

クローディアの秘密』(英語: From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler)はE・L・カニグズバーグの小説。この物語はニューヨーク市メトロポリタン美術館へと家出した姉弟クローディア・キンケイドとジェイミーの足跡を辿る。1967年にアテネウム・ブックス英語版より出版されたが、これは新人作家だったカニグズバーグが編集者ジーン・カールに提出した二つの手稿を元に作られた二冊の本の内の二冊目にあたる(もう一冊は『魔女ジェニファとわたし』)[1]



The prologue is a letter from Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, addressed "To my lawyer, Saxonberg", accompanied by a drawing of her writing at her office desk. It serves as the cover letter for the 162-page narrative, and provides background for changes to her last will and testament.

Twelve-year-old Claudia Kincaid decides to run away from her home in Greenwich, because she thinks her parents do not appreciate her. She takes refuge in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (the Met) in New York City, with her brother Jamie. She chooses Jamie as her companion partly because he has saved all his money. With the help of an unused adult train fare card that she found in a wastebasket, Claudia finds a way to get to the museum for free using the commuter train and a very long walk.

Early chapters depict Claudia and Jamie settling in at the Met: hiding in the restroom at closing time, as security staff check to see that all the patrons have departed; blending in with school groups on tour; bathing in the fountain, and using "wishing coins" for money; and sleeping in Irwin Untermyer's antique bed.

A new exhibit draws sensational crowds and fascinates the children: the marble statue of an angel, the sculptor unknown but suspected to be Michelangelo. It was purchased at auction, for only a few hundred dollars, from Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, a collector who recently closed her showcase Manhattan residence. The children research it on site and at the Donnell Library, and give their conclusion to the museum staff anonymously.

After learning they have been naive, the children spend the last of their money on travel to Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler's home in Connecticut. She recognizes them as runaways but sets them briefly to the task of researching the angel from files in her long bank of cabinets. Despite the idiosyncratic organization of her files, they do discover the angel's secret—Mrs. Frankweiler has purposefully "given away" a virtually priceless Michelangelo to the Met. In exchange for a full account of their adventure, she will leave the crucial file to them in her will, and send them home in her Rolls-Royce. Claudia learns her deep motive for persisting in the crazy search: she wanted a secret of her own to treasure and keep. Mrs. Frankweiler may get "grandchildren" who delight her. Her lawyer (who is revealed to be the children's maternal grandfather) gets a luncheon date at the Met, to revise her will.



  • クラウディア・キンケイド 12歳。キンケイド家の四子の中では最年長であり、ただ一人の女子。こうした事情から家事の手伝いを強いられていた。学業優秀であり、英文法に口うるさい「批評家」であり、計画的な性格の持ち主でもあるが、節約が苦手で小遣いは間食のために使い果たしている。家族から正当に評価されていないと感じており、弟のジェイミーを連れて家出する計画を立てた。家を出た二人はメトロポリタン美術館の中に潜み、そこで芸術の世界の神秘を発見し、魅了される。これは彼女の冒険の第一歩となるのだった。
  • ジェイミー・キンケイド 9歳。キンケイド家の三男の内の次男。小学四年生。物静かな倹約家。彼の大胆不敵で(1960年代半ばの郊外に住むアメリカ人の子供としては)金持ちという特徴は姉の欠点を完全に補っている。通学バスで毎日親友と戦争というトランプゲームを行いイカサマで小遣いをふんだくっており、そうして貯めた貯金でトランジスターラジオを購入している。
  • ベシル・E・フランクワイヤー夫人 知的で洞察力に優れる、一風変わった富豪。クラウディアとジェイミーの物語を自身の顧問弁護士に語る、この物語の語り手である。持ち前の洞察力で子供たちの行動に対し注釈を加えてもいる。自身が所蔵する天使の像をオークションで売却する許可を出したことによって、物語の謎が動き始める。
  • サクソンバーグ フランクワイラー夫人の顧問弁護士。後にクラウディアとジェイミーの祖父であることが明かされる。


When Konigsburg submitted Mixed‑Up Files to Jean Karl at Atheneum in 1966, she was an unpublished mother of three children living in the suburbs of New York City.[3]

One inspiration for the novel was a page-one story in the New York Times on October 26, 1965.[注釈 1] Konigsburg recalled years later that the Metropolitan Museum had purchased for only $225 a plaster and stucco statue from the time of the Italian Renaissance. "They knew they had an enormous bargain."[3][5]

Another inspiration was complaints by Konigsburg's children in Yellowstone National Park, about a picnic with many amenities of home. She inferred that if they ever ran away "[t]hey would certainly never consider any place less elegant than the Metropolitan Museum of Art".[5]

The author's two younger children Laurie and Ross (who turned eleven and nine in 1967) posed for the illustrations of Claudia and Jamie. Anita Brigham, a neighbor in their Port Chester, New York, apartment house, posed as Mrs. Frankweiler.[6]

フランクワイラー夫人の人物像は、フロリダ州ジャクソンビルにかつてあったバートラム女子校[注釈 2]の女校長オルガ・プラットをモデルにしている。作者はこの学校に通い、彼女から化学を教わっていた。「プラット先生は裕福という訳ではなかったけど実直な方でした。親切で、けれども厳格なのです」[6]

On February 21, 2014, family and friends of E.L. Konigsburg gathered in a private space at the Metropolitan Museum of Art to pay tribute to the author, who died on April 19, 2013 at age 83. One of the speakers was Paul Konigsburg, the author's son. He told a story.[8]

During the mid-1960s, [Konigsburg] would drop off [her young son] Paul and his siblings, Laurie and Ross, at the museum, while [Konigsburg] attended her own art classes. By the time the children made their routine visits to the knights in armor, the mummy, and the Impressionists (at Laurie's request), Konigsburg's class would be finished and she would return to explore the museum with them. On one such occasion, Paul recalled, his mother spotted a single piece of popcorn on the floor next to an ornate piece of royal furniture, which was completely blocked off from public access. He remembers his mother wondering aloud, where did that popcorn come from? And it was that moment, "burned into shrapnel memory", that he believes formed the kernel of the story that would become From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. She was "a very special lady", he said, whose passion for art drew her to this "very special place".[8]


At the time of the book's publication, Kirkus Reviews said: "There may be a run on the Metropolitan (a map is provided); there will surely be a run on the book."[9] The Horn Book Magazine called the book "not only one of the most original stories of many years but one of the most humorous and one with character wholly alive."[10] In a retrospective essay about the Newbery Medal-winning books from 1966 to 1975, children's author John Rowe Townsend wrote, "Mrs. Frankweiler plays a vital part, and has an important affinity with Claudia; it is quite likely that she herself is a Claudia grown elderly... Yet the fact that Mrs. Frankweiler narrates the whole story, which she herself does not enter until near the end, seems to me to be a major structural flaw."[11]

『クローディアの秘密』は1968年に優れたアメリカ児童文学に与えられるニューベリー賞を受賞した。同作者の『魔女ジェニファとわたし』も同年ニューベリー賞で佳作(後のニューベリー名誉賞)を受賞しており、1922年からのニューベリー賞の歴史の中で唯一のダブル受賞となった[2]。児童文学評論家のアニタ・シルヴィー英語版は2005年の著書 100 Best Books for Children において『クローディアの秘密』を推薦する100冊の1冊として紹介している[12]全米教育協会英語版によるオンライン調査によって選ばれた "Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children"(先生が勧める図書百選) にも選ばれている[13]。 2012年、『学校図書館ジャーナル英語版』による調査 "Top 100 Chapter Book Poll Results" (チャプター・ブック英語版の投票順上位百冊)で7位とされた[14]




  1. ^ Konigsburg later cited October 25, which was Monday. The page one story was published Tuesday, concerning a Friday auction.[4]
  2. ^ 現在は予科校であるボールズ・スクール英語版に統合された[7]


  1. ^ Lipson, Eden Ross (2000年4月3日). “Jean Karl, 72; A Publisher Of Books For Children”. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2000/04/03/arts/jean-karl-72-a-publisher-of-books-for-children.html 2011年10月21日閲覧。 
  2. ^ a b 1997 Newbery Medal and Honor”. Association for Library Service to Children/American Library Association. 2019年12月7日閲覧。
  3. ^ a b Mixed-Up Files, 35th anniversary ed., Afterword. Unnumbered [pp. 163–74].
  4. ^ Esterow, Milton (1965年10月26日). “A $225 Sculpture May Be a Master's Worth $500,000”. The New York Times: pp. 1, 42none ; Glueck, Grace (1965年10月29日). “Museum Shows $225 'Bargain': Metropolitan to Test Bust To Determine Its Sculptor”. The New York Times: p. 50none ; Knox, Sanka (1969年4月10日). “Museum's $225 Bust Credited to Leonardo”. The New York Times: p. 55 
  5. ^ a b "Konigsburg, E. L." Archived 2014-03-06 at the Wayback Machine.. Autobiographical statement from Connie Rockman, ed., Eighth Book of Junior Authors and Illustrators Wilson, 2000 (ISBN 0-8242-0968-0). CMS Library Information Center. Coleytown Middle School. Westport, CT. Retrieved 2011-12-06.
  6. ^ a b "E. L. Konigsburg, Interview Transcript" Archived 2009-02-15 at the Wayback Machine.. No date. Scholastic Teachers. scholastic.com. Retrieved 2011-12-05.
  8. ^ a b Burnett, Matia (February 25, 2014). "E.L. Konigsburg Remembered". Publisher's Weekly Online. Retrieved 2014-02-26.
  9. ^ “FROM THE MIXED-UP FILES OF MRS. BASIL E. FRANKWEILER by E.L. Konigsburg”. Kirkus Reviews. (September 1, 1967). https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/el-konigsburg/from-mixed-up-files-of-mrs-basil-e-frankweiler/ 2019年12月7日閲覧。. 
  10. ^ The Horn Book Magazine, October 1967, cited in “What did we think of...?”. The Horn Book. (January 24, 1999). https://www.hbook.com/1999/01/what-did-we-think-of/ 2019年12月7日閲覧。. 
  11. ^ Townsend, John Rowe (1975). “A Decade of Newbery Books in Perspective”. In Kingman, Lee. Newbery and Caldecott Medal Books: 1966-1975. Boston: The Horn Book, Incorporated. p. 145. ISBN 0-87675-003-X. https://archive.org/details/newberycaldecott0000unse/page/145 
  12. ^ Silvey, Anita (2005). 100 Best Books for Children: A Parent's Guide to Making the Right Choices for Your Young Reader, Toddler to Preteen. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. p. 101. ISBN 978-0-618-61877-4. https://books.google.com/books?id=O3xytWMrGxMC&pg=PA101 
  13. ^ Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 archiveurlarchivedate は両方を指定してください。Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children”. National Education Association (2007年). 時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2012年8月19日閲覧。
  14. ^ Bird, Elizabeth (2012年7月7日). “Top 100 Chapter Book Poll Results”. A Fuse #8 Production. Blog. School Library Journal (blog.schoollibraryjournal.com). 2012年7月13日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2012年8月19日閲覧。
  15. ^ From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler - IMDb(英語) (IMDb). Retrieved 2011-12-14.
  16. ^ From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (1995). IMDb. Retrieved 2011-12-14.


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