
利用者:Kazuhiko Takeuchi

Kazuhiko Takeuchi (born June 19, 1951 Wakayama) is the Director and Professor, Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S) at the University of Tokyo Institutes for Advanced Study (UTIAS), [1] and also serving as a Senior Visiting Professor at the United Nations University Institute for Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS). He is a member of the Science Council of Japan (SCJ), Vice-Chair of the Food, Agriculture and Rural Area Policies Council, Government of Japan, and Editor-in- Chief of the journal Sustainability Science (Springer). He was Chair of Central Environment Council, Government of Japan.

== Education == [2]

  • 1980 D. Agr. (Agrobiology), Graduate School of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo
  • 1976 M. Agr. (Agrobiology), Graduate School of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo
  • 1974 B.S. (Agriculture), Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo

== Career == [1][2]

  • 2016-Present Senior Visiting Professor, United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS)
  • 2012-Present Director and Professor, Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), The University of Tokyo Institute for Advanced Study (UTIAS)
  • 2013-2016 Senior Vice-Rector, United Nations University, and Assistant Secretary-General, The United Nations
  • 2009-2013 Director, United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP)
  • 2009-2013 Visiting Professor, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS)
  • 2008-2012 Vice-Rector, United Nations University
  • 2007-2008 Vice President for International Relations, The University of Tokyo
  • 2007-2008 Executive Representative for The University of Tokyo, Beijing Office
  • 2005-2012 Deputy Executive Director, Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), The University of Tokyo
  • 2005-2008 Special Advisor to the President, The University of Tokyo
  • 2004-2005 Director, Asian Natural Environmental Science Center, The University of Tokyo
  • 1997-2012 Professor, Department of Ecosystem Studies, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
  • 1995-1997 Professor, Asian Natural Environmental Science Center, The University of Tokyo
  • 1985-1995 Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo (Tenured)
  • 1977-1985 Lecturer (equivalent to Associate Professor), Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University

== Research Interests == [1] Educated and trained as a geographer and landscape ecologist at the University of Tokyo, he engages in research and education on creating eco-friendly environments for a harmonious coexistence of people and nature, especially focusing on Asia and Africa. He is keenly interested in the restoration of ecosystems and effective utilization of environmental resources in Japan, a good example being the revitalization of traditional rural landscapes locally called Satoyama.

== Publications == [1]

  • Takeuchi. K., Ichikawa. K., and Elmqvist. T., :Satoyama landscape as social–ecological system: historical changes and future perspective, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 19: 30-39.
  • Takeuchi K., Geetha Mohan, Kensuke Fukushi, Alexandros Gasparatos, Binaya Kumar Mishra (2016) “Energy, Environment and Ecosystems (3E) Nexus Initiative: Towards Building
  • Takeuchi, K., Matsuda, H., Saito, S., Herath, S., Naito, D.: Building resilience in rural Asia: combining traditional and modern bio production systems, The challenges of agro-environmental research in monsoon Asia, NIAES series no.6, pp. 13-25.
  • Yanagawa, A., Fujimaki, H., Okuro, T., Jamsran, U. and Takeuchi, K.: Comparison of drought tolerances in a root water uptake model for two co-occurring grass species in Mongolia. Japanese Society of Soil Physics (in press).


  1. ^ a b c d Kazuhiko Takeuchi”. IR3S. 2016年11月24日閲覧。
  2. ^ a b Kazuhiko Takeuchi”. UNU. 2016年11月24日閲覧。