

欧州合衆国(英:United States of EuropeU.S.E.USE)は、欧州地域の国家と政府をアメリカ合衆国と同じ様にひとつに統合する構想における統一国家の名称である。思弁小説や空想科学小説の作家、政治学者、地理学者、歴史家、未来学者らによって語られる。


Various versions of the concept have developed over the centuries, many of which are mutually incompatible (inclusion or exclusion of the United Kingdom; secular or religious union, etc.). Such proposals include those from King George of Podebrady of Bohemia in 1464; the Duc de Sully of France in the seventeenth century; and the plan of William Penn, the Quaker founder of Pennsylvania, for the establishment of an "European Dyet, Parliament or Estates."

George Washington wrote to the Marquis de La Fayette: "One day, on the model of the United States of America, a United States of Europe will come into being."[1]


Felix Markham notes how during a conversation on St. Helena, Napoleon Bonaparte remarked, "Europe thus divided into nationalities freely formed and free internally, peace between States would have become easier: the United States of Europe would become a possibility."[2]

United States of Europe was also the name of the concept presented by Wojciech Jastrzębowski in "About eternal peace between the nations", published May 31, 1831. The project consisted of 77 articles. The envisioned United States of Europe was to be an international organisation rather than a superstate.

Giuseppe Mazzini was an early advocate of a "United States of Europe", and regarded European unification as a logical continuation of the Unification of Italy.

The term 'United States of Europe' (États-Unis d'Europe) was used by Victor Hugo, including during a speech at the International Peace Congress held in Paris in 1849. Hugo favoured the creation of "a supreme, sovereign senate, which will be to Europe what parliament is to England" and said "A day will come when all nations on our continent will form a European brotherhood... A day will come when we shall see... the United States of America and the United States of Europe face to face, reaching out for each other across the seas."

Victor Hugo planted a tree in the grounds of his residence on the Island of Guernsey he was noted in saying that when this tree matured the United States of Europe would have come into being. This tree to this day is still growing in the gardens of Maison de Hauteville, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, Victor Hugo's residence during his exile from France.

The Italian philosopher Carlo Cattaneo wrote 'The ocean is rough and whirling, and the currents go to two possible endings: the autocrat, or the United States of Europe'. In 1867 Giuseppe Garibaldi, and John Stuart Mill joined Victor Hugo at a congress of the League for Peace and Freedom in Geneva. Here the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin stated "That in order to achieve the triumph of liberty, justice and peace in the international relations of Europe, and to render civil war impossible among the various peoples which make up the European family, only a single course lies open: to constitute the United States of Europe". The French National Assembly, also called for a United States of Europe on March 1, 1871.


Following the catastrophe of the First World War, some thinkers and visionaries again began to float the idea of a politically unified Europe. In 1923, the Austrian Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi founded the Pan-Europa movement and hosted the First Paneuropean Congress, held in Vienna in 1926. The aim was for a specifically Christian Europe.[要出典] In contrast Trotsky raised the slogan "For a Soviet United States of Europe" in 1923, for a non-Christian but communist Europe.[要出典]

In 1929, Aristide Briand, French Prime Minister, gave a speech in the presence of the League of Nations Assembly in which he proposed the idea of a federation of European nations based on solidarity and in the pursuit of economic prosperity and political and social co-operation. Many eminent economists, among them John Maynard Keynes, supported this view. At the League's request Briand presented a Memorandum on the organisation of a system of European Federal Union in 1930.

"The United States of Europe" was also the title of two books published in 1931: by French politician Édouard Herriot and by British civil servant Arthur Salter.

During the World War II victories of Nazi Germany in 1940, Wilhelm II stated that: "The hand of God is creating a new world & working miracles.... We are becoming the United States of Europe under German leadership, a united European Continent."[3]

The term "United States of Europe" was used by Winston Churchill in his speech delivered on 9 September 1946 at the University of Zürich, Switzerland.[4] In this speech given after the end of the Second World War, Churchill concluded that:

We must build a kind of United States of Europe. In this way only will hundreds of millions of toilers be able to regain the simple joys and hopes which make life worth living.[5]

In this speech, Churchill does not comment on his earlier disapproval of British involvement in a European community. Before the Second World War, Churchill favoured an isolationist attitude towards continental Europe. On 15 February 1930, Churchill commented in the American journal The Saturday Evening Post that a European Union was possible between continental states but without Britain's involvement:

We see nothing but good and hope in a richer, freer, more contented European commonality. But we have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked but not compromised. We are interested and associated but not absorbed.[6]

Churchill's was a more cautious approach ("unionist position") to European integration than was the continental approach that was known as the "federalist" position.[7] The federalists advocated full integration with a constitution, while the Unionist United Europe Movement advocated a consultative body, and the federalists prevailed at the Congress of Europe.[7] The primary accomplishment of the Congress of Europe was the European Court of Human Rights, which predates the European Union.[8]


Geographically, the term Europe describes one of the world's classic seven continents.

The idea of a United States of Europe has partially manifested in the form of the European Union. However, only 27 of 50 European nations are EU member states, although all countries considered to be in Europe may join. In 2008, the Icelandic parliament voted to apply for EU membership.[9] Croatia, Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro are candidates for membership. There is much debate about Turkey's application for EU membership. The culturally European but geographically Asian country of Cyprus is an EU member state. The European Parliament noted that Armenia and Georgia may enter the EU in the future.[10] and The western part of the Russian Federation is in Europe and ethnic Russian culture is undoubtedly European, but it has shown no interest in joining the EU. Other neighbouring eastern European nations such as Ukraine have shown such interest at times but have had little encouragement.

Brussels is the primary centre of the EU's administration, though the European Parliament meets intermittently in Strasbourg.

Prospects for closer union[編集]

The member states of the European Union do have many common policies within the European Union (EU) and on behalf of the EU that are sometimes suggestive of a single state. It has a common civil service (the European Commission), a single High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, a common European Security and Defence Policy, a supreme court (European Court of Justice — but only in matters of European Union law), a peacekeeping force (Eurofor), and an intergovernmental research organisation (the EIROforum with members like CERN). The euro is often referred to as the "single European currency", which has been officially adopted by seventeen EU countries while seven other member countries of the European Union have linked their currencies to the euro in ERM II. In addition a number of European territories outside the EU have adopted the euro unofficially.

The EU, however, does not have a single constitution, a single government, a single foreign policy set by that government, a single taxation system contributing to a single exchequer, or a single military.

Several pan-European institutions exist separate from the EU. The European Space Agency counts almost all the EU member nations in its membership, but it is independent of the EU and its membership includes nations that are not EU members, notably Switzerland and Norway. The European Court of Human Rights (not to be confused with the European Court of Justice) is also independent of the Union. It is an element of the Council of Europe which, like ESA, counts EU members and non members alike in its membership.

At present, the European Union is a free association of sovereign states designed to further their shared aims. Other than the vague aim of "ever closer union" in the Solemn Declaration on European Union, the Union (meaning its member governments) has no current policy to create either a federation or a confederation. However, in the past, Jean Monnet, a person associated with the EU and its predecessor the European Economic Community did make such proposals. A wide range of other terms are in use, to describe the possible future political structure of Europe as a whole, and/or the EU. Some of them, such as United Europe, are used often, and in such varied contexts, but they have no definite constitutional status.

In the United States of America, the concept enters serious discussions of whether a unified Europe is feasible and what impact increased European unity would have on the United States of America's relative political and economic power. Glyn Morgan, a Harvard University associate professor of government and social studies, uses it unapologetically in the title of his book The Idea of a European Superstate: Public Justification and European Integration. While Morgan's text focuses on the security implications of a unified Europe, a number of other recent texts focus on the economic implications of such an entity. Important recent texts here include T. R Reid's The United States of Europe and Jeremy Rifkin's The European Dream. Neither the National Review nor the Chronicle of Higher Education doubt the appropriateness of the term in their reviews.[11][12]

反論 Opposition[編集]

The European Union does not include every nation in Europe and there is no consensus among the existing national governments towards becoming even a Confederation. There is also significant internal opposition to the concept in many member states.

The term "United States of Europe", as a direct comparison with the United States of America, would imply that the existing nations of Europe would be reduced to a status equivalent to that of a U.S. state, losing their national sovereignty in the process and becoming constituent parts of a European federation. Just as the United States of America has evolved from a confederation (under the 1777 Articles of Confederation) into a federation, the term "the United States of Europe" might also be used to describe a potential confederation of independent states. Those who oppose and criticize forming a federation or confederation of European states may be termed Eurosceptics; however it should be noted that opposition to the creation of a European federation does not equate with opposition to the European Union or the process of European integration.

Guy Verhofstadt[編集]

Following the negative referendums about the European Constitution in France and the Netherlands, the Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt released in November 2005 his book, written in Dutch, Verenigde Staten van Europa ("United States of Europe") in which he claims - based on the results of a Eurobarometer questionnaire - that the average European citizen wants more Europe. He thinks a federal Europe should be created between those states that wish to have a federal Europe (as a form of enhanced cooperation). In other words, a core federal Europe would exist within the current EU. He also states that these core states should federalise the following five policy areas: a European social-economic policy, technology cooperation, a common justice and security policy, a common diplomacy and a European army.[13] This short book is a summing up of the condition the EU 'idea' consequent to the 'No votes' on the European constitution, in referendums held in 2005 in France and the Netherlands. In this book the author enunciates his case forcefully for a stronger federal approach to the economic and political challenges the EU member states will face in the future.

Verhofstadt's book was awarded the first Europe Book Prize, which is organised by the association Esprit d'Europe and supported by former President of the European Commission Jacques Delors. The prize money was 20,000. The prize was declared at the European Parliament in Brussels on 5 December 2007. Swedish crime fiction writer Henning Mankell was the president of the jury of European journalists for choosing the first awardee. Mankell said, "The jury was sensitive to the political courage showed by the current prime minister of Belgium. In a Europe which has a lot of self doubt, which has a lot of questions about its own future, he offers a clear proposal for the future and gives reasons to believe in European construction." While receiving the reward Verhofstadt said, "When I wrote this book, I in fact meant it as a provocation against all those who didn't want the European Constitution. Fortunately, in the end a solution was found with the treaty, that was approved." [14]

未来図 Predictions[編集]

超大国構想 Future superpower[編集]

The United States of Europe is widely hypotheticised, fictionalised, or depicted as a superpower as powerful as or more powerful than, the United States of America. Some people such as T.R. Reid, Andrew Reding, and Mark Leonard, among others, believe that the power of the hypothetical United States of Europe will rival that of the United States of America in the 21st century. Leonard cites seven factors: Europe's large population, Europe's large economy, Europe's low inflation rates, Europe's favourable climate, Europe's central location in the world, the unpopularity and perceived failure of American foreign policy in recent years, and certain European countries' highly developed social organization or quality of life (when measured in terms such as hours worked per week and income distribution) .[15] Some experts claim that Europe has developed a sphere of influence called the Eurosphere.

A small power[編集]

Norwegian foreign policy scholar and commentator Asle Toje has argued that the power and reach of the European Union more closely resembles a small power.[16] In his book The EU as a small power he argues that the EU is a response to and function of Europe’s unique historical experience in that the EU contains the remnants of not one but five past European orders. Although the 1990s and early 2000s have showed that there is policy space for greater EU engagement in European security, the EU been unable to meet these expectations.[17] The author express particular concerns over the Union’s security and defense dimension CSDP where attempts at pooling resources and forming a political consensus have failed to generate the results expected. These trends, combined with shifts in global power patterns, are seen to have been accompanied by a shift in EU strategic thinking whereby great-power ambitions have been scaled down and replaced by a tendency towards hedging vis-à-vis the great powers. The author uses the case of the EUFOR intervention in Darfur and Chad to illustrate that the EU’s effectiveness is hampered by a consensus–expectations gap, owing primarily to the lack of an effective decision-making mechanism. In his view, the sum of these developments is that the EU will not be a great power, and is taking the place of a small power in the emerging multipolar international order

Franz Josef Strauss[編集]

Herbert W. Armstrong of the Radio Church of God (later renamed Worldwide Church of God), had prophesied the coming of a United States of Europe before the close of World War III, and he later said it might be the German conservative politician Franz Josef Strauss as its future dictator, but he wasn't definite. (Strauss had written a book titled The Grand Design, in which he set forth his views of the future of Europe).[18] Strauss seemed to play along with this portrayal, by becoming a guest of Armstrong in 1971 in his home and at his Ambassador College campus in Pasadena, California where he even agreed to appear on The World Tomorrow television programme. According to a document written by Armstrong in 1983, he became lasting friends with Strauss, but he could not understand why Strauss had returned the friendship.


Carole Carlson, identified in print as C. C. Carlson, is a professional writer and ghostwriter "coauthoring" many books in print. In 1970, when scandals began to rock the Worldwide Church of God, she teamed up with Hal Lindsey to write a religious best seller called The Late, Great Planet Earth. This book, which sold millions of copies in the 1970s, was made into a movie starring Orson Welles. It followed much of the same prophetic storyline concerning the rise of a powerful state in Europe, as previously told by Herbert Armstrong.

In the fictional universe of Eric Flint's best selling alternate history 1632 series, a United States of Europe is formed out of the Confederation of Principalities of Europe, which was composed of several German political units of the 1630s.[19]

Science fiction has made particular use of the idea: Incompetence, a dystopian novel by Red Dwarf creator Rob Grant, is a murder mystery political thriller set in a federated Europe of the near-future, where stupidity is a constitutionally protected right. References to a European Alliance or European Hegemony have also existed in episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994).[20] In the "Spy High" series of books for young adults, written by A.J. Butcher and set around the 2060s, a united Europe exists in the form of 'Europa' and in Andrew Roberts's 1995 book The Aachen Memorandum details a United States of Europe formed from a fraudulent referendum entitled the Aachen Referendum.[要出典]

Since the 2000s a number of computer strategy games set in the future have presented a unified European faction along side other established military powers such as the US and Russia. These include Euro Force, a 2006 expansion pack to Battlefield 2, and Battlefield 2142 (also released in 2006, with a 2007 expansion pack). In Battlefield 2142 a united Europe is shown as one of the two great superpowers on Earth, the other being Asia, despite being mostly frozen in a new ice age. The disaster theme continues with Tom Clancy's EndWar (2009) there a nuclear war between Iran and Saudi Arabia destroying the Middle Eastern oil supply prompts the EU to integrate further as the European Federation in 2018. The only game not to make bold claims of full integration is Shattered Union (2005); set in a future civil war in the US with the European Union is portrayed as a peacekeeping force. The video game series WipEout on the other hand makes a clear federal reference without a military element: one of the core teams that has appeared in every game is FEISAR. This acronym stands for Federal European Industrial Science And Research.

The 'United States of Europe' figures as the goal of secret cabals in various conspiracy theories, see Priory of Sion - the cabals apparently preferring to borrow their constitutional structures from the USA.[要出典]

Conservative Christian apocalyptic/ end time fictional scenarios used to include the ten nation European Union of the eighties as an allegedly 'prophesied' 'future' superpower that serves as the initial power base for the Antichrist before he achieves global domination. As the European Union expanded to include subsequent members far beyond that initial plateau, however, that fictional device fell into misuse.[要出典]



  1. ^ [1]<
  2. ^ Felix Markham, Napoleon (New York: Penguin Books USA Inc., 1966), 257 as quoted in Matthew Zarzeczny, Napoleon's European Union: The Grand Empire of the United States of Europe (Kent State University Master's thesis), 2.
  3. ^ Jonathan Petropoulos, Royals and the Reich, Oxford University Press (2006) p. 170
  4. ^ [2]
  5. ^ Churchill, Winston (1946). Speech to the Academic Youth (Speech). Zürich, Switzerland. {{cite speech}}: 不明な引数|coauthors=が空白で指定されています。 (説明)
  6. ^ Biddeleux, Robert; Taylor, Richard (1996). European Integration and Disintegration: east and west. Routledge. pp. 37–38. ISBN 978-0415137416. http://books.google.com/books?id=1PNa2EzB80gC&pg=PA37&lpg=PA37&dq=%22see+nothing+but+good+and+hope+in+a+richer+freer+more+contented+european%22&source=web&ots=UdOQxKRhR0&sig=rxq2A9AjvvE9zf9Bjqhd27qQSY4#PPA37,M1 
  7. ^ a b D. Dinan, 2005. Ever Closer Union, 3rd ed. ISBN 1-58826-243-0. page 14-15.
  8. ^ D. Dinan, 2005. Ever Closer Union, 3rd ed. ISBN 1-58826-243-0. page 15.
  9. ^ Iceland’s Parliament Votes in Favor of EU Membership – Iceland Review Online
  10. ^ Juergen-Zahorka, Hans. “How Armenia Could Approach the European Union”. LIBERTAS - Europaeisches Institut GmbH. 2006年12月23日閲覧。
  11. ^ http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/ramosmrosovsky200412200804.asp
  12. ^ http://chronicle.com/free/v51/i44/44a01201.htm
  13. ^ As a side-note, following the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon (December 2009) by all member states of the EU, the outline of a common diplomatic service, known as the External Action Service of the European Union (EEAS) was set in place. On 20 February 2009, The European Parliament also voted in favour of the creation of Synchronized Armed Forces Europe (SAFE) as a first step towards a forming a true European military force.[3]
  14. ^ EuroNews TV Report of 9 December 2007
  15. ^ Europe: the new superpower by Mark Leonard, Irish Times, Accessed March 11, 2007
  16. ^ "The European Union as a Small Power"
  17. ^ Europe heads for Japanese irrelevance (Finacial Times)
  18. ^ Franz Josef Strauss. The Grand Design: A European solution to German reunification. English translation: London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1965.
  19. ^ 1632 (trade paperback (July 2003) ed.). (2002-11-01). p. 655. "President of the United States, prime minister of the United States of Europe" 
  20. ^ European Alliance
