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Cornell University Press
Parent company Cornell University
Founded 1869 (1869)
Country of origin United States
Headquarters location Ithaca, New York
Distribution Longleaf Services (US)

Codasat Canada (Canada)

NBN International (Europe)

Footprint Books (Australia)[1]
Publication types Books
Imprints ILR Press
Official website cornellpress.cornell.edu
  1. ^ "Cornell University Press - Ordering Information". Retrieved 14 March 2018.


The Cornell University Press is the university press of Cornell University; currently housed in Sage House, the former residence of Henry William Sage. It was first established in 1869, making it the first university publishing enterprise in the United States, but was inactive from 1884 to 1930.[1][2]

印刷機は、機械工科大学(19世紀には機械工学と呼ばれていた)に設置された。これは、技術者の方が、文学部の教授よりも、蒸気を動力とする印刷機の運転について詳しかったからである[4]。 印刷機は、その設立以来[2]、職場体験学習による経済的援助を提供してきた。印刷業の訓練を受けたことのある学生には、教科書、パンフレット、週刊学生雑誌、大学の公式出版物を印刷する印刷機の植字と運転に報酬が支払われた[5]。

The press was established in the College of the Mechanic Arts (as mechanical engineering was called in the 19th century) because engineers knew more about running steam-powered printing presses than literature professors.[3] Since its inception,[1] The press has offered work-study financial aid: students with previous training in the printing trades were paid for typesetting and running the presses that printed textbooks, pamphlets, a weekly student journal, and official university publications.[4]


Today, the press is one of the country's largest university presses.[5] It produces approximately 150 nonfiction titles each year in various disciplines, including anthropology, Asian studies, biological sciences, classics, history, industrial relations, literary criticism and theory, natural history, philosophy, politics and international relations, veterinary science, and women's studies.[2][6] Although the press has been subsidized by the university for most of its history, it is now largely dependent on book sales to finance its operations.[7]

2010年、コーネル大学の元プロボストであるドン・マイケル・ランデル会長のメロン財団は、需要の低い人文科学分野の学術作品を出版するための新しいビジネスモデルを模索するため、5万ドルの助成金を出版社に授与した。この助成金により、『シグナーレ』と題する書籍シリーズが出版された: シリーズの各書籍のハードコピーは500部のみ印刷され、初版の在庫がなくなり次第、オンデマンドで追加生産される[8]。

In 2010, the Mellon Foundation, whose President Don Michael Randel is a former Cornell Provost, awarded to the press a $50,000 grant to explore new business models for publishing scholarly works in low-demand humanities subject areas. With this grant, a book series was published titled "Signale: Modern German Letters, Cultures, and Thoughts".[8] Only 500 hard copies of each book in the series will be printed, with extra copies manufactured on demand once the original supply is depleted.[7]

その他、現在活動中のシリーズに「専門知識」がある: 知識の文化と技術」[10]、「警察」[11]などがある。

Other currently active series include "Expertise: Cultures and Technologies of Knowledge"[9] and Police/Worlds: Studies in security, crime and governance.





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  1. ^ a b Bishop, Morris (1962). A History of Cornell. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. p. 127. ISBN 978-0-8014-0036-0. https://archive.org/details/historyofcornell00bish_0 
  2. ^ a b The History of the Cornell University Press”. Cornell University Press. 2006年1月1日閲覧。
  3. ^ Bishop, Morris (1962). A History of Cornell. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. p. 96. ISBN 978-0-8014-0036-0. https://archive.org/details/historyofcornell00bish_0 
  4. ^ Bishop, Morris (1962). A History of Cornell. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. pp. 175–76. ISBN 978-0-8014-0036-0. https://archive.org/details/historyofcornell00bish_0 
  5. ^ 2009–10 Factbook”. Cornell University. 2006年6月26日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2009年12月27日閲覧。
  6. ^ Cornell University Press: Information for Authors”. Cornell University Press. 2006年6月6日閲覧。
  7. ^ a b Lam, Jackie (September 21, 2010). “In a Tough Market, University Press Aims to Streamline Production”. Cornell Daily Sun. オリジナルのDecember 14, 2011時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20111214105013/http://cornellsun.com/section/news/content/2010/09/21/tough-market-university-press-aims-streamline-production 2010年9月22日閲覧。 
  8. ^ Signale: Modern German Letters, Cultures, and Thought” (英語). Cornell University Press. 2020年11月21日閲覧。
  9. ^ Expertise: Cultures and Technologies of Knowledge” (英語). Cornell University Press. 2020年11月21日閲覧。