

en:Software asset management


International Organization for Standardization (ISO)[編集]

In 2006, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) began working with the SAM industry to develop a standard of best practices for software asset management programs.

Standard ISO/IEC 19770-1:2006, Information technology – software asset management – Part 1, was published by the ISO and IEC in May 2006. Part 1 of the standard details SAM processes including control environment, planning and implementation, inventory, verification and compliance, operations management and life cycle.[1]

ISO/IEC 19770-2:2009 – Part 2: Software identification tag[2]; establishes specifications for tagging software to optimize its identification and management.

Using software identification tags or SWID tags makes discovery a simpler and more accurate process that can be verified by software vendors if they audit an organisations entire estate.

Issues with scalability[編集]

An example of issues faced when scaling up discovery tools is with Microsoft's System Centre Configuration Manager (SCCM).

Using metering rules to monitor software deployment and usage across a small estate is relatively easy and reliable given the total number of unique executables (.exe files) and the number of instances of each executable.

If you try turning on metering rules for every packaged application and every executable in a large estate the volume of data generated quickly becomes unmanageable and expensive to maintain.

  1. ^ "International Standard" (Document). International Organization for Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission. 1 May 2006. {{cite document}}: 不明な引数|accessdate=は無視されます。 (説明); 不明な引数|contribution=は無視されます。 (説明); 不明な引数|editor-last=|format=|contribution-url=|coeditors=|coauthors=|editor-first=が空白で指定されています。 (説明)
  2. ^ http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=53670