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佐々木 みゆき(ささき みゆき)は、日本言語学者(応用言語学)である。早稲田大学教育・総合科学学術院教授。専門分野は、第二言語習得論(ライティング)、言語教育科学教育など。

佐々木 みゆき
(ささき みゆき)
国籍 日本の旗 日本
出身校 広島大学教育学部
研究分野 応用言語学
研究機関 早稲田大学
学位 Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics(カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校)
学会 大学英語教育学会



広島大学大学院教育学研究科より教育学修士の学位、アメリカ ジョージタウン大学より第二言語としての英語教育修士の学位、カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校よりライル・F・バックマン博士の下で、「第二言語能力と外国語適性と知能との関係:構造方程式による探索」で、応用言語学博士の学位を取得。2002年から2005年に応用言語学で最も権威のある雑誌の1つであるTESOL Quarterlyの編集委員、2007年から2011年に世界各国から12名のみ選ばれ、TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)の将来を議論するTOEFL Committee of Examiner(任期4年)に、日本在住の日本人としては、初めて選ばれた。 その後も能力論、評価論、第二言語ライティング論で、日英語で論文やエッセイを発表してきた。特に「人はどのようにして第二第三の言語で書けるようになるのか」に関する思考とライティングプロセスの長期的発達の研究や、長期にわたるライティング能力の変化について、研究者の立場からの分析だけではなく、当事者自身の説明も効果的に取り入れた混合研究法による研究は、本人のライフワークとされ、権威のある雑誌に掲載された論文も多い。



2020年 4月- 早稲田大学教育・総合科学学術院教授

2013年 4月-2020年 3月 名古屋市立大学大学院人間文化研究科教授

2000年 4月-2013年 3月 名古屋学院大学外国語学部英米語学科教授



-Sasaki, M. (2023). AI tools as affordances and contradictions for EFL writers: Emic perspectives and L1 use as a resource. Journal of Second Language Writing, 62, 101068. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jslw.2023.101068

-Higuchi, Y., Nakamuro, M., Roever, C., Sasaki, M., & Yashima, T. (2023). Impact of studying abroad on language skill development: Regression discontinuity evidence from Japanese university students. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 70(101284)1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jjie.2023.101284

- Roever, C., Higuchi, Y., Sasaki, M., Yashima, T., & Nakamuro, M. (2022). Validating a test of L2 routine formulae to detect pragmatics learning in stay abroad. Applied Pragmatics, 4. https://doi.org/10.1075/ap.20015.roe

- 佐々木みゆき(2022). 「留学による英語学習」中田達也・鈴木祐一(編著) 『英語学習の科学』 (pp.203 - 218). 東京:研究社.

- Iwashita, N., Sasaki, M., & Stell, A., & Yucel, M. (2021). Japanese stakeholders’ perceptions of IELTS writing and speaking tests and their impact on communication and achievement. IELTS Research Reports Online Series. https://www.ielts.org/-/media/research-reports/iwashita-et-al_irr-21_4.ashx

- Sasaki, M., Baba, K., Nitta, R., & Matsuda, P. K. (2020). Exploring the effects of web-based communication task on the development and transferability of audience awareness in L2 writers. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. 43(3), 277-301. https://doi.org/10.1075/aral.18035.sas

- Higuchi, Y., Nakamuro, M., & Sasaki, M. (2020). Impacts of an information and communication technology-assisted program on attitudes and English communication abilities: An experiment in a Japanese high school. Asian Development Review, 37(2), 100-133. https://doi.org/10.1162/adev_a_00151

- Sasaki, M. (2020). Living on the periphery: Cause of despair or source of hope? In L Plonsky (Ed), Professional development in applied linguistics: A Guide for graduate students and early career faculty (pp. 60–62). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

- Sasaki, M. (2018a). Application of diffusion of innovation theory to educational accountability: the case of EFL education in Japan. Language Testing in Asia, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40468-017-0052-1

- Sasaki, M. (2018b). L2 writers in study-abroad contexts. In R. M. Manchón, and P. K. Matsuda (Eds.), The Handbook of Second and Foreign Language Writing (pp. 161-180). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

- Sasaki, M. (2018c). Effects of study-abroad experiences on L2 writing: Insights from published research. In X You (Ed), Transnational writing education: Theory, history, and practice (pp. 138-155). New York: Routledge.

- Sasaki, M. (2018d). Asian perspectives on second language writing pedagogy. In J. I. Liontas (Ed.), TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

- Sasaki, M., Mizumoto, A., & Murakami, A. (2018). Developmental trajectories in L2 writing strategy use: A self-regulation perspective. Modern Language Journal, 102(2), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1111/modl.12469

- Higuchi, Y., Sasaki, M., & Nakamuro, M. (2017). Impacts of an ICT-assisted program on attitudes and English communicative abilities: An experiment in a Japanese high school. RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 17-E-030. http://www.rieti.go.jp/en/publications/summary/17030031.html

- Sasaki, M., Kozaki, Y., & Ross, S. J. (2017). The impact of normative environments on learner motivation and L2 reading ability growth. Modern Language Journal, 101(1), 163-178. https://doi.org/10.1111/modl.12381

- Sasaki, M. (2016). English writing instruction in senior high schools: A historical ecological approach. In T. Silva, J. Wang, J. Paiz, & C. Zhang (Eds), L2 writing in the global context: Represented, underrepresented, and unrepresented voices (pp. 84-109). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

- 佐々木 みゆき(2014). 「留学が第二言語ライティングに与える影響についての研究:回顧と展望」. 『第二言語としての日本語の習得研究』17, pp. 97-111.

- Sasaki, M. (2013a). Introspective methods. In A. J. Kunnan (Ed.), The Companion to Language Assessment, Vol. 3: Evaluation, methodology, and interdisciplinary themes (pp. 1340-1357). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

- 佐々木 みゆき(2013b). 「第2言語ライティング行動発達の研究方法を求めて:歴史生態学的方法の可能性」『第24回第二言語習得研究会(JASLA)全国大会予稿集』pp.112-117. 第二言語習得研究会.

- Sasaki, M. (2012a). The Modern Language Aptitude Test (Paper-and-Pencil Version). Language Testing, 29, 315-321.

- 佐々木 みゆき(2012b). 「英語教育」. 日本比較教育学会(編)『比較教育学事典』pp. 51-52. 東京:東信堂.

- Sasaki, M. (2012c). Changing relationships among L2 writing strategies, L2 proficiency, and L2 writing ability: A dynamic systems approach. Proceedings of the 51st JACET International Conventions (pp. 145-146).

- Sasaki, M. (2012d). An alternative approach to replication studies in second language writing: An ecological perspective. Journal of Second Language Writing 21(3), 303-305.

- Sasaki, M. (2011). Effects of varying lengths of study-abroad experiences on Japanese EFL students’ L2 writing ability and motivation: A longitudinal study. TESOL Quarterly, 45(1), 81-105.

- Sasaki, M. (2009). Changes in EFL students’ writing over 3.5 years: A socio-cognitive account. In R. M. Manchón (Ed.), Writing in foreign language contexts: Learning, teaching, and researching writing in foreign language contexts (pp. 49-76). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

- Sasaki, M. (2008). The 150-year history of English language assessment in Japanese education. Language Testing, 25, 63-83.

- Sasaki, M. (2007). Effects of study-abroad experiences on EFL writers: A multiple-data analysis. Modern Language Journal, 91, 602-620.

- Sasaki, M. (2005). Hypothesis generation and hypothesis testing: Two complementary studies of EFL writing processes. In P. K. Matsuda & T. Silva (Eds.), Second language writing research: Perspectives on the process of knowledge construction (pp. 79-92). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

- Sasaki, M. (2004). A multiple-data analysis of the 3.5-year development of EFL student writers. Language Learning, 54, 525-582.

- Sasaki, M. (2003). A scholar on the periphery: Standing firm, walking slowly. In C. P. Casanave & S. Vandrick (Eds.), Writing for scholarly publication: Behind the scenes in language education (pp. 211-221). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

- Sasaki, M. (2002). Building an empirically-based model of EFL learners’ writing processes. In S. Ransdell & M-L. Barbier (Eds.), New directions for research in L2 writing (pp. 49-80). Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic.

- Ross, S., Yoshinaga, N., & Sasaki, M. (2002). Aptitude-exposure interaction effects on Wh-movement violation detection by pre-and-post-critical Japanese bilinguals. In P. Robinson (Ed.), Individual differences and instructed language learning (pp. 267-299). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

- Sasaki, M. (2001). An introspective account of L2 writing acquisition. In D. Belcher & U. Connor (Eds.), Reflections on multiliterate lives (pp. 110-120). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

- Hirose, K., & Sasaki, M. (2000). Effects of teaching metaknowledge and journal writing on Japanese university students’ EFL writing. JALT Journal, 22, 94-113.

- Sasaki, M. (2000a). Toward an empirical model of EFL writing processes: An exploratory study. Journal of Second Language Writing, 9, 259-291.

- Sasaki, M. (2000b). Effects of cultural schemata on students’ test-taking processes for cloze tests: A multiple data source approach. Language Testing, 17, 85-114.

- Sasaki, M., & Hirose, K. (1999). Development of an analytic rating scale for Japanese L1 writing. Language Testing, 16, 457-478.

- Sasaki, M. (1998). Investigating EFL students’ production of speech acts: A comparison of production questionnaires and role plays. Journal of Pragmatics, 30, 457-484.

- Sasaki, M. (1997). Topic continuity in Japanese-English interlanguage. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 35, 1-21.

- Sasaki, M. (1996). Second language proficiency, foreign language aptitude, and intelligence: Quantitative and qualitative analyses. New York: Peter Lang.

- Sasaki, M., & Hirose, K. (1996). Exploratory variables for EFL students' expository writing. Language Learning, 46, 137-174.

- 佐々木 みゆき(1995)Reliability of an ESL Placement test: Comparison of Classical true score theory and generalizability theory渓水社「英語教育学研究:松村幹男先生退官記念論文集」pp. 410-420

- Hirose, K., & Sasaki, M. (1994). Explanatory variables for Japanese students' expository writing in English: An exploratory study. Journal of Second Language Writing, 3, 203-229.

- Sasaki, M. (1993a). Relationships among second language proficiency, foreign language aptitude, and intelligence: A structural equation modeling approach. Language Learning, 43, 313-344.

- Sasaki, M. (1993b). Relationships among second language proficiency, foreign language aptitude, and intelligence: A protocol analysis. Language Learning, 43, 469-505.

- Sasaki, M. (1991). A comparison of two methods for detecting differential item functioning in an ESL placement test. Language Testing, 8, 95-111.

- Sasaki, M. (1991). An analysis of sentences with nonreferential there in spoken American English. Word: Journal of the International Linguistic Association, 42, 157-178.

- 山田 純・佐々木 みゆき(1990a) 「言語と知覚と思考 --その虚と実」英潮社新社『ことばと文学と文化と:安藤貞雄博士退官記念論文集』pp. 445-457.

- Sasaki, M. (1990b). Topic prominence in Japanese EFL students' existential constructions. Language Learning, 40, 337-368.

- Yamada, J., Sasaki, M., & Motooka, N. (1988). Copying, reading, and writing of kana and simple forms by Japanese preschoolers. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 66, 387-394.

- Sasaki, M. (1987). Is UGUISU an exceptional case of idiosyncratic variation? Another counterexample to the Natural Order Hypothesis. Chugoku-Shikoku Academic Society of Education Research Bulletin, 32, 170-174.

- Sasaki, M. (1987). Change in interclausal relations: Universal side of second language acquisition. Chugoku Academic Society of English Language Education Research Bulletin, 17, 43-53.

- 佐々木 みゆき(1987a)Linguistic Change in interlanguage: Formula X『中国地区英語教育学会研究紀要』第17号 pp. 171-177.

- 佐々木 みゆき(1985)幼児の外国語としての英語学習に関する一考察A君の”is it” patternについて『中国地区英語教育学会研究紀要』第15巻 pp. 75-79.

- 佐々木 みゆき(1984)初級レベルの外国語としての英語教科書にあらわれる生活語彙について:日本の教科書とドイツの教科書の比較 『中国地区英語教育学会研究紀要』第14巻 pp. 1-4.







