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制御理論において、スライディングモード制御(SMC: Sliding Mode Control)とは、不連続な制御入力により制御対象の動特性を切り換え、状態変数が状態空間中の所定の平面上を「滑る」ように遷移させる非線形制御則の一種である。 スライディングモード制御は切り換えのある状態フィードバックにより実現される可変構造制御(VSS)であり、状態空間を領域ごとに分割し、状態変数が現在どの領域に存在するかに応じて制御則を切り換える。各領域ごとの制御則は、状態変数が常に他の領域へと遷移するように設計されるため、状態変数がある領域に留まり続けることはない。そのかわりに、領域間の境界面上を滑るように移動する。この動作をスライディングモード[1]と呼び、状態変数が滑る平面を滑り(超)曲面という。現代制御理論の文脈では、スライディングモード制御を含む可変構造系は、連続的なダイナミクスと離散的な制御モードの切り換えが混在するハイブリッドシステムである。


図1:スライディングモード制御により安定化されたシステムの位相平面図。状態変数が滑り曲面に 到達したのち、滑り曲面に沿って遷移している。滑り曲面の選定は、滑り曲面に拘束された動特性が好ましい性質を持つように設計される。この例では、スライディングモード状態のシステムは滑り曲面により指数安定な原点をもつ1次のLTIシステム に従う。



スライディングモード制御の応用例として、スイッチングコンバータによる電気機器の制御が挙げられる[2]:"Introduction" 。スイッチングコンバータは不連続な制御モードをもつため、連続的な制御則をPWMや類似の技術[nb 1]により不連続に変換するよりも、本質的に不連続なスライディングモード制御のほうが自然な実装が可能である。スライディングモード制御はロボティクスにおいても多くの応用例がある。特に、擬似的に再現された荒波の中での無人船(USV)の追従制御において大きな成功を収めている[3][4]

スライディングモード制御は、比較的穏やかな制御を行う他の非線形制御則に比べてより慎重に実装しなければならない。特にアクチュエータの遅延やその他の不完全性により、字義通りのスライディングモード制御はチャタリング、エネルギー損失、制御対象へのダメージ、非モデル化動特性の励起といった問題を引き起こす可能性がある[5]:554–556 。連続的な設計法によりこれらの問題を緩和し、スライディングモード制御に類似した動作を実現する方法もある[5]:556–563







m次元の状態フィードバック制御入力である。Picard–Lindelöf theoremにより解の存在性と一意性を保証するため、関数およびは連続かつ十分に滑らかであると仮定する。

状態フィードバック制御則の設計(すなわち、現在の状態から時刻tにおける制御入力への写像の決定)典型的な問題は、式(1)で記述される動的システムを原点の近傍で安定化することである。このような制御則のもとでは、初期状態が原点から外れていても、システムは原点に復帰する。たとえば、状態変数ベクトルの一要素 がある既知の信号(例えば正弦波状の目標値)とプラント出力の偏差に関連しているとする。このとき制御入力を迅速にとできるのであれば、プラント出力は目標値の正弦波に追従する。スライディングモード制御において設計者は、システムをその配位空間中の特定の部分空間に拘束することで、望ましい動作(たとえば安定な平衡点をもつなど)が実現できることがわかってる。スライディングモード制御はシステムの解軌道をこの部分空間に移動させ、その上を滑らせる。この部分空間を滑り(超)曲面といい、フィードバック制御により状態が滑り曲面を滑っている状態をスライディングモードという。滑り曲面に沿った解軌道はLTIシステムの固有ベクトル(すなわちモード)に関連付けることができるが、スライディングモードはハイゲインフィードバックによりベクトル場を折りたたむことで補強されている。小石が亀裂に沿って転がるように、システムの解軌道はスライディングモードに拘束される。


  1. 滑り曲面となる超曲面や多様体を、システムをその上に拘束したときの挙動が好ましくなるように選ぶ。
  2. 選択した多様体をシステムの解軌道が横切り、その上に留まるようなフィードバックゲインを求める。

スライディングモード制御則は非連続であるため、解軌道を有限時間でスライディングモードに導くことができる(つまり、滑り曲面の安定性は漸近的な制御よりも良好となる)。しかし、一度解軌道が滑り曲面に到達すれば、システムはスライディングモードの特性に従う(たとえば、システムが原点 においてのみ漸近安定となるなど)。


  • 状態変数が滑り曲面上にないとき.
  • 状態変数が滑り曲面上にあるとき.





状態変数 を満たすよう拘束できるための条件は以下の通りである。

  1. 初期状態によらずシステムがに到達できること。
  2. 一度に到達したシステムを維持できること。



スライディングモード制御は不連続な制御則であるため、明らかに局所的にLipschitz連続ではない。このため、閉ループシステムの解の存在性と一意性をPicard–Lindelöf theoremにより保証することができない。このため、解はFilippov の意味で解析せねばならない[1][6]。大まかに言えば、上に拘束された状態変数の挙動は滑らかな動特性により近似することができる。しかしながら、この滑らかな挙動は実際には実現できないかもしれない。同様に、高速なPWMやΔΣ変調の出力は2つの値しか取り得ないが、連続的な出力を行うのに有効である。これらの煩雑さは、連続的な制御器を実現する他の非線形制御則を用いることで解消することができることがある[5]

Theoretical foundation


The following theorems form the foundation of variable structure control.

Theorem 1: Existence of sliding mode


Consider a Lyapunov function candidate


where is the Euclidean norm (i.e., is the distance away from the sliding manifold where ). For the system given by Equation (1) and the sliding surface given by Equation (2), a sufficient condition for the existence of a sliding mode is that

in a neighborhood of the surface given by .

Roughly speaking (i.e., for the scalar control case when ), to achieve , the feedback control law is picked so that and have opposite signs. That is,

  • makes negative when is positive.
  • makes positive when is negative.

Note that

and so the feedback control law has a direct impact on .

Reachability: Attaining sliding manifold in finite time


To ensure that the sliding mode is attained in finite time, must be more strongly bounded away from zero. That is, if it vanishes too quickly, the attraction to the sliding mode will only be asymptotic. To ensure that the sliding mode is entered in finite time,[7]

where and are constants.

Explanation by comparison lemma

This condition ensures that for the neighborhood of the sliding mode ,

So, for ,

which, by the chain rule (i.e., with ), means

where is the upper right-hand derivative of and the symbol denotes proportionality. So, by comparison to the curve which is represented by differential equation with initial condition , it must be the case that for all t. Moreover, because , must reach in finite time, which means that V must reach (i.e., the system enters the sliding mode) in finite time.[5] Because is proportional to the Euclidean norm of the switching function , this result implies that the rate of approach to the sliding mode must be firmly bounded away from zero.

Consequences for sliding mode control

In the context of sliding mode control, this condition means that

where is the Euclidean norm. For the case when switching function is scalar valued, the sufficient condition becomes


Taking , the scalar sufficient condition becomes

which is equivalent to the condition that


That is, the system should always be moving toward the switching surface , and its speed toward the switching surface should have a non-zero lower bound. So, even though may become vanishingly small as approaches the surface, must always be bounded firmly away from zero. To ensure this condition, sliding mode controllers are discontinuous across the manifold; they switch from one non-zero value to another as trajectories cross the manifold.

Theorem 2: Region of attraction


For the system given by Equation (1) and sliding surface given by Equation (2), the subspace for which the surface is reachable is given by

That is, when initial conditions come entirely from this space, the Lyapunov function candidate is a Lyapunov function and trajectories are sure to move toward the sliding mode surface where . Moreover, if the reachability conditions from Theorem 1 are satisfied, the sliding mode will enter the region where is more strongly bounded away from zero in finite time. Hence, the sliding mode will be attained in finite time.

Theorem 3: Sliding motion



be nonsingular. That is, the system has a kind of controllability that ensures that there is always a control that can move a trajectory to move closer to the sliding mode. Then, once the sliding mode where is achieved, the system will stay on that sliding mode. Along sliding mode trajectories, is constant, and so sliding mode trajectories are described by the differential equation


If an -equilibrium is stable with respect to this differential equation, then the system will slide along the sliding mode surface toward the equilibrium.

The equivalent control law on the sliding mode can be found by solving

for the equivalent control law . That is,

and so the equivalent control

That is, even though the actual control is not continuous, the rapid switching across the sliding mode where forces the system to act as if it were driven by this continuous control.

Likewise, the system trajectories on the sliding mode behave as if

The resulting system matches the sliding mode differential equation

and so as long as the sliding mode surface where is stable (in the sense of Lyapunov), the trajectory conditions from the reaching phase now reduce to the above derived simpler condition. Hence, the system can be assumed to follow the simpler condition after some initial transient during the period while the system finds the sliding mode. The same motion is approximately maintained when the equality only approximately holds.

It follows from these theorems that the sliding motion is invariant (i.e., insensitive) to sufficiently small disturbances entering the system through the control channel. That is, as long as the control is large enough to ensure that and is uniformly bounded away from zero, the sliding mode will be maintained as if there was no disturbance. The invariance property of sliding mode control to certain disturbances and model uncertainties is its most attractive feature; it is strongly robust.

As discussed in an example below, a sliding mode control law can keep the constraint

in order to asymptotically stabilize any system of the form

when has a finite upper bound. In this case, the sliding mode is where

(i.e., where ). That is, when the system is constrained this way, it behaves like a simple stable linear system, and so it has a globally exponentially stable equilibrium at the origin.

Control design examples

  • Consider a plant described by Equation (1) with single input u (i.e., ). The switching function is picked to be the linear combination
where the weight for all . The sliding surface is the simplex where . When trajectories are forced to slide along this surface,
and so
which is a reduced-order system (i.e., the new system is of order because the system is constrained to this -dimensional sliding mode simplex). This surface may have favorable properties (e.g., when the plant dynamics are forced to slide along this surface, they move toward the origin ). Taking the derivative of the Lyapunov function in Equation (3), we have
To ensure is a negative-definite function (i.e., for Lyapunov stability of the surface ), the feedback control law must be chosen so that
Hence, the product because it is the product of a negative and a positive number. Note that
The control law is chosen so that
  • is some control (e.g., possibly extreme, like "on" or "forward") that ensures Equation (5) (i.e., ) is negative at
  • is some control (e.g., possibly extreme, like "off" or "reverse") that ensures Equation (5) (i.e., ) is positive at
The resulting trajectory should move toward the sliding surface where . Because real systems have delay, sliding mode trajectories often chatter back and forth along this sliding surface (i.e., the true trajectory may not smoothly follow , but it will always return to the sliding mode after leaving it).
which can be expressed in a 2-dimensional state space (with and ) as
Also assume that (i.e., has a finite upper bound k that is known). For this system, choose the switching function
By the previous example, we must choose the feedback control law so that . Here,
  • When (i.e., when ), to make , the control law should be picked so that
  • When (i.e., when ), to make , the control law should be picked so that
However, by the triangle inequality,
and by the assumption about ,
So the system can be feedback stabilized (to return to the sliding mode) by means of the control law
which can be expressed in closed form as
Assuming that the system trajectories are forced to move so that , then
So once the system reaches the sliding mode, the system's 2-dimensional dynamics behave like this 1-dimensional system, which has a globally exponentially stable equilibrium at .

Automated design solutions


Although various theories exist for sliding mode control system design, there is a lack of a highly effective design methodology due to practical difficulties encountered in analytical and numerical methods. A reusable computing paradigm such as a genetic algorithm can, however, be utilized to transform a 'unsolvable problem' of optimal design into a practically solvable 'non-deterministic polynomial problem'. This results in computer-automated designs for sliding model control. [8]

Sliding mode observer


Sliding mode control can be used in the design of state observers. These non-linear high-gain observers have the ability to bring coordinates of the estimator error dynamics to zero in finite time. Additionally, switched-mode observers have attractive measurement noise resilience that is similar to a Kalman filter.[9][10] For simplicity, the example here uses a traditional sliding mode modification of a Luenberger observer for an LTI system. In these sliding mode observers, the order of the observer dynamics are reduced by one when the system enters the sliding mode. In this particular example, the estimator error for a single estimated state is brought to zero in finite time, and after that time the other estimator errors decay exponentially to zero. However, as first described by Drakunov,[11] a sliding mode observer for non-linear systems can be built that brings the estimation error for all estimated states to zero in a finite (and arbitrarily small) time.

Here, consider the LTI system

where state vector , is a vector of inputs, and output y is a scalar equal to the first state of the state vector. Let


  • is a scalar representing the influence of the first state on itself,
  • is a column vector representing the influence of the other states on the first state,
  • is a matrix representing the influence of the other states on themselves, and
  • is a row vector corresponding to the influence of the first state on the other states.

The goal is to design a high-gain state observer that estimates the state vector using only information from the measurement . Hence, let the vector be the estimates of the n states. The observer takes the form

where is a nonlinear function of the error between estimated state and the output , and is an observer gain vector that serves a similar purpose as in the typical linear Luenberger observer. Likewise, let

where is a column vector. Additionally, let be the state estimator error. That is, . The error dynamics are then

where is the estimator error for the first state estimate. The nonlinear control law v can be designed to enforce the sliding manifold

so that estimate tracks the real state after some finite time (i.e., ). Hence, the sliding mode control switching function

To attain the sliding manifold, and must always have opposite signs (i.e., for essentially all ). However,

where is the collection of the estimator errors for all of the unmeasured states. To ensure that , let


That is, positive constant M must be greater than a scaled version of the maximum possible estimator errors for the system (i.e., the initial errors, which are assumed to be bounded so that M can be picked large enough; al). If M is sufficiently large, it can be assumed that the system achieves (i.e., ). Because is constant (i.e., 0) along this manifold, as well. Hence, the discontinuous control may be replaced with the equivalent continuous control where


This equivalent control represents the contribution from the other states to the trajectory of the output state . In particular, the row acts like an output vector for the error subsystem

So, to ensure the estimator error for the unmeasured states converges to zero, the vector must be chosen so that the matrix is Hurwitz (i.e., the real part of each of its eigenvalues must be negative). Hence, provided that it is observable, this system can be stabilized in exactly the same way as a typical linear state observer when is viewed as the output matrix (i.e., "C"). That is, the equivalent control provides measurement information about the unmeasured states that can continually move their estimates asymptotically closer to them. Meanwhile, the discontinuous control forces the estimate of the measured state to have zero error in finite time. Additionally, white zero-mean symmetric measurement noise (e.g., Gaussian noise) only affects the switching frequency of the control v, and hence the noise will have little effect on the equivalent sliding mode control . Hence, the sliding mode observer has Kalman filter–like features.[10]

The final version of the observer is thus


  • and

That is, by augmenting the control vector with the switching function , the sliding mode observer can be implemented as an LTI system. That is, the discontinuous signal is viewed as a control input to the 2-input LTI system.

For simplicity, this example assumes that the sliding mode observer has access to a measurement of a single state (i.e., output ). However, a similar procedure can be used to design a sliding mode observer for a vector of weighted combinations of states (i.e., when output uses a generic matrix C). In each case, the sliding mode will be the manifold where the estimated output follows the measured output with zero error (i.e., the manifold where ).

See also



  1. ^ Other pulse-type modulation techniques include delta-sigma modulation.


  1. ^ a b Zinober, A.S.I., ed (1990). Deterministic control of uncertain systems. London: Peter Peregrinus Press. ISBN 978-0-86341-170-0 
  2. ^ Utkin, Vadim I. (1993). “Sliding Mode Control Design Principles and Applications to Electric Drives”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (IEEE) 40 (1): 23–36. doi:10.1109/41.184818. 
  3. ^ "Autonomous Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance of Unmanned Vessels in Simulated Rough Sea States - Villanova University"
  4. ^ Mahini (2013). “An experimental setup for autonomous operation of surface vessels in rough seas”. Robotica 31 (5): 703–715. doi:10.1017/s0263574712000720. 
  5. ^ a b c d Khalil, H.K. (2002). Nonlinear Systems (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-067389-7. http://www.egr.msu.edu/~khalil/NonlinearSystems/ 
  6. ^ Filippov, A.F. (1988). Differential Equations with Discontinuous Right-hand Sides. Kluwer. ISBN 978-90-277-2699-5 
  7. ^ Perruquetti, W.; Barbot, J.P. (2002). Sliding Mode Control in Engineering. Marcel Dekker Hardcover. ISBN 0-8247-0671-4 
  8. ^ Li, Yun (1996). “Genetic algorithm automated approach to the design of sliding mode control systems”. International Journal of Control 64 (3): 721–739. doi:10.1080/00207179608921865. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/230602763_Genetic_algorithm_automated_approach_to_the_design_of_sliding_mode_control_systems/file/72e7e522667e30a16b.pdf?ev=pub_int_doc_dl&origin=publication_detail&inViewer=true. 
  9. ^ Utkin, Vadim; Guldner, Jürgen; Shi, Jingxin (1999). Sliding Mode Control in Electromechanical Systems. Philadelphia, PA: Taylor & Francis, Inc.. ISBN 0-7484-0116-4 
  10. ^ a b Drakunov, S.V. (1983). “An adaptive quasioptimal filter with discontinuous parameters”. Automation and Remote Control 44 (9): 1167–1175. 
  11. ^ Drakunov, S.V. (1992). Sliding-Mode Observers Based on Equivalent Control Method. 2368–2370. ISBN 0-7803-0872-7. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=371368&isnumber=8509 

Further reading
