “to change; to alter; to transform; to correct” 

galtu high [gau]

   高 [gāo] “high; tall” 

galxe throat [xeu]

   喉 [hóu] “throat; larynx” 

ganlo closed [guan]

   關 (关) [guān] “(surname); mountain pass; to close; to shut; to turn off; to concern; to involve” 

ganra broad [guan]

   廣 (广) [guǎng] “wide; numerous; to spread” 

ganse sense [gan]

   感 [gǎn] “to feel; to move; to touch; to affect” 
   cf. 感官 [gǎn guān] “sense; sense organ” (compound); cf. 感覺 (感觉) [gǎn jué] “to feel; to become aware of; feeling; sense; perception” (compound) 

ganti testicle [gauuan]

   睾丸 [gāo wán] “testicle” 

ganxo anus [gan]

   肛 [gāng] “anus” 
   cf. 疘 [gāng] “anus” (variant) 

ganzu organize [zu]

   組 (组) [zǔ] “to form; compose; make up; group; to organize; cord” 

gapci gas [ci]

   氣 (气) [qì] “gas; air; smell; weather; vital breath; to make sb. angry; to get angry; to be enraged” 
   cf. 气 [qì] “air; anger; gas” (variant) 

gapru above [gau]

   高 [gāo] “high; tall” 
   “high level” (source: zhongwen.com) 

garna rail [gan]

   槓 [gàng] “carrying pole; horizontal bar” 
   cf. 杠 [gàng] “carrying pole; horizontal bar” (variant) 

gasnu do [gan]

   幹 (干) [gàn] “main part of something; to manage; to work; to do; capable; tree trunk; to kill (slang)” 

gasta steel [gan]

   鋼 (钢) [gāng] “steel” 

genja root [gen]

   根 [gēn] “radical (chem.); root; basis” 

genxu hook [geu]

   鉤 (钩) [gōu] “entice; hook” 

gerku dog [geu]

   狗 [gǒu] “dog” 

gerna grammar [uenfa]

   文法 [wén fǎ] “grammar” 

gidva guide [dau]

   導 (导) [dǎo] “to transmit; to lead; to guide; to conduct; to direct” 
   cf. 嚮導 (向导) [xiàng dǎo] “guide” (compound) 

ginka camp [iin]

   營 (营) [yíng] “army; to deal in; to trade; to operate; to run; camp; nourishment; to manage” 

girzu group [zu]

   組 (组) [zǔ] “to form; compose; make up; group; to organize; cord” 

gismu primitive [geniuan]

   根源 [gēn yuán] “origin; root (cause)” 

glare hot [re]

   熱 (热) [rè] “heat; to heat up; fervent; hot (of weather); warm up” 
   cf. 爇 [rè] “heat; to burn” (variant) 

gleki happy [le]

   樂 (乐) [lè] “(surname); happy; laugh; cheerful” 
   cf. 歡樂 (欢乐) [huān lè] “gaiety; gladness; glee; merriment; pleasure; happy; joyous; gay” (compound); cf. 快樂 (快乐) [kuài lè] “happy; merry” (compound) 

gletu copulate [geu]

   姤 [gòu] “copulate; good” 

gluta glove [ceutau]

   手套 [shǒu tào] “glove; mitten” 

gradu unit [du]

   度 [dù] “capacity; degree; standard” 

grake gram [ke]

   克 [kè] “gram; subdue; to restrain; to overcome” 

grana rod [gan]

   棍子 [gùn zi] “stick; rod” 

grasu grease [gau]

   膏 [gāo] “ointment; paste” 
   “grease, fat” (source: zhongwen.com) 

greku frame [geu]

   篝 [gōu] “bamboo frame for drying clothes” 

grusi gray [xuei]

   灰 [huī] “gray; ash” 

grute fruit [gue]

   果 [guǒ] “fruit; result” 

gubni public [gun]

   公 [gōng] “just; honorable (designation); public; common” 

gugde country [gue]

   國 (国) [guó] “country; state; nation” 

gundi industry [gunie]

   工業 (工业) [gōng yè] “industry” 

gunka work [gun]

   工 [gōng] “work; worker; skill; profession; trade; craft; labor” 

gunma jointly [gun]

   共 [gòng] “all together; in while; to share; common; general; together; total” 

gunro roll [guen]

   滾 (滚) [gǔn] “to boil; to roll” 

gunse goose [e]

   鵝 (鹅) [é] “goose” 

gunta attack [gun]

   攻 [gōng] “to attack; to accuse; to study” 

gurni grain [gu]

   穀 (谷) [gǔ] “grain; corn” 

guska scrape [gua]

   刮 [guā] “to scrape; to blow” 

gusni illumine [guan]

   光 [guāng] “light; ray; bright” 

gusta restaurant [guan]

   館 (馆) [guǎn] “house; establishment” 
   cf. 餐館 (餐馆) [cān guǎn] “restaurant” (compound); cf. 飯館 (饭馆) [fàn guǎn] “restaurant” (compound) 

gutci cubit [ci]

   咫 [zhǐ] “8 in. length unit of Zhou dynasty” 
   FIXIT correct transcription “ji” 

gutra womb [zigun]

   子宮 (子宫) [zǐ gōng] “uterus; womb” 

guzme melon [gua]

   瓜 [guā] “melon; claw; gourd; squash” 

J jabre brake [ja]

   剎 (刹) [shā] “to brake (car)” 
   FIXIT correct transcription “ca” 

jadni adorn [juanci]

   裝飾 (装饰) [zhuāng shì] “adorn; ornaments” 

jakne rocket [xuejian]

   火箭 [huǒ jiàn] “rocket” 

jalge result [jiegue]

   結果 (结果) [jié guǒ] “outcome; result” 

jalna starch [jian]

   糨 [jiàng] “starch; paste; to starch” 

jalra cockroach [janlan]

   蟑螂 [zhāng láng] “cockroach” 

jamfu foot [jiau]

   腳 (脚) [jiǎo] “foot; base” 

jamna war [jan]

   戰 (战) [zhàn] “to fight; fight; war; battle” 

janbe bell [jun]

   鐘 (钟) [zhōng] “clock; time as measured in hours and minutes; bell” 

janco shoulder [jian]

   肩 [jiān] “shoulder” 

janli collide [juan]

   撞 [zhuàng] “to hit; to strike; to meet by accident; to run into; to bump against; to bump into” 

jansu diplomat [uaijiau]

   外交 [wài jiāo] “diplomacy; diplomatic; foreign affairs” 

janta account [jan]

   帳 (帐) [zhàng] “account; mosquito net; tent; curtain; debt; credit” 
   cf. 賬 (账) [zhàng] “account” (variant) 

jarbu suburb [jiau]

   郊 [jiāo] “suburb” 

jarco show [jancu]

   展出 [zhǎn chū] “to put on display; to be on show; to exhibit” 
   FIXIT dubious 

jarki narrow [jai]

   窄 [zhǎi] “narrow” 

jaspu passport [xujau]

   護照 (护照) [hù zhào] “passport” 

jatna captain [jan]

   長 (长) [zhǎng] “chief; head; elder; to grow; to develop” 

javni rule [jan]

   程 [chéng] “rule; order; regulations; formula; journey; procedure; sequence; a surname” 
   FIXIT correct transcription “cen”; cf. 章 [zhāng] “(surname); chapter; seal; section” (variant); cf. 規章 (规章) [guī zhāng] “rule; regulation” 

jbama bomb [jadan]

   炸彈 (炸弹) [zhà dàn] “bomb” 

jbari berry [jiangue]

   漿果 (浆果) [jiāng guǒ] “berry” 

jbena born [cen]

   生 [shēng] “to be born; to give birth; life; to grow” 

jbera borrow [jie]

   借 [jiè] “to lend; to borrow; excuse; pretext; by means of” 

jbini between [jian]

   間 (间) [jiān] “between; among; space; (measure word)” 

jdari firm [jian]

   監 (监) [jiān] “hard; strong; solid; firm; to supervise; to inspect; jail; prison” 
   cf. 堅 (坚) [jiān] “strong; solid; firm; unyielding; resolute” (variant) 

jdice decide [jiue]

   決 (决) [jué] “breach (a dyke); to decide; to determine” 

jdika decrease [jian]

   減 (减) [jiǎn] “to lower; to decrease; to reduce; to subtract; to diminish” 

jdima price [jia]

   價 (价) [jià] “price; value; valence (on an atom)” 

jdini money [jin]

   金 [jīn] “metal; money; gold” 

jduli jelly [dun]

   凍 (冻) [dòng] “to freeze” 
   FIXIT dubious; cf. 果子凍 (果子冻) [guǒ zi dòng] “jelly” (compound) 

jecta polity [jen]

   政 [zhèng] “political; politics; government” 

jeftu week [jeu]

   週 (周) [zhōu] “cycle; week” 
   cf. 周 [zhōu] “(surname); complete; encircle; circuit; lap; week; cycle; all; every; attentive; thoughtful” (variant) 

jelca burn [cau]

   燒 (烧) [shāo] “to burn; to cook; to stew; to bake; to roast; fever” 

jemna gem [jenbau]

   珍寶 [zhēn bǎo] “jewellry” 
   “Schmucksachen (= jewellry)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

jenca shock [jen]

   震 [zhèn] “shake; shock; sign in trigram” 

jendu axle [jeu]

   軸 (轴) [zhóu] “axis; axle” 

jenmi army [juen]

   軍 (军) [jūn] “army; military; arms” 

jerna earn [jen]

   掙 (挣) [zhèng] “to earn; to make (money)” 

jersi chase [juei]

   追 [zhuī] “pursue (a problem); to chase” 

jesni needle [jen]

   針 (针) [zhēn] “injection; needle; pin” 
   cf. 鍼 (针) [zhēn] “needle” (variant) 

jetce jet [ce]

   射 [shè] “radio- (chem.); shoot” 
   cf. 噴射 (喷射) [pēn shè] “jet; spurt” (compound) 

jetnu true [jen]

   真 [zhēn] “real; true; genuine” 

jgalu claw [jau]

   爪 [zhuǎ] “claw” 
   FIXIT correct transcription “jua” 

jganu angle [jiau]

   角 [jiǎo] “angle; horn; horn-shaped” 

jgari grasp [jua]

   抓 [zhuā] “to grab; to catch; to arrest; to snatch” 

jgena knot [jie]

   結 (结) [jiē] “knot; sturdy; to bear (fruit); bond; to tie; to bind” 

jgina gene [jiiin]

   基因 [jī yīn] “genes” 

jgira pride [jiau]

   驕 (骄) [jiāo] “proud; arrogant” 

jgita guitar [jita]

   吉他 [jí tā] “guitar” 

jibni near [jin]

   近 [jìn] “near; close (to); approximately” 

jibri job [jiie]

   職業 (职业) [zhí yè] “job occupation; profession” 

jicla stir [jiau]

   攪 (搅) [jiǎo] “to disturb; to annoy; to mix; to stir” 

jicmu basis [jicu]

   基礎 (基础) [jī chǔ] “base; foundation; basis” 

jijnu intuit [jijue]

   直覺 (直觉) [zhí jué] “intuition” 

jikca socialize [jiau]

   交 [jiāo] “to deliver; to turn over; to make friends; to intersect (lines); to pay (money)” 

jikru liquor [jieu]

   酒 [jiǔ] “wine; liquor; spirits” 

jilka alkali [jian]

   鹼 (碱) [jiǎn] “alkali; soda” 
   cf. 鹼 (硷) [jiǎn] “base (chem.); soda; alkali” (variant); cf. 堿 [jiǎn] “alkali; soda” (variant) 

jilra jealous [ji]

   忌 [jì] “avoid as taboo; jealous” 

jimca branch [ji]

   枝 [zhī] “branch; (a measure word)” 
   cf. 支 [zhī] “(a measure word); to support; to sustain; to erect; to raise; branch; division; to draw money” (variant) 

jimpe understand [jie]

   解 [jiě] “to separate; to divide; to break up; to loosen; to explain; to untie; to emancipate” 
   cf. 理解 [lǐ jiě] “to comprehend; understanding; comprehension; to understand” (compound); cf. 瞭解 (了解) [liǎo jiě] “to understand” (compound) 

jimte limit [jie]

   界 [jiè] “boundary; scope; extent; circles; group; kingdom (taxonomy)” 

jinci shears [jian]

   剪 [jiǎn] “cut with scissors; scissors” 
   cf. 翦 [jiǎn] “cut with scissors; scissors” (variant) 

jinga win [iin]

   贏 (赢) [yíng] “to beat; to win; to profit” 
   cf. 贏得 (赢得) [yíng dé] “win; gain” (compound) 

jinku vaccine [jiejun]

   接種 (接种) [jiē zhòng] “vaccinate; inoculate” 

jinme metal [jin]

   金 [jīn] “metal; money; gold” 

jinru immerse [jin]

   浸 [jìn] “immerse; soak; steep” 
   cf. 浸泡 [jìn pào] “steep; soak; immerse” (compound); cf. 寖 [jìn] “immerse; soak” (variant) 

jinsa clean [jin]

   淨 (净) [jìng] “clean; completely; only” 
   cf. 凈 (净) [jìng] “clean” (variant) 

jinto well [jin]

   井 [jǐng] “warn; well” 
   cf. 丼 [jǐng] “bowl of food; well” (variant) 

jinvi opine [jian]

   想 [xiǎng] “to think; to believe; to suppose; to wish; to want; to miss” 
   FIXIT correct transcription “cian” 

jinzi innate [neizai]

   內在 (内在) [nèi zài] “(adj) intrinsic” 

jipci chicken [ji]

   雞 (鸡) [jī] “fowl; chicken” 

jipno tip [jian]

   尖 [jiān] “point (of needle); sharp; shrewd; pointed” 

jirna horn [jiau]

   角 [jiǎo] “angle; horn; horn-shaped” 

jisra juice [ji]

   汁 [zhī] “juice” 

jitfa false [jia]

   假 [jiǎ] “fake; false; artificial; to borrow; if; suppose” 

jitro control [ji]

   治 [zhì] “to rule; to govern; to manage; to control; to harness (a river); cure; treatment;” 
   cf. 治理 [zhì lǐ] “govern; administer; control” (compound); cf. 制 [zhì] “system; to make; to manufacture; to control; to regulate” (variant); cf. 管制 [guǎn zhì] “control; supervision” (variant compound) 

jivbu weave [ji]

   織 (织) [zhī] “weave” 

jivna compete [jin]

   競 (竞) [jìng] “to compete; to contend; to struggle” 

jmaji gather [ji]

   集 [jí] “to gather; to collect; collected works” 

jmifa shoal [jiau]

   礁 [jiāo] “reef; shoal rock” 

jmina add [jia]

   加 [jiā] “to add; plus” 

jmive live [min]

   命 [mìng] “life; fate” 

jorne joined [jie]

   接 [jiē] “to extend; to connect; to receive; to join” 

jubme table [jue]

   桌 [zhuō] “table” 
   cf. 棹 [zhuō] “table” (variant) 

judri address [juji]

   住址 [zhù zhǐ] “address” 
   source: zhongwen.com 

jufra sentence [ju]

   句 [jù] “(a measure word, for sentences or lines of verse); sentence” 

jukni spider [ju]

   蛛 [zhū] “spider” 

jukpa cook [ju]

   煮 [zhǔ] “to cook; to boil” 

julne net [uan]

   網 (网) [wǎng] “net; network” 

jundi attentive [juii]

   注意 [zhù yì] “take note of; (pay) attention (to)” 

junla clock [jun]

   鐘 (钟) [zhōng] “clock; time as measured in hours and minutes; bell” 

junri serious [jun]

   重 [zhòng] “heavy; serious” 

junta weight [jun]

   重 [zhòng] “heavy; serious” 
   cf. 權重 (权重) [quán zhòng] “weight” (compound); cf. 重量 [zhòng liàng] “weight” (compound) 

jurme germ [juen]

   菌 [jūn] “germ; bacteria” 

jursa severe [ju]

   劇 (剧) [jù] “drama; play; show; severe” 
   cf. 劇烈 (剧烈) [jù liè] “violent; acute; severe; fierce” (compound) 

jutsi species [jun]

   種 (种) [zhǒng] “kind; type; race; breed; seed; species (taxonomy)” 

juxre clumsy [jue]

   拙 [zhuó] “awkward; clumsy; dull; inelegant; (polite) my” 

jvinu view [jin]

   景 [jǐng] “bright; circumstance; scenery” 
   cf. 景色 [jǐng sè] “scenery; scene; landscape; view” (compound) 

K kabri cup [bei]

   杯 [bēi] “cup; a measure word” 

kacma camera [jaucianji]

   照相機 (照相机) [zhào xiàng jī] “camera” 
   cf. 照像機 (照像机) [zhào xiàng jī] “camera” (variant) 

kafke cough [ke]

   咳 [ké] “cough” 

kagni company [gunsi]

   公司 [gōng sī] “(business) company; company; firm; corporation; incorporated” 

kajde warn [jie]

   戒 [jiè] “swear off; warn against” 

kajna shelf [jia]

   架 [jià] “to support; frame; rack; framework; measure word for planes, large vehicles, radios, etc.” 
   cf. 架子 [jià zi] “shelf; frame; stand; skeleton” (compound) 

kakne able [nen]

   能 [néng] “can; may; capable; energy; able” 

kakpa dig [pau]

   刨 [páo] “eliminate; to dig; to question” 

kalci feces [ci]

   屎 [shǐ] “stool; feces” 

kalri open [kai]

   開 (开) [kāi] “open; operate (vehicle); start” 

kalsa chaotic [luan]

   亂 (乱) [luàn] “in confusion; disorderly” 
   cf. 凌亂 (凌乱) [líng luàn] “chaos” (compound) 

kalte hunt [lie]

   獵 (猎) [liè] “hunting” 

kamju column [ju]

   柱 [zhù] “pillar” 

kamni committee [ueiiuanxuei]

   委員會 (委员会) [wěi yuán huì] “committee” 

kampu common [pu]

   普 [pǔ] “general; popular; everywhere; universal” 
   cf. 普通 [pǔ tōng] “common; ordinary; general; average” (compound) 

kanba goat [cianian]

   山羊 [shān yáng] “goat” 

kancu count [cu]

   數 (数) [shù] “number; figure; to count; to calculate; several” 

kandi dim [an]

   暗 [àn] “dark; gloomy; hidden; secret” 

kanji calculate [ji]

   計 (计) [jì] “to calculate; to compute; to count; reckon; ruse; to plan” 

kanla eye [ian]

   眼 [yǎn] “eye” 

kanro healthy [kan]

   康 [kāng] “peaceful; spongy (of radishes)” 
   “health” (source: chinaboard.de) 

kansa with [kan]

   看 [kān] “to look after; to take care of; to watch; to guard” 
   FIXIT dubious; cf. 跟 [gēn] “to follow; to go with; heel; with; and” (variant) 

kantu quantum [guan]

   光 [guāng] “light; ray; bright” 
   cf. 光子 [guāng zǐ] “(phys.) photon (particle or quantum of light)” (compound) 

kantu quantum [lian]

   量 [liàng] “capacity; quantity; amount; to estimate” 
   cf. 量子 [liàng zǐ] “quantum” (compound) 

kanxe conjunction [xe]

   和 [hé] “and; together with; with; peace; harmony; union” 

karbi compare [bi]

   比 [bǐ] “(particle used for comparison and "-er than"); to compare; to contrast; to gesture (with hands); ratio” 

karce car [ce]

   車 (车) [chē] “car; a vehicle; machine; to shape with a lathe” 

karda card [kapian]

   卡片 [kǎ piàn] “card” 

kargu costly [guei]

   貴 (贵) [guì] “expensive; noble; your (name); precious” 

karli collar [lin]

   領 (领) [lǐng] “neck; collar; to lead; to receive” 

karni journal [kan]

   刊 [kān] “to print; publish” 

katna cut [kan]

   刊 [kān] “to print; publish” 
   “cut; engrave” (source: zhongwen.com) 

kavbu capture [bu]

   捕 [bǔ] “to catch; to seize; to capture; to catch” 

kecti pity [keci]

   可惜 [kě xī] “it is a pity; what a pity; (it's) too bad” 

kelci play [ci]

   戲 (戏) [xì] “trick; drama; play; show” 
   cf. 遊戲 (游戏) [yóu xì] “game; play” (compound) 

kenra cancer [aijen]

   癌癥 (癌症) [ái zhèng] “cancer” 

kensa outer space [kunjian]

   空間 (空间) [kōng jiān] “space” 
   cf. 外層空間 (外层空间) [wài céng kōng jiān] “outer space” (compound) 

kerfa hair [fa]

   髮 (发) [fà] “hair” 

kerlo ear [er]

   耳 [ěr] “ear” 

kevna cavity [ken]

   坑 [kēng] “pit; to defraud” 
   cf. 阬 [kēng] “pit; to defraud” (variant) 

kicne cushion [dian]

   墊 (垫) [diàn] “pad; cushion; mat” 

kijno oxygen [ian]

   氧 [yǎng] “oxygen” 

kinli sharp [li]

   利 [lì] “advantage; benefit; profit; sharp” 

klaji street [jie]

   街 [jiē] “street” 

klaku weep [ku]

   哭 [kū] “to cry; to weep” 

klama come [lai]

   來 (来) [lái] “to come” 
   cf. 徠 (徕) [lái] “to come” (variant) 

klani quantity [lian]

   量 [liàng] “capacity; quantity; amount; to estimate” 

klesi class [lei]

   類 (类) [lèi] “kind; type; class; category; similar; like; to resemble ” 

klina clear [cin]

   清 [qīng] “clear; distinct; complete; pure” 

kliru chlorine [liu]

   氯 [lǜ] “chlorine” 

kliti clay [nitu]

   泥土 [ní tǔ] “earth; soil; clay” 

klupe screw [lue]

   螺 [luó] “screw; snail” 

kluza loose [kuan]

   寬 (宽) [kuān] “lenient; wide; broad” 

kobli cabbage [baisai]

   白菜 [bái cài] “Chinese cabbage” 

kojna corner [jiau]

   角 [jiǎo] “angle; horn; horn-shaped” 
   cf. 角落 [jiǎo luò] “corner” (compound) 

kolme coal [mei]

   煤 [méi] “coal” 

komcu comb [cu]

   梳 [shū] “comb” 

konju cone [juei]

   錐 (锥) [zhuī] “awl; to bore” 
   cf. 圓錐體 (圆锥体) [yuán zhuī tǐ] “cone” (compound) 

korbi edge [bian]

   邊 (边) [biān] “side; edge; margin; border; boundary” 

korcu bent [cu]

   曲 [qū] “bent; crooked; wrong” 
   cf. 屈 [qū] “bent; feel wronged” (variant) 

korka cork [ruanmu]

   軟木 (软木) [ruǎn mù] “softwood” 
   cf. 軟木塞 (软木塞) [ruǎn mù sāi] “cork” (compound) 

kosta coat [uaii]

   外衣 [wài yī] “outer clothing; semblance; appearance” 

kramu acre [mu]

   畝 (亩) [mǔ] “about 1; 6 acre (M)” 

krasi source [kai]

   開 (开) [kāi] “open; operate (vehicle); start” 
   cf. 開端 (开端) [kāi duān] “start; beginning” (compound); cf. 開始 (开始) [kāi shǐ] “begin; beginning; start; initial” (compound) 

krati represent [kai]

   楷 [kǎi] “norm; model; (writing)” 
   FIXIT dubious 

krefu recur [fu]

   復 (复) [fù] “again; recover; reply to a letter; to repeat; to duplicate” 
   cf. 複 [fù] “repeat, double, overlap” (variant) 

krici believe [cin]

   信 [xìn] “letter; true; to believe; sign; evidence” 

krili crystal [cueijin]

   水晶 [shuǐ jīng] “crystal” 

krinu reason [ieu]

   由 [yóu] “follow; from; it is for...to; reason; cause; because of; due to; by; to; to leave it (to sb)” 

krixa cry [xan]

   喊 [hǎn] “call; cry; to shout” 

kruca intersect [ca]

   叉 [chā] “fork; pitchfork; prong; pick; cross; intersect” 
   cf. 交叉 [jiāo chā] “cross; intersect” (compound) 

kruji cream [ruji]

   乳劑 (乳剂) [rǔ jì] “emulsion” 

kruvi curve [cucian]

   曲線 (曲线) [qū xiàn] “(n) curved shape; (adv) indirectly; roundabout” 

kubli cube [lifan]

   立方 [lì fāng] “cube” 

kucli curious [xauci]

   好奇 [hào qí] “curious; inquisitive” 

kufra comfort [cufu]

   舒服 [shū fú] “comfortable” 
   source: zhongwen.com 

kukte delicious [kekeu]

   可口 [kě kǒu] “tasty; to taste good” 

kulnu culture [uen]

   文 [wén] “language; culture; writing; formal; literary; gentle” 

kumfa room [fan]

   房 [fáng] “house” 
   “Haus; Zimmer (= house; room)” (source: chinaboard.de); cf. 房間 (房间) [fáng jiān] “room” (compound) 

kumte camel [luetue]

   駱駝 (骆驼) [luò tuo] “camel” 

kunra mineral [kuan]

   礦 (矿) [kuàng] “ore; mine” 

kunti empty [kun]

   空 [kōng] “air; sky; empty; in vain” 

kurfa square [fan]

   方 [fāng] “square; quadrilateral; direction; just” 

kurji take care of [jin]

   廑 [jǐn] “careful; hut” 

kurki bitter [ku]

   苦 [kǔ] “bitter; intensely; miserable; painful” 

kuspe range [kue]

   擴 (扩) [kuò] “enlarge” 
   FIXIT dubious; see gismu def. “x1 extends over interval x2” 

kusru cruel [ku]

   酷 [kù] “ruthless; strong (as of wine); (slang loan from English) cool, great” 
   cf. 殘酷 (残酷) [cán kù] “cruel; cruelty” (compound) 

L labno wolf [lan]

   狼 [láng] “wolf” 

lacpu pull [la]

   拉 [lā] “to pull; to play (string instruments); to drag; to draw” 

lacri rely [lai]

   賴 (赖) [lài] “disclaim; rely; to blame” 

ladru milk [ru]

   乳 [rǔ] “breast; milk” 

lafti lift [ti]

   提 [tí] “to carry; to lift; to put forward; (upwards character stroke); lifting (brush stroke in painting); to mention” 

lakne probable [kenen]

   可能 [kě néng] “might (happen); possible; probable; possibility; probability” 

lakse wax [la]

   蠟 (蜡) [là] “candle; wax” 

lalxu lake [xu]

   湖 [hú] “lake” 

lamji adjacent [linjin]

   鄰近 (邻近) [lín jìn] “neighboring; adjacent; near; vicinity” 

lanbi protein [danbai]

   蛋白 [dàn bái] “egg white; protein; albumen” 

lanci flag [ci]

   旗 [qí] “banner; flag” 
   cf. 旂 [qí] “flag” (variant) 

lanka basket [lan]

   籃 (篮) [lán] “basket; goal” 

lanli analyze [ianjieu]

   研究 [yán jiū] “research” 

lanme sheep [ian]

   羊 [yáng] “(surname); sheep” 

lante can [guanteu]

   罐頭 (罐头) [guàn tou] “tin; can” 

lanxe balance [pinxen]

   平衡 [píng héng] “balance; equilibrium” 

lanzu family [zu]

   族 [zú] “race; nationality; ethnicity; clan” 

larcu art [iicu]

   藝術 (艺术) [yì shù] “art” 

lasna fasten [lian]

   聯 (联) [lián] “to ally; to unite; to join” 
   “connect; join; ally” (source: zhongwen.com); cf. 連 (连) [lián] “(surname); even; as; join; to link; successively” (variant); “connect; join” (source: zhongwen.com) 

lastu brass [xuantun]

   黃銅 (黄铜) [huáng tóng] “brass” 

latna lotus [lian]

   蓮 (莲) [lián] “lotus” 

lazni lazy [lan]

   懶 (懒) [lǎn] “lazy” 
   cf. 嬾 [lǎn] “lazy” (variant) 

lebna take [na]

   拿 [ná] “to hold; to seize; to catch; to apprehend; to take” 
   cf. 拏 [ná] “apprehend; take” (variant); cf. 挐 [ná] “apprehend; take” (variant) 

lenjo lens [jin]

   鏡 (镜) [jìng] “mirror” 

lenjo lens [teujin]

   透鏡 (透镜) [tòu jìng] “lens (optics)” 

lenku cold [len]

   冷 [lěng] “cold” 

lerci late [ci]

   遲 (迟) [chí] “late; delayed; slow” 

lerfu letteral [fu]

   符 [fú] “mark; sign; talisman; to seal; to correspond (to); tally; symbol; written” 

lidne leader [lin]

   領 (领) [lǐng] “neck; collar; to lead; to receive” 
   cf. 領先 (领先) [lǐng xiān] “to lead; to be in front” (compound); cf. 領袖 (领袖) [lǐng xiù] “leader” (compound) 

lifri experience [li]

   歷 (历) [lì] “to experience; to undergo; to pass through; all; each; every; calendar” 
   cf. 經歷 (经历) [jīng lì] “experience; go through” (compound) 

lijda religion [jiau]

   教 [jiào] “religion; teaching” 

limna swim [iun]

   泳 [yǒng] “swimming; to swim” 

lindi lightning [leidian]

   雷電 (雷电) [léi diàn] “thunder and lightning” 
   “Blitz und Donner (= lightning and thunder)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

linji line [ji]

   直 [zhí] “straight; vertical; frank; directly; straightly; upright” 

linsi chain [lian]

   鏈 (链) [liàn] “chain; lead or tin ore” 

linto lightweight [cin]

   輕 (轻) [qīng] “light; easy; gentle; soft; reckless; unimportant; frivolous; small in number; unstressed; neutral; soft” 

lisri story [lici]

   歷史 (历史) [lì shǐ] “history” 

liste list [lie]

   列 [liè] “to arrange; to line up; row; file; series” 
   cf. 列表 [liè biǎo] “list” (compound) 

litce liter [cen]

   升 [shēng] “to raise; to hoist; to promote; pint” 
   cf. 公升 [gōng shēng] “liter” (compound) 

litki liquid [ieti]

   液體 (液体) [yè tǐ] “liquid” 

litru travel [liu]

   旅 [lǚ] “trip; travel” 

livga liver [gan]

   肝 [gān] “liver” 

livla fuel [ranliau]

   燃料 [rán liào] “fuel” 

logji logic [lueji]

   邏輯 (逻辑) [luó ji] “logic” 

loldi floor [di]

   地 [dì] “earth; ground; field; place; land” 

lorxu fox [xu]

   狐 [hú] “fox” 

lumci wash [ci]

   洗 [xǐ] “to wash; to bathe” 

lunbe bare [lue]

   裸 [luǒ] “naked” 
   cf. 臝 [luǒ] “naked” (variant) 

lunra lunar [iue]

   月 [yuè] “moon; month” 

lunsa condense [lu]

   FIXIT missing 

M mabla derogative [bian]

   貶 (贬) [biǎn] “to diminish; to demote; reduce or devaluate; disparage; censure; depreciate” 

mabru mammal [buru]

   哺乳 [bǔ rǔ] “breast-feed; suckle; nurse” 
   cf. 哺乳動物 (哺乳动物) [bǔ rǔ dòng wù] “mammal” (compound) 

macnu manual [ceugun]

   手工 [shǒu gōng] “handwork; manual” 

makcu mature [cu]

   熟 [shú] “familiar; skilled; ripe; done; ripe; cooked” 

makfa magic [fa]

   法 [fǎ] “law; method; way; Buddhist teaching; Legalist; France (abbrev.)” 
   FIXIT dubious; cf. 法寶 [fǎ bǎo] “magic sword” (compound); cf. 變戲法 (变戏法) [biàn xì fǎ] “to perform conjuring tricks” (compound); cf. 沷 [fā] “to remove evil; to cleanse; to wash away” (variant) 

maksi magnet [si]

   磁 [cí] “magnetic; magnetism; porcelain” 

malsi temple [si]

   寺 [sì] “Buddhist temple” 
   cf. 寺廟 (寺庙) [sì miào] “temple; monastery; shrine” (compound) 

mamta mother [mama]

   媽媽 (妈妈) [mā ma] “mama; mommy” 

mamta mother [ma]

   媽 (妈) [mā] “ma; mamma” 
   cf. 嬤 (嬷) [mā] “ma; mamma” (variant) 

manci wonder [ci]

   奇 [qí] “strange; odd; weird; wonderful” 
   cf. 奇蹟 (奇迹) [qí jì] “miracle; miraculous; wonder” (compound) 

manfo uniform [iiian]

   一元 [yī yuán] “uniform” 
   “einheitlich (= uniform)” (source: chinaboard.de); FIXIT correct transcription “iiiuan” 

manku dark [an]

   暗 [àn] “dark; gloomy; hidden; secret” 

manri reference [an]

   按 [àn] “to press (with the hand); to push; to control; to restrain; to check; pressing down (brush movement in painting); according to; in the light of” 

mansa satisfy [man]

   滿 (满) [mǎn] “Manchurian; to fill; to fulfill; filled; packed” 
   cf. 滿足 (满足) [mǎn zú] “to satisfy; to meet (the needs of)” (compound) 

manti ant [maii]

   螞蟻 (蚂蚁) [mǎ yǐ] “(n) ant” 

mapku cap [mau]

   帽 [mào] “hat; cap” 

mapni cotton [mian]

   棉 [mián] “cotton” 

mapti fit [pei]

   配 [pèi] “to join; to fit; to mate; to mix; to match; to deserve; to make up (a prescription)” 

marbi shelter [bi]

   庇 [bì] “to protect; cover; shelter; hide or harbor” 

marce vehicle [ce]

   車 (车) [chē] “car; a vehicle; machine; to shape with a lathe” 

marde morals [de]

   德 [dé] “Germany; virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind” 

margu mercury [gun]

   汞 [gǒng] “mercury” 

marji material [ji]

   質 (质) [zhì] “hostage; substance; nature; quality” 
   cf. 物質 (物质) [wù zhì] “matter; substance; material; materialistic” (compound) 

marna hemp [ma]

   麻 [má] “(to have) pins and needles; tingling; hemp; numb; to bother” 

marxa mash [iaxuai]

   壓懷 (压怀) [yā huái] “mash” 
   “zerdrücken (= to crush)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

masno slow [man]

   慢 [màn] “slow” 

masti month [iue]

   月 [yuè] “moon; month” 

matci mat [ci]

   席 [xí] “banquet; woven mat; seat; place” 
   cf. 蓆 (席) [xí] “woven mat” (variant) 

matli linen [ma]

   麻 [má] “(to have) pins and needles; tingling; hemp; numb; to bother” 
   cf. 亞麻布 (亚麻布) [yà má bù] “linen” (compound) 

matne butter [xuanieu]

   黃油 (黄油) [huáng yóu] “butter” 

matra motor [mada]

   馬達 (马达) [mǎ dá] “motor” 

mavji oats [ianmai]

   燕麥 (燕麦) [yān mài] “oat” 

maxri wheat [mai]

   麥 (麦) [mài] “(surname); wheat; barley; oats” 

mebri brow [mei]

   眉 [méi] “eyebrow; upper margin” 

melbi beautiful [mei]

   美 [měi] “America; beautiful” 
   cf. 媄 [měi] “beautiful” (variant); cf. 媺 [měi] “beautiful” (variant) 

menli mind [cinli]

   心理 [xīn lǐ] “mental; psychological” 
   cf. 心裡 (心里) [xīn lǐ] “(n) ones heart and mind” (variant) 

mensi sister [mei]

   妹 [mèi] “younger sister” 

mentu minute [fen]

   分 [fēn] “to divide; minute; (a measure word); (a unit of length = 0.33 centimeter)” 

merli measure [lian]

   量 [liàng] “capacity; quantity; amount; to estimate” 

midju middle [jun]

   中 [zhōng] “within; among; in; middle; center; while (doing sth); during; China; Chinese” 

mifra code [mima]

   密碼 (密码) [mì mǎ] “(secret) code; password” 

mikce doctor [iicen]

   醫生 (医生) [yī shēng] “doctor” 

milxe mild [xe]

   何 [hé] “carry; what; how; why; which” 
   FIXIT missing 

minde command [min]

   命 [mìng] “life; fate” 
   “order, command” (source: zhongwen.com) 

minji machine [ji]

   機 (机) [jī] “machine; opportunity; secret” 
   cf. 機器 (机器) [jī qì] “machine” (compound); cf. 機械 (机械) [jī xiè] “machine; mechanical” (compound) 

minli mile [iinli]

   英里 [yīng lǐ] “mile” 

minra reflect [iin]

   映 [yìng] “reflect; shine” 

minra reflect [jin]

   鏡 (镜) [jìng] “mirror” 

mintu same [tun]

   同 [tóng] “like; same; similar; together; alike; with” 
   cf. 仝 [tóng] “together; same” (variant) 

mipri secret [mi]

   密 [mì] “secret; confidential; close; thick; dense” 
   cf. 祕 (秘) [mì] “secret” (variant) 

mirli deer [mi]

   麋 [mí] “(surname); moose; river bank” 

misno famous [min]

   明 [míng] “clear; bright; to understand; next; the Ming dynasty” 
   cf. 聞名 (闻名) [wén míng] “well-known; famous; renowned; eminent” (compound); cf. 有名 [yǒu míng] “famous; well-known” (compound) 

mitre meter [mi]

   米 [mǐ] “(measure word) meter; rice” 

mixre mixture [xue]

   和 [huò] “mix together; to blend” 

mlana side [mian]

   面 [miàn] “fade; side; surface; aspect; top; face; flour; noodles” 

mlatu cat [mau]

   貓 (猫) [māo] “cat; pussy” 

mleca less [cau]

   少 [shǎo] “few; little; lack” 
   gismu generation note: “ckamu [...] changed to mleca in 1990”, source words unchanged 

mledi mold [mei]

   霉 [méi] “bacteria; fungi; moldy” 
   cf. 黴 [méi] “bacteria; fungi; moldy” (variant) 

mluni satellite [ueicin]

   衛星 (卫星) [wèi xīng] “(space) satellite” 

mokca point [ca]

   剎 (刹) [chà] “Buddhist monastery or temple; a brief moment” 
   cf. 剎那 (刹那) [chà nà] “(n) an instant in time” (compound) 

moklu mouth [keu]

   口 [kǒu] “mouth; (a measure word)” 

molki mill [mo]

   磨 [mò] “millstone” 

morji remember [ji]

   記 (记) [jì] “to remember; to note; mark; sign; to record” 

morna pattern [mo]

   模 [mó] “imitate; model; norm; pattern” 

morsi dead [si]

   死 [sǐ] “to die; inpassable; uncrossable; inflexible; rigid” 

mosra friction [mosa]

   摩擦 [mó cā] “friction” 
   cf. 磨擦 [mó cā] “friction” (variant) 

mraji rye [xeimai]

   黑麥 (黑麦) [hēi mài] “rye” 
   source: chinaboard.de 

mrilu mail [ieu]

   郵 (邮) [yóu] “post (office); mail” 

mruli hammer [cuei]

   槌 [chuí] “hammer; mallet; pestle” 
   cf. 捶 [chuí] “beat with the fist; to hammer; to cudgel” (variant) 

mucti immaterial [uucin]

   無形 (无形) [wú xíng] “invisible” 

mudri wood [mu]

   木 [mù] “tree; wood” 

mukti purpose [mudi]

   目的 [mù dì] “purpose; aim; goal; target; objective” 

mulno complete [uan]

   完 [wán] “to finish; to be over; whole; complete; entire” 

munje universe [iujen]

   宇宙 [yǔ zhòu] “universe” 
   FIXIT correct transcription “iujeu” 

mupli example [li]

   例 [lì] “example; precedent; rule; case; instance” 

murse glimmering [muse]

   暮色 [mù sè] “twilight” 
   “(n) Dämmerung (= dawn; gloaming; twilight)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

murta curtain [mu]

   幕 [mù] “stage curtain; tent” 

mutce much [cen]

   甚 [shèn] “very; extremely; more (than)” 

muvdu move [dun]

   動 (动) [dòng] “to use; to act; to move; to change” 
   cf. 扽 [dùn] “to move, to shake” (variant) 

muzga museum [bouuguan]

   博物館 (博物馆) [bó wù guǎn] “museum” 

N nabmi problem [nanti]

   難題 (难题) [nán tí] “difficult problem” 

nakni male [nan]

   男 [nán] “male” 

nalci wing [ci]

   翅 [chì] “wing” 

namcu number [cu]

   數 (数) [shù] “number; figure; to count; to calculate; several” 

nanba bread [mianbau]

   麵包 (面包) [miàn bāo] “bread” 

nanca year [nian]

   年 [nián] “year” 

nandu difficult [nan]

   難 (难) [nán] “difficult (to...); problem; difficulty; difficult; not good” 

nanla boy [nanxai]

   男孩 [nán hái] “boy” 

nanmu man [nan]

   男 [nán] “male” 

narge nut [jiangue]

   堅果 (坚果) [jiān guǒ] “nut” 

narju orange [juse]

   枸色 [jǔ sè] “citron color” 
   FIXIT no reports; 512,000 Google hits; cf. 橙色 [chéng sè] “color orange” 

natfe deny [feu]

   否 [fǒu] “to negate; to deny; not” 

natmi nation [min]

   民 [mín] “the people; nationality; citizen” 

navni neon [nai]

   氖 [nǎi] “neon” 

naxle canal [iuenxe]

   運河 (运河) [yùn hé] “canal” 

nazbi nose [bi]

   鼻 [bí] “nose” 

nejni energy [nen]

   能 [néng] “can; may; capable; energy; able” 
   cf. 能源 [néng yuán] “energy; power source” (compound) 

nelci fond [ci]

   喜 [xǐ] “to be fond of; to like; to enjoy; to be happy; to feel pleased; happiness; delight; glad” 

nenri in [nei]

   內 (内) [nèi] “inside; inner; internal; within; interior” 

nibli necessitate [cibicu]

   勢必需 (势必需) [shì bì xū] “necessitate” 
   FIXIT no reports; 526,000 (602,000) Google hits; cf. 勢必 (势必) [shì bì] “is bound to (happen)” (component); cf. 必需 [bì xū] “essential; indispensable” (component) 

nicte night [ie]

   夜 [yè] “night” 

nikle nickel [nie]

   鎳 (镍) [niè] “nickel” 

nilce furniture [cence]

   陳設 (陈设) [chén shè] “furnishings” 

nimre citrus [ninmen]

   檸檬 (柠檬) [níng méng] “lemon” 

ninmu woman [niu]

   女 [nǚ] “female; woman” 

nirna nerve [cenjin]

   神經 (神经) [shén jīng] “nerve” 

nitcu need [cu]

   需 [xū] “to require; to need; to want; necessity; need” 

nivji knit [ji]

   織 (织) [zhī] “weave” 
   cf. 編織 (编织) [biān zhī] “weave; knit; plait; braid” (compound) 

nixli girl [niuxai]

   女孩 [nǚ hái] “girl; lass” 

nobli noble [gueizu]

   貴族 (贵族) [guì zú] “lord; nobility; nobleman; noblewoman” 

notci message [cin]

   信 [xìn] “letter; true; to believe; sign; evidence” 
   cf. 信息 [xìn xī] “information; news; message” (compound); cf. 音信 [yīn xìn] “message” (compound) 

nukni magenta [ianxun]

   洋紅 (洋红) [yáng hóng] “magenta” 
   source: chinaboard.de 

nupre promise [nue]

   諾 (诺) [nuò] “to promise; to yes” 

nurma rural [nun]

   農 (农) [nóng] “agriculture” 

nutli neutral [junli]

   中立 [zhōng lì] “neutral” 

nuzba news [cinuen]

   新聞 (新闻) [xīn wén] “news” 

P pacna hope [pan]

   盼 [pàn] “to hope for; to long for; to expect” 

pagbu part [bu]

   部 [bù] “ministry; department; section; part; division; troops; board; (a measure word); (a measure word for works of literature, films, machines, etc.)” 
   cf. 部分 [bù fen] “part; share; section; piece” (compound); cf. 局部 [jú bù] “part” (compound) 

pagre pass [gue]

   過 (过) [guò] “(experienced action marker); to cross; to go over; to pass (time); to celebrate (a holiday); to live; to get along; (surname); excessively; too-” 
   cf. 度過 (度过) [dù guò] “spend; pass” (compound) 

pajni judge [pan]

   判 [pàn] “to judge; to sentence; to discriminate; to discern” 

palci evil [cie]

   邪 [xié] “demonical; iniquitous; nefarious” 

palku pants [ku]

   褲 (裤) [kù] “drawers; trousers; pants” 

palne tray [pan]

   盤 (盘) [pán] “dish; tray; to build; to check; to examine; to transfer; (a measure word used for dishes of food or coils of wire); to coil” 

palta plate [pan]

   柈 [pán] “plate” 

pambe pump [ben]

   泵 [bèng] “pump” 

panci odor [ci]

   氣 (气) [qì] “gas; air; smell; weather; vital breath; to make sb. angry; to get angry; to be enraged” 
   cf. 氣味 (气味) [qì wèi] “odor; scent” (compound) 

pandi punctuate [biaudian]

   標點 (标点) [biāo diǎn] “punctuation; punctuate” 

panje sponge [xaimian]

   海綿 (海绵) [hǎi mián] “sponge” 

panka park [iuan]

   苑 [yuàn] “(surname); park” 

panlo slice [pian]

   片 [piàn] “a slice; piece; flake; thin; slice” 

panpi peace [an]

   安 [ān] “content; calm; still; quiet; to pacify; peace” 

panra parallel [pincin]

   平行 [píng xíng] “parallel” 

pante protest [kan]

   抗 [kàng] “to resist; to fight; to defy” 

panzi offspring [zi]

   子 [zǐ] “11 p.m.-1 a.m.; 1st earthly branch; child; midnight; son; child; seed; egg; small thing” 

papri page [mianr]

   麵兒 (面儿) [miànr] “cover; outside” 
   cf. 頁面 (页面) [yè miàn] “page; web page” (component) 

parbi ratio [bi]

   比 [bǐ] “(particle used for comparison and "-er than"); to compare; to contrast; to gesture (with hands); ratio” 

pastu robe [pau]

   袍 [páo] “gown (lined)” 

patfu father [fu]

   父 [fù] “father” 

patlu potato [malincu]

   馬鈴薯 (马铃薯) [mǎ líng shǔ] “potato” 

patxu pot [xu]

   壺 (壶) [hú] “pot; (a measure word)” 

pelji paper [ji]

   紙 (纸) [zhǐ] “paper” 

pelxu yellow [xuan]

   黃 (黄) [huáng] “(surname); sulfur; yellow” 

pemci poem [ci]

   詩 (诗) [shī] “poem; poetry; verse” 

penbi pen [bi]

   筆 (笔) [bǐ] “pen; pencil; writing brush; to write or compose” 

pencu touch [pen]

   碰 [pèng] “to touch; to meet with; to bump” 

pendo friend [pen]

   朋 [péng] “friend” 

penmi meet [pen]

   碰 [pèng] “to touch; to meet with; to bump” 
   cf. 掽 [pèng] “meet with; to bump” (variant) 

pensi think [si]

   思 [sī] “to think; to consider” 

perli pear [li]

   梨 [lí] “pear” 

pesxu paste [xu]

   糊 [hù] “paste; cream” 
   cf. 糊 [hú] “muddled; paste; scorched” (variant) 

pezli leaf [iez]

   葉子 (叶子) [yè zi] “foliage; leaf” 

pijne pin [biejen]

   別針 (别针) [bié zhēn] “pin” 

pikci beg [ci]

   乞 [qǐ] “beg” 

pikta ticket [piau]

   票 [piào] “bank note; ticket” 

pilji multiply [ji]

   積 (积) [jī] “to amass; to accumulate; to store; old; long-standing” 
   “Multiplikation (= multiplication)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

pilka crust [pi]

   皮 [pí] “leather; skin; fur” 

pilno use [iun]

   用 [yòng] “to use” 

pimlu feather [iumau]

   羽毛 [yǔ máo] “feather; plumage; plume” 

pinca urine [niau]

   溺 [niào] “urinate; urine” 

pindi poor [pin]

   貧 (贫) [pín] “poor” 

pinfu prisoner [fu]

   俘 [fú] “prisoner of war” 

pinji penis [iinjin]

   陰莖 (阴茎) [yīn jīng] “penis” 

pinka comment [pin]

   評 (评) [píng] “to discuss; to comment; to criticize; to judge; to choose (by public appraisal)” 

pinsi pencil [tcianbi]

   鉛筆 (铅笔) [qiān bǐ] “lead pen; pencil” 

pinta level [pin]

   平 [píng] “flat; level; equal; to make the same score; to tie; to draw; calm; peaceful” 

pinxe drink [xe]

   喝 [hē] “my goodness; to drink” 

pipno piano [jianpan]

   鍵盤 (键盘) [jiàn pán] “keyboard” 

pixra picture [xua]

   畫 (画) [huà] “draw; picture; painting” 

plana plump [pan]

   胖 [pàng] “fat; plump” 

platu plan [tu]

   圖 (图) [tú] “diagram; to plan; picture; drawing; chart” 

pleji pay [ji]

   支 [zhī] “(a measure word); to support; to sustain; to erect; to raise; branch; division; to draw money” 
   “pay” (source: zhongwen.com); cf. 開支 (开支) [kāi zhī] “expenditures; pay; expenses” (compound) 

plibu pubic [iinbu]

   陰部 (阴部) [yīn bù] “vagina; private parts” 
   cf. 陰毛 (阴毛) [yīn máo] “pubic hair” (component) 

plini planet [cincin]

   行星 [xíng xīng] “planet” 

plipe leap [iue]

   躍 (跃) [yuè] “to jump; to leap” 

plise apple [pingue]

   蘋果 (苹果) [píng guǒ] “apple” 

plita plane [pinmian]

   平面 [píng miàn] “(n) geometric plane surface; (n) type; category” 

plixa plow [li]

   犁 [lí] “plow” 

pluja complicated [fuza]

   複雜 (复杂) [fù zá] “complicated; complex” 

pluka please [iukuai]

   愉快 [yú kuài] “cheerful; cheerily; delightful; pleasant; pleasantly; pleasing; happy; delighted” 

pluta route [lu]

   路 [lù] “(surname); road; path; way” 

polje fold [je]

   摺 [zhé] “folded document; to fold” 
   cf. 折 [zhé] “tenth (in price); to break; to fold; to turn” (variant) 

ponse possess [iunieu]

   擁有 (拥有) [yōng yǒu] “to have; to possess” 

porpi break [po]

   破 [pò] “to break; to split; broken; damaged; worn out” 

porsi sequence [si]

   次 [cì] “nth; number (of times); order; sequence; next; second (ary); (measure word)” 

prali profit [li]

   利 [lì] “advantage; benefit; profit; sharp” 

prami love [reai]

   熱愛 (热爱) [rè ài] “ardently love” 

prane perfect [uanmei]

   完美 [wán měi] “perfect; perfection; perfectly” 

preja spread [jan]

   展 [zhǎn] “to use; to spread out; to postpone; to unfold” 

prenu person [ren]

   人 [rén] “man; person; people” 

preti question [uenti]

   問題 (问题) [wèn tí] “problem; issue; topic” 

prije wise [je]

   哲 [zhé] “philosophy; wise” 

prina print [iin]

   印 [yìn] “stamp; seal; mark; print; India (abbrev.)” 

pritu right [ieu]

   右 [yòu] “right (-hand)” 

prosa prose [sanuen]

   散文 [sǎn wén] “prose” 

pruce process [guecen]

   過程 (过程) [guò chéng] “course of events; process” 

pruni elastic [tancin]

   彈性 (弹性) [tán xìng] “elasticity (physics); flexibility” 

pruxi spirit [guei]

   鬼 [guǐ] “ghost; sly; crafty” 

pulce dust [cen]

   塵 (尘) [chén] “dust; dirt; earth” 

pulji police [jin]

   警 [jǐng] “to alert; to warn” 
   cf. 警察 [jǐng chá] “police; policeman; policewoman” (compound); cf. 警方 [jǐng fāng] “police” (compound) 

pulni pulley [xualun]

   滑輪 (滑轮) [huá lún] “block and tackle” 

punji put [ji]

   置 [zhì] “to install; to place; to put” 

punli swelling [jun]

   腫 (肿) [zhǒng] “swollen” 
   cf. 尰 [zhǒng] “swell” (variant) 

purci past [ci]

   昔 [xī] “past; former” 

purdi garden [pu]

   圃 [pǔ] “garden; orchard” 

purmo powder [mo]

   磨 [mó] “to sharpen; to delay; hardship; to grind; to rub” 
   FIXIT dubious 

R racli sane [xeli]

   合理 [hé lǐ] “rationale; reasonable” 

ractu rabbit [tu]

   兔 [tù] “rabbit” 

rafsi affix [sijuei]

   詞綴 (词缀) [cí zhuì] “affix” 
   “Affix (= affix)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

ragve across [gue]

   過 (过) [guò] “(experienced action marker); to cross; to go over; to pass (time); to celebrate (a holiday); to live; to get along; (surname); excessively; too-” 

raktu trouble [rau]

   擾 (扰) [rǎo] “disturb” 
   cf. 嬈 (娆) [rǎo] “disturbance” (variant) 

ralci delicate [ci]

   緻 (致) [zhì] “fine and close” 

ralju principal [ju]

   主 [zhǔ] “to own; to host; master; lord; primary” 

ralte retain [lieu]

   留 [liú] “leave (message); to retain; to stay; to remain; to keep; to preserve” 

randa yield [cian]

   遷 (迁) [qiān] “to move; to shift” 
   cf. 遷就 (迁就) [qiān jiù] “to yield; to adapt to; to accommodate to (sth)” (compound) 

rango organ [guan]

   官 [guān] “official; government; organ of body” 

ranji continue [ji]

   繼 (继) [jì] “to continue; to follow after; then; afterwards; to go on with; to succeed; to inherit” 

ranmi myth [cuanci]

   傳奇 (传奇) [chuán qí] “legend” 

ransu bronze [cintun]

   青銅 (青铜) [qīng tóng] “bronze” 

ranti soft [ruan]

   軟 (软) [ruǎn] “soft; flexible” 

ranxi irony [fanxua]

   反話 (反话) [fǎn huà] “ironic; sarcastic; sarcasm” 
   source: chinaboard.de; cf. 反語法 (反语法) [fǎn yǔ fǎ] “irony” (component) 

rapli repeat [liu]

   屢 (屡) [lǚ] “time and again” 

rarna natural [ziran]

   自然 [zì rán] “nature; natural; naturally” 

ratcu rat [cu]

   鼠 [shǔ] “rat; mouse” 

ratni atom [iuanzi]

   原子 [yuán zǐ] “atom; atomic” 

rebla tail [ueiba]

   尾巴 [wěi ba] “tail” 

rectu meat [reu]

   肉 [ròu] “meat; flesh” 

remna human [ren]

   人 [rén] “man; person; people” 

renro throw [ren]

   扔 [rēng] “throw” 

renvi survive [ren]

   忍 [rěn] “to beat; to endure; to tolerate” 

respa reptile [pacun]

   爬蟲 (爬虫) [pá chóng] “reptile (old or common word for 爬行動物 (爬行动物))” 

ricfu rich [fu]

   富 [fù] “rich” 

rigni disgust [ian]

   厭 (厌) [yàn] “loathe” 

rijno silver [iin]

   銀 (银) [yín] “silver” 

rilti rhythm [iuenliu]

   韻律 (韵律) [yùn lǜ] “rhythm; meter” 
   source: zhongwen.com 

rimni rhyme [iun]

   韻 (韵) [yùn] “rhyme” 

rinci drain [paicie]

   排水 [pái shuǐ] “drain” 

rinju restrain [ju]

   拘 [jū] “adhere; capture; restrain” 

rinka cause [iin]

   因 [yīn] “cause; reason; because” 

rinsa greet [iin]

   迎 [yíng] “to welcome” 

rirci rare [ci]

   希 [xī] “rare; infrequent” 

rirni parent [ianiu]

   養育 (养育) [yǎng yù] “foster; rear” 

rirxe river [xe]

   河 [hé] “river” 

rismi rice [mi]

   米 [mǐ] “(measure word) meter; rice” 

risna heart [cinzan]

   心臟 (心脏) [xīn zàng] “heart” 

ritli rite [li]

   禮 (礼) [lǐ] “gift; propriety; rite” 

rivbi avoid [bi]

   避 [bì] “avoid; shun; flee; escape; leave; to keep away; to leave; to hide” 

rokci rock [ci]

   石 [shí] “rock; stone” 

romge chrome [ge]

   鉻 (铬) [gè] “chromium” 

rorci procreate [cin]

   親 (亲) [qīn] “dear; intimate; parent; relation; closely related” 

rotsu thick [su]

   粗 [cū] “coarse; rough; thick; unfinished; vulgar; rude; crude” 

rozgu rose [maiguei]

   玫瑰 [méi guī] “(n) rose flower” 
   FIXIT correct transcription “meiguei” 

ruble weak [rue]

   弱 [ruò] “weak; feeble; young; inferior” 

rufsu rough [su]

   粗 [cū] “coarse; rough; thick; unfinished; vulgar; rude; crude” 
   cf. 麤 [cū] “coarse; rough; rude” (variant) 

runme melt [run]

   融 [róng] “harmonious; melt; mild” 

runta dissolve [run]

   溶 [róng] “dissolve” 

rupnu dollar [iuan]

   元 [yuán] “(dynasty); dollar; primary; first” 

rutni artifact [rengun]

   人工 [rén gōng] “artificial; manpower; manual work” 

S sabji provide [ji]

   給 (给) [jǐ] “to supply; provide” 

sabnu cabin [san]

   倉 (仓) [cāng] “barn; granary; storehouse; cabin; hold (in ship)” 
   cf. 艙 (舱) [cāng] “cabin; the hold of a ship or airplane” (variant) 

sacki match [xuecai]

   火柴 [huǒ chái] “match” 

saclu decimal [ciaucu]

   小數 (小数) [xiǎo shù] “(n) decimal; decimal value” 

sakci suck [ci]

   吸 [xī] “to breathe; to suck in; to absorb; to inhale” 

sakli slide [lieu]

   溜 [liū] “slip away; to skate” 

sakta sugar [tan]

   糖 [táng] “sugar; sweets; candy” 

salci celebrate [cin]

   慶 (庆) [qìng] “celebrate” 

salpo slope [po]

   坡 [pō] “slope” 

salta salad [sela]

   色拉 [sè lā] “salad” 

samcu cassava [cu]

   薯 [shǔ] “potato; yam” 
   cf. 藷 [shǔ] “potato; yam” (variant) 

sampu simple [pu]

   樸 (朴) [pǔ] “Pak or Park (Korean surname); plain and simple” 

sance sound [cen]

   聲 (声) [shēng] “sound; voice; (a measure word, used for sounds); tone; noise” 

sanga sing [can]

   唱 [chàng] “sing; to call loudly; to chant” 

sanji conscious [ji]

   知 [zhī] “to know; to be aware” 

sanli stand [li]

   立 [lì] “set up; to stand” 

sanmi meal [san]

   餐 [cān] “eat; meal” 

sanso sauce [jian]

   醬 (酱) [jiàng] “jam; thick sauce” 

santa umbrella [san]

   傘 (伞) [sǎn] “umbrella; parasol” 
   cf. 繖 [sǎn] “umbrella; parasol” (variant) 

sarcu necessary [cu]

   須 (须) [xū] “beard; necessary; must” 

sarji support [ji]

   支 [zhī] “(a measure word); to support; to sustain; to erect; to raise; branch; division; to draw money” 

sarlu spiral [lue]

   螺 [luó] “screw; snail” 
   cf. 螺線 (螺线) [luó xiàn] “spiral” (compound); cf. 螺旋形 [luó xuán xíng] “spiral” (compound) 

sarxe harmonious [xe]

   龢 [hé] “harmonious” 

saske science [keciue]

   科學 (科学) [kē xué] “science; scientific knowledge; scientific” 

satci exact [cuecie]

   確切 (确切) [què qiè] “definite; exact; precise” 

satre stroke [sa]

   擦 [cā] “to wipe; to erase; rubbing (brush stroke in painting); to clean; to polish” 

savru noise [sau]

   噪 [zào] “chirp; mixture of voices; noise; buzzing; clamor” 
   FIXIT correct transcription “zau” 

sazri operate [sauzue]

   操作 [cāo zuò] “to operate” 

sefta surface [se]

   側 (侧) [cè] “the side; to incline towards; to lean; inclined; lateral; side” 
   see gismu def. “the surface of [a higher-dimension object] [on side] [with edges]” 

selci cell [cibau]

   細胞 (细胞) [xì bāo] “cell” 

selfu serve [fu]

   服 [fú] “clothes; dress; garment; submit; take (medicine)” 
   FIXIT dubious; “etw. auf sich nehmen, übernehmen (= to assume)” (source: chinaboard.de); cf. 服役 [fú yì] “serve in the army; be in active service” (compound) 

senci sneeze [penti]

   噴嚏 (喷嚏) [pēn tì] “sneeze” 

senpi doubt [iiuen]

   疑問 (疑问) [yí wèn] “interrogation; interrogative; query” 

senta layer [sen]

   層 (层) [céng] “a measure word for layers; laminated; repeated; floor; story (of a building); layer; (math.) sheaf” 

senva dream [men]

   夢 (梦) [mèng] “to dream” 

sepli apart [fenli]

   分離 (分离) [fēn lí] “to separate” 

serti stairs [ti]

   梯 [tī] “ladder” 

setca insert [ca]

   插 [chā] “insert; stick in; pierce; to take part in; to interfere; to interpose” 

sevzi self [zi]

   自 [zì] “from; self; oneself; since” 

sfani fly [saniin]

   蒼蠅 (苍蝇) [cāng ying] “(n) house fly” 

sfasa punish [fa]

   罰 (罚) [fá] “to punish; to penalize” 

sfofa sofa [cafa]

   沙發 (沙发) [shā fā] “sofa” 

sfubu dive [fucun]

   俯衝 (俯冲) [fǔ chòng] “(v) dive (through the air, down a slope, etc)” 

siclu whistle [cau]

   嘯 (啸) [xiào] “to hiss; to whistle” 

sicni coin [iinbi]

   硬幣 (硬币) [yìng bì] “coin” 

sidbo idea [si]

   思 [sī] “to think; to consider” 

sidju help [ju]

   助 [zhù] “to help; to assist” 

sigja cigar [ciuejia]

   雪茄 [xuě jiā] “cigar” 

silka silk [si]

   絲 (丝) [sī] “silk; thread; trace” 

silna salt [ian]

   鹽 (盐) [yán] “salt” 

simlu seem [si]

   似 [sì] “to seem; to appear; similar; like; to resemble” 

simsa similar [si]

   似 [sì] “to seem; to appear; similar; like; to resemble” 

simxu mutual [xu]

   互 [hù] “mutual” 

since snake [ce]

   蛇 [shé] “snake; serpent” 

sinma esteem [jin]

   矜 [jīn] “boast; esteem; sympathize” 

sinxa sign [xau]

   號 (号) [hào] “day of a month; (suffix used after) name of a ship; (ordinal) number; bugle” 
   “mark, sign” (source: zhongwen.com); cf. 符號 (符号) [fú hào] “symbol; mark; sign” (compound) 

sipna sleep [mian]

   眠 [mián] “sleep” 

sirji straight [ji]

   直 [zhí] “straight; vertical; frank; directly; straightly; upright” 

sisku seek [seu]

   搜 [sōu] “to search” 

sisti cease [tin]

   停 [tíng] “to stop; to halt; to park (a car)” 

sitna cite [iin]

   引 [yǐn] “to lead; to divert (water); to guide” 
   “quote; cite” (source: zhongwen.com); cf. 引用 [yǐn yòng] “quote; cite” (compound); cf. 援引 [yuán yǐn] “quote; cite” (compound) 

sivni private [si]

   私 [sī] “personal; private; selfish” 

skaci skirt [ciun]

   裙 [qún] “skirt” 

skami computer [jisuanji]

   計算機 (计算机) [jì suàn jī] “computer; calculator” 

skapi pelt [pi]

   皮 [pí] “leather; skin; fur” 

skari color [sai]

   彩 [cǎi] “(bright) color; variety; applause; applaud; (lottery) prize” 
   cf. 綵 (彩) [cǎi] “colored; variegated” (variant) 

skicu describe [miaucu]

   描述 [miáo shù] “to describe” 

skiji ski [xuaciueji]

   滑雪 [huá xuě] “to ski; skiing” 
   FIXIT missing component “ji” 

skina cinema [iin]

   影 [yǐng] “picture; image; reflection; shadow” 
   cf. 電影院 (电影院) [diàn yǐng yuàn] “cinema; movie theater” (compound) 

skori cord [suo]

   鎍 [suǒ] “chain; wire” 

skuro groove [sau]

   槽 [cáo] “manger; trough; groove” 

slabu old [lau]

   老 [lǎo] “numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or to indicate affection or familiarity); old (of people); venerable (person)” 
   cf. 古老 [gǔ lǎo] “ancient; old; age-old” (compound) 

slaka syllable [iinjie]

   音節 (音节) [yīn jié] “syllable” 

slami acid [suan]

   酸 [suān] “sour; sore; ache; acid” 

slanu cylinder [iuanju]

   圓柱 (圆柱) [yuán zhù] “column; cylinder” 

slari sour [suan]

   酸 [suān] “sour; sore; ache; acid” 

slasi plastic [suliau]

   塑料 [sù liào] “plastics” 

sligu solid [gu]

   固 [gù] “hard; strong; solid; sure” 

slilu oscillate [iau]

   搖 (摇) [yáo] “shake; to rock” 
   pretty unambiguous Lojbanised form, only pinyin match with related meaning 

sliri sulfur [lieu]

   硫 [liú] “sulfur” 

sluji muscle [ji]

   肌 [jī] “flesh; muscle” 

sluni onion [sun]

   蔥 (葱) [cōng] “scallion; green onion” 

smacu mouse [cu]

   鼠 [shǔ] “rat; mouse” 

smadi guess [sai]

   猜 [cāi] “to guess” 

smaji quiet [ji]

   寂 [jì] “lonesome” 
   “silent” (source: zhongwen.com); cf. 寂靜 (寂静) [jì jìng] “quiet” (compound) 

smani monkey [iuan]

   猿 [yuán] “ape” 
   cf. 猭 [yuán] “ape; Hylobates agilis” (variant); cf. 蝯 [yuán] “ape” (variant) 

smoka sock [ua]

   襪 (袜) [wà] “socks; stockings” 

smuci spoon [ci]

   匙 [chí] “spoon” 

smuni meaning [uei]

   為 (为) [wéi] “act as; take...to be; to be; to do; to serve as; to become” 
   “bedeuten (= to mean)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

snada succeed [da]

   達 (达) [dá] “attain; pass through; achieve; reach; realize; clear; inform; notify; dignity” 

snanu south [nan]

   南 [nán] “south” 

snidu second [miau]

   秒 [miǎo] “(a measure word); second” 

snime snow [ciue]

   雪 [xuě] “snow” 

snipa sticky [nian]

   粘 [nián] “sticky” 
   cf. 黏 [nián] “sticky” (variant) 

snuji sandwich [sanminji]

   三明治 [sān míng zhì] “sandwich” 

snura secure [ancuan]

   安全 [ān quán] “safe; secure; safety; security” 

snuti accidental [iiuai]

   意外 [yì wài] “unexpected” 

sobde soya [deu]

   荳 (豆) [dòu] “bean; peas” 

sodna sodium [na]

   鈉 (钠) [nà] “sodium” 

sodva soda [suda]

   苏打 (蘇打) [sū dǎ] “soda” 
   cf. 苏打水 (蘇打水) [sū dǎ shui] “Mineralwasser (mit Kohlensäure) (= sparkling water)” (compound) (source: chinaboard.de) 

solji gold [jin]

   金 [jīn] “metal; money; gold” 

solri solar [ri]

   日 [rì] “day; sun; date; day of the month; Japan (abbrev.)” 

sombo sow [bo]

   播 [bō] “sow; scatter; spread; broadcast” 

sonci soldier [ci]

   士 [shì] “scholar; warrior; knight” 

sorcu store [cu]

   儲 (储) [chǔ] “savings; to save; to deposit; to store; (a surname)” 
   cf. 儲藏 (储藏) [chǔ cáng] “store; deposit; (oil, mineral, etc) deposits” (compound); cf. 短時儲 (短时储) [duǎn shí chǔ] “short-term storage; store” (compound); cf. 蓄 [xù] “to store” (variant); cf. 胥 [xū] “all; assist; to store” (variant) 

sorgu sorghum

   粱 [liáng] “sorghum” 
   FIXIT error in gismu generation: “typo should have been sargu, loses all Chinese and Hindi” 

sovda egg [dan]

   蛋 [dàn] “egg; oval shaped” 

spaji surprise [jin]

   驚 (惊) [jīng] “to start; to be frightened; to be scared; alarm” 
   “startle; alarm” (source: zhongwen.com) 

spali polish [salian]

   擦亮 [cā liàng] “(vt) burnish” 

spati plant [sai]

   菜 [cài] “dish (type of food); vegetables” 
   “vegetable” (source: zhongwen.com) 

speni married [pei]

   配 [pèi] “to join; to fit; to mate; to mix; to match; to deserve; to make up (a prescription)” 
   cf. 配偶 [pèi ǒu] “consort; mate; spouse” (compound) 

spisa piece [pian]

   片 [piàn] “a slice; piece; flake; thin; slice” 

spita hospital [iiiuan]

   醫院 (医院) [yī yuàn] “hospital” 

spofu broken [po]

   破 [pò] “to break; to split; broken; damaged; worn out” 

spoja explode [ja]

   炸 [zhà] “explode” 

spuda reply [da]

   答 [dá] “reply; answer; return; respond; echo” 

sputu spit [tu]

   吐 [tǔ] “to spit” 

sraji vertical [ji]

   直 [zhí] “straight; vertical; frank; directly; straightly; upright” 

sraku scratch [sau]

   搔 [sāo] “disturb; to scratch” 

srana pertain [guan]

   關 (关) [guān] “(surname); mountain pass; to close; to shut; to turn off; to concern; to involve” 

srasu grass [sau]

   草 [cǎo] “grass; straw; draft (of a document); careless; rough; manuscript; hasty” 
   cf. 艸 [cǎo] “grass” (variant) 

srera err [sue]

   蹉 [cuō] “error; slip; miss; err” 

sruma assume [ru]

   如 [rú] “as (if); such as” 
   FIXIT dubious; cf. 假如 [jiǎ rú] “supposing” (compound) (source: zhongwen.com) 

sruri surround [uei]

   圍 (围) [wéi] “to circle; to surround” 

stace honest [cen]

   誠 (诚) [chéng] “honest; sincere; true” 

stagi vegetable [sai]

   菜 [cài] “dish (type of food); vegetables” 

staku ceramic [tau]

   匋 [táo] “pottery” 

stali remain [lieu]

   留 [liú] “leave (message); to retain; to stay; to remain; to keep; to preserve” 
   cf. 留下 [liú xià] “remain” (compound) 

stani stalk [gan]

   干 [gān] “to concern; to interfere; shield; stem” 

stapa step [tabu]

   踏步 [tà bù] “step” 
   FIXIT no reports; 4,020,000 Google hits; cf. 蹋步 [tà bù] “step” (variant), no reports 

stasu soup [tan]

   湯 (汤) [tāng] “(surname); soup” 

stati talent [sai]

   才 [cái] “ability; talent; endowment; gift; an expert; only (then); only if; just” 

steba frustration [suebai]

   挫敗 (挫败) [cuò bài] “thwart; defeat; foil (someone's plans, etc)” 

steci specific [te]

   特 [tè] “male animal; special (-ly)” 

stedu head [teu]

   頭 (头) [tóu] “head” 

stela lock [sue]

   鎖 (锁) [suǒ] “to lock up; to lock” 

stici west [ci]

   西 [xī] “west” 

stidi suggest [tiii]

   提議 (提议) [tí yì] “proposal; suggestion; to propose; to suggest” 

stika adjust [tiaujen]

   調節 (调节) [tiáo jié] “adjust; regulate” 

stizu chair [iiz]

   椅子 [yǐ zi] “chair” 

stodi constant [din]

   定 [dìng] “to set; to fix; to determine; to decide; to order” 
   cf. 固定 [gù dìng] “konstant (= constant)” (compound) (source: chinaboard.de); cf. 恆定 (恒定) [héng dìng] “konstant (constant)” (compound) (source: chinaboard.de) 

stuna east [dun]

   東 (东) [dōng] “east” 

stura structure [geuzau]

   構造 (构造) [gòu zào] “structure; composition” 

stuzi site [uei]

   位 [wèi] “position; location; (measure word for persons); place; seat” 

sucta abstract [ceucian]

   抽象 [chōu xiàng] “abstract” 

sudga dry [gan]

   乾 (干) [gān] “dry; clean” 

sufti hoof [ti]

   蹄 [tí] “hoof; pork shoulder” 
   cf. 啼 [tí] “mourn; to cry; hoof” (variant) 

suksa sudden [su]

   速 [sù] “fast; rapid; quick” 
   cf. 猝 [cù] “abrupt; hurried” (variant); cf. 卒 [cù] “abruptly; hurriedly” (variant) 

sumji sum [jia]

   加 [jiā] “to add; plus” 

sumne smell [uen]

   聞 (闻) [wén] “(surname); hear; sniff at” 

sumti argument [ti]

   題 (题) [tí] “topic; subject; to inscribe; to superscribe” 

sunga garlic [suna]

   蒜 [suàn] “garlic” 
   FIXIT correct transcription “suan” 

sunla wool [ianmau]

   羊毛 [yáng máo] “fleece; wool; woolen” 

surla relax [sun]

   鬆 (松) [sōng] “loose” 
   cf. 放鬆 (放松) [fàng sōng] “loosen; relax” (compound) 

sutra fast [su]

   速 [sù] “fast; rapid; quick” 

T tabno carbon [tan]

   炭 [tàn] “carbon; charcoal” 
   cf. 碳 [tàn] “carbon” (variant) 

tabra trumpet [laba]

   喇叭 [lǎ ba] “loudspeaker; trumpet” 

tadji method [ji]

   制 [zhì] “system; to make; to manufacture; to control; to regulate” 
   “Methode; System (= method; system)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

tadni study [ianjieu]

   研究 [yán jiū] “research” 

tagji snug [jin]

   緊 (紧) [jǐn] “tight; nervous; strict” 

talsa challenge [tiaujan]

   挑戰 (挑战) [tiǎo zhàn] “challenge” 

tamca tomato [fancie]

   番茄 [fān qié] “(n) tomato” 

tamji thumb [muji]

   拇指 [mǔ zhǐ] “thumb” 

tamne cousin [tan]

   堂 [táng] “(main) hall; large room” 
   cf. 堂弟 [táng dì] “jüngerer Cousin väterlicherseits (younger paternal cousin)” (compound); cf. 堂姊妹 [táng jiě mèi] “(n) Cousine (female cousin)” (compound) 

tanbo board [ban]

   板 [bǎn] “board; plank; plate; slab” 

tance tongue [ce]

   舌 [shé] “tongue” 

tanko tobacco [ian]

   煙 (烟) [yān] “cigarette; tobacco; smoke” 
   cf. 菸 [yān] “cigarette; tobacco” (variant) 

tanru metaphor [iiniu]

   隱喻 (隐喻) [yǐn yù] “metaphor” 

tansi pan [uan]

   碗 [wǎn] “bowl; cup” 

tanxe box [xe]

   盒 [hé] “small box; case” 

tapla tile [uapian]

   瓦片 [wǎ piàn] “tile” 
   source: zhongwen.com 

tarbi embryo [tai]

   胎 [tāi] “fetus; litter” 
   cf. 胚胎 [pēi tāi] “embryo” (compound) 

tarci star [cin]

   星 [xīng] “star; satellite; small amount” 

tarla tar [ta]

   FIXIT missing 

tarmi shape [tai]

   態 (态) [tài] “attitude” 
   FIXIT dubious; cf. 形態 (形态) [xíng tài] “shape; form; pattern” (compound) 

tarti behave [taidu]

   態度 (态度) [tài du] “manner; bearing; attitude; approach” 

taske thirst [ke]

   渴 [kě] “thirsty” 

tatpi tired [pi]

   疲 [pí] “weary” 

tatru breast [ru]

   乳 [rǔ] “breast; milk” 

tavla talk [tan]

   談 (谈) [tán] “to speak; to talk; to converse; to chat; to discuss; (surname)” 

taxfu garment [fu]

   服 [fú] “clothes; dress; garment; submit; take (medicine)” 

tcaci custom [ci]

   習 (习) [xí] “to practice; to study; habit” 

tcadu city [du]

   都 [dū] “(surname); metropolis; capital city” 

tcana station [jan]

   站 [zhàn] “station; to stand; to halt; to stop” 

tcati tea [ca]

   茶 [chá] “tea; tea plant” 

tcena stretch [cen]

   伸 [shēn] “to stretch; to extend” 

tcica deceive [ci]

   諆 [qī] “deceive; contrive” 

tcidu read [du]

   讀 (读) [dú] “to read; to study” 

tcika time [cike]

   時刻 (时刻) [shí kè] “moment” 
   “time; moment” (source: zhongwen.com, chinaboard.de) 

tcila detail [cian]

   詳 (详) [xiáng] “detailed; comprehensive” 
   “Einzelheit (= detail)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

tcima weather [ci]

   氣 (气) [qì] “gas; air; smell; weather; vital breath; to make sb. angry; to get angry; to be enraged” 

tcini situation [cin]

   情 [qíng] “feeling; emotion; passion; situation” 
   cf. 情況 (情况) [qíng kuàng] “circumstances; state of affairs; situation” (compound); cf. 情形 [qíng xing] “circumstances; situation” (compound) 

tcita label [biaucian]

   標籤 (标签) [biāo qiān] “label; tag” 

temci time [ci]

   時 (时) [shí] “o'clock; time; when; hour; season; period” 
   cf. 時辰 (时辰) [shí chen] “time; one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day” (compound); cf. 時候 (时候) [shí hou] “time; length of time; moment; period” (compound); cf. 時間 (时间) [shí jiān] “time; period” (compound); cf. 時節 (时节) [shí jié] “season; time” (compound) 

tenfa exponential [cenfan]

   FIXIT missing 

tengu texture [jiegeu]

   結構 (结构) [jié gòu] “structure; composition; makeup; architecture” 

terdi earth [di]

   地 [dì] “earth; ground; field; place; land” 

terpa fear [pa]

   怕 [pà] “to be afraid; to fear” 

tigni perform [ian]

   演 [yǎn] “to develop; to evolve; to practice; to perform; to play; to act” 

tikpa kick [ti]

   踢 [tī] “kick; play (football or soccer)” 

tilju heavy [jun]

   重 [zhòng] “heavy; serious” 

tinbe obey [tin]

   聽 (听) [tīng] “listen; hear; obey” 

tinci tin [ci]

   錫 (锡) [xí] “tin” 

tinsa stiff [iin]

   硬 [yìng] “hard; stiff; strong; firm” 

tirna hear [tin]

   聽 (听) [tīng] “listen; hear; obey” 

tirse iron [tie]

   鐵 (铁) [tiě] “iron” 

tirxu tiger [xu]

   虎 [hǔ] “tiger” 

tisna fill [tian]

   填 [tián] “to fill in” 
   cf. 窴 [tián] “fill in” (variant); cf. 闐 (阗) [tián] “fill up; rumbling sound” (variant); cf. 添 [tiān] “to add; to increase; to replenish” (variant) 

titla sweet [tian]

   甜 [tián] “sweet” 

tivni television [dianci]

   電視 (电视) [diàn shì] “television; TV” 

tixnu daughter [nu]

   女 [nǚ] “female; woman” 

toknu oven [kaulu]

   烤爐 (烤炉) [kǎo lú] “oven (PRC)” 

toldi butterfly [die]

   蝶 [dié] “butterfly” 
   cf. 蝴蝶 [hú dié] “butterfly” (compound); cf. 蜨 [dié] “butterfly” (variant) 

tonga tone [iingau]

   音高 [yīn] “gāo pitch (music)” 

tordu short [duan]

   短 [duǎn] “lack; short” 

torni twist [nin]

   擰 (拧) [nǐng] “mistake; to twist” 

torni twist [niu]

   扭 [niǔ] “to turn; to twist; to grab; to wring” 

traji superlative [ji]

   綦 [qí] “dark gray; superlative; variegated” 

trano nitrogen [dan]

   氮 [dàn] “nitrogen” 
   cf. 淡 [dàn] “insipid; diluted; weak; light in color; tasteless; fresh; indifferent; nitrogen” (variant) 

trati taut [lajin]

   拉緊 (拉紧) [lā jǐn] “strain; tense; tighten” 

trene train [liece]

   列車 (列车) [liè chē] “train (railway term)” 

tricu tree [cu]

   樹 (树) [shù] “tree” 

trina attract [iin]

   引 [yǐn] “to lead; to divert (water); to guide” 

trixe behind [xeu]

   後 (后) [hòu] “back; behind; rear; afterwards; after; later” 

troci try [ci]

   試 (试) [shì] “to test; to try; experiment; examination; test” 

tsali strong [li]

   力 [lì] “power; force; strength” 
   cf. 強有力 (强有力) [qiáng yǒu lì] “strong; forceful” (compound) 

tsani sky [tian]

   天 [tiān] “day; sky; heaven” 

tsapi seasoning [tiauueipin]

   調味品 (调味品) [tiáo wèi pǐn] “seasoning” 
   “Würze; Gewürz (= seasoning)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

tsiju seed [jun]

   種 (种) [zhǒng] “kind; type; race; breed; seed; species (taxonomy)” 

tsina stage [uutai]

   舞台 [wǔ tái] “(theatrical or political) stage; arena” 

tubnu tube [guan]

   筦 [guǎn] “(surname); to control; tube; pipe” 
   cf. 管 [guǎn] “to take care (of); to control; to manage; to be in charge of; to look after; to run; tube; pipe” (variant) 

tugni agree [tunii]

   同意 [tóng yì] “to agree; to consent; to approve” 

tujli tulip [iujincian]

   鬱金香 (郁金香) [yù jīn xiāng] “tulip” 

tumla land [tu]

   土 [tǔ] “earth; dust” 
   cf. 土地 [tǔ dì] “land; territory” (compound) 

tunba sibling [tunbau]

   同胞 [tóng bāo] “fellow citizen or countryman” 
   cf. 同胞兄妹 [tóng bāo xiōng mèi] “sibling” (compound) 

tunka copper [tun]

   銅 (铜) [tóng] “copper” 

tunlo swallow [tun]

   吞 [tūn] “to swallow; to take” 

tunta poke [tun]

   捅 [tǒng] “poke through” 

tuple leg [tuei]

   腿 [tuǐ] “leg” 

turni govern [tunji]

   統治 (统治) [tǒng zhì] “(political) rule (over); to rule; to dominate; rule; domination” 

tutci tool [ci]

   器 [qì] “device; tool; utensil” 

tutra territory [tu]

   土 [tǔ] “earth; dust” 
   cf. 疆土 [jiāng tǔ] “territory” (compound); cf. 領土 (领土) [lǐng tǔ] “territory” (compound); cf. 土地 [tǔ dì] “land; territory” (compound) 

V vacri air [daci]

   大氣 (大气) [dà qì] “atmosphere” 

vajni important [juniao]

   重要 [zhòng yào] “important; significant; major” 

valsi word [si]

   詞 (词) [cí] “works; phrases; classical Chinese poem; word; diction” 

vamji value [ji]

   值 [zhí] “value; (to be) worth; to happen” 

vamtu vomit [tu]

   吐 [tù] “vomit” 

vanbi environment [xuanjin]

   環境 (环境) [huán jìng] “environment; circumstances; surroundings” 

vanci evening [uan]

   晚 [wǎn] “evening; night; late” 

vanju wine [taujieu]

   萄酒 [táo jiǔ] “wine” 
   cf. 萄 [táo] “grapes” (component); cf. 酒 [jiǔ] “wine; liquor; spirits” (component); cf. 葡萄酒 [pú táo jiǔ] “Wein (= wine)” (compound) (source: chinaboard.de) 

vasru contain [run]

   容 [róng] “to hold; to contain; to allow; appearance; look; countenance” 

vasxu breathe [xu]

   呼 [hū] “to call; to cry; to shout; to breath out; to exhale” 
   cf. 虖 [hū] “exhale; scream of tiger; to call” (variant) 

vecnu sell [ceu]

   售 [shòu] “to sell” 

venfu revenge [fu]

   復 (复) [fù] “again; recover; reply to a letter; to repeat; to duplicate” 
   cf. 報復 (报复) [bào fù] “make reprisals; retaliate; revenge; retaliation” (compound) 

vensa spring [cuen]

   春 [chūn] “spring (time); gay; joyful; youthful; love; lust; life” 

verba child [er]

   兒 (儿) [ér] “son” 

vibna vagina [iindau]

   阴道 [yīn dào] “vagina; (curse) cunt” 

vidni video [iincian]

   影像 [yǐng xiàng] “image” 
   cf. 動態影像 (动态影像) [dòng tài yǐng xiàng] “video” (compound) 

vidru virus [bindu]

   病毒 [bìng dú] “virus” 

vifne fresh [cian]

   鮮 (鲜) [xiān] “fresh” 

vikmi excrete [mi]

   泌 [mì] “seep; secrete” 
   source: zhongwen.com, chinaboard.de; cf. 泌溺 [mì niào] “pee; urinate” (compound) 

viknu viscous [nun]

   濃 (浓) [nóng] “concentrated; dense” 

vimcu remove [cu]

   除 [chú] “remove; do away with; wipe out; divide; except” 

vindu poison [du]

   毒 [dú] “poison; narcotics” 

vinji airplane [feiji]

   飛機 (飞机) [fēi jī] “airplane” 

vipsi deputy [si]

   次 [cì] “nth; number (of times); order; sequence; next; second(ary); (measure word)” 
   FIXIT dubious; cf. 倅 [cuì] “deputy; second; sub-” (variant); correct transcription “suei” 

virnu brave [iun]

   勇 [yǒng] “brave” 

viska see [kan]

   看 [kān] “to look after; to take care of; to watch; to guard” 

vitci irregular [ieuci]

   有時 (有时) [yǒu shí] “sometimes; now and then” 

vitke guest [ke]

   客 [kè] “customer; visitor; guest” 

vitno permanent [iun]

   永 [yǒng] “forever; always; perpetual (ly)” 

vlagi vulva [uaiiin]

   外陰 (外阴) [wài yīn] “outside + vagina” 
   FIXIT no reports; 3,990,000 Google hits; should be 屄 [bī] “vulva” 

vlile violent [lie]

   烈 [liè] “ardent; intense; split; crack; rend” 
   cf. 暴烈 [bào liè] “violent; fierce” (compound); cf. 劇烈 (剧烈) [jù liè] “violent; acute; severe; fierce” (compound) 

vlina alternation [lian]

   兩 (两) [liǎng] “both; two; ounce; some; a few; tael” 
   FIXIT dubious 

vlipa powerful [li]

   力 [lì] “power; force; strength” 

vofli flight [fei]

   飛 (飞) [fēi] “to fly” 

voksa voice [san]

   嗓 [sǎng] “throat; voice” 

vorme door [men]

   門 (门) [mén] “entrance; door; gate” 

vraga lever [gangan]

   槓桿 (槓杆) [gàng gǎn] “lever” 

vreji record [ji]

   記 (记) [jì] “to remember; to note; mark; sign; to record” 
   cf. 記錄 (记录) [jì lù] “record” (compound); cf. 記載 (记载) [jì zǎi] “write down; record; written account” (compound); cf. 紀 (纪) [jì] “discipline; age; era; period; order; record” (variant); cf. 紀錄 (纪录) [jì lù] “record” (variant compound); cf. 籍 [jí] “(surname); record; register; native place” (variant) 

vreta reclining [tan]

   躺 [tǎng] “to recline; to lie down” 

vrici miscellaneous [ci]

   FIXIT missing 

vrude virtue [de]

   德 [dé] “Germany; virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind” 

vrusi taste [uei]

   味 [wèi] “taste” 

X xabju dwell [ju]

   住 [zhù] “to live; to dwell; to reside; to stop” 

xadba half [ban]

   半 [bàn] “half; semi-; incomplete; (after a number) and a half; half” 

xadni body [xai]

   骸 [hái] “bones of the body” 
   FIXIT dubious 

xagji hunger [ji]

   飢 (饥) [jī] “hungry” 
   cf. 饑 (饥) [jī] “hungry” (variant) 

xagri reed [xuang]

   簧 [huáng] “metallic reed; spring of lock” 

xajmi funny [xuaji]

   滑稽 [huá ji] “comical; funny; amusing” 

xaksu use [xau]

   耗 [hào] “mouse; new; to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander” 

xalbo levity [bo]

   薄 [bò] “thin; slight; meagre; small; ungenerous; unkind; mean; frivolous; despise; belittle; to approach; to go near; peppermint” 

xalka alcohol [jieujin]

   酒精 [jiǔ jīng] “alcohol” 

xalni panic [jinxuan]

   驚慌 (惊慌) [jīng huāng] “panic” 

xalni panic [kunxuan]

   恐慌 [kǒng huāng] “panic; panicky; panic-stricken” 

xamgu good [xau]

   好 [hǎo] “good; well” 

xamsi sea [xai]

   海 [hǎi] “ocean; sea” 

xance hand [ceu]

   手 [shǒu] “hand; convenient” 

xanka nervous [xuan]

   慌 [huāng] “to get panicky; to lose one's head” 
   “nervös (= nervous)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

xanri imaginary [xuan]

   幻 [huàn] “fantasy” 

xanto elephant [cian]

   象 [xiàng] “shape; form; appearance; elephant; image under a map (math.)” 

xarci weapon [uuci]

   武器 [wǔ qì] “weapon; arms” 

xarju pig [ju]

   豬 (猪) [zhū] “hog; pig; swine” 

xarnu stubborn [uangu]

   頑固 (顽固) [wán gù] “stubborn; obstinate” 

xasli donkey [liu]

   驢 (驴) [lǘ] “donkey” 

xasne sweat [xan]

   汗 [hàn] “perspiration; sweat” 

xatra letter [xan]

   函 [hán] “envelope; case; letter” 

xebni hate [xen]

   恨 [hèn] “to hate” 

xedja jaw [xe]

   頜 (颌) [hé] “maxilla and mandible” 

xekri black [xei]

   黑 [hēi] “black; dark; Heilongjiang Province (abbrev.)” 

xendo kind [xe]

   和 [hé] “and; together with; with; peace; harmony; union” 
   cf. 和善 [hé shàn] “good-natured” (compound) 

xenru regret [xen]

   憾 [hàn] “regret” 

xinmo ink [mo]

   墨 [mò] “China ink; ink stick; abbrev. for Mexico” 

xirma horse [ma]

   馬 (马) [mǎ] “horse; horse chess piece; Surname” 

xislu wheel [luen]

   輪 (轮) [lún] “wheel; gear; (by) turn; rotate” 

xlali bad [xuai]

   壞 (坏) [huài] “bad; evil; rotten; spoiled” 

xlura influence [xua]

   化 [huà] “to make into; to change into; -ization; to ... -ize; to transform” 
   FIXIT dubious 

xotli hotel [liuguan]

   旅館 (旅馆) [lǚ guǎn] “hotel” 

xrani injure [xai]

   害 [hài] “to do harm to; to cause trouble to; harm; evil; calamity” 
   cf. 傷害 (伤害) [shāng hài] “injure; harm” (compound) 

xruba buckwheat [daxuan]

   大黃 (大黄) [dà huáng] “rhubarb” 
   “Rhabarber (= rhubarb)” (source: chinaboard.de) 

xruki turkey [xueji]

   火雞 (火鸡) [huǒ jī] “turkey (poultry)” 

xrula flower [xua]

   花 [huā] “flower; blossom; to spend (money, time); fancy pattern” 

xruti return [xuei]

   回 [huí] “(a measure word for matters or actions) a time; to circle; to go back; to turn around; to answer; to return; to revolve; Islam” 
   cf. 重回 [chóng huí] “return” (compound); cf. 發回 (发回) [fā huí] “send back; return” (compound) 

xukmi chemical [xua]

   化 [huà] “to make into; to change into; -ization; to ... -ize; to transform” 
   FIXIT dubious; cf. 化學 (化学) [huà xué] “chemistry; chemical” (compound) 

xunre red [xun]

   紅 (红) [hóng] “bonus; popular; red; revolutionary” 

xusra assert [xuan]

   宣 [xuān] “to declare (publicly); to announce” 

xutla smooth [xua]

   滑 [huá] “comical; cunning; slippery; smooth” 

Z zabna favorable [zan]

   贊 (赞) [zàn] “to patronize; to support; to praise” 
   cf. 讚 (赞) [zàn] “to praise” (variant) 

zajba gymnast [zaji]

   雜技 (杂技) [zá jì] “acrobatics” 

zalvi grind [za]

   砸 [zá] “smash; smashed” 

zanru approve [zantun]

   贊同 (赞同) [zàn tóng] “approve; endorse; (vote) in favor; assent” 
   cf. 讚同 (赞同) [zàn tóng] “approve; endorse; (vote) in favor; assent” (variant) 

zarci market [ci]

   市 [shì] “market; city” 

zargu buttock [pigu]

   屁股 [pì gu] “buttocks; bottom; arse; end; butt” 

zasni temporary [zan]

   暫 (暂) [zàn] “temporarily” 

zasti exist [zai]

   在 [zài] “(located) at; in; exist; (before verbs) immediately involved in; right in the middle of doing” 

zbabu soap [zau]

   皂 [zào] “black; soap” 

zbani bay [uan]

   灣 (湾) [wān] “bay; gulf” 

zbasu make [zau]

   造 [zào] “to make; to build; to invent; to manufacture” 

zbepi pedestal [zue]

   座 [zuò] “seat; base; stand; measure word for large, solid things” 
   cf. 台座 [tái zuò] “pedestal” (compound) 

zdani nest [fan]

   房 [fáng] “house” 

zdile amusing [iule]

   娛樂 (娱乐) [yú lè] “entertainment” 

zekri crime [zuei]

   罪 [zuì] “guilt; crime; fault; blame; sin” 

zenba increase [zen]

   增 [zēng] “to increase; to expand; to add” 

zgana observe [guan]

   觀 (观) [guān] “to look at; to watch; to observe; to behold” 

zgike music [iue]

   樂 (乐) [yuè] “(surname); music” 

zifre free [zieu]

   自由 [zì yóu] “freedom; free; liberty” 

zinki zinc [cin]

   鋅 (锌) [xīn] “zinc” 

zirpu purple [zi]

   紫 [zǐ] “purple” 

zivle invest [teuzi]

   投資 (投资) [tóu zī] “investment; to invest” 

zmadu more [due]

   多 [duō] “many; much; a lot of; numerous; multi-” 

zmiku automatic [zidun]

   自動 (自动) [zì dòng] “automatic” 

zukte act [zue]

   做 [zuò] “to do; to make; to produce” 

zumri maize [iumi]

   玉米 [yù mǐ] “corn; maize” 

zungi guilt [zuei]

   罪 [zuì] “guilt; crime; fault; blame; sin” 

zunle left [zue]

   左 [zuǒ] “left” 

zunti interfere [zu]

   阻 [zǔ] “to hinder; to block; to obstruct” 

zutse sit [zue]

   坐 [zuò] “to sit; to take a seat; to take (a bus, airplane etc.)” 

zvati at [zai]

   在 [zài] “(located) at; in; exist; (before verbs) immediately involved in; right in the middle of doing”