ロナン・パラン(Ronen P. Palan、1957年 - )は、イギリスの政治学者。専門は国際政治経済学。
[編集]- The Offshore World: Sovereign Markets, Virtual Places, and Nomad Millionaires, (Cornell University Press, 2003).
[編集]- State Strategies in the Global Political Economy, with Jason Abbott and Phil Deans, (Pinter, 1996, rev. ed., 1999).
- The Imagined Economies of Globalization, with Angus Cameron, (Sage, 2004).
- Tax havens: how globalization really works, with Richard Murphy and Christian Chavagneux, Cornell University Press, 2010.
[編集]- Global Political Economy: Contemporary Theories, (Routledge, 2000).
[編集]- Transcending the State-Global Divide: A Neostructuralist Agenda in International Relations, co-edited with Barry Gills, (Lynne Rienner, 1994).
- Taxhaven: Les paradis fiscaux, with Christian Chavagneux, (La Decouverte, 2006).
- 杉村昌昭訳『タックスヘイブン――グローバル経済を動かす闇のシステム』(作品社, 2007年)
- Globalizing Economic Regimes and Institutions, co-edited with Paul James, (Sage, 2007).
- Sage Library of International Relations, vol. 5: International Political Economy, co-edited with Angus Cameron and Anastasia Nesvetailova, (Sage, 2008).
- Legacies of empire: imperial roots of the contemporary global order, edited by Sandra Halperin and Ronen Palan, Cambridge University Press, 2015.