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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

パトラスのゲルマノスギリシア語: Παλαιών Πατρών Γερμανός Γʹ、1771年 - 1826年、出生名 Georgios Gotzias)は、正教会パトラ府主教であった。彼は1821年のギリシャ独立戦争で重要な役割を果たし、外交的および政治的活動を行った。




伝承といくつかの史料によると、1821年3月25日(ギリシャ歴4月6日)の受胎告知の饗宴で、ゲルマノス司教はオスマン帝国に対する国民の反乱を宣言し、聖ラヴラ修道院で革命の旗を祝福した[1] [2] [3]



  1. ^ Greek Independence Day.”. www.britannica.com. 2009年9月9日閲覧。 “The Greek revolt was precipitated on March 25, 1821, when Bishop Germanos of Patras raised the flag of revolution over the Monastery of Agia Lavra in the Peloponnese. The cry “Freedom or Death” became the motto of the revolution.”
  2. ^ Frazee, Charles A. (1969). The Orthodox Church and independent Greece, 1821-1852. CUP Archive. pp. 18–20. ISBN 0-521-07247-6. https://archive.org/details/orthodoxchurchin0000fraz/page/18. "On 25 March, Germanos gave the revolution its great symbol when he raised a banner with the cross on it at the monastery of Ayia Lavra." 
  3. ^ McManners, John (2001). The Oxford illustrated history of Christianity. Oxford University Press. pp. 521–524. ISBN 0-19-285439-9. "The Greek uprising and the church. Bishop Germanos of old Patras blesses the Greek banner at the outset of the national revolt against the Turks on 25 March 1821. The solemnity of the scene was enhanced two decades later in this painting by T. Vryzakis….The fact that one of the Greek bishops, Germanos of Old Patras, had enthusiastically blessed the Greek uprising at the onset (25 March 1821) and had thereby helped to unleash a holy war, was not to gain the church a satisfactory, let alone a dominant, role in the new order of things."