

Fonsérannes Water Slope Tractor 北緯43度19分50秒 東経3度11分59秒 / 北緯43.330556度 東経3.199722度 / 43.330556; 3.199722 (Fonserannes Locks)

フォンセランヌ水斜面(フランス語: Pente d'eau Fonsérannes)は、現在使われていないミディ運河水斜面であり、フォンセランヌ閘門と並行して設けられている。 It has a rise of 13.6 m (45 ft) [1] and a slope of five degrees.[2]

This technique for a water slope was described by the French engineer Jean Aubert[3] in 1961.[4][5] It was designed to lift vessels of up to 350 tonnes displacement.[6]

この水斜面は、フランスで建設された2番目かつ最後の水斜面であり、1980年から1983年までの間に7つのフォンセランヌ閘門を置き換える目的で建設された。 Trial operations commenced in May 1984. However, within weeks a number of technical problems emerged as oil leaking from the hydraulic system lubricated the concrete tracks and the wheels on the lift were unable to gain sufficient traction to raise the chamber to the top of the slope. It took until 1986 to resolve the technical, contractual, and insurance issues.[1] This problem was never satisfactorily resolved and the slope was abandoned officially on 11 April 2001.[7]

The first water slope in France was the Montech water slope on the Canal de Garonne in the commune of Montech.[1]


  1. ^ a b c Uhlemann, Hans-Joachim (2002). Canal lifts and inclines of the world (English Translation ed.). Internat. ISBN 0-9543181-1-0 
  2. ^ McKnight, Hugh (2005). Cruising French Waterways, 4th Edition. Sheridan House. pp. 271. ISBN 978-1574092103 
  3. ^ Rolt, L. T. C. (1973). From Sea to Sea. Ohio University Press. ISBN 978-0713904710 
  4. ^ Lance Day; Ian McNeil. Biographical Dictionary of the History of Technology. http://books.google.com/books?id=qNp3JM35UMoC&pg=PA29&dq=Jean+Aubert+canal&lr=&cd=1#v=onepage&q=Jean%20Aubert%20canal&f=false 
  5. ^ Ian McNeil. An Encyclopaedia of the history of technology. http://books.google.com/books?id=uxsOAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA485&dq=Jean+Aubert+canal&lr=&cd=2#v=onepage&q=Jean%20Aubert%20canal&f=false 
  6. ^ Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses. (1989). Ship lifts: report of a Study Commission within the framework of Permanent .... PIANC. ISBN 978-2-87223-006-8. http://books.google.ca/books?id=hv48DrHv_l4C&dq=%22Ship+lifts%22+China&source=gbs_navlinks_s 2011年12月14日閲覧。 
  7. ^ Pente d'eau Fonserannes - Canal du Midi”. 2009年8月10日閲覧。

