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あなたが実り多き活動をされることを楽しみにしております。--Suisui 2006年8月5日 (土) 07:41 (UTC)[返信]

The Climate Book[編集]

The article you just created, The Climate Book, appears to have been produced using a machine translation tool from the German Wikipedia article. As a result, the article contains sentences that are meaningless or barely intelligible by Japanese Wikipedia readers. Please refrain from creating articles on the Japanese Wikipedia if you don't understand Japanese (as you stated in your user page). --Pacifio会話2022年11月21日 (月) 16:56 (UTC)[返信]

Sorry, obvously machine translation only improved within the indo-european languages. I only tried to promote the knowledge about this book, because it seems to be more helpful than the political demonstration of Fridays for Future for creating understandig for its pupose. --Cethegus会話2022年11月21日 (月) 17:15 (UTC)[返信]