


Summary (English translation)[編集]

(I didn't just want to plagiarize and make a new page, so I just translated it into English. Hope that's ok. I'm leaving this here as supplementary information for a project I'm working on.)

Somewhere in the mountains, there lived a Red Ogre. Red Ogre always wanted to become friends with humans. And so he wrote, "I am a kind-hearted Ogre. Anyone is welcome. I have some delicious snacks. I also have tea," on a sign and posted it outside his door. However, humans were suspicious, and not a single one came to play. Red Ogre was very sad and was bitter because nobody would trust him. And so, he uprooted his precious sign. As he was lost in despair, his friend, Blue Ogre, came to visit him. Listening to Red Ogre, Blue Ogre hatched a plan: If Blue Ogre went on a rampage in the human village, and Red Ogre came to punish him, then the humans would all come to know that Red Ogre was actually nice. Red Ogre felt bad for Blue Ogre, but Blue Ogre insisted and brought him along toward where the village where humans were. So they did as they planned. Blue Ogre would attack the children, and Red Ogre would defend them. The plan was a success and the villagers were all very grateful to Red Ogre, and went to play at Red Ogre's house. Every day, the humans, now Red Ogre's friends, would come over to play. Each day was a full day for Red Ogre. However, Red Ogre was troubled by one thing. His best friend, Blue Ogre, never once came over to play since that time. His getting along with the villagers was thanks to Blue Ogre, after all. So he went to go check up on Blue Ogre . However, at his house, the door was shut tight. There was a small note posted on the edge. It read, "Red Ogre, please get along with the humans, and have fun with them. If I were to stay with you, they might think that you are a bad ogre too. So I'm going out on a journey. I will never forget you no matter what. Good-bye. Please take care of yourself. I will always be your friend." It was Blue Ogre's farewell letter. Red Ogre read it two times, three times out loud and became quiet as he started to cry. Red Ogre never saw Blue Ogre again. --Calculuswhiz会話2015年11月14日 (土) 18:15 (UTC)[返信]