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コメント 恐れ入りますが「參考文獻」という見出しは「Wikipedia:表記ガイド」をご参照の上、なるべく「参考文献」(当用漢字)と記述願えると誠に幸甚です。
Hello, Thank you for the contribution with global mindset. I would like to hear your view in regards to your edit of: 2019-10-05T13:27:22 +298 501(c)団体 →#脚注
Would you please have a look at those local guidelines lined above?
And how did you find those three references? Wonder if you would supplement the language version, in case you have found them among wikipedias in non-Japanese language(s), declaring the oldid so that #attribution will be successful.
Editors are attributed among language versions, but that supplementing is effective only before anybody updates the page. In that settings, we need to delete your verion, what a pitty.
ますますのご活躍を祈り上げます。--Omotecho(会話) 2024年4月19日 (金) 09:11 (UTC)