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利用者:Eugene Ormandy/sandbox68 アドリアナ・デ・ヴェッキ

Adriana de Vecchi
生誕 1896年9月14日
出身地 ポルトガル ヴィアナ・ド・カステロ
死没 1995年
ジャンル クラシック音楽
職業 チェリスト
担当楽器 チェロ

アドリアナ・デ・ヴェッキ (Adriana de Vecchi, 1896年9月14日 - 1995年) は、ポルトガルのチェリストである。モンテッソーリ教育の理念に基づく教育者でもあり、リスボンにて子どものための音楽学校を開設した。




1920年代初頭にポルトガルのリスボンへと戻り、将来の配偶者となるチェリストのフェルナンド・コスタと出会った。当初ヴェッキはジャーナリスト、およびポルトガル語からイタリア語への翻訳家として活動しており、短い物語を書いたり、音楽と教育に関する講演を行ったりしていた。1953年には「幼少期の音楽教育とその展望」と題した講演会をリスボンのジョアン・デ・デウス・ミュージアムで行ったが、この講演を聞いた慈善家・芸術支援者のソフィア・アベカシスは、音楽教育用のスペースを提供することを申し出た。同年の6月29日には「子どものための音楽財団 (Fundação Musical dos Amigos das Crianças - FMAC) 」が設立された[1][2][3][4]

子どものための音楽学校では、当初ヴェッキがチェロ、アブレウ・モタがピアノ、ホセ・ラミー・ダ・コスタ・ヘイス がヴァイオリン、ジャイメ・シルヴァが合唱を教えた。授業は週に3回行われ、また、当時のポルトガルでは革新的なことであったが男女両方を対象としていた。また、就学前の子どもに音楽を教えるために、ヴェッキはeasy-to-assimilateなおもちゃの開発にも励んだ。


The school started by offering cello lessons given by De Vecchi, piano lessons by Abreu Mota, violin lessons by José Lamy da Costa Reisポルトガル語版 and choral singing lessons by Jaime Silva. Classes were held three times a week and were for both girls and boys, which was somewhat innovative for the time in Portugal. De Vecchi also developed easy-to-assimilate materials to teach music to children of pre-school age. In 1954 the Foundation also started a Youth String Orchestra, conducted by Fernando Costa, which has released several records and played throughout Portugal and Europe and from which many players have graduated to join leading orchestras in Portugal.

In 1959 De Vecchi also created, with the support of Lisbon City Council, what were known as Cultural Afternoons for Children. These were held in the Estufa Fria greenhouse. Financial and other support to the Foundation was provided by the banker Ricardo Espírito Santo, the philanthropist Olga Álvares Pereira de Meloポルトガル語版, the musicologist João de Freitas Brancoポルトガル語版, the conductor Manuel da Silva Dionísio, and the composer and pianist António Victorino de Almeida, among others.[1][2][3][4]

When her husband died in 1973, De Vecchi asked Leonardo de Barros, one of the first students at the School, to take on the vice-presidency of FMAC and become director of the orchestra, a position he held until 2009. De Barros also became president of the Foundation when De Vecchi died in 1995. With further financial assistance FMAC was able to open the Guilhermina Suggia Music School (Escola de Música Guilhermina Suggia) in Porto and also purchase its own facilities in Lisbon.[1][2]

In 1978, as part of the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of FMAC, an exhibition was held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum in Lisbon on the theme of “Two Lives, One Work” (Duas Vidas, Uma Obra), about De Vecchi and Costa. Adriana de Vecchi died in 1995 at the age of 99.[1][2]


  1. ^ a b c d e Feminae – Dicionário Contemporâneo. Lisbon: COMISSÃO PARA A CIDADANIA E A IGUALDADE DE GÉNERO. (December 2013). pp. 30–33. https://facesdeeva.fcsh.unl.pt/?page_id=177 5 October 2020閲覧。 
  2. ^ a b c d e História”. Escola de Música Guilhermina Suggia. 5 October 2020閲覧。
  3. ^ a b c Fundação Musical dos Amigos das Crianças celebra 50 anos”. Público. 5 October 2020閲覧。
  4. ^ a b A Rua da violoncelista Adriana de Vecchi, da Fundação Musical Amigos das Crianças”. Toponímia de Lisboa. 5 October 2020閲覧。

