


 ja: 浦上四番崩れ 2024年5月19日 (日) 17:00‎

Urakami Yoban Kuzure (浦上四番崩れ) was the last and biggest of four crackdowns on Christians in Urakami Village, Nagasaki, Japan in the 19th century.


The first three of the crackdowns there were minor incidents, however the last, the Urakami Yoban(forth) Kuzure in 1869 (the second year of Meiji), was severe. In 1867, at the end of the Edo Shogunate, villagers of Urakami who had maintained their faith as hidden Christians and declared their Christian faith were captured and tortured in large numbers by order of the Edo Shogunate. The Edo Shogunate was soon dissolved, but the villagers were exiled by the new Meiji government, which had taken over the Shogunate's policy of banning Christianity.

This was sharply criticized by Western countries where the Christian faith flourished.

This led to the abolition of the Christian ban in 1873, and the lifting of the ban on the Christian faith in Japan for the first time in 259 years since the total ban in 1614


Christianity was prohibited in Japan for 259 years, from 1614 after the Catholic Church was seen as a threat, when Nagasaki had grown prosperous through trade with Portugal, local lords and their minions had converted, and tracts of land had been donated to the Church.[better source needed] Urakami Village was one of the areas that had been donated.

Under the Tokugawa Shogunate everyone had to belong to a Buddhist temple to prove that they were not Christian. Those who were found to be Christian were tortured for information on other Christians and then executed. So, the discovery of one Secret Christian usually led to a number of them being executed.

After the Shogunate issued a ban on the practice of Christianity, the believers became hidden Christians, secretly defending their faith and passing it on to the next generation. Among these hidden Christians in Nagasaki, there was a prophecy of a preacher named Bastian, who was captured and martyred by the shogunate in the early Edo period (1603-1867). It was said, "If you endure for seven generations, a padre (priest) will come again from Rome.


In 1858, at a time when the Edo shogunate was weakening, the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between Japan and France was signed, and diplomatic relations and trade between the two countries began.

This treaty led the Shogunate to open several Japanese ports and French settlements. Nagasaki was one of them.

Bernard Thadée Petitjean, a French Catholic missionary, was ordered to Japan in 1860. He landed in Yokohama in November 1862 and went to Nagasaki in 1864.

His mission was to provide pastoral care for the French living in the settlement of Oura. Later, Petitjean obtained permission under the Treaty of Commerce between Japan and France to build a church for the French living in the settlement on a hilltop overlooking Nagasaki's Nishizaka (the site of the martyrdom of the 26 saints of Japan). The Oura Tenshudo was built for the residents of this settlement and was staretd to build in 1864.

The Oura Tenshudo was a rare Western-style building at the time, so it gained a reputation, and the Japanese living nearby called it the 'French temple' or 'Nanban temple' and came to see it. Petit Jean opened the church to the visiting Japanese and allowed them to visit freely. There was a reason why Petit Jean opened the church, which was originally built for the French residents, to curious Japanese visitors and allowed them to see it. There was a slight hope that, as Nagasaki was the land of the Christian martyrs, there might still be believers somewhere, or that some of the Japanese who visited might be believers.


Encounter with Hidden Christians[編集]

It was triggered by the emergence of "Secret Christians"(kakure Cristian) who came to the French Priest, Father Bernard Petitjean. A small group of Secret Christians confessed their true beliefs to Father Petitjean at the recently completed Ōura Catholic Church. They were found to have drifted from Catholic doctrine over their 250 years in hiding and therefore deemed in need of having their faith redeclared. This meant renouncing their Buddhist faith and in so doing directly challenging the Tokugawa Shogunate.

The Nagasaki Magistrate decided to arrest the whole village. In the early hours of 4 June 1867 the crackdown began with 170 officers arresting and torturing 68 residents of Urakami and trying to force conversions out of them. This led to protests from foreign consuls, and the Tokugawa Shogunate relented. However, soon after Tokugawa Shogunate ended and in February 1868 the new Meiji government appointed Nobuyoshi Sawa in charge of public order in Kyūshū.

His dislike of all things foreign was well known, and, after consultation, he decided to deal with the problem once and for all. His plan to exile the entire village was approved by an Imperial council on 25 April and implemented in two stages: first the ringleaders to Hagi, Tsuwano and Fukuyama, and then the rest of the village. Families were split up, and in total 3,414 Christian men, women, and children were sent into exile to all over Japan: 500 to Kanazawa, 160 to Tsuwano, 375 to Satsuma, 117 to Tsuru Shima, Okayama, etc.

While their fate, after being exiled, appears to have depended much on the local magistrates, wardens, and other authorities, forced labor and forced conversions were the norm.

About 680 or 20% of them died during their internment in various penal colonies. Religious freedom was finally granted in 1873 and the prohibition on Christianity was lifted allowing the internees to return to Urakami, where they built the Urakami Cathedral.

As recently as 2008 ecclesiastical guidance was given in an effort to help overcome the "unrelenting criticism" suffered by apostates and their descendants.


これは、1983年9月3日から、1984年4月29日までの期間で開催された。前期に続いて、アスレティック・ビルバオが優勝した。また、同チームは、国王杯(コパ・デル・レイ, Copa del Rey, )においても優勝した。











