
利用者:新規作成/Bibliography/Lie groups and Lie algebras


* {{Cite book
 | 和書
 | last1 = 小林
 | first1 = 俊行
 | last2 = 大島
 | first2 = 利雄
 | year = 2005
 | title = リー群と表現論
 | publisher = 岩波書店
 | isbn = 4-00-006142-9
 | ref = harv

* {{Cite book
 | 和書
 | last1 = 脇本
 | first1 = 実
 | year = 2008
 | title = 無限次元リー環
 | publisher = 岩波書店
 | isbn = 978-4-00-006048-6
 | ref = harv

* {{Cite book
 | 和書
 | last1 = 伊勢
 | first1 = 幹夫
 | last2 = 竹内
 | first2 = 勝
 | year = 1992
 | title = リー群論
 | publisher = 岩波書店
 | isbn = 4-00-006140-2
 | ref = harv


* {{Cite book
 | 和書
 | last1 = 佐武
 | first1 = 一郎
 | year = 1982
 | title = リー群の話
 | publisher = 日本評論社
 | isbn = 978-4-535-60110-9
 | ref = harv

* {{Cite book
 | 和書
 | last1 = 佐武
 | first1 = 一郎
 | year = 2002
 | title = リー環の話
 | edition = 新版
 | publisher = 日本評論社
 | isbn = 978-4-535-60137-6
 | ref = harv


* {{Cite book
 | 和書
 | last1 = 谷崎
 | first1 = 俊之
 | year = 2002
 | title = リー代数と量子群
 | edition = 初版
 | publisher = 共立出版株式会社
 | series = 共立叢書 現代数学の潮流
 | isbn = 978-4-320-01692-7
 | ref = harv


* {{Cite book
 | 和書
 | last1 = 神保
 | first1 = 道夫
 | year = 2012
 | title = 量子群とヤン・バクスター方程式
 | publisher = 丸善出版
 | isbn = 978-4-621-06467-2
 | ref = harv


* {{Cite book
 | 和書
 | last1 = 横田
 | first1 = 一郎
 | year = 2001
 | title = 群と表現
 | series = 基礎数学選書10
 | edition = 第5版
 | publisher = 裳華房
 | isbn = 978-4-7853-1110-0
 | ref = harv


* {{Cite book
 | 和書
 | last1 = 横田
 | first1 = 一郎
 | year = 2013
 | title = 古典型単純リー群
 | publisher = 現代数学社
 | isbn = 978-4-7687-0403-5
 | ref = harv

* {{Cite book
 | 和書
 | last1 = 横田
 | first1 = 一郎
 | year = 2013
 | title = 例外型単純リー群
 | publisher = 現代数学社
 | isbn = 978-4-7687-0404-2
 | ref = harv


* {{cite book
 | last = Humphreys
 | first = James E.
 | year = 1972
 | title = Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory
 | series = [[Graduate Texts in Mathematics]]
 | publisher = [[Springer-Verlag]]
 | isbn = 978-0-387-90053-7
 | volume = 9
 | ref = harv

* {{cite book
 | last = Stillwell
 | first = John
 | year = 2008
 | title = Naive Lie Theory
 | series = [[Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics]]
 | place = New York
 | publisher = [[Springer-Verlag]]
 | isbn = 978-0-387-78214-0
 | ref = harv


* {{cite book
 | last1 = Bourbaki
 | first1 = N.
 | title = Éléments de mathématique Groupes et algèbres de Lie Chapitre 1
 | publisher = Springer
 | year = 2007
 | isbn = 978-3-540-35335-5
 | ref = harv

* {{cite book
 | last1 = Bourbaki
 | first1 = N.
 | title = Éléments de mathématique Groupes et algèbres de Lie Chapitres 2 et 3
 | publisher = Springer
 | year = 2006
 | isbn = 978-3-540-33940-3
 | ref = harv

* {{cite book
 | last1 = Bourbaki
 | first1 = N.
 | title = Éléments de mathématique Groupes et algèbres de Lie Chapitres 4 à 6
 | publisher = Springer
 | year = 2007
 | isbn = 978-3-540-34490-2
 | ref = harv

* {{cite book
 | last1 = Bourbaki
 | first1 = N.
 | title = Éléments de mathématique Groupes et algèbres de Lie Chapitres 7 et 8
 | publisher = Springer
 | year = 2006
 | isbn = 978-3-540-33939-7
 | ref = harv

* {{cite book
 | last1 = Bourbaki
 | first1 = N.
 | title = Éléments de mathématique Groupes et algèbres de Lie Chapitre 9
 | publisher = Springer
 | year = 2007
 | isbn = 978-3-540-34392-9
 | ref = harv


* {{cite book
 | last = Kac
 | first = Victor G.
 | title = Infinite dimensional Lie algebras
 | edition= 3rd
 | publisher = Cambridge University Press
 | place = New York
 | year = 1995
 | isbn = 0-521-46693-8
 | ref = harv

* {{cite book
 | last = Carter
 | first = Roger W.
 | title = Lie Algebras of Finite and Affine Type
 | series = Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics
 | volume = 96
 | publisher = Cambridge University Press
 | place = United Kingdom
 | year = 2005
 | isbn = 978-0-521-85138-1
 | ref = harv

* {{cite book
 | last1 = Chari
 | first1 = Vyjayanthi
 | last2 = Pressley
 | first2 = Andrew N.
 | title = A Guide to Quantum Groups
 | publisher = Cambridge University Press
 | place = UK
 | year = 1998
 | isbn = 0-521-55884-0
 | ref = harv


* {{cite book
 | last=Knapp
 | first=Anthony W.
 | authorlink=Anthony Knapp
 | title=Lie Groups Beyond an Introduction
 | edition= 2nd
 | series=Progress in Mathematics
 | volume=140
 | publisher=Birkhäuser
 | place= Boston
 | year= 2002
 | isbn=0-8176-4259-5
 | ref = harv


* {{cite book
 | last1 = Jantzen
 | first1 = Jens Carsten
 | title = Lectures on Quantum Groups
 | series = Graduate Studies in Mathematics Volume 6
 | publisher = American Mathematical Society
 | place = USA
 | year = 1996
 | isbn = 978-0-8218-0478-2
 | ref = harv

* {{cite book
 | last1 = Humphreys
 | first1 = James E.
 | title = Representations of Semisimple Lie Algebras in the BGG Category <math>\mathcal{O}</math>
 | series = Graduate Studies in Mathematics Volume 94
 | publisher = American Mathematical Society
 | place = USA
 | year = 2008
 | isbn = 978-0-8218-4678-0
 | ref = harv


* {{cite book
 | last = Jacobson
 | first = Nathan
 | title = Lie algebras
 | publisher = Dover Publications
 | place = USA
 | year = 1979
 | isbn = 978-0-486-63832-4
 | ref = harv


* {{cite book
 | last1 = Kashiwara
 | first1 = Masaki
 | othes = rédigé par Charles Cochet
 | title = Bases cristallines des groupes quantiques
 | series = Cours spécialisés 9
 | publisher = Société Mathématique de France
 | year = 2002
 | isbn = 2-85629-126-0
 | ref = harv