


こんにちは、Magulariaさん。はじめまして! ウィキペディア日本語版へようこそ!

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Hello, Magularia! Welcome to Japanese Wikipedia. If you are not a Japanese speaker, you can ask a question in Help. Enjoy!
Magulariaさんがウィキペディアにおいて実り多き執筆・活動をなされることを楽しみにしております。--Trgbot 2011年9月8日 (木) 19:45 (UTC)[返信]
Hello! Yes, I am not a Japanese speaker, unfortunately... I am studying Japanese. And you tell me, please, what is written in Japanese - Mikho Mosulishvili? ミヘイル・モーフゥリーシュヴィリ - I wrote it right? Thank you very much for good meeting. Sincerely,--Magularia 2011年9月9日 (金) 04:25 (UTC)[返信]

Hi Magularia, I corrected your article on 2011年9月11日 (日) 11:41 UTC. The detail of the correction is below. I found you are learning Japanese language. I hope my correction helps you learning Japanese language, and a nice relationship between Georgia and Japan.

Here is the comment:

変更前: 現グルジアのトビリシ生まれ。 変更後: 現グルジアにあるトビリシの生まれ。 解説: Your description was technically correct. However, 「トリビシ生まれ」sounds like a spoken language and the description「~の生まれ」is a regular phrase on Japanese, I changed as you seeing. Japanese language tends to emphasize the last sentence.

変更前: 州立大学のトビリシ地質学部で学び 変更後: トリビシ国立大学の地質学部に学び 解説: I assume this was just a mis-description; the phrase 「トビリシ地質学部」sounds the faculty only concentrate studying a special geographical matter of Tbilisi, but your intention may not. And I found TSU is an state university, however, I also found there are common description as an national instituted university in Japanese governmental document at mofa and jpf, and even at embassy of georgia, I corrected as an national one. The use of 「で」 is spoken language and getting as a popular style. It is an easy usage and many Japanese people may use unconsciously. However, it looks odd in a literal description. 「~に学び」 is often used as "studied at (some institute)" or "learned from (some famous teacher)".

変更前: 映画ドラマツルギーにマイナーを取った。 変更後: 映画・演劇科の脚本コースにおいて副専攻を取った。 解説: I have no idea what "კინოდრამატურგია" means when I machine-translated the Georgian Wikipedia article to English, but assumed as some special course writing plots. Please correct if the guess was wrong. Other corrections are just word translations.

変更前: 翻訳、英語、ドイツ語、アルメニア語とロシア語に彼の作品のいくつか。芥川龍之介に影響される。 変更後: ? 解説: This part is fragmented and I could not catch the meaning.

変更前: 娘一人を持っている。 変更後: 一人の娘がいる。 解説: Technically correct. But this is better.

--eveningmist 2011年9月12日 (月) 05:25 (UTC)[返信]