


Cho-teki (朝敵) is a name for opponents of the emperor court in Japan.


In each period of Japanese history, this word was used by people who wanted to claim self-justification and blame their political opponents. In many cases, a called side was subject to suppress. If one which claim the government army is powerful, even if there is any backgrounds, the other will be an absolute EVIL in Japanese history. Especially in the end of Edo period and the beginning of Meiji period, So-non-ron spreaded and the supporters often killed their political opponents for punishment to Cho-teki.

But the government army didn’t always defeat Cho-teki. For example, revel won the government army in Jokyu no Ran, and two government army fought each other in Nambokucho period.

People was called Cho-teki in Japanese history[編集]

  • Fujiwara no Nakamaro and Emperor Junnin by Emi Oshikatsu no Ran in Nara period.
  • Aterui, a leader of Emishi, in Heian period.
  • Taira no Masakado in Heian period.
  • Fujiwara no Yorinaga and Emperor Sutoku by Hogen no Ran in Heian period.
  • Minamoto no Yoshitsune in Heian period.
  • Fujiwara no Yasuhira by Battle of Oushu in Heian period.
  • Yoshitoki Hojo by Jokyu no Ran in Kamakura period.
  • Takatoki Hojo by Genkou no Ran in the end of Kamakura period.
  • Takauji Ashikaga in Nambokucho period, but he fought Nam-cho side (southern emperor court) in support of Hoku-cho side (northern emperor court). In other words, they were called Cho-teki each other.
  • Yoshisada Nitta and Masashige Kusunoki in Nam-cho side. They were defeated and dead by Takauji, after that they became Cho-teki.
  • Yoshioki Ouchi, a Sengoku Daimyo, in Azuchi-Momoyama period.
  • Katsuyori Takeda, a Sengoku Daimyo, by Nobunaga Oda in Azuchi-Momoyama period.
  • The Shimazu clan by Toyotomi no Hideyoshi in Azuchi-Momoyama period.
  • The Hojo clan by Toyotomi no Hideyoshi in Azuchi-Momoyama period.
  • Cho-shu domain by Kinmon incident in the end of Edo period.
  • Domains under Edo shogunate by the Meiji Restoration army by Boshin war in the end of Edo period.

Further reading[編集]

  • Рубель В. А. Японська цивілізація: традиційне суспільство і державність. — Київ: «Аквілон-Прес», 1997.
  • Рубель В. А. Історія середньовічного Сходу: Курс лекцій: Навч. посібник. — Київ: Либідь, 1997.
  • Рубель В.А. Нова історія Азії та Африки: Постсередньовічний Схід (XVIII — друга половина XIX ст.). — Київ: Либідь, 2007.