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利用者‐会話:Wakkie1379/Archive 1


こんにちは、Wakkie1379さん。はじめまして! ウィキペディア日本語版へようこそ!

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Hello, Wakkie1379! Welcome to Japanese Wikipedia. If you are not a Japanese speaker, you can ask a question in Help. Enjoy!
Wakkie1379さんがウィキペディアにおいて実り多き執筆・活動をなされることを楽しみにしております。--禁樹なずな 2011年10月7日 (金) 22:51 (UTC)[返信]



こんにちは、Wakkie1379さん。王の机を編集しておられましたが、fr:Bureau du Roiから翻訳しませんでしたか? ウィキペディアの記事の著作権は記事を執筆した多数の執筆者に帰属しておりますので、そのような方法での加筆はWikipedia:著作権#ウィキペディアにおけるコピー・アンド・ペーストWikipedia:翻訳のガイドラインをご覧頂きますとお解りの通り、GFDL違反となり、記事が削除されることがあります




では用件のみですが失礼します。--禁樹なずな 2011年10月7日 (金) 22:51 (UTC)[返信]

Bon jour, Wakkie1379. Je pense que vous êtes non-Japonaise en natif. Probablement 簡単な日本語を話せる (En, Fr) ou ある程度の日本語を話せる (En, Fr). Si vous êtes 日本語を母語とする, ouvliez mon message, c'est tout. Mon Français est mauvais comme ça...
Bon, sur votre contribution 王の机, nous, l'utilisateur ci-dessus (禁樹なずな-san) et moi inclus, discutons dans Wikipedia:削除依頼/王の机 qu'il est une traduction de l'article équivalent Bureau du Roi de Wikipedia française, être supprimés contre une violation de problème de copyright. C'est simplement. Vous avez oublié une seule phrase de déclarer la source. Je veux vous aider à Wikipedia japonaise. Pour plus d'aide, demandez-moi. Meci. --Maxima m 2011年10月10日 (月) 06:16 (UTC)[返信]
Hi Maxima. Thanks for your comment. My first language is Japanese and second language is English; however my Japanese is getting rusty. I understand a little bit of French but not that well. I started this page 王の机 because I was asked by the author of the Bureau du Roi, when I met him at the Wikipedia Conference in Berlin . Anyhow, I used google translate for the starting point but it does not translate perfect so I'm trying to fix it. It will be great if you could help me translate the page. I'm still learning the rules and how this system work... Do you know how to reference the original page that I translated from? As 禁樹なずな-san says 翻訳の際は要約欄(編集画面の下に出る空欄の行のことです)への翻訳情報の加筆と翻訳元の版情報記載を忘れないようにしてください。Do you know how to do that? I really appreciate your help. --Wakkie1379 2011年10月10日 (月) 09:50 (UTC)[返信]

Hello, I am 禁樹なずな (SAYEKI Nazuna). When you translate articles, translation source should have been made in edit summary. If you re-create the article, please write like as "from [[fr:Bureau du Roi]] 18 septembre 2011 à 17:47‎ UTC (←revision which you translate)". And, don't use google translate. Because machine translation violate copyrights.--禁樹なずな 2011年10月10日 (月) 10:43 (UTC)[返信]

Unfortunately the article 王の机 is surely going to be deleted due to copyright violation in or around a week. But you can post again, because the subject is seemed to be worth notable (see Japanese Wikipedia draft or English Wikipedia guideline), and contributors in Japanese Wikipedia can improve the quality. 禁樹なずな-san explained, and that is all you have to do one more thing (ah, Steve) when re-creating the article. Did you find where to put the words? This image may help you. The words may appear in Japanese in you setting.

--Maxima m 2011年10月10日 (月) 15:36 (UTC)[返信]
As 禁樹なずな-san said, do not use Google translation. That is:
  • The output of Google translation is copyrighted. The license they apply is not compatible with the one in Wikipedia. Importing the Japanese of Google to Wikipedia is a sort of copyright violation also. Wikipedia is quite sensitive on copyright violation, we are sorry.
  • You can use Google output just for your reference to write your own translation. Their (Its? HIs?) results of European languages to Japanese are always a kind of mess, though I often use for understanding French, Spanish, or Italian articles.
--Maxima m 2011年10月10日 (月) 16:12 (UTC)[返信]
That's OK if this article gets deleted. I need to work on translation anyway. It's a lesson learn. Thank for the all the tips. Now I know how and where to attribute the original page. Could you give me more info on why using google translate is a copy right infringement?--Wakkie1379 2011年10月11日 (火) 00:15 (UTC)[返信]

To those stating that Google translate cannot be used can you please be so kind as to provide references to support this statement. Per the Wikimedia Foundation and Google itself this does not appear to be the case. I BTW do not speak or read any Japanese thus we will need to communicate by translation. --Jmh649 2011年10月11日 (火) 00:50 (UTC)[返信]

Made some improvements... I looked at the German and Spanish pages, how they translated the french page to their languages. Hope this is good enough to stay on. I know my translation is not perfect but I think it's better than google translate. I'm hoping for someone who can translate french to japanese better to step in. --Wakkie1379 2011年10月11日 (火) 04:25 (UTC)[返信]

Yes, sure. I'm willing to improve, after you. Be patient, just hold back editing the article page, until the closure of the discussion there. The page might be deleted in near future, but not sure. I will tell you when the time comes. I know you are the one to post your work in the proper page. But just wait, wait. Now I see you got the place to put your edit summary. --Maxima m 2011年10月16日 (日) 04:37 (UTC)[返信]
Hi, Wakkie1379, the article was deleted. It is time to post your work to the page 王の机. Do not forger to attribute, in the edit summary, the source page and the version, such as "from [[fr:Bureau du Roi]], date and time". --Maxima m 2011年10月20日 (木) 17:04 (UTC)[返信]
Maxima mさん、ありがとうございます。次は忘れず翻訳元を記載します。--Wakkie1379 2011年10月20日 (木) 17:31 (UTC)[返信]
Welcome. I am waiting for your contribution.
De rien. Je vous attandrai. --Maxima m 2011年10月21日 (金) 18:00 (UTC)[返信]