
英文维基 | 中文维基 | 日文维基 | 草榴社区

Template:Infobox Former subdivision

注意: 自治体名が入力されていません。
 - 創立 創立日
 - 廃止 廃止日
テンプレートの解説[表示] [編集] [履歴] [キャッシュを破棄]

このテンプレートは英語版テンプレート({{Infobox Former subdivision}})から転記されたものです。

{{{year_start}}} - {{{year_end}}} [[{{{s1}}}|]]
旗 紋章
{{{flag_type}}} {{{symbol_type}}}
政庁所在地 {{{capital}}}
政府 {{{government_type}}}
 - {{{year_leader1}}} {{{leader1}}}
 - {{{year_deputy1}}} {{{deputy1}}}
立法府 {{{legislature}}}
 - Upper house {{{house1}}}
 - Lower house {{{house2}}}
時代 {{{era}}}
 - {{{event_pre}}} {{{date_pre}}}
 - {{{event_start}}} {{{date_start}}}
 - {{{event1}}} {{{date_event1}}}
 - {{{event_end}}} {{{date_end}}}
 - {{{event_post}}} {{{date_post}}}
行政区画 {{{political_subdiv}}}
現在 {{{today}}}

{{Infobox Former subdivision
|_noautocat             = <!-- "no" for no automatic categorization -->
|native_name            = <!-- Name in native language(s). Leave blank if name is only in English. Separate with line breaks<br> If language uses Latin characters, place name(s) in italics. -->
|conventional_long_name = <!-- Full name in English -->
|common_name            = <!-- Used to resolve location within categories and name of flags and coat of arms -->
|subdivision            = <!-- Status: see Category list on template page -->
|nation                 = <!-- The empire or country to which the entity was in a state of dependency -->
|status_text            = <!-- A free text to describe status the top of the infobox. Use sparingly. -->
|government_type        = <!-- To generate categories: "Monarchy", "Republic", etc. to generate categories -->
<!-- Titles and names of the first and last leaders and their deputies -->
|title_leader           = <!-- Default: "King" for monarchy, otherwise "President" -->
|title_deputy           = <!-- Default: "Prime minister" -->
|leader1                = <!-- Name of leader (up to six) -->
|year_leader1           = <!-- Years served -->
|deputy1                = <!-- Name of prime minister (up to six) -->
|year_deputy1           = <!-- Years served -->
<!-- Legislature -->
|legislature            = <!-- Name of legislature -->
|house1                 = <!-- Name of first chamber -->
|house2                 = <!-- Name of second chamber -->
|type_house1            = <!-- Default: "Upper house" -->
|type_house2            = <!-- Default: "Lower house" -->
<!-- General information -->
|capital                = 
|latd= |latm= |latNS= |longd= |longm= |longEW=
|national_motto         = <!-- Accepts wikilinks -->
|national_anthem        = <!-- Accepts wikilinks -->
|political_subdiv       = <!-- Accepts wikilinks -->
|today                  = <!-- The countries to which this historic entity belongs today -->
<!-- Rise and fall, events, years and dates -->
<!-- Only fill in the start/end event entry if a specific article exists. Don't just say "abolition" or "declaration". -->
|year_start             = <!-- Year of establishment -->
|year_end               = <!-- Year of disestablishment -->
|event_start            = <!-- Default: "Established" -->
|date_start             = <!-- Optional: Date of establishment-->
|event_end              = <!-- Default: "Disestablished" -->
|date_end               = <!-- Optional: Date of disestablishment -->
|event1                 = <!-- Optional: other events between "start" and "end" -->
|date_event1            = 
|event2                 = 
|date_event2            = 
|event3                 = 
|date_event3            = 
|event4                 = 
|date_event4            = 
|event5                 = 
|date_event5            = 
|life_span              = 
|era                    = <!-- Use: "Napoleonic Wars", "Cold War", etc. -->
|event_pre              = <!-- Optional: A crucial event that took place before before "event_start" -->
|date_pre               = 
|event_post             = <!-- Optional: A crucial event that took place before after "event_end" -->
|date_post              = 
<!-- Images -->
|image_flag             = <!-- Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}}.svg -->
|image_border           = <!-- Default: "border"; for non-rectangular flag, type "no" -->
|flag_type              = <!-- Displayed text for link under flag. Default "Flag" -->
|flag                   = <!-- Link target under flag image. Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}} -->
|image_coat             = <!-- Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}}.svg -->
|symbol_type            = <!-- Displayed text for link under symbol. Default "Coat of arms" -->
|symbol                 = <!-- Link target under symbol image. Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}} -->
|image_map              = 
|image_map_caption      = 
<!-- Flag navigation: Preceding and succeeding entities "p1" to "p5" and "s1" to "s8" -->
|p1                     = <!-- Name of the article for preceding entity, numbered 1–5 -->
|flag_p1                = <!-- Default: "Flag of {{{p1}}}.svg" (size 30) -->
|border_p1              = <!-- Default: "border"; for non-rectangular flag, type "no" -->
|image_p1               = <!-- Use: [[Image:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] -->
|s1                     = <!-- Name of the article for succeeding entity, numbered 1–8 -->
|flag_s1                = <!-- Default: "Flag of {{{s1}}}.svg" (size 30) -->
|border_s1              = <!-- Default: "border"; for non-rectangular flag, type "no" -->
|image_s1               = <!-- Use: [[Image:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] -->
<!-- Area and population of a given year (up to 5) -->
|stat_year1             = <!-- year of the statistic, specify either area, population or both, numbered 1–5 -->
|stat_area1             = <!-- area in square kilometres (w/o commas or spaces), area in square miles is calculated -->
|stat_pop1              = <!-- population (w/o commas or spaces), population density is calculated if area is also given -->
|stat_year2             = 
|stat_area2             = 
|stat_pop2              = 
|stat_year3             = 
|stat_area3             = 
|stat_pop3              = 
|stat_year4             = 
|stat_area4             = 
|stat_pop4              = 
|stat_year5             = 
|stat_area5             = 
|stat_pop5              = 
|footnotes              = <!-- Accepts wikilinks -->