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米国の公共用地測量制度やカナダのドミニオン土地測量で使用されているように、調査町区(congressional township、または単にtownshipと呼ばれることもある)は、名目上は正方形の土地であり、一辺の長さは名目上6調査マイル(約9.66km)である。各36平方マイル(約93.2 km2)のタウンシップは、それぞれ1平方マイル(640エーカー、約2.6 km2)の36のセクションに分割される。[1] セクションはさらに分割して販売されることもある。

A survey township, sometimes called a Congressional township or just township, as used by the United States Public Land Survey System and by Canada's Dominion Land Survey is a nominally-square area of land that is nominally six survey miles (about 9.66 km) on a side. Each 36-square-mile (about 93.2 km2) township is divided into 36 sections of one square mile (640 acres, roughly 2.6 km2) each. The sections can be further subdivided for sale.

郡区は、主子午線(南北)と基準線(東西)との位置関係を示す番号で参照される。例えば、 Township 2 North, Range 4 East は、主子午線から東に4番目の郡区であり、基準線から北に2番目の郡区である。

The townships are referenced by a numbering system that locates the township in relation to a principal meridian (north-south) and a base line (east-west). For example, Township 2 North, Range 4 East is the 4th township east of the principal meridian and the 2nd township north of the base line.

History in the USA



Township (exterior) lines were originally surveyed and platted by the US General Land Office using contracted private survey crews. Later survey crews subdivided the townships into section (interior) lines. Virtually all lands covered by this system were sold according to those boundaries and are marked on the U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps.


Prior to standardization, some of the Ohio Lands (the United States Military District, the Firelands and the Connecticut Western Reserve) were surveyed into townships of 5マイル (8.0 km) on each side. These are often known as Congressional Townships.[1]

区画はそれぞれ160エーカー(65ヘクタール)の4分の1区画と、40エーカー(16ヘクタール)の4分の4区画に分けられている。1862年のホームステッド法では、入植者一人につき1区画の4分の1が割り当てられた。そこから派生した慣用表現に、「下40エーカー(the lower 40)」というものがある。これは、入植者の土地の中で最も標高が低い40エーカーの土地、つまり小川に向かって水が流れる方向で最も低い土地を指す。また、「裏40エーカー(back forty)」という表現もある。これは、入植者の住居から最も離れた部分を指す。

Sections are divided into quarter-sections of 160エーカー (65 ha) each and quarter-quarter sections of 40エーカー (16 ha) each. In the Homestead Act of 1862, one quarter-section of land was the amount allocated to each settler. Stemming from that are the idiomatic expressions, "the lower 40", the 40 acres on a settler's land that is lowest in elevation, in the direction towards which water drains toward a stream, and the "back forty", the portion farthest from the settler's dwelling.

History in Canada



In western Canada, the Dominion Land Survey adopted a similar format for survey townships, which do not form administrative units. These townships also have the area of 36 square miles (six miles by six miles).

これらの郡区には道路の余裕分が含まれているため、その名目上の寸法は6マイルより少し長くなっている。調査の第1段階と第2段階(マニトバ州とサスカチュワン州の一部)では、郡区は名目上、東西に489チェーン(6.11マイル、9.84キロメートル)、南北に489チェーン(6.11マイル、9.84キロメートル)である。[4] 調査の第3段階(ブリティッシュコロンビア州、アルバータ州、サスカチュワン州の大部分)では、郡区は名目上、東西に4 東西は486チェーン(6.08マイル;9.78キロメートル)、南北は483チェーン(6.04マイル;9.72キロメートル)である。[5] 実際の面積は、系統的な影響(測量設計による)や測量誤差により、名目上の面積とは異なる。

These townships include road allowances, so their nominal dimensions are a bit longer than six miles. In the first and second phases of the survey (Manitoba and parts of Saskatchewan), townships are nominally 489チェーン (6.11 mi; 9.84 km) east-west and north-south.[2] In the third phase of the survey (British Columbia, Alberta and most of Saskatchewan), townships are nominally 486チェーン (6.08 mi; 9.78 km) east-west and 483チェーン (6.04 mi; 9.72 km) north-south.[3] The actual area of a given township differs from the nominal because of systematic effects (due to the design of the survey) and surveying errors.

Survey township vs. civil township



Survey townships are distinct from civil townships. A survey township is used to establish boundaries for land ownership, while a civil township is a form of local government. In states with civil townships, the two types of townships often coincide. County lines, especially in western states, usually follow survey township lines, leading to the large number of rectangular counties in the Midwest, which are agglomerations of survey townships.[4]

Survey township: A. Township Line, B. Principal Meridian, C. Range Line, D. Initial Point, E. Base Line, and F. Township, according to BLM

See also




Template:Terms for types of country subdivisions

Further reading


[[Category:人口移動]] [[Category:農業の歴史]] [[Category:面積の単位]] [[Category:アメリカ合衆国の郡区]] [[Category:測量]]

  1. ^ Cadastral History”. 2014年11月13日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2014年11月19日閲覧。
  2. ^ McKercher, Robert B. (1986) (英語). Understanding Western Canada's Dominion Land Survey System. University of Saskatchewan. pp. 13 
  3. ^ McKercher, Robert B. (1986) (英語). Understanding Western Canada's Dominion Land Survey System. University of Saskatchewan. pp. 15 
  4. ^ Geological Survey Circular. The Survey. (1933). p. 24. https://books.google.com/books?id=XfckAQAAIAAJ