


There are rational reasons why I deleted the picture from Kamiki's Wikipage. The photo which was posted was illegal based on the Japanese privacy law. In addition, recently Twitters went around making fun of it because some people thoght that picture was not good but rather funny. I am a fun of him and has not been happy about it but found someone (Mari Watanabe) deleted it from Wiki page. But someone who does not aware of that situation brougt it back - would you please delete it by yourself? Liddel&star

日本語で書いてください。-- 2015年3月24日 (火) 03:56 (UTC)[返信]
@Liddel&star:Please don't be confused, but this is the Wikipedia that is WRITTEN IN JAPANESE, NOT Japan's Wikipedia, and the image in question is stored in the US servers (i.e. OUTSIDE Japan), and so laws of Japan do not apply. --Moonian会話2015年3月24日 (火) 04:53 (UTC)[返信]