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1940年に制定された投資顧問法(Investment Advisers Act of 1940)は、米国連邦法であり、同法で定義された投資顧問(advisorとも表記される)の活動を監視し規制するために制定された。上下両院で満場一致で可決された[1]この法律は、投資顧問の規制の主要な根拠であり、米国証券取引委員会(SEC)によって管理されている[2]。

The Investment Advisers Act of 1940, codified at 合衆国法典第15編第80b-1条 15 U.S.C. § 80b-1 through 合衆国法典第15編第80b-21条 15 U.S.C. § 80b-21, is a United States federal law that was created to monitor and regulate the activities of investment advisers (also spelled "advisors") as defined by the law. It is the primary source of regulation of investment advisers and is administered by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.



The law provides in part:

§ 80b–1. Findings

Upon the basis of facts disclosed by the record and report of the Securities and Exchange Commission made pursuant to section 79z–4 of this title, and facts otherwise disclosed and ascertained, it is found that investment advisers are of national concern, in that, among other things—

(1) their advice, counsel, publications, writings, analyses, and reports are furnished and distributed, and their contracts, subscription agreements, and other arrangements with clients are negotiated and performed, by the use of the mails and means and instrumentalities of interstate commerce;

(2) their advice, counsel, publications, writings, analyses, and reports customarily relate to the purchase and sale of securities traded on national securities exchanges and in interstate over-the-counter markets, securities issued by companies engaged in business in interstate commerce, and securities issued by national banks and member banks of the Federal Reserve System; and

(3) the foregoing transactions occur in such volume as substantially to affect interstate commerce, national securities exchanges, and other securities markets, the national banking system and the national economy.合衆国法典第15編第80b-1条 15 U.S.C. § 80b-1




  • Section 201 Findings
  • Section 202(a) Definitions[1]
  • Section 202(b) Governments Excepted
  • Section 203 Registration of Investment Advisers
  • Section 203A State and Federal Responsibilities
  • Section 204 Annual and Other Reports
  • Section 204A Prevention of Misuse of Nonpublic Information
  • Section 205 Investment Advisory Contracts
  • Section 206 Prohibited Transactions by Investment Advisers
  • Section 206A Exemptions
  • Section 207 Material Misstatements
  • Section 208 General Prohibitions
  • Section 209 Enforcement of Title
  • Section 210 Publicity
  • Rules, Regulations and Orders (Section 211)
  • Hearings (Section 212)
  • Court Review of Orders (Section 213)
  • Jurisdiction of Offenses and Suits (Section 214)
  • Validity of Contracts (Section 215)
  • Annual Reports of Commission (Section 216)
  • Penalties (Section 217)
  • Hiring and Leasing Authority of the Commission (Section 218)
  • Separability of Provisions (Section 219)
  • Short Title (Section 220)
  • Effective Date (Section 221)
  • State Regulation of Investment Advisers (Section 222)




The Investment Advisers Act (IAA) was passed in 1940 to monitor those who, for a fee, advise people, pension funds, and institutions on investment matters. Impetus for passage of the act began with the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, which authorized the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to study investment trusts. The thrust of the study, which led to the passage of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and the Investment Advisers Act, was to provide a closer look at investment trusts and investment companies. The study, however, found many instances of investment adviser abuse, such as unfounded "hot tips" and questionable performance fees.


The IAA sought less to regulate investment advisers than to keep track of who was in the industry and their methods of operation. The IAA does not mandate qualifications for becoming an investment adviser but requires registration for those using the mails to conduct investment counseling business.

投資顧問として報酬を受け取るすべての個人および企業は、SECに登録することが義務付けられた。この要件は、2010年のドッド・フランク法(金融規制改革法)の成立により、特に大幅に改正された。[2] ただし、登録要件にはいくつかの例外および免除がある。投資顧問業者の事業所と同じ州に居住しており、全国取引所に上場されている証券に関する助言を提供していない顧客、顧客が保険会社のみである投資顧問業者、および米国の投資家から1億ドル未満の資金を保有する私募ファンドのみを運用する特定の投資顧問業者[3]

The IAA mandated all persons and firms receiving compensation for serving as investment advisers to register with the SEC. The requirement has been revised on several occasions since then, most notably with the passage of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. There are, however, several exceptions and exemptions to the registration requirement: investment advisers whose clients all reside in the same state as the adviser's business office and who do not provide advice on securities listed on national exchanges; investment advisers whose clients are solely insurance companies; and certain investment advisers who manage solely private funds holding less than $100 million from US investors.

Investment advisers covered



A hallmark of the IAA is the required registration of virtually all investment advisers. Much verbiage, however, has gone into exactly what constitutes an investment adviser and corollary—investment advice. The act defines an investment adviser as "any person who, for compensation, engages in the business of advising others, either directly or through publications or writings, as to the value of securities or as to the advisability of investing in, purchasing, or selling securities, or who for compensation and as part of a regular business, issues or promulgates analyses or reports concerning securities." The SEC further refined its definition of an adviser in its Release 1092, which stated that the "giving of advice need not constitute the principal business activity or any particular portion of the business activities in order for a person to be an investment adviser." Release 1092 went on to state that the "giving of advice need only be done on such a basis that it constitutes a business activity occurring with some regularity. The frequency of the activity is a factor, but is not determinative."


Whether or not a person is considered to be an investment adviser under the IAA generally depends on three criteria: the type of advice offered, the method of compensation, and whether or not a significant portion of the "adviser's" income comes from proffering investment advice. Related to the last criterion is the consideration of whether or not a person leads others to believe that he or she is an investment adviser, such as by through advertising.

同法では、一般的に、証券に関する助言や推奨の提供は、他の投資形態に対する助言や推奨とは区別され、投資顧問とみなされる。証券とは、手形、債券、株式(普通株および優先株)、投資信託、マネーマーケットファンド、および預金証書などを含むが、必ずしもこれらに限定されないと定義される場合がある。 「証券」という用語は、商品契約、不動産、保険契約、または美術品や希少切手・コインなどのコレクターズアイテムは通常含まない。 投資顧問に潜在的な顧客を紹介して手数料を受け取る者も、投資顧問とみなされる。

Under the Act, a person is generally considered to be an investment adviser by the offering of advice or the making of recommendations on securities as opposed to other types of investments. Securities may be defined under the act as including but not necessarily limited to notes, bonds, stocks (both common and preferred), mutual funds, money market funds, and certificates of deposit. The term "securities" does not generally include commodity contracts, real estate, insurance contracts, or collectibles such as works of art or rare stamps and coins. Even those who receive finder's fees for referring potential clients to investment advisers are considered to be investment advisers themselves.


Generally excluded from coverage under the act are those professionals whose investment advice to clients is incidental to the professional relationship. The IAA exempts "any lawyer, accountant, engineer, or teacher whose performance of such services is solely incidental to the practice of his profession." The key phrase is "solely incidental." An accountant, for instance, who acts as an investment adviser is in fact considered to be an investment adviser under the Act. If professionals are not to be considered investment advisers under the IAA, they must not present themselves to the public as investment advisers, any investment advice given must be reasonably related to their primary professional function, and fees for the "investment advice" must be based on the same criteria as fees for the primary professional function.


The IAA, however, excludes from its definition of an investment adviser "any broker or dealer whose performance of such [advisory] services is solely incidental to the conduct of his business as a broker or dealer and who receives no special compensation thereof." Banks, publishers, and government security advisers are also excepted from the Act. Those who call themselves "financial planners" may, under certain circumstances, be considered investment advisers under the Act. The difference between a financial planner and an investment adviser, as it relates to the IAA, is also addressed in the aforementioned Release 1092.



同法に基づき、投資顧問業者は、比較的安価な手数料を伴うフォーム ADV を使用して登録しなければならない。フォーム ADV には、学歴、経験、正確な業務内容、資産、顧客情報、法的および/または刑事上の経歴、提供する投資アドバイスなどの情報を記載するよう求められている。同法に基づく登録は投資アドバイザーの推薦を意味するものではなく、個人または企業がそのような広告を行うことはできない。フォーム ADV のパート 2A は、登録アドバイザーが顧客に提供しなければならない「パンフレット」の基礎となる。[4]

Under the Act, investment advisers must register using Form ADV accompanied by a relatively modest fee. Form ADV asks for such information as educational background, experience, exact type of business engaged in, assets, information on clients, history of a legal and/or criminal nature, and type of investment advice to be offered. Registration under the Act does not constitute an endorsement of the investment adviser, and the person or firm may not advertise as such. Part 2A of Form ADV forms the basis of the "brochure" that registered advisers must provide to clients.


Registered investment advisers are required to update their Form ADV at least annually. Advisers may receive compensation based on the performance of their advice only under prescribed circumstances, and they may not engage in excessive trading or profit from market activity resulting from their advice to clients. Investment advisers must also act in the best interest of their clients at all times and take into consideration their clients' financial positions and financial sophistication.


There are also many provisions in the Act dealing with fraud in terms of advertising, control of client assets, soliciting clients, and information disclosure.[2]

See also




  1. ^ (1)Assignment, (2)Bank, (3)Broker, (4)Commission, (5)Company, (6)Convicted, (7)Dealer, (8)Director, (9)Exchange, (10)Interstate Commerce, (11)Investment Adviser, (12)Investment Company, Affiliated Person, Insurance Company, Control, (13)Investment Supervisory Services, (14)Means or Instrumentality of Interstate Commerce, (15)National Securities Exchange, (16)Person, (17)Person Associated with an Investment Adviser, (18)Security, (19)State, (20)Underwriter, (21)Related Acts, (22)Business Development Company, (23)Foreign Securities Authority, (24)Foreign Financial Regulatory Authority, (25)Supervised Person
  2. ^ Investment Advisers Act of 1940”. December 23, 2020閲覧。



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