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World's gold from 1845 to 2013, in tonnes (metric tons in the U.S.)
Official U.S. gold holdings since 1900
World's gold holdings per capita


Gold holdings are the quantities of gold held by individuals, private corporations, or public entities as a store of value, an investment vehicle, or perceived as protection against hyperinflation and against financial and/or political upheavals.

金本位制が採用されていた19世紀から20世紀初頭にかけて、各国政府は自国通貨を一定量の金と交換する義務を負っていた。[1] このような時代においては、各国の中央銀行はその準備高を充当してその義務を果たし、発行通貨の一部または全部を保有する金属で裏付けた。[2]

During the 19th and early 20th Century eras of the gold standard, national governments undertook an obligation to redeem the national currency for a certain amount of gold.[1] In such times, the nation's central bank used its reserves to meet that obligation, backing some or all of the currency in issue with the metal it held.

世界金協議会(WGC)は、採掘され、記録されている金の総量は2017年時点で18万7200トンと推定しているが[3]、他の独立機関による推定値は最大20%も異なる 。[4] 2017年8月16日現在の1トロイオンスあたり1,250米ドルの価格で換算すると、1トンの金は約4,020万米ドルの価値がある。WGCの2017年の推計値を使用すると、採掘され、記録されたすべての金の総価値は、この評価額で7兆5,000億米ドルを超えることになる。[注1]

The World Gold Council estimates that all the gold ever mined, and that is accounted for, totals 187,200 tonnes, as of 2017 but other independent estimates vary by as much as 20%. At a price of US$1,250 per troy ounce, marked on 16 August 2017, one tonne of gold has a value of approximately US$40.2 million. The total value of all gold ever mined, and that is accounted for, would exceed US$7.5 trillion at that valuation, using WGC's 2017 estimates.

IMF holdings



Since early 2011, the gold holdings of the IMF have been constant at 90.5 million troy ounces (2,814.1 metric tons).[2]

National holdings


IMFは、各国から報告された国家資産の統計を定期的に維持している。[6] このデータは、各国および公的機関の金保有量を定期的にランク付けし、報告するために世界金協議会によって使用されている。

The IMF regularly maintains statistics of national assets as reported by various countries.[3] This data is used by the World Gold Council to periodically rank and report the gold holdings of countries and official organizations.


On 17 July 2015, China disclosed its official gold holdings for the first time in six years and announced that increased by about 57 percent, from 1,054 to 1,658 metric tons.[4][5]


The gold listed for each of the countries in the table may not be physically stored in the country listed, as central banks generally do not allow independent audits of their reserves.

Top 40 according to World Gold Council's latest rankings (as at September 2017)[6][7][8]
Rank Country/Organization Gold holdings

(in tonnes)
Gold as % of

forex reserves
1  United States 8,133.5 74.6%
2  Germany 3,374.1 69.1%
International Monetary Fund 2,814.0 N/A
3  Italy 2,451.8 67.2%
4  France 2,435.9 65.0%
5  China 1,842.6 2.4%
6  Russia 1,729.4 16.8%
7  Switzerland 1,040.0 5.5%
8  Japan 765.2 2.5%
9  India 743.8 5.8%
10  Netherlands 612.5 66.0%
11 European Central Bank 504.8 24.0%
12  Turkey 482.9 18.3%
13  Taiwan 423.6 3.7%
14  Portugal 382.5 58.6%
15  Saudi Arabia 322.9 2.6%
16  United Kingdom 310.3 7.2%
17  Lebanon 286.8 21.6%
18  Spain 281.6 17.5%
19  Kazakhstan 280.9 34.8%
20  Austria 280.0 53.7%
21  Belgium 227.4 36.5%
22  Philippines 196.4 9.8%
23  Venezuela 188.1 71.3%
24  Algeria 173.6 6.2%
25  Thailand 152.4 3.3%
26  Singapore 127.4 1.9%
27  Sweden 125.7 8.0%
28  South Africa 125.3 10.8%
29  Mexico 120.1 2.8%
30  Libya 116.6 6.6%
31  Greece 112.9 65.6%
32  South Korea 104.4 1.1%
33  Romania 103.7 9.4%
34 Bank for International Settlements 103.0 N/A
35  Poland 103.0 3.8%
36  Iraq 89.8 8.0%
37  Australia 79.9 5.5%
38  Indonesia 79.3 2.6%
39  Kuwait 79.0 8.8%
- Total for the Top 40 31,721.1

Private holdings

[9] [10]
Rank Name Type Gold holdings

(in tonnes)
1 SPDR Gold Shares ETF 1,167[11]
2 iShares Gold Trust ETF 523.0[12]
3 COMEX Gold Trust ETF 440.0[10]
4 ETF Securities Gold Funds ETF 306.9[10]
5 Xetra Gold ETF ETF 226.9[13]
6 ZKB Physical Gold ETF 169.4[10]
7 Sprott Physical Gold Trust CEF 69.3[10]
8 SPDR Gold MiniShares ETF 66.0[14]
9 Central Fund of Canada CEF 52.7[15]
10 Julius Baer Physical Gold Fund ETF 49.1[9]
11 BullionVault Bailment 34.2[16]
12 GoldMoney Bailment 34.1[17]
13 ETFS Physical Swiss Gold Shares ETF 26.3[10]
14 ABSA NewGold Exchange Traded Fund ETF 22.0[10]
15 Central GoldTrust CEF 21.9[18]
- Total for the above 14 2,960

World Holding


(Source: United States Geological Survey)[19]
Location Gold holdings

(in tonnes)
Share of total

world gold holdings
Total 171,300 100%
Jewellery 84,300 49.2%
Investment (bars, coins) 33,000 19.26%
Central banks 29,500 17.2%
Industrial 20,800 12.14%
Unaccounted 3,700 2.2%







Template:Finance country listsTemplate:Finance country lists [[Category:金本位制]] [[Category:金]]

  1. ^ Schenk, Catherine (2013). The global gold market and the international monetary system. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137306708. http://eprints.gla.ac.uk/90725/1/90725.pdf 17 January 2018閲覧。 
  2. ^ Gold in the IMF”. International Monetary Fund. April 22, 2011時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2023年6月10日閲覧。
  3. ^ Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity -- Reporting Countries”. 2023年6月10日閲覧。
  4. ^ Gold & Foreign Exchange Reserves”. 2023年6月10日閲覧。
  5. ^ “Major Factors Affecting Gold Prices Fluctuation” (英語). FXdailyReport.Com. (2016年7月22日). http://fxdailyreport.com/major-factors-affecting-gold-prices/ 2016年10月28日閲覧。 
  6. ^ Research - World Gold Council”. 2023年6月10日閲覧。
  7. ^ Latest World Official Gold Reserves - World Gold Council”. 2023年6月10日閲覧。
  8. ^ Gold Demand Trends - World Gold Council”. 2023年6月10日閲覧。
  9. ^ a b Holdings of SPDR Gold, iShares Silver”. Reuters (2 July 2015). August 1, 2015時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ1 August 2015閲覧。
  10. ^ a b c d e f g Holdings of SPDR Gold, iShares Silver rise”. Reuters (29 May 2020). June 2, 2020時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2023年6月10日閲覧。
  11. ^ SPDR Gold Shares”. SPDR. 28 December 2020閲覧。
  12. ^ iShares Gold Trust”. iShares. 28 December 2020閲覧。
  13. ^ Xetra Gold Holdings”. Deutsche Boerse. 1 June 2021閲覧。
  14. ^ SPDR Gold MiniShares”. SPDR. 28 December 2020閲覧。
  15. ^ Central Fund's Net Asset Value”. Central Fund of Canada (31 July 2015). August 1, 2015時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。1 August 2015閲覧。
  16. ^ Daily audit - Allocated gold bar lists and bank statements”. BullionVault (31 July 2015). 1 August 2015閲覧。
  17. ^ Real-Time Audit”. GoldMoney (31 July 2017). 31 July 2017閲覧。
  18. ^ GoldTrust's Net Asset Value”. Central GoldTrust (31 July 2015). August 1, 2015時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。1 August 2015閲覧。
  19. ^ Two Methods for Estimating the Price of Gold by Mike Hewitt”. DollarDaze Economic Commentary Blog - Gold, Oil, Stocks, Investments, Currencies, and the Federal Reserve. 2012年1月9日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2012年1月8日閲覧。