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  • ウィキペディアで活動する際にはガイドブックを是非ご一読ください。きっとご参考になるものと思います。
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あなたが実り多き活動をされることを楽しみにしております。--Suisui 2006年8月19日 (土) 00:21 (UTC)[返信]

So sorry - but I don't know but a couple of words in Japanese. What I did was to look up the wikipedia article on WAR (戦争) and the Wikipedia article on PEACE (平和)and then the wikipedia article on the Russian Tolstoy's book WAR and PEACE, (戦争と平和). This way, I was able to find out the Japanese word for "AND" (と)and so I was able to string together, "THEODORE ROOSEVELT" (セオドア・ルーズベルト) and the Japanese word for "and" (と) and also "Great White Fleet" (グレート・ホワイト・フリート)so that I could add the Kunstler painting of TR seeing off the Great White Fleet and add the caption, that I hoped, said in Japanese "Theodore Roosevelt and the Great White Fleet" . So that's how I, a stupid ignorant American who knows nothing in Japanese except "Hai," and "konichiwa" and "warkari matsu" tried to contribute to your article. I think it's important for our Japanese friends to realize that this Fleet was not an accident but the product of one man's mind and energy, Theodore Roosevelt, who built up the US Navy to world-class size, admired Japanese military and cultural greatness and also saw the growth of Japanese influence in the Pacific. Would one of you nice bi-lingual Japanese editors kindly translate my comments into Japanese please. Thankyou. Also, please make any replies into the English language wikipedia site under my English name, SIMONATL. I hope I have not offended anyone. But I think its great that Japanese people are interested in the early 20th Century history of Japanese-American relations before things turned so competitive from 1920s - 1941. Domo Arigato, Nipponese friends. SimonAtl 2006年8月21日 (月) 01:45 (UTC)[返信]

こんにちは。ウィキペディアにファイル:TR Great White Fleet Sails Kunstler.jpgをアップロードしていただき、ありがとうございます。しかし、このファイルは被写体または画像自体がその原著作物の著作権を侵害していると考えられるため、削除依頼を提出しました。削除の議論はWikipedia:削除依頼/ファイル:TR Great White Fleet Sails Kunstler.jpgにて行われています。削除の提案に対する回答や反論をぜひお寄せください。--Darklanlan talk 2017年1月26日 (木) 08:51 (UTC)[返信]