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利用者:菊地 英仁/Cosmogony/Mythical cosmogonies

Mythical(神話の、架空の) cosmogonies




Also of interest are supernatural creation accounts(creation myth = 創造神話), as in ancient(古代の) Greek myth (see below) or in the Creationism(創造論) of the Abrahamic religions(アブラハムの宗教).


Greek mythology(神話) embodied(embody = 具体的に表現する、具体化する、組織化、体系化する) the desire(欲望、欲求) to articulate(発音[言語]の明晰な、思想を表現できる,表現する) reality(現実、実在) as a whole(as a whole = 総括して、全体として) and this universalizing(universalize = 一般化する、普遍化する) impulse(衝撃、推進力、刺激) was fundamental(基本の、基礎の、根本的な、主要な) for the first projects(計画、事業、プロジェクト) of speculative(思索的な、推論的な) theorizing.(theorize = 理論付ける、理論化する)

It appears that the order of 'being(存在)' was first imaginatively visualized before it was abstractly thought.


In the Theogony(神統記) of Hesiod(ヘーシオドス) (7th-6th century BC) the origin (arche(アルケー)) of the universe is Khaos(カオス), the Goddess(女神) of the upper air from which everything else appeared.


In the Orphic(オルペウス教) cosmogony the unageing(不老の) Chronos(クロノス) produced Aither(アイテール) and Khaos, and made in divine(神の) Aither a silvery(銀の、銀白色の) egg from which everything else appeared.


These ideas are influenced by the Near-Eastern cosmological theories and by the Vedic(ヴェーダ, 前1000-500年頃) cosmogony.


The later philosophers(哲学者) considered chaos(カオス) to be the indeterminate(不確定の、不定の) principle(原理、本質) from which the material cosmos was made; it is from this idea that the modern use of the word as meaning "confusion" has developed.