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利用者:加藤勝憲/Template editor

Template editorの日本語版がないので翻訳する。

the visual template data editorについては「WP:VisualEditor」をご覧ください。the WikiProjectについては「WP:WikiProject Templates」をご覧ください。requesting the creation of a templateについては「WP:Requested templates」をご覧ください。

Template:Subcat guideline



The template editor user right allows trusted coders to edit templates and modules that have been protected with the "protected template" protection level (usually due to a high transclusion count). It also allows those editors to edit editnotices for all pages, not just those in their own user and talk pages.[1]

There are currently 0 template editors, which makes the total number of users with this permission 41 (the rest are administrators).

Template editorの実行



Editors are permitted to exercise this permission to perform maintenance, answer reasonable edit requests, and make any other simple and generally uncontroversial edits to templates, modules, and editnotices. They are also permitted to enact more complex or controversial edits after those edits are first made to a test sandbox, their technical reliability and their consensus among other informed editors having already been established.




If you have the template editor user right, please ensure you have a strong password and follow appropriate personal security practices. A compromised template editor account will be blocked and its privileges removed on grounds of site security. In the unlikely event that your account is compromised, notify an administrator immediately, so they can block your account and remove any sensitive privileges to prevent damage.






これらの制限に繰り返し従わない場合、許可を取り消すことがあります。特にひどい場合は、たとえ初犯であっても、管理者は警告なしに即座にテンプレート編集のアクセス権を剥奪する権利を有します。Wise template editing

The key to wisely editing templates is to thoroughly test your changes before implementing them. Each template has a default testcases subpage which should be used for this purpose. It is important to test whether your changes have introduced any errors or not, which can be easy to spot if test cases are well-set up.

Remember that template-editorship, just like adminship, can never be allowed to become some sort of privileged position within debates among editors. Being a template editor puts you in a complicated position, because any edit you make is at once both a normal edit and a privileged action. Avoid making unilateral decisions if there is reason to think people might object. You can always propose the change on a template's talk page, and make the change if there are no objections after a few days. Use your discretion in determining how potentially controversial your change might be.

Expect to be held accountable for all changes you make. Be receptive to any concerns or complaints that others raise.

Repeated failure to adhere to these restrictions can result in revocation of permissions. If the failure is particularly egregious, any administrator reserves the right to remove your template-editing access summarily and without warning, even for a first offense.






Template editors should be aware of what kind of changes require gathering consensus beforehand and which don't. Remember to be civil when engaging in editing disputes.

It is a plus for editors in general to be aware of the implications of changes to highly transcluded templates. In particular, many small changes to these templates in a short time may backlog the job queue, causing pages using the templates not to be re-updated quickly. (In some circumstances, pages may not be updated even a week after a change to a very highly transcluded template or module.)

Note that template protection is not a guard against inexperienced editors trying their hands on templates per se, nor to guard against repeated changes, nor to shut out editors not acting on consensus. Vandalism or misinformation on a high-risk template would be visible on many pages that transclude them, which is considered the primary reason for preemptive template protection.

When to seek discussion for template changes


Must discuss

Changes that should be made ONLY after substantial discussion







  • Any breaking changes, no matter how small. If it removes a parameter, or changes expected parameter behavior, do not do it without strong consensus, unless your reason for doing so is absolutely critical.
  • Changes that significantly affect a template or module's visual appearance to the reader. "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if {{infobox}} were in shades of pink?" ... Bring it up on the talk page first.Some discussion

Changes that require at least some discussion, or at least several days passing with no one commenting on your proposal






例えば、インフォボックスのいくつかのパラメータの順序を入れ替えたり、読みやすいテキストを追加または削除したり、何かの色を少しいじったりするような、マイナーだがまだ目立つような視覚的なレイアウト変更。 RFCのコンセンサス(2013年)によれば、テンプレートやモジュールにウィキデータの機能を追加する前に、コンセンサスを求めるのがベストです。2016年と2018年の議論では、テンプレート、特にインフォボックスでウィキデータを使うことは、比較的論争が続いていることがわかりました。* The addition of new parameters, if they'll significantly change the template's usage or display. This includes adding numbered parameters as aliases for named parameters, adding additional numbered parameters to ones already in use, or adding any parameters that allow major, visually noticeable changes (e.g. a {{{color}}} parameter on {{infobox}}).

  • Visual layout changes that are minor but still noticeable, e.g. swapping the order of a few parameters in an infobox, adding or removing readable text or slightly tweaking something's color.
  • Per RFC consensus (2013), it's best to seek consensus before adding Wikidata functionality to a template or module. Discussions in 2016 and 2018 have found that using Wikidata in templates, particularly infoboxes, remains relatively contentious.Possibly discuss

Changes that can usually be made unilaterally but that, depending on the circumstances, you may want to discuss first




例えば、italic=yesやnoprint=yesのような、ちょっとした機能を追加する新しいパラメータの追加です。 テンプレートの外観にほんの少し影響を与える編集。例えば、1行の方が見栄えが良いテンプレートでnowrapクラスを使用したり、いくつかの単語を入れ替えたりすることです。

  • The addition of new parameters that add minor functionality—for instance, an italic=yes or a noprint=yes.
  • Edits that affect a template's appearance, but only slightly, such as the use of the nowrap class on a template that looks better on one line or swapping a few words.No discussion

Changes that can almost always be made unilaterally



  • 明らかなマークアップエラーやタイプミスを修正する。
  • テンプレートがトランスクルードされたときの結果に影響を与えない変更。
  • あらゆる種類のコピー編集。(ただ、あなたが正しいことを確認してください!)
  • 非表示のトラッキング・カテゴリーに対する非論争的な変更。
  • 目に見える効果がない、または目に見える効果が明確な改善となるCSSクラスへの変更(例:特定のブラウザでテンプレートの出力に含まれる余分な空白を削除する)。
  • あるテンプレート内で使用されている非推奨のコードやテンプレートの置き換え(ただし、当該非推奨が事前の合意に基づくものであること)。(可能であれば、Special:LintErrorsやコンセンサスの議論など、あなたが行おうとしている変更を説明するページへのリンクを提供してください)
  • Fixes of obvious markup errors or typos.
  • Changes that don't affect the result when the template is transcluded.
  • Copy-edits of any sort. (Just be sure you're right!)
  • Non-controversial changes to hidden tracking categories.
  • Changes to CSS classes with no visible effect, or where the visible effect will be an unambiguous improvement (e.g. removing excess whitespace in a template's output in certain browsers).
  • Replacement of deprecated code or templates used within a given template, provided said deprecation is based on a prior consensus. (If possible, provide a link to a page explaining the change that you are making, e.g. Special:LintErrors or a consensus discussion.)






この権利に関係ない荒らし行為も同様です。これは基本的に管理者レベルの権利であり、あなたはそれに見合った説明責任と行動を取ることが期待されています。管理者は、たとえその行動が自分のツールに関与していなくても、あるいは1つの記事に影響を与えることがなくても、不適切な行動でdesysoppedされています。この権利は、人々が不正な管理者の手に渡ることを最も恐れている能力のいくつかをあなたに与えることを考慮すると、あなたはどんな不都合な変更も行うべきではないでしょう。If you use this right for anything even vaguely resembling vandalism, you will be blocked immediately. Wikipedia maintains an active policy of "shoot first, ask questions later" when it comes to anything involving widely transcluded templates. If you hold privileged access on any other projects, you may very well find your account locked by the stewards until you can prove you are in control of it. Even if it is all a misunderstanding, you may lose your template-editor privileges nonetheless if you are found to have behaved recklessly or erratically.

The same goes for vandalism that doesn't involve this right. This is, fundamentally, an administrator-level right, and you are expected to behave with the accountability and behaviour that entails. Administrators have been desysopped for inappropriate behavior, even when that behavior didn't involve their tools, or never affected a single article. Considering that this right gives you some of the abilities that people are most afraid of falling into the hands of a rogue admin, you should not be making any untoward changes.




This right should never be used to gain an upper hand in editing disputes. You have a privilege that most people do not have. The normal BOLD, revert, discuss cycle does not apply because those without this right are unable to perform the "revert" step. Therefore, if your edit is or may be controversial (see the "When to seek discussion" criteria above), avoid making unilateral decisions, and instead propose the change on the template's talk page, and then make the change if there are no objections after a few days. Do not change the template to your preferred version when consensus has not been achieved yet to resolve the dispute.




A template editor should not revert the edit of their peer on a protected template without good cause, careful thought and (if possible) a prior brief discussion with the template editor whose action is challenged. It is the responsibility of the reverting template editor to demonstrate their revert is not out of sheer reflex. When a template editor's edit is reversed by a peer, the edit (or a similar one) must not be reinstated by the original or another template editor without clear discussion leading to a consensus decision.



テンプレート編集者としての権利を要求したい場合は、en:Wikipedia:Requests for permissions/Template editorを参照してください。また、この権利は自動的に管理者ツールパッケージの一部となります。

If you wish to request template editor rights for yourself, please see Wikipedia:Requests for permissions/Template editor. This right is also automatically part of the administrator tools package.

Guidelines for granting




編集者は、少なくとも1年間編集を続けているウィキペディア登録ユーザーでなければなりません。 編集者は少なくとも1,000回の全体的な編集を行ったことがあること。 TemplateとModuleの名前空間に対して、少なくとも150回の編集を行ったことがあること。 申請前の6ヶ月間、行動ブロック(部分ブロックを含む)または3RR違反がないこと。

さらに、編集者は、権利の必要性を示すとともに、リスクの高いテンプレートの改変を扱う際に必要な注意と責任について熟知している必要があります: エディターは、少なくとも3つのテンプレートで保護されたテンプレートまたはモジュールのサンドボックス版で作業したことがあるはずです。 編集者は、テンプレートで保護されたテンプレートやモジュールに対して、少なくとも5つの重要な編集を要求し、成功裏に実行したことがなければなりません。 上記の項目は、単なるガイドラインです。管理者は、リスクの高いテンプレートを扱う編集者の能力を示す他の証明に代えることができます。

利用者:加藤勝憲/Template editor/Guidelines for granting




管理者は、次の各号のいずれかに該当する場合、何らの手続きまたは事前の通知なくして、いつでもユーザー権を取り消すことができるものとします: 編集者が、保護されたテンプレートに対して、明らかに議論を呼ぶような編集を、合意を得ることなく行うパターンを示した。 保護されたテンプレートを編集する際に十分な注意を払わず、ページに重大なエラーを発生させた場合。 論争を優位に進めるために、パーミッションを利用した。 あからさまな荒らし行為を行った。 12ヶ月間、活動を停止している。 アカウントの不正使用に気づいても管理者に報告しなかったり、アカウントのセキュリティ対策を怠ったりした場合。 また、編集者の要請があれば、その権利を直ちに削除することができます。


The user right can be revoked at any time by an administrator without any process or prior notice in any of the following circumstances:

  1. R1The editor demonstrated a pattern of performing obviously controversial edits to protected templates without first determining consensus.
  2. R2The editor demonstrated a pattern of failing to exercise sufficient care when editing protected templates, resulting in serious errors appearing on pages.
  3. R3The editor used the permission to gain the upper hand in disputes.
  4. R4The editor performed any blatant vandalism.
  5. R5The editor has been inactive for 12 months.
  6. R6The editor failed to report to an administrator after noticing unauthorized use of their account or otherwise neglected account security practices.

Additionally, the right may be removed immediately at the request of the editor.

If your template editor right was revoked and you would like to appeal the decision, first communicate with the revoking administrator. If after such an exchange you still feel the matter is unresolved and requires outside input, or if the administrator is unresponsive, use Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard to appeal the decision.




Note: Some high-risk templates and modules are protected via full protection, as these templates and modules have become very stable and seen few, if any, necessary changes. Template editors cannot edit these pages, but any administrator may change the protection level for individual templates and modules on request. See the list of templates and modules currently under "protected template" protection.




  • editcontentmodel: 大量メッセージリストの作成とその他のコンテンツモデルの変更を可能にする (mw:Help:ChangeContentModel を参照)
  • oathauth-enable: 二要素認証の有効化を許可する。
  • tboverride: タイトルのブラックリストを上書きし、編集通知の編集を可能にします。
  • templateeditor:テンプレートで保護されたページの編集を可能にします。

The template editor user right includes the following roles:[2]




  1. ^ From Wikipedia:Editnotice: "All users can create editnotices for their user and talk pages, but editnotices for other namespaces can be created and edited only by administrators, page movers and template editors."
  2. ^ Copied from Template:Slink

{{Wikipedia accounts|collapsed}} [[Category:Wikipedia user access levels]] [[Category:Wikipedia procedural policies]]