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利用者:加藤勝憲/ジョン・マクノートン (国防次官補)


John McNaughton
McNaughton (right) taking the oath of office to become Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, ISA in 1963
生誕 (1921-11-21) 1921年11月21日
Bicknell, Indiana, U.S.
Hendersonville, North Carolina, U.S.
教育DePauw University (BA)
Harvard University (LLB)
Oriel College, Oxford (BLitt)

ジョン・セオドア・マクノートン(1921年11月21日 - 1967年7月19日)は、米国国防副次官補(国際安全保障担当)[1]であり、ロバート・S・マクナマラの最も側近のアドバイザーであった。海軍長官就任直前の45歳のときに飛行機事故で死去した。[1]

John Theodore McNaughton (November 21, 1921 – July 19, 1967) born in Bicknell, Indiana, was United States Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs[1] and Robert S. McNamara's closest advisor.[要出典] He died in a plane crash at age 45, just before he was to become Secretary of the Navy.[1]

Early life


ジョン・マクノートンはインディアナ州ビックネルで生まれた。彼の父親はビックネル・デイリー・ニュースのオーナーであった。父親が後にペキン・デイリー・タイムズ紙を所有することになったため、一家は幼少期にイリノイ州ペキンに移住した。[2] ジョン・マクノートンは1942年にデポー大学を卒業した。同年、アメリカ海軍に入隊し、大西洋上の艦船で勤務した。1946年にはハーバード・ロー・スクールに入学し、1948年に卒業した。同年、ローズ奨学生に選ばれ、1949年はオックスフォードで過ごした。1950年には1年間の休学を取り、マーシャル・プランに基づく欧州支払同盟で職を得た。1951年に米国に戻り、ペキン・デイリー・タイムズの編集者となった。[2] その1年後、民主党員としてイリノイ州第18選挙区から連邦議会選挙に出馬した。しかし、ハロルド・H・ヴェルデに敗れた。

John McNaughton was born in Bicknell, Indiana; his father owned the Bicknell Daily News. The family moved to Pekin, Illinois in his younger years because his father later owned the Pekin Daily Times.[2] John McNaughton graduated in 1942 from DePauw University. He joined the United States Navy that year and served on ships in the Atlantic. In 1946, he entered the Harvard Law School graduating in 1948. He was named a Rhodes Scholar that same year and spent 1949 at Oxford. In 1950, he took a year off and took a position in the European Payments Union under the Marshall Plan. He returned to the United States in 1951 and became editor of the Pekin Daily Times.[2] A year later, he ran for congress in the Illinois's 18th congressional district as a Democrat. He was defeated in the election by Harold H. Velde




Tall and fast-talking[3] McNaughton began his career as an academic as an associate professor at the Harvard Law School in 1953. Major General Charles J. Timmes later said that McNaughton, during a discussion of the Vietnam War had asserted that one could find the solution to any problem "by simply dissecting it into all its elements and then piecing together the resultant formula".


He had been friends with strategic theorist (and later Nobel prize winner in economics) Thomas Schelling since they worked in the administration of the Marshall Plan in Paris. In 1964, when McNaughton and Schelling were teaching at Harvard, Schelling was asked to work at the Department of Defense. He suggested McNaughton go instead, promising to advise McNaughton on weapons and strategy; McNaughton was appointed Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs.


Together, they outlined a bombing strategy to intimidate North Vietnam in the spring of 1964, leading to the first phase of Operation Rolling Thunder which took place between March 2 and 24, 1965.[4]


The conditions for a bombing halt, outlined in a confidential memorandum by McNaughton to McNamara were that North Vietnam must not only cease infiltration efforts, but also take steps to withdraw troops currently operating in South Vietnam. In addition, the Viet Cong should agree to terminate terror and sabotage activities and allow Saigon to exercise "governmental functions over substantially all of South Vietnam."[5]


The North Vietnamese did not react to the bombing in the ways the American officials expected. North Vietnam was not intimidated by the bombing. Political reality had proved more complex than the abstract models of game theory.[4]


In 1966 McNaughton and his deputy Adam Yarmolinsky had to admit, in a JASON study, that the air strikes had failed.[6]


A pragmatist, McNaughton understood that only one aspect of the war effort was not a double-edged sword and could make the difference in the long term: the effort to turn South Vietnam into a viable political society, able to withstand the North's assault with U. S. help. In March 1965, McNaughton told President Johnson that while such efforts might not pay off quickly enough to affect the present ominous deterioration, some may, and we are dealing here in small critical margins. Furthermore, such investment [was] essential to provide a foundation for the longer run.


McNaughton was referencing the nation-building strategy devised by the Major-General Edward Lansdale, who had become a counterinsurgency expert after defeating the Huk rebellion in the Philippines in the 1950s,[7] Sir Robert Thompson — a British counter-insurgency expert and Roger Hilsman — a former American guerilla in Burma and the director of intelligence for the Department of State in the Kennedy administration. Edward Lansdale had made the point that the South's dependency on aid had the effect of placing the U.S. in the position of providing major help on an endless basis, with the consequence that if such aid were lessened then the enemy would win.[8]

Personal life



He was married to Sarah Elizabeth "Sally" Fulkman (born February 14, 1921). They had two sons, Alexander "Alex" and Theodore "Ted" (born July 23, 1955).


McNamara confided privately that McNaughton could have been his choice to replace him as Secretary of Defense. McNaughton resigned from the post of Assistant Secretary of Defense and was to become Secretary of the Navy on August 1, 1967 after being confirmed by the United States Senate. However, he was killed in the Piedmont Airlines Flight 22 accident with his wife and younger son Theodore on July 19, 1967.[9]


The bridge carrying Illinois Route 9 across the Illinois River in Pekin, Illinois is named after McNaughton. There is also a John T. McNaughton Park just northeast of Pekin.


  1. ^ a b Mossman, B. C.; M. W. Stark (1971). The Last Salute: Civil and Military Funeral, 1921-1969. Department of the Army. オリジナルの2008-12-28時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20081228003142/http://www.history.army.mil/books/Last_Salute/Ch27.htm 2008年10月4日閲覧。 
  2. ^ a b Drake. “The Man behind the name”. Pekin Daily Times. 2019年3月13日閲覧。
  3. ^ “COVER STORY: Pentagon Papers: The Secret War”. CNN. http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1996/analysis/back.time/9606/28/index.shtml May 7, 2010閲覧。 
  4. ^ a b Policy Review”. 13 August 2018閲覧。
  5. ^ This Day in History”. www.historychannel.com. 2006年8月27日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。 Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  6. ^ LBJ & Vietnam”. 2008年7月25日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2009年1月5日閲覧。
  7. ^ Reason: The Devil and Daniel Ellsberg: From archetype to anachronism”. 2005年12月15日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2005年12月6日閲覧。
  8. ^ Hau Nghia: Part 1” (30 August 2006). 30 August 2006時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。13 August 2018閲覧。
  9. ^ Lacey, Derek (19 July 2018). “51 years later: A look back at the Flight 22 disaster over Hendersonville”. Times-News. https://www.blueridgenow.com/news/20180719/51-years-later-look-back-at-flight-22-disaster-over-hendersonville 21 July 2021閲覧。 



[[Category:アメリカ合衆国海軍長官]] [[Category:アメリカ合衆国国防総省の官職]] [[Category:ハーバード大学の教員]] [[Category:1967年没]] [[Category:1921年生]] [[Category:未査読の翻訳があるページ]]