


Google Books, URL, DOI, ISBNから自動的にリファレンスを作ってくれるジェネレータ。


  • 天文学人名辞典
<ref name="jinmei">{{cite book|和書 | editor=[[中山茂]] 編 | author= | authorlink= | chapter= , (〜)| title=天文学人名辞典 | series=現代天文学講座 別巻 | page= | date=1983-03-25 | edition=初版第一刷 | ncid=BN00165458}}</ref>
  • 天文学辞典
<ref name="jiten">{{cite web | url=https://astro-dic.jp/ | title= | date=-- | access-date=-- | df=ja | work=天文学辞典 | publisher=[[日本天文学会]]}}</ref>


<ref name="simbad">{{cite simbad | title= | access-date=--}}</ref>
  • [GaiaDR3]
<ref name="GaiaDR3">{{cite journal | author=Gaia Collaboration | url= | title=Gaia DR3 Part 1. Main source | journal=VizieR On-line Data Catalog: I/355/gaiadr3 | bibcode= 2022yCat.1355....0G}}</ref>
  • [GCVS]
<ref name="Samus’Kazarovets2017">{{cite journal | last1=Samus’| first1=N. N. | last2=Kazarovets | first2=E. V. | last3=Durlevich | first3=O. V. | last4=Kireeva | first4=N. N. | last5=Pastukhova | first5=E. N. | title=General catalogue of variable stars: Version GCVS 5.1 | url= | journal=Astronomy Reports | volume=61 | issue=1 | year=2017 | pages=80-88 | issn=1063-7729 | doi=10.1134/S1063772917010085 | bibcode= 2017ARep...61...80S}}</ref>
  • [BSC5]
<ref name="bsc">{{Cite journal | last1=Hoffleit | first1=D. | last2=Warren | first2=W. H., Jr. | date=1995-11 | title=Bright Star Catalogue, 5th Revised Ed. | url= | work=VizieR On-line Data Catalog: V/50 | bibcode=1995yCat.5050....0H}}</ref>
  • Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning
<ref name="Allen2013">{{cite book | last=Allen | first=Richard H. | author-link=リチャード・ヒンクリー・アレン | title=Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=vWDsybJzz7IC | date=2013-2-28 | publisher=Courier Corporation | isbn=978-0-486-13766-7|page=}}</ref>
  • 日本星名辞典
<ref name="Nojiri1986">{{cite book | 和書 | author=野尻抱影 | author-link=野尻抱影 | title=日本星名辞典 | chapter=秋の星の和名 アンドロメダ座・三角座 | publisher=[[東京堂出版]] | date=1986-04-10 | edition=七版 | isbn=4490100787| page=95}}</ref>
  • 日本の星名事典
<ref name="Kitao2018">{{cite book | 和書 | author=北尾浩一 | title=日本の星名事典 | chapter=第4章第2節03「アンドロメダδβγ」 | date=2018-05-30 | publisher=[[原書房]] | edition=初版第1刷| isbn=978-4-562-05569-2 | pages=385-386}}</ref>


<ref name="DMPN2003">{{cite book | title=Dictionary of Minor Planet Names | chapter= (小惑星番号 固有名) | publisher=Springer Berlin Heidelberg | publication-place=Berlin, Heidelberg | year=2003 | doi= | page=}}</ref>
<ref name="jpldata">{{cite web | title = | work = Small-Body Database Lookup | url = | publisher = [[ジェット推進研究所|JPL]] | access-date = --}}</ref>
<ref name="MPC">{{cite web | title = | work = MPC Database Search|publisher=[[小惑星センター|Minor Planet Center]] | url = https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/db_search/show_object?object_id= | access-date = --}}</ref>
<ref name="MPEC--">{{cite web | title = MPEC - : | url = https://minorplanetcenter.net/mpec/K21/K21Y28.html | work = Minor Planet Electronic Circular | publisher = [[小惑星センター|Minor Planet Center]] | access-date = --}}</ref>
<ref name="MPC">{{cite web | title=The MINOR PLANET CIRCULARS/MINOR PLANETS AND COMETS | website=IAU Minor Planet Center | url= | access-date=--}}</ref>
<ref name="h">{{cite web | title = Asteroid Size Estimator | url = https://cneos.jpl.nasa.gov/tools/ast_size_est.html | work = Center for Near Earth Object Studies | publisher = [[ジェット推進研究所|JPL]] | access-date = --}}</ref>