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Framingham Risk Score
目的 10年間の心血管リスクを推定する

フラミンガムリスクスコア(: Framingham Risk Score)とは、個人の10年心血管疾患系リスクを推定するために使用される性特異的アルゴリズムである。フラミンガムリスクスコアは、冠動脈性心疾患を発症する10年リスクを推定するために、フラミンガム心臓研究英語版から得られたデータに基づいて開発された[1]。最初は、10年間心血管疾患リスクを評価するために、その後、虚血性心疾患に加えて脳卒中末梢動脈疾患心不全が、2008年フラミンガムリスクスコアの疾患アウトカムとして追加された[2]


















  1. 虚血性心疾患: 心筋梗塞狭心症心不全心停止
  2. 脳血管障害脳卒中一過性脳虚血発作
  3. 末梢動脈疾患、間欠跛行、重度の四肢虚血
  4. 大動脈疾患: アテローム性動脈硬化胸部大動脈瘤腹部大動脈瘤









The Framingham Risk Score has been validated in the US, both in men and women, both in European Americans and African Americans.[12] While several studies have claimed to improve on the FRS, there is little evidence for any improved prediction beyond the Framingham risk score [13]




フラミンガムリスクスコアcould overestimate (or underestimate) risk in populations other than the US population,[14][15] and within the US in populations other than European Americans and African Americans, e.g. Hispanic Americans and Native Americans.[16] It is not yet clear if this limitation is real, or appears to be real because of differences in methodology, etc. As a result, other countries may prefer to use another risk score, e.g. SCORE (HeartScore is the interactive version of SCORE - Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation),[17] which has been recommended by the European Society of Cardiology in 2007.[18]

If possible, a cardiology professional should select the risk prediction model which is most appropriate for an individual patient and should remember that this is only an estimate.[要出典]



The current version of the フラミンガムリスクスコア was published in 2008. The publishing body is the ATP III, i.e. the «Adult Treatment Panel III», an expert panel of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA.

The prior version was published in 2002 [19]

The original フラミンガムリスクスコア had been published in 1998.[1]

Differences between the versions


The first フラミンガムリスクスコア included age, sex, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, blood pressure (and also whether the patient is treated or not for his/her hypertension), diabetes, and smoking. It estimated the 10-year risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). It performed well and correctly predicted a 10-year risk for CHD in American men and women of European and African descent.

The updated version was modified to include dyslipidemia, age range, hypertension treatment, smoking, and total cholesterol, and it excluded diabetes, because Type 2 diabetes meanwhile was considered to be a CHD Risk Equivalent, having the same 10-year risk as individuals with prior CHD. Patients with Type 1 diabetes were considered separately with slightly less aggressive goals; while at increased risk, no study had shown them to be at equivalent risk for CHD as those with previously diagnosed coronary disease or Type 2 diabetes.[19]

CHD risk equivalent


Some patients without known CHD have risk of cardiovascular events that is comparable to that of patients with established CHD. Cardiology professionals refer to such patients as having a CHD risk equivalent. These patients should be managed as patients with known CHD.

CHD risk equivalents are patients with a 10-year risk for MI or coronary death >20%. CHD risk equivalents are primarily other clinical forms of atherosclerotic disease. The National Cholesterol Education Program NCEP's ATP III guidelines also list diabetes as a CHD risk equivalent since it also has a 10-year risk for CHD around 20%. NCEP ATP III CHD risk equivalents are:

  1. Clinical coronary heart disease (CHD)[20]
  2. Symptomatic carotid artery disease (CAD)[21]
  3. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)[22]
  4. Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)[23]
  5. Diabetes mellitus[24]
  6. Chronic kidney disease[25]

Analysis of the US population with the Framingham/ATP III criteria


The Framingham/ATP III criteria were used to estimate CHD risk in the USA. Data from 11,611 patients from a very large study, the NHANES III, were used. The patients were 20 to 79歳 of age and had no self-reported CHD, stroke, peripheral arterial disease, or diabetes.

The results: 82% of patients had low risk (10% or less CHD risk at 10歳). 16% had intermediate risk (10-20%). 3% had high risk (20% or more).[26]

High risk was most commonly found in patients with advanced age and was more common in men than women.[要出典医学]



フラミンガムリスクスコア for Women


Age: 20–34歳: Minus 7 点、35–39歳: Minus 3 点、40–44歳: 0 点、45–49歳: 3 点、50–54歳: 6 点、55–59歳: 8 点、60–64歳: 10 点、65–69歳: 12 点、70–74歳: 14 点、75–79歳: 16 点.

Total cholesterol, mg/dL:

  • Age 20–39歳: Under 160: 0 点、160-199: 4 点、200-239: 8 点、240-279: 11 点、280 or higher: 13 点.
  • Age 40–49歳: Under 160: 0 点、160-199: 3 点、200-239: 6 点、240-279: 8 点、280 or higher: 10 点.
  • Age 50–59歳: Under 160: 0 点、160-199: 2 点、200-239: 4 点、240-279: 5 点、280 or higher: 7 点.
  • Age 60–69歳: Under 160: 0 点、160-199: 1 点、 200-239: 2 点、240-279: 3 点、280 or higher: 4 点.
  • Age 70–79歳: Under 160: 0 点、160-199: 1 点、 200-239: 1 点、 240-279: 2 点、280 or higher: 2 点.

喫煙者: 20–39歳: 9 点、 40–49歳: 7 点、 50–59歳: 4 点、 60–69歳: 2 点、 70–79歳: 1 点、

All non smokers: 0 点.

HDL cholesterol, mg/dL: 60 or higher: Minus 1 点、 50-59: 0 点、40-49: 1 点、 Under 40: 2 点.

Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg: Untreated: Under 120: 0 点、120-129: 1 点、 130-139: 2 点、140-159: 3 点、160 or higher: 4 点、• Treated: Under 120: 0 点、120-129: 3 点、130-139: 4 点、140-159: 5 点、160 or higher: 6 点.

10-year risk in %: 点 total: Under 9 点: <1%. 9-12 点: 1%. 13-14 点: 2%. 15 点: 3%. 16 点: 4%. 17 点: 5%. 18 点: 6%. 19 点: 8%. 20 点: 11%. 21=14%, 22=17%, 23=22%, 24=27%, >25= Over 30%

フラミンガムリスクスコア for Men


Age: 20–34歳: Minus 9 点、35–39歳: Minus 4 点、40–44歳: 0 点、45–49歳: 3 点、50–54歳: 6 点、55–59歳: 8 点、60–64歳: 10 点、65–69歳: 11 点、70–74歳: 12 点、75–79歳: 13 点.

Total cholesterol, mg/dL:

  • Age 20–39歳: 160未満: 0 点、 160-199: 4 点、200-239: 7 点、240-279: 9 点、280 or higher: 11 点.
  • Age 40–49歳: Under 160: 0 点、160-199: 3 点、200-239: 5 点、240-279: 6 点、280 or higher: 8 点.
  • Age 50–59歳: Under 160: 0 点、160-199: 2 点、200-239: 3 点、240-279: 4 点、280 or higher: 5 点.
  • Age 60–69歳: Under 160: 0 点、160-199: 1 点、 200-239: 1 点、 240-279: 2 点、280 or higher: 3 点.
  • Age 70–79歳: Under 160: 0 点、160-199: 0 点、200-239: 0 点、240-279: 1 点、 280 or higher: 1 点、

喫煙者: 20–39歳: 8 点、 40–49歳: 5 点、 50–59歳: 3 点、 60–69歳: 1 点、 • Age 70–79歳: 1 点、

全非喫煙者: 0 点.

HDL cholesterol, mg/dL: 60以上: マイナス1 点、 50-59: 0 点、40-49: 1 点、 40以下: 2 点.

Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg: Untreated: Under 120: 0 点、120-129: 0 点、130-139: 1 点、 140-159: 1 点、 160 or higher: 2 点、• Treated: Under 120: 0 点、120-129: 1 点、 130-139: 2 点、140-159: 2 点、160 or higher: 3 点.

10-year risk in %: 点 total: 0 point: <1%. 1-4 点: 1%. 5-6 点: 2%. 7 点: 3%. 8 点: 4%. 9 点: 5%. 10 点: 6%. 11 点: 8%. 12 点: 10%. 13 点: 12%. 14 点: 16%. 15 点: 20%. 16 点: 25%. 17 点 or more: Over 30%.[27]

Further risk score profiles based on the Framingham Heart Study


Not only coronary heart disease (CHD) events but also further risks can be predicted. Risk prediction models for cardiovascular disease outcomes other than CHD events have also been developed by the Framingham Heart Study researchers. Amongst others, a risk score for 10-year risk for atrial fibrillation has been developed.[28][29]

See also

  1. ^ a b c “Prediction of coronary heart disease using risk factor categories”. Circulation 97 (18): 1837–47. (May 1998). doi:10.1161/01.cir.97.18.1837. PMID 9603539. 
  2. ^ a b “General cardiovascular risk profile for use in primary care: the Framingham Heart Study”. Circulation 117 (6): 743–53. (22 January 2008). doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.107.699579. PMID 18212285. 
  3. ^ Cardiovascular Risk Calculator and Chart v3.0”. Cvrisk.mvm.ed.ac.uk (2010年5月19日). 2013年9月14日閲覧。
  4. ^ Collins, Dylan; Lee, Joseph; Bobrovitz, Niklas; Koshiaris, Constantinos; Ward, Alison; Heneghan, Carl (2016-10-14). “Simple and adaptable R implementation of WHO/ISH cardiovascular risk charts for all epidemiological subregions of the world”. F1000Research 5: 2522. doi:10.12688/f1000research.9742.1. 
  5. ^ Risk Scoring Systems”. Framingham Heart Study. 7 May 2013閲覧。
  6. ^ Collins, Dylan Raymond James; Tompson, Alice; Onakpoya, Igho; Roberts, Nia; Ward, Alison; Heneghan, Carl (2017). “Global cardiovascular risk assessment in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in adults: systematic review of systematic reviews”. BMJ Open 7 (3): e013650. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013650. PMC 5372072. PMID 28341688. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5372072/. 
  7. ^ Collins, Dylan Raymond James; Tompson, Alice; Onakpoya, Igho; Roberts, Nia; Ward, Alison; Heneghan, Carl (2017). “Global cardiovascular risk assessment in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in adults: systematic review of systematic reviews”. BMJ Open 7 (3): e013650. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013650. PMC 5372072. PMID 28341688. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5372072/. 
  8. ^ Dhingra, Ravi; Vasan, Ramachandran S. (January 2012). “Age as a risk factor”. The Medical Clinics of North America 96 (1): 87–91. doi:10.1016/j.mcna.2011.11.003. ISSN 1557-9859. PMC 3297980. PMID 22391253. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3297980/. 
  9. ^ “Validation of the Framingham coronary heart disease prediction scores: results of a multiple ethnic groups investigation”. JAMA 286 (2): 180–7. (July 2001). doi:10.1001/jama.286.2.180. PMID 11448281. 
  10. ^ Tzoulaki, I.; Liberopoulos, G.; Ioannidis, JP. (Dec 2009). “Assessment of claims of improved prediction beyond the Framingham risk score.”. JAMA 302 (21): 2345–52. doi:10.1001/jama.2009.1757. PMID 19952321. 
  11. ^ 冠動脈疾患を予測する新しいリスクスコアの開発 日本人の実態に則した内容で、より正確な予測が可能に”. 国立循環器病研究センター. 2023年7月2日閲覧。
  12. ^ “Validation of the Framingham coronary heart disease prediction scores: results of a multiple ethnic groups investigation”. JAMA 286 (2): 180–7. (July 2001). doi:10.1001/jama.286.2.180. PMID 11448281. 
  13. ^ Tzoulaki, I.; Liberopoulos, G.; Ioannidis, JP. (Dec 2009). “Assessment of claims of improved prediction beyond the Framingham risk score.”. JAMA 302 (21): 2345–52. doi:10.1001/jama.2009.1757. PMID 19952321. 
  14. ^ “Predictive accuracy of the Framingham coronary risk score in British men: prospective cohort study”. BMJ 327 (7426): 1267. (Nov 2003). doi:10.1136/bmj.327.7426.1267. PMC 286248. PMID 14644971. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC286248/. 
  15. ^ Liu J; Hong Y; D'Agostino RB Sr; Wu Z; Wang W; Sun J; Wilson PW; Kannel WB et al. (Jun 2004). “Predictive value for the Chinese population of the Framingham CHD risk assessment tool compared with the Chinese Multi-Provincial Cohort Study”. JAMA 291 (21): 2591–9. doi:10.1001/jama.291.21.2591. PMID 15173150. 
  16. ^ “Improving global vascular risk prediction with behavioral and anthropometric factors. The multiethnic NOMAS (Northern Manhattan Cohort Study)”. J Am Coll Cardiol 54 (24): 2303–11. (Dec 2009). doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2009.07.047. PMC 2812026. PMID 19958966. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2812026/. 
  17. ^ Conroy R (2003). “Estimation of ten-year risk of fatal cardiovascular disease in Europe: the SCORE project”. European Heart Journal 24 (11): 987–1003. doi:10.1016/s0195-668x(03)00114-3. PMID 12788299. 
  18. ^ “Estimation of ten-year risk of fatal cardiovascular disease in Europe: the SCORE project”. Eur Heart J 24 (11): 987–1003. (Jun 2003). doi:10.1016/s0195-668x(03)00114-3. PMID 12788299. 
  19. ^ a b “Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) final report”. Circulation 106 (25): 3143–421. (December 2002). doi:10.1161/circ.106.25.3143. hdl:2027/uc1.c095473168. PMID 12485966. 
  20. ^ Coronary Heart Disease”. The Lecturio Medical Concept Library. 4 October 2021閲覧。
  21. ^ Carotid artery disease: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia” (英語). medlineplus.gov. 29 May 2019閲覧。
  22. ^ What Is Peripheral Vascular Disease?”. American Heart Association (heart.org) (2012年). April 12, 2015時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ26 February 2015閲覧。 “Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is the narrowing of the arteries to the legs, stomach, arms and head.”
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  24. ^ About diabetes”. World Health Organization. 31 March 2014時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。4 April 2014閲覧。
  25. ^ Chronic Kidney Disease”. The Lecturio Medical Concept Library. 4 October 2021閲覧。
  26. ^ “The distribution of 10-Year risk for coronary heart disease among US adults: findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III”. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 43 (10): 1791–6. (May 2004). doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2003.11.061. PMID 15145101. 
  27. ^ NHLBI, Estimate of 10-Year Risk for CHD”. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). 2013年9月14日閲覧。
  28. ^ “Development of a risk score for atrial fibrillation (Framingham Heart Study): a community-based cohort study”. Lancet 373 (9665): 739–45. (February 2009). doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60443-8. PMC 2764235. PMID 19249635. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2764235/. 
  29. ^ “Lifetime risk for development of atrial fibrillation: the Framingham Heart Study”. Circulation 110 (9): 1042–6. (August 2004). doi:10.1161/01.CIR.0000140263.20897.42. PMID 15313941. 

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