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"English words" in Japan[編集]

Hello, I saw your opinion about the usage of "English words" in Japan, and your edits to remove those in a few articles (although most of them seems to be reverted). I do appreciate your concern about maintaining the integrity of Japanese culture, but let me make a couple of comments about the situation.

  • Depending on the context, providing the relevant word in different language is really useful, because some of the documents in specialized fields (e.g. academia) tend to use those terminologies as it is in the "original language" without bothering to use a not-widely-used-yet Japanese translation. In such cases offering "original word" next to "Japanese translation" really serves for the readers' sake. This is especially true for advanced modern natural science/math, but depending on the subject the "original word" need not be English, but German or French (for some of the concepts in philosophy, etc) or something else.
  • As far as I know, the "anglicanization" of the Japanese language, if any, is not considered to be taking place at menacing pace. For one thing, the grammar is not affected at all. It is more about putting new words to new concepts and it just happens that those new concepts come from/thorough English speaking cultures (the USA is the synonym of "overseas" for most of the Japanese people, and the global academic community speaks English...) into Japan now. This happens for any language at any time, just like the English language has borrowed many words from the Latin in the past, or the Japanese once did from the Chinese when everything came from there.

regards, --Makotoy 2009年9月1日 (火) 16:40 (UTC)[返信]