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欧米諸国の多くには、米国債、コマーシャルペーパー、バンカーズアクセプタンス、預金、預金証書、為替手形、現先取引、連邦資金、短命の住宅ローンや資産担保証券など、いくつかのマネーマーケット商品がある。これらの商品は、満期、通貨、信用リスク、構造が異なっている。There are several money market instruments in most Western countries, including treasury bills, commercial paper, banker's acceptances, deposits, certificates of deposit, bills of exchange, repurchase agreements, federal funds, and short-lived mortgage- and asset-backed securities.


commodity money, fiat money, fiduciary money (cheques, banknotes), and commercial bank money.[2]




金融市場は、資金や信用を扱う金融機関やディーラーが、借り入れや貸し出しを希望することで成り立っています。参加者は、通常12ヶ月までの短期間の貸し借りを行います。 マネー市場では、一般に「ペーパー」と呼ばれる短期金融商品が取引される。これは、債券や株式によって供給される長期的な資金調達のための資本市場とは対照的である。

capital market for longer-term funding, which is supplied by bonds and equity.

金融市場の中心は銀行間融資で、コマーシャルペーパーやレポ契約などの金融商品を用いて銀行同士が互いに貸し借りしています。これらの金融商品は、適切な期間と通貨でロンドン銀行間取引金利(LIBOR)をベンチマークとする(すなわち、参照することで価格を決定する)ことが多いです。The core of the money market consists of interbank lending—banks borrowing and lending to each other using commercial paper, repurchase agreements and similar instruments. These instruments are often benchmarked to (i.e., priced by reference to) the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) for the appropriate term and currency.

金融会社は通常、大量の資産担保型コマーシャルペーパー(ABCP)を発行して資金を調達します。ABCPは、ABCPコンデュイットへの適格資産の質権によって担保されています。対象となる資産の例としては、自動車ローン、クレジットカード債権、住宅ローンなどがあります。Finance companies typically fund themselves by issuing large amounts of asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP), which is secured by the pledge of eligible assets into an ABCP conduit. Examples of eligible assets include auto loans, credit card receivables, residential/commercial mortgage loans, mortgage-backed securities and similar financial assets. Some large corporations with strong credit rating issue commercial paper on their own credit. Other large corporations arrange for banks to issue commercial paper on their behalf.

米国では、連邦政府、州政府、地方政府のすべてが資金需要に応えるために紙を発行しています。州や地方自治体は地方債を発行し、米国財務省は財務省証券を発行して米国の公的債務を賄います:In the United States, federal, state and local governments all issue paper to meet funding needs. States and local governments issue municipal paper, while the U.S. Treasury issues Treasury bills to fund the U.S. public debt:

  • 商社は、海外の仕入先への支払いを入札するために、バンカーズ・アクセプタンスを購入することが多い。
  • 個人・機関投資家向けマネーマーケット・ファンド
  • 銀行
  • 中央銀行
  • キャッシュ・マネジメント・プログラム
  • マーチャント・バンク




Financing trade



The money market plays a crucial role in financing domestic and international trade. Commercial finance is made available to the traders through bills of exchange, which are discounted by the bill market. The acceptance houses and discount markets help in financing foreign trade.

Financing industry



  • 金融手形やコマーシャルペーパーなどのシステムを通じて、産業が運転資本の必要性を満たすための短期融資を確保するのを支援する。
  • 一般的に、産業は資本市場で提供される長期融資を必要としている。しかし、資本市場は金融市場の性質と状況に左右される。金融市場の短期金利は資本市場の長期金利に影響を与える。したがって、金融市場は長期資本市場との関連性と影響を通じて間接的に産業を支援している。

Profitable investments



Self-sufficiency of commercial banks



Help to central bank



Though the central bank can function and influence the banking system in the absence of a money market, the existence of a developed money market smooths the functioning and increases the efficiency of the central bank.


  • 短期金利は、その国の金融および銀行情勢を示す指標となり、それによって中央銀行が適切な金融政策を採用するよう導く。
  • 敏感かつ統合されたマネーマーケットは、中央銀行がサブマーケットに迅速かつ広範な影響力を確保するのに役立ち、効果的な政策実施を促進する。


  • Certificate of deposit – Time deposit, commonly offered to consumers by banks, thrift institutions, and credit unions.
  • Repurchase agreements – Short-term loans—normally for less than one week and frequently for one day—arranged by selling securities to an investor with an agreement to repurchase them at a fixed price on a fixed date.
  • Money market mutual funds - short term investment debt, operated by professional institutions. Money market mutual funds are an investment fund where a number of investors invest their money in mutual fund institutions, and they diversify the funds in various investments.
  • Commercial paper – Short term instruments promissory notes issued by company at discount to face value and redeemed at face value
  • Eurodollar deposit – Deposits made in U.S. dollars at a bank or bank branch located outside the United States.
  • Federal agency short-term securities – In the U.S., short-term securities issued by government sponsored enterprises such as the Farm Credit System, the Federal Home Loan Banks and the Federal National Mortgage Association. Money markets is heavily used function.
  • Federal funds – In the U.S., interest-bearing deposits held by banks and other depository institutions at the Federal Reserve; these are immediately available funds that institutions borrow or lend, usually on an overnight basis. They are lent for the federal funds rate.
  • Municipal notes – In the U.S., short-term notes issued by municipalities in anticipation of tax receipts or other revenues
  • Treasury bills – Short-term debt obligations of a national government that are issued to mature in three to twelve months
  • Money funds – Pooled short-maturity, high-quality investments that buy money market securities on behalf of retail or institutional investors
  • Foreign exchange swaps – Exchanging a set of currencies in spot date and the reversal of the exchange of currencies at a predetermined time in the future
  • Short-lived mortgage- and asset-backed securities

Discount and accrual instruments



There are two types of instruments in the fixed income market that pay interest at maturity, instead of as coupons—discount instruments and accrual instruments. Discount instruments, like repurchase agreements, are issued at a discount of face value, and their maturity value is the face value. Accrual instruments are issued at face value and mature at face value plus interest.





  1. ^ 金融・証券用語解説_短期金融市場(マネーマーケット | 金融・証券用語解説集)”. 大和証券. 2023年6月1日閲覧。
  2. ^ Zeder (June 26, 2020). “The Four Different Types of Money”. quickonomics.com. 2021年3月16日閲覧。
  3. ^ "Money Market and Money Market Instruments" Archived 2012-02-27 at the Wayback Machine.



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