








ロシアのウクライナ侵攻 (2022 - )[編集]



2022年5月、プーチン大統領はウクライナの孤児に対するロシア国籍の発行を簡素化するよう命じた[10]ウクライナ外務省は、これにより 「プーチンは事実上、子どもの誘拐を合法化した。」 と強調した[10]





2021年7月、プーチン大統領は長文のエッセイ「ロシア人とウクライナ人の歴史的統一について」を発表し、ウクライナは歴史的にロシアの土地を占領した人工的な存在であると主張した[18]。35人の法律およびジェノサイドの専門家による報告書は、 「ジェノサイドを扇動するための土台作り」 の一環としてプーチンのエッセイを引用した[19]その後、ロシア国営通信社のRIAノーボスチは「ロシアはウクライナをどうするべきか」という記事を掲載し、ウクライナ国民全体がナチスであり、国民を消し去り、場合によっては再教育を受けなければならないと非難した[20][21][22]







  • 「戦時における文民の保護に関する1949年のジュネーヴ条約」 によれば、居住者は子どもの市民的地位を変更する権利を持たない[10]
  • ロシアは、子どもの名前の権利と市民権の取得を保障した国連子どもの権利条約第7条にも違反した[33]
  • 1948年のジェノサイド犯罪の防止及び処罰に関する条約第二条は、「ある人間集団から別の人間集団への児童の強制的な移送」は、ジェノサイド行為であるとしている[34]
  • ロシアは人権と基本的自由の保護に関する条約を批准し、それによると「いかなる者も、個人的にであれ集団的にであれ、その者が市民である国の領域から追放されてはならない」[35]




プーチン大統領とマリヤ・リボワ・ベロワに対する起訴は、2人が「ローマ規程第8条 (2) (a) (vii) 及び第8条 (2) (b) (viii)に反して、ウクライナの占領地域からロシア連邦へのウクライナの子供の不法な国外追放及び移送」 に責任があるという合理的な理由に基づいている[45]

ICCは、ロシア軍によって「孤児院や児童養護施設から連れ去られた少なくとも数百人の(ウクライナの)子どもたち」 を特定した。同裁判所の主任検察官であるカリム・カーンによると、これらの強制送還は、子どもたちを自国から永久に連れ去る意図で行われたものであり、ジュネーヴ条約の違反であり、戦争犯罪に相当するものであった[7]



On 20–22 March 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Russia and met with Vladimir Putin. It was Putin's first international meeting since the ICC issued a warrant for his arrest.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the arrest warrant "outrageous and unacceptable",[46] and said that Russia does not recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC.[7] Lvova-Belova told Russian state media RIA Novosti: "It's great that the international community has appreciated the work to help the children of our country, that we take them out, that we create good conditions for them, that we surround them with loving, caring people."[7]

Calling the court "a pathetic international organization," Dmitry Medvedev, the Deputy Chairman of Russia's Security Council, warned: "Gentlemen, everyone walks under God and missiles. It is quite possible to imagine the targeted use of a hypersonic Onyx missile by a Russian ship in the North Sea strikes in the Hague court building. Unfortunately, it cannot be shot down... So, judges of the court, watch the skies closely."[47]

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has criticized the arrest warrant for Putin, saying the warrant will prolong the war in Ukraine.[48]

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference: "ICC needs to take an objective and just position, respect the jurisdictional immunity of a head of state under international law, prudently exercise its mandate in accordance with the law, interpret and apply international law in good faith, and not engage in politicization or use double standards."[49]

South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor criticized the ICC for not having what she called an "evenhanded approach" to all leaders responsible for violations of international law.[50] South Africa, which failed in its obligation to arrest visiting Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir in June 2015, has invited Vladimir Putin to the 15th BRICS Summit of leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa in August 2023. As South Africa is a signatory to the Rome Statute, the presence of Vladimir Putin remains uncertain.[51]


Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira said Putin could be arrested in Brazil

Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba supported the ICC decision, tweeting: "International criminals will be held accountable for stealing children and other international crimes."[7] Andriy Kostin, Ukraine’s chief prosecutor, stated: "World leaders will think twice before shaking [Putin's] hand or sitting with Putin at the negotiating table...It’s another clear signal to the world that the Russian regime is criminal".[52]

German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann stated that if Putin finds himself on German territory, he will be arrested and handed over to the ICC; the arrest warrant is valid throughout the EU territory, and will be enforced even if Putin arrives in the EU as a participant in negotiations.[53]

EU’s chief diplomat Josep Borrell stated: “The EU sees the decision by the ICC as a beginning of the process of accountability and holding Russian leaders to account for the crimes and atrocities they are ordering, enabling or committing in Ukraine”.[54]

ICC prosecutor Karim Khan stated: "Those that feel that you can commit a crime in the daytime, and sleep well at night, should perhaps look at history", pointing out that no-one thought Slobodan Milosevic would end up in The Hague.[55]

Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira said Putin would face the risk of arrest if he entered Brazil.[56]


The New York Times stated that "the likelihood of a trial while Mr. Putin remains in power [appeared] slim" due to Russia's refusal to surrender their own officials and the court not trying defendants in absentia.[57] Former US ambassador Stephen Rapp said the warrant "makes Putin a pariah. If he travels, he risks arrest. This never goes away."[58]

According to assistant professor of history at the Utrecht University Iva Vukusic, Putin "is not going to be able to travel pretty much anywhere else beyond the countries that are either clearly allies or at least somewhat aligned (with) Russia".[59]

According to some analysts, the arrest warrant could complicate peace negotiations aimed at ending the Russian-Ukrainian war.[60] Some commentators believe that, like Putin, former US President George W. Bush should be held accountable before the International Criminal Court for the actions of the United States during the Iraq War.[61][62]


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