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en:Fifth Crusadeのoldid=1234167398版をコピペ


1217年9月 - 1221年8月29日
結果 アイユーブ朝の勝利





ウルリヒ2世 (パッサウ司教)英語版 
32,000人[要出典] 不明
甚大[要出典] 不明













1213年4月、十字軍遠征をヨーロッパじゅうに呼び掛けるべく教皇インノケンティウス3世は教皇勅書en:Quia maior)を発布した[7]。勅書発布後の1215年、公会議においてAd Liberandam,という取り決めがなされた。この公会議ではエルサレム奪還のための新たな取り組みの始動が決められ、その後1世紀続くことになる十字軍の規範が確立された[8]



また、教皇はジャン・ド・ブリエンヌに対して、使節としてフランスを訪ねていたラテン・エルサレム大司教ラウール(en:Raoul of Merencourt)の帰国に同行し護衛をするよう命じた。またこれに際して、ジャンと対立していたアルメニア王レヴォン1世英語版キプロス王ユーグ1世(エルサレムへの道中に経由する地域の国)に対してジャンと講和するよう命じた[12]


ロベール・ド・クルソン英語版は指導者としてフランス艦隊に派遣され、新たに選出された教皇勅使ペラージョ・ガルヴァーニ英語版の下で任務に就いた[14]。また、第4回十字軍の参加経験があるオータン司教ゴーティエ2世英語版も十字軍と共に再び聖地へと向かった[15]。また、ベルギーの聖人Marie of Oigniesに感化され1210年以降アルビジョワ十字軍に対する説教活動を行っていたフランス人聖職者Jacques de Vitryは1216年に新たにアッコ司教に任じられ、その後まもなくホノリウスよりシリア地方での布教・説教活動に従事するよう命じられたが、当地域の港町が制御不能なほど腐敗していたためその任務は困難を極めた[16]

フランスでの説教活動が不発に終わった一方、Oliver of Paderbornが行ったドイツでの活動では大成功を収めた[17]。1216年、ホノリウス3世はハンガリー王アンドラーシュ2世に対して、父王の立てた誓いを果たすよう十字軍への参加を呼び掛けた。またその他の諸侯たちと同様に、かつて教皇インノケンティウス3世の後見を受けていた神聖ローマ皇帝フリードリヒ2世は1215年に十字軍参加の誓いを立てており、配下の諸侯に対しても参加するよう呼び掛けていた。しかしフリードリヒ2世は帝位を巡るオットー4世との対立が続いていることからヨーロッパをなかなか離れられなかったため、ホノリウス3世はたびたび遠征を延期する決定を下したという。

ヨーロッパではトルバドゥールたちも十字軍への関心を呼び覚ますのに一役買った。第4回十字軍参加経験のあるElias Cairelや、のちに1220年の遠征することとなるPons de Capduelh、自身の詩作で若きグリエルモ6世英語版ボニファーチョ1世の息子)に対して父親の足跡をたどり十字軍に参加するよう説得したことで知られるAimery de Pégulhanといった詩人たちがその面々である。







教皇インノケンティウス3世は東方のキリスト教国であるジョージア王国をも十字軍遠征に参加させようと試みた[25]。当時のジョージア女王タマルはジョージア王国の最盛期を築き上げており、その勢いはアナトリア半島東部におけるアイユーブ朝の派遣に挑戦を仕掛けるほどであった。1213年に女王が崩御したのち、タマルの息子ギオルギ4世 (グルジア王)英語版英語版が王位を継承した。ジョージア年代記によれば、1210年代後半ごろにギオルギ王はフランク人の聖地遠征に対する支援を決めており、遠征準備を行っていたとされるが、1220年に開始されたモンゴル帝国によるジョージア遠征により十字軍への参加を取りやめざるを得ない状況に追い込まれたという。ギオルギ4世の死後、彼の妹であるルスダンは教皇に対してジョージアの十字軍参加が困難であることを伝え、誓いを果たせないと通告した[26]





ザーヒルはアンティオキア公やルーム・セルジューク朝のスルタンカイカーウス1世と同盟を締結し、アルメニア王英語版レヴォン1世英語版の影響力の増大を抑えた。また、彼の叔父でアイユーブ朝の指導者であるアーディルへの挑戦という選択肢も温存していた。しかしザーヒルは1216年に、まだ3歳の幼い息子アル=アーズィズ・ムハンマド英語版(母親はアーディルの娘のen:Dayfa Khatun)を残してこの世を去った。ザーヒルの死後、サラディンの長男:アル=アフダルはカイカーウス1世の支援を得てアレッポへの侵攻を試み始めた。そして1218年、セルジューク朝の援軍と共にアフダルはアレッポに侵攻を開始し首都に向けて進軍した。しかしこの侵攻はダマスカスのエミール:アル=アシュラフ・ムーサー英語版の活躍により失敗に終わり、アシュラフの攻撃を受けて弱体化したルーム・セルジューク朝に対して、カイカーウス1世が1220年に亡くなるまでアシュラフは脅威であり続けた。以上のようにアイユーブ朝のレヴァント支配は不安定なものであったため、アイユーブ朝は各地に兵力を派遣する必要があり、それはエジプトを攻略目標としていた十字軍にとって好都合であった[29]









1217年11月、十字軍はジスル・エル・マジャミー英語版橋を通ってヨルダン川を渡河してダマスカスを脅かした。ダマスカスの統治者は防衛態勢を整え、またアイユーブ朝のホムズ総督al-Mujahid Shirkuhからの援軍を得て対抗した。十字軍は一戦も交えることなくアッコ近郊の陣に撤退した。その後というもの、アンドラーシュ王は戦場に戻ることなく聖遺物探しに専念した[41]


1218年初頭、病弱なアンドラーシュ王は教皇による破門宣告の危険を冒しつつも母国ハンガリーに帰国することを決め[35]、同年2月にハンガリーに向けて旅立った。道中、アンドラーシュ王はボエモン3世とMelisende of Lusignanとの結婚式に参列すべくトリポリに立ち寄った。アンドラーシュ王らと共に参列していたキプロス王ユーグ1世はこの式典の最中に病に倒れ、その後まもなく亡くなった。その後、アンドラーシュ王は同年後半に聖地を後にして母国に帰還した[44]


The campaign in Egypt


On 27 May 1218, the first of the Crusader's fleet arrived at the harbor of Damietta, on the right bank of the Nile.[46] Simon III of Sarrebrück was chosen as temporary leader pending the arrival of the rest of the fleet. Within a few days, the remaining ships arrived, carrying John of Brienne, Leopold VI of Austria and masters Peire de Montagut, Hermann of Salza and Guérin de Montaigu. A lunar eclipse on 9 July was viewed as a good omen.[47]

The Muslims were not alarmed at the arrival of the Crusaders, believing that they would not successfully mount an attack on Egypt. Al-Adil was both surprised and disappointed in the West, supporting peace treaties when more radical elements in the sultanate sought jihad. He was still camped at Marj al-Saffar, and his sons al-Kamil and al-Mu'azzam were tasked with defending Cairo and the Syrian coast, respectively. Available reinforcements were sent from Syria, and an Egyptian force encamped at al-'Adiliyah, a few miles south of Damietta. The Egyptians were of insufficient strength to attack the Crusaders, but did serve to oppose any invader attempt to cross the Nile.[48]

Illumination of soldiers firing arrows from a boat
Frisian crusaders attack a tower near Damietta during the Fifth Crusade (from Matthew Paris' 13th-century Chronica Majora).

The Tower of Damietta


The fortifications of Damietta were impressive, consisting of three walls of varying heights, with dozens of towers on the interior, and were enhanced to repel the invaders. Situated on an island in the Nile was the Burj al-Silsilah—the chain tower—called so because of the massive iron chains that could stretch across the river preventing passage. The tower, containing 70 tiers and housing hundreds of soldiers, was key to the capture of the city.[49]

The siege of Damietta began on 23 June 1218 with an assault on the tower, utilizing upwards of 80 ships some with projectile machines, with no success. Two new types of vessels were adapted to meet the needs of the siege. The first, used by Leopold VI and the Hospitallers, was able to secure scaling ladders mounted on two ships bound together. The second, called a maremme, was commanded by Adolf VI of Berg and included a small fortress on the mast to hurl stones and javelins. The maremme, attacking first, was forced to withdraw when faced with an intense counter-barrage. The scaling ladders, secured against the walls, collapsed under the weight of the soldiers. The first attempt at an assault was a failure.[50][51]

Oliver of Paderborn, supported by his Frisian and German followers, demonstrating considerable ingenuity and leadership, constructed an ingenious siege engine combining the best features of the earlier models. Protected from Greek fire by hides, it included a revolving ladder that extended far beyond the ship.[52] On 24 August the renewed assault began. By the next day, the tower was taken and the defensive chains cut.[53]

The loss of the tower was a great shock to the Ayyubids, and the sultan al-Adil died shortly thereafter, on 31 August 1218. His body was secretly taken to Damascus and his treasure dispersed before his death was announced. He was succeeded as sultan by his son al-Kamil. The new sultan immediately implemented defensive measures, including scuttling a number of ships a mile upstream, resulting in the Nile being blocked for much of the winter of 1218–1219.[54]

Preparation for the siege


The Crusaders did not press their advantage, and many prepared to return home, regarding their crusading vows satisfied. Further offensive action would nevertheless have to wait until the Nile was more favourable and the arrival of additional forces. Among them were papal legate Pelagius Galvani and his aide Robert of Courçon, who travelled with a contingent of Roman Crusaders financed by the pope. A group from England, smaller than expected arrived shortly, led by Ranulf de Blondeville, and Oliver and Richard, illegitimate sons of King John.[55] A group of French Crusaders that arrived at the end of October included Guillaume II de Genève, archbishop of Bordeaux, and the newly elected bishop of Beauvais, Milo of Nanteuil.[53]

On 9 October 1218, Egyptian forces conducted a surprise attack on the Crusaders' camp. Discovering their movements, John of Brienne and his retinue attacked and annihilated the Egyptian advance guard, hindering the main force. From the outset, Pelagius considered himself the supreme commander of the Crusade, and, unable to mount a major offensive, sent specially equipped ships up the Nile to no avail. A follow-on attack on the Crusaders on 26 October also failed, as did a Crusader attempt to dredge an abandoned canal, the al-Azraq, to bypass al-Kamil's new defensive measures on the Nile.[56]

The Crusaders now built an enormous floating fortress on the river, but a storm that began on 9 November 1218 blew it near the Egyptian camp. The Egyptians seized the fortress, killing nearly all of its defenders. Only two soldiers survived the attack. They were accused of cowardice, and John ordered their execution. The storm, lasting 3 days, flooded both camps and the Crusaders' supplies and transportation were devastated. In the ensuing months diseases killed many of the Crusaders, including Robert of Courçon.[57] During the storm, Pelagius took control of the expedition. The Crusaders supported this, feeling the need for new, more aggressive leadership. By February 1219, they were able to mount new offensives, but were unsuccessful because of the weather and strength of the defenders.

At this time, al-Kamil, in command of the defenders, when he was almost overthrown by a coup to replace him with his younger brother al-Faiz Ibrahim.[58] Alerted to the conspiracy, al-Kamil had to flee the camp to safety and in the ensuing confusion the Crusaders were able to advance on Damietta. Al-Kamil considered fleeing to the Ayyubid emirate of Yemen, ruled by his son al-Mas'ud Yusuf, but the arrival of his brother al-Mu'azzam with reinforcements from Syria ended the conspiracy. The Crusader attack mounted against the Egyptians on 5 February 1219 was then different, the defenders having fled, abandoning the camp.[59]

The Crusaders now surrounded Damietta, with the Italians to the north, Templars and Hospitallers to the east, and John of Brienne with his French and Pisan troops to the south. The Frisians and Germans occupied the old camp across the river. A new wave of reinforcements from Cyprus arrived led by Walter III of Caesarea.

At this point, al-Kamil and al-Mu'azzam attempted to open negotiations with the Crusaders, asking Christian envoys to come to their camp. They offered to surrender the kingdom of Jerusalem, less al-Karak and Krak de Montréal which guarded to road to Egypt, with a multi-year truce, in exchange for the Crusaders' evacuation of Egypt. John of Brienne and the other secular leaders were in favour of the offer, as the original objective of the Crusade was the recovery of Jerusalem. But Pelagius and the leaders of the Templars, Hospitallers and Venetians refused this and a subsequent offer with compensation for the fortresses, damaging the unity of the enterprise. Al-Mu'azzam responded by reorganizing his reinforcements at Fariskur, upriver from al-'Adiliyah. Unknown to the Crusaders, Damietta could have been easily taken at this point due to illness and death among the defenders.

In the Holy Land, al-Mu'azzam's forces began dismantling fortifications at Mount Tabor and other defensive positions, as well as Jerusalem itself, in order to deny their protection should the Crusaders prevail there. Al-Muzaffar II Mahmud, the son of the Ayyubid emir of Hama (and later emir himself), arrived in Egypt with Syrian reinforcements, leading multiple attacks on the Crusader camp through 7 April 1219, with little impact. In the meantime, Crusaders such as Leopold VI of Austria were returning to Europe, but were more than offset by new recruits, including Guy I Embriaco, who brought badly-needed supplies.[60] Muslim attacks continued through May, with Crusader counterattacks utilizing a Lombardy device known as a carroccio, confounding the defenders.[61]

Despite objections from the military leaders, Pelagius began multiple attacks on the city on 8 July 1219 using Pisan and Venetian troops. Each time they were repelled by the defenders, using Greek fire. A counteroffensive by the Egyptians on the Templar camp on 31 July was repulsed by their new leader Peire de Montagut, supported by the Teutonic Knights. Fighting continued into August when the waters of the Nile receded. An attack on the sultan's camp at Fariskur on 29 August led by Pelagius' faction was a disaster, resulting in high losses for the Crusaders. The Marshal of the Hospitaller, Aymar de Lairon, and many Templars were killed. Only the intervention by John of Brienne, Ranulf de Blondeville, and the Templars and Hospitallers prevented further loss.[62]

In August 1219, the sultan again offered peace, possibly out of desperation, using recent captives as envoys to the Christians. This included his earlier provisions plus paying for the restoration of the damaged fortifications, the return of the portion of the True Cross lost at the battle of Hattin and the release of prisoners. Again, his offer was rejected along familiar lines. Pelagius' view that victory was possible was supported by the continued arrival of new Crusades, most notably an English force led by Savari de Mauléon, a seneschal of the late John of England.[63]

Saint Francis in Egypt

Saint Francis of Assisi and Illuminato da Rieti before the Sultan al-Kamil. 15th century fresco by Benozzo Gozzoli.

In September 1219, Francis of Assisi arrived in the Crusader camp seeking permission from Pelagius to visit sultan al-Kamil.[64] Francis had a long history with the Crusades.[65] In 1205, Francis prepared to enlist in the army of Walter III of Brienne (brother of John), diverted from the Fourth Crusade to fight in Italy. He returned to a life of the mendicants, later meeting with Innocent III who approved his religious order. After the Christian victory at the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa in 1212, he travelled to meet with Almohad caliph Muhammad an-Nāsir, ostensibly to convert him to Christianity. Francis did not make it to Morocco, only getting as far as Santiago de Compostela, he returned, sickened, but with a mission. His fabled experience with the wolf of Gubbio exemplified his view of the power of the cross.[66]

Initially refusing the request, Pelagius granted Francis and his companion, Illuminato da Rieti, to go on what was assumed to be a suicide mission.[67] They crossed over to preach to al-Kamil, who assumed that the holy men were emissaries of the Crusaders and received them courteously. When he discovered that their intent was instead to preach against the evils of Islam, some in his court demanded the execution of the friars. Al-Kamil instead heard them out and had them escorted back to the Crusader camp.[68] Francis did obtain a commitment for more humane treatment for the Christian captives. It was claimed in a sermon by Bonaventure that the sultan converted or accepted a death-bed baptism as a result of his meeting with Francis.[69]

Francis remained in Egypt through the fall of Damietta, departing then for Acre. While there, he established the Province of the Holy Land, a priory of the Franciscan Order, obtaining for the friars the foothold they still retain as guardians of the holy places.[70]

The Siege of Damietta


With the negotiations with the Crusaders stalled and Damietta isolated, on 3 November 1219 al-Kamil sent a resupply convoy through the sector manned by the troops of the Frenchman Hervé IV of Donzy. The Egyptians were by and large stopped, some getting through to the city, resulting in the expulsion of Hervé. The intrusion energized the Crusaders with a unity of purpose.[71]

On 5 November 1219, suspecting the city had been vacated, the Crusaders entered Damietta and found it abandoned, filled with the dead and with most of the remaining citizens ill. Seeing the Christian banners flying over the city, al-Kamil moved his host from Fariskur downriver to Mansurah. Survivors in the city were either sent into slavery or held as hostage to trade for Christian prisoners.[72]

The fortifications of Damietta were essentially undamaged, and the victorious Crusaders claimed much booty. By 23 November 1219, they had captured the neighboring city of Tinnis, on the Tanitic mouth of the Nile, providing access to the food sources of Lake Manzala.[73]

As usual, there was partisan struggles as to the rule of the city, secular or ecclesiastic. At some point, John of Brienne had enough, equipping three ships for departure. Pelagius relented, allowing John to lead Damietta pending a decision by the pope. Nevertheless, the Italians, feeling deprived of booty, took arms against the French and expelled them from the city. Not until 2 February 1220 did the situation stabilize, with a formal ceremony conducted to celebrate the Christian victory. John soon departed for the Holy Land, either piqued at Pelagius or to stake his claim to Armenia. Either way, Honorius III soon decided Damietta's fate in favour of his legate Pelagius.[74]

Among the casualties of the campaign for Damietta were Oliver, son of John Lackland, Milo IV of Puiset and his son Walter, and Hugh IX of Lusignan. Templar Guillaume de Chartres died of the plague before the siege began.[75]

John of Brienne returns to Jerusalem


The father-in-law of John of Brienne, Leo I of Armenia, died on 2 May 1219, leaving his succession in doubt. John's claim to the Armenian throne was through his wife Stephanie of Armenia and their infant son, and Leo I had instead left the kingdom to his infant daughter Isabella of Armenia. The pope decreed in February 1220 that John was the rightful heir to the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia. John left Damietta for Jerusalem around Easter 1220 in order to assert his claim to his inheritance. His departure had been rumored to be due to desertion which was not the case.[76]

Stephanie and their son died shortly after John's arrival, ending his claim to Cilicia. When Honorius III learned of their deaths, he declared Raymond-Roupen (whom Leo I had disinherited) the lawful ruler, threatening John with excommunication if he fought for Cilicia. To solidify his position, Raymond-Roupen travelled to Damietta in the summer of 1220 to meet with Pelagius.[77]

After Damietta was captured, Walter of Caesarea had brought 100 Cypriote knights and their men-at-arms, including a Cypriote knight named Peter Chappe, and his charge, a young Philip of Novara. While in Egypt, Philip received instruction from the jurisconsult Ralph of Tiberias. In John's absence, Pelagius left the sea routes between Damietta and Acre unguarded, and a Muslim fleet attacked the Crusaders in the port of Limassol, resulting in over a thousand casualties. Most of the Cypriotes departed Egypt at the same time as John. When he returned, he passed through Cyprus and brought some forces with him.[78]

John remained in Jerusalem for several months, primarily due to lack of funds. Since his nephew Walter IV of Brienne was approaching the age of majority, John surrendered the County of Brienne to him in 1221. John returned to Egypt and rejoined the Crusade on 6 July 1221 at the direction of the pope.[79]

Disaster at Mansurah


The situation in Damietta after the February 1220 celebration was one of inactivity and discontent. The army lacked discipline despite Pelagius' draconian rule. His extensive regulations prevented adequate protection of the shipping lanes from Cyprus, and several ships carrying pilgrims were sunk. Many Crusaders departed, but were supplement by fresh troops including contingents led by the archbishop of Milan, Enrico da Settala, and the unnamed archbishop of Crete. This was the prelude to the disastrous battle of Mansurah of 1221 that would end the Crusade.[80]

Late in 1220 or early in 1221, al-Kamil sent Fakhr ad-Din ibn as-Shaikh on an embassy to the court of al-Kamil's brother al-Ashraf, now ruling greater Armenia from Sinjar, to request assistance against the Crusaders. He was at first refused.[81] The Muslim world was now threatened also by the Mongols in Persia. When Abbasid caliph al-Nasir requested troops from al-Ashraf, however, the latter chose instead to send them assist his brother in Egypt. The Ayyubids regarded the Mongol ouster of Ala ad-Din Muhammad II, shah of the Khwarazmians, as destroying one of their main enemies, allowing them to focus on the invaders at Damietta.[82]

In the captured city, Pelagius was unable to prod the Crusaders from their inactivity through the year 1220, save for a Templar raiding party on Burlus in July 1220. The town was pillaged, but at the cost of the loss and capture of numerous knights. The relative calm in Egypt enabled al-Mu'azzam, returning to Syria after the defeat at Damietta, to attack the remaining coastal strongholds, taking Caesarea. By October, he had further degraded the defenses of Jerusalem and unsuccessfully attacking Château Pèlerin, defended by Peire de Montagut and his Templars, recently released from their duty in Egypt.[83]

Al-Kamil took advantage of this lull to reinforce Mansurah, once a small camp, into a fortified city that could perhaps replace Damietta as the protector of the mouth of the Nile.[84] At some point, he renewed his peace offering to the Crusaders. Again it was refused, with Pelagius' view that he held the key to conquering not only Egypt but also Jerusalem. In December 1220, Honorius III announced that Frederick II would soon be sending troops, expected now in March 1221, with the newly crowned emperor leaving for Egypt in August. Some troops did arrive in May, led by Louis I of Bavaria and his bishop, Ulrich II of Passau, and under orders not to begin offensive operations until Frederick arrived.[83]

Even before the capture of Damietta, the Crusaders became aware of a book, written in Arabic, which claims to have predicted Saladin's earlier capture of Jerusalem and the impending Christian capture of Damietta.[85] Based on this and other prophetic works, rumors circulated of a Christian uprising against the power of Islam, influencing the consideration of al-Kamil's peace offerings. Then in July 1221, rumors began that the army of one King David,[86] a descendant of the legendary Prester John, was on its way from the east to the Holy Land to join the Crusade and gain release of the sultan's Christian captives. The story soon grew to such proportions and generated so much excitement among the Crusaders that it led them to prematurely launch an attack on Cairo.[87] In reality, these rumors were conflated with the reality of Genghis Khan and the Mongol invasions of Persia.[88]

On 4 July 1221 Pelagius, having decided to advance to the south, ordered a three-day fast in preparation for the advance. John of Brienne, arriving in Egypt shortly thereafter, argued against the move, but was powerless to stop it. Already deemed a traitor for opposing the plans and threatened with excommunication, John joined the force under the command of the legate. They moved towards Fariskur on 12 July where Pelagius drew it up in battle formation.[89]

The Crusader force advanced to Sharamsah, half-way between Fariskur and Mansurah on the east bank of the Nile, occupying the city on 12 July 1221. John of Brienne again attempted to turn the legate back, but the Crusader force was intent on gaining great booty from Cairo, and John would likely have been put to death if he persisted. On 24 July, Pelagius moved his forces near the al-Bahr as-Saghit (Ushmum canal), south of the village of Ashmun al-Rumman, on the opposite bank from Mansurah. His plan was to maintain supply lines with Damietta, not bringing sufficient food for his large army.

The fortifications established were less than ideal, made worse by the reinforcements the Egyptians brought in from Syria. Alice of Cyprus and the leaders of the military orders warned Pelagius of the large numbers of Muslims troops arriving and continued warnings from John of Brienne went unheeded. Many Crusaders took this opportunity to retreat back to Damietta, later departing for home.

The Egyptians had the advantage of knowing the terrain, especially the canals near the Crusader camp. One such canal near Barāmūn (see maps of the area here[46] and here[90]) could support large vessels in late August when the Nile was at its crest, and they brought numerous ships up from al-Maḥallah. Entering the Nile, they were able to block the Crusaders' line of communications to Damietta, rendering their position untenable. In consultation with his military leaders, Pelagius ordered a retreat, only to find the route to Damietta blocked by the sultan's troops.[91]

On 26 August 1221, the Crusaders attempted to reach Barāmūn under the cover of darkness, but their carelessness alerted the Egyptians who set on them. They were also reluctant to sacrifice their stores of wine, drinking them rather than leave them. In the meantime, al-Kamil had the sluices along the right bank of the Nile opened, flooding the area and rendering battle impossible. On 28 August, Pelagius sued for peace, sending an envoy to al-Kamil.[92]

The Crusaders still had some leverage. Damietta was well-garrisoned and a naval squadron under fleet admiral Henry of Malta, and Sicilian chancellor Walter of Palearia and German imperial marshal Anselm of Justingen, had been sent by Frederick II. They offered the sultan withdrawal from Damietta and an eight-year truce in exchange for allowing the Crusader army to pass, the release of all prisoners, and the return of the relic of the True Cross. Prior to the formal surrender of Damietta, the two sides would maintain hostages, among them John of Brienne and Hermann of Salza for the Franks side and as-Salih Ayyub, son of al-Kamil, for Egypt.[93]

The masters of the military orders were dispatched to Damietta with the news of the surrender. It was not well-received, with the Venetians attempting to gain control, but the eventual happened on 8 September 1221. The Crusader ships departed and the sultan entered the city. The Fifth Crusade was over.[94]



The Fifth Crusade ended with nothing gained for the West, with much loss of life, resources and reputations. Most were bitter that offensive operations were begun prior to the arrival of the emperor's forces, and had opposed the treaty. Walter of Palearia was stripped of his possessions and sent into exile. Admiral Henry of Malta was imprisoned only to be pardoned later by Frederick II. John of Brienne demonstrated his inability to command an international army and was censured for essentially deserting the Crusade in 1220. Pelagius was accused of ineffectual leadership and a misguided view that led him to reject the sultan's peace offering.[95] The greatest criticism was leveled at Frederick II, whose ambition clearly lay in Europe not the Holy Land. The Crusade was unable to even gain the return of the piece of the True Cross. The Egyptians could not find it and the Crusaders left empty-handed.[96]

The failure of the Crusade caused an outpouring of anti-papal sentiment from the Occitan poet Guilhem Figueira. The more orthodox Gormonda de Monpeslier responded to Figueira's D'un sirventes far with a song of her own, Greu m'es a durar. Instead of blaming Pelagius or the Papacy, she laid the blame on the "foolishness" of the wicked. The Palästinalied is a famous lyric poem by Walther von der Vogelweide written in Middle High German describing a pilgrim travelling to the Holy Land during the height of the Fifth Crusade.[97][より良い情報源が必要]



A partial list of those that participated in the Fifth Crusade can be found in the category collections of Christians of the Fifth Crusade and Muslims of the Fifth Crusade.



The historiography of the Fifth Crusade is concerned with the "history of the histories" of the military campaigns discussed herein as well as biographies of the important figures of the period. The primary sources include works written in the medieval period, generally by participants in the Crusade or written contemporaneously with the event. The secondary sources begin with early consolidated works in the 16th century and continuing to modern times. The tertiary sources are primarily encyclopedias, bibliographies and biographies/genealogies.[98]

The primary Western sources of the Fifth Crusade were first complied in Gesta Dei per Francos (God's Work through the Franks) (1611), by French scholar and diplomat Jacques Bongars.[99] These include several eyewitness accounts, and are as follows.

Other primary sources include:

The Arabic sources of the Crusade, partially compiled in the collection Recueil des historiens des croisades, Historiens orientaux (1872–1906), include the following.

Many of these primary sources can be found in Crusade Texts in Translation. Fifteenth century Italian chronicler Francesco Amadi wrote his Chroniques d'Amadi that includes the Fifth Crusade based on the original sources.[115] German historian Reinhold Röhricht also compiled two collections of works concerning the Fifth Crusade: Scriptores Minores Quinti Belli sacri (1879)[116] and its continuation Testimonia minora de quinto bello sacro (1882).[117] He also collaborated on the work Annales de Terre Sainte that provides a chronology of the Crusade correlated with the original sources.[118]

The reference to the Fifth Crusade is relatively new. Thomas Fuller[119] called it simply Voyage 8 in his The Historie of the Holy Warre.[120] Joseph-François Michaud[121] referred to it as part of the Sixth Crusade in his Histoire des Croisades (translation by British author William Robson),[3] as did Joseph Toussaint Reinaud[122] in his Histoire de la sixième croisade et de la prise de Damiette.[123] Historian George Cox[124] in his The Crusades regarded the Fifth and Sixth Crusades as a single campaign,[125] but by the late 19th century, the designation of the Fifth Crusade was standard.

The secondary sources are well-represented in the Bibliography, below. Tertiary sources include works by Louis Bréhier in the Catholic Encyclopedia,[126] Ernest Barker in the Encyclopædia Britannica,[127] and Philip Schaff in the Schaff-Herzog Encyclopaedia of Religious Knowledge.[128] Other works include The Mohammedan Dynasties[129] by Stanley Lane-Poole and Bréhier's Crusades (Bibliography and Sources),[130] a concise summary of the historiography of the Crusades.


  1. ^ Fifth Crusade (1217-1221)”. erenow.org. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  2. ^ Wolff 1969, pp. 189–190, Foundation of the Latin Empire.
  3. ^ a b Michaud 1881, pp. 185–311, Volume II, Book XII: Sixth Crusade.
  4. ^ Goldsmith, Linda (2006). In The Crusades – An Encyclopedia. pp. 690–691.
  5. ^ Archer 1904, p. 373, John de Brienne.
  6. ^ Barker 1923, p. 75, The Fifth Crusade, 1218–1221.
  7. ^ "Summons to a Crusade, 1215". Internet Medieval Sourcebook. Fordham University. pp. 337–344.
  8. ^ Tyerman 2006, pp. 612–617, Summoning the New Crusade, 1213–1215.
  9. ^ "Fourth Lateran Council (1215)". In Catholic Encyclopedia (1913). New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  10. ^ Powell 1986, pp. 67–88, Recruitment for the Crusade.
  11. ^ Van Cleve 1969, pp. 382–383, The Fifth Crusade.
  12. ^ Perry 2013, p. 80, Ruling from Acre to Tyre.
  13. ^ Smith, Thomas W. (2013). "Pope Honorius III and the Holy Land Crusades, 1216–1227: A Study in Responsive Papal Government“. Ph.D thesis, University of London.
  14. ^ Slack 2013, p. 175, Pelagius.
  15. ^ Longnon 1978, p. 213, Gautier, eveque d' Autun.
  16. ^ Bréhier, Louis (1910). "Jacques de Vitry". In Herbermann, Charles (ed.). Catholic Encyclopedia. 8. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  17. ^ Hoogeweg, Hermann (1887). "Oliver von Paderborn". In Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). 24. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin.
  18. ^ Reinaud 1826, p. 5, Ibn al-Athir, translated from the Arabic.
  19. ^ Fulton 2018, pp. 205–218, The Fifth Crusade and New Latin Technology.
  20. ^ Powell 2006, p. 430, The Course of the Crusade.
  21. ^ Villegas-Aristizábal 2021, pp. 82–89.
  22. ^ Barroca 2006, pp. 979–984, Portugal; Villegas-Aristizábal 2019, pp. 59–64.
  23. ^ Wilson 2021, p. 87.
  24. ^ Villegas-Aristizábal 2021, pp. 96–103, The Crusaders' Delay, 1217.
  25. ^ Mikaberidge 2006, pp. 511–513, Kingdom of Georgia.
  26. ^ Cahen 1969, pp. 715–719, Mongols and the Near East.
  27. ^ Lane-Poole 1901, pp. 215–216, Saladin's Successors (The Ayyubids), 1193–1250.
  28. ^ a b Gibb 1969, pp. 697–699, Al-Adil.
  29. ^ Cahen 1968, pp. 120–125, Turkey in Asia Minor.
  30. ^ Alexander Mikaberidze: Conflict and Conquest in the Islamic World: A Historical Encyclopedia, Volume 1, p. 311
  31. ^ Veszprémy 2002, pp. 98–99, The Campaign.
  32. ^ a b Van Cleve 1969, pp. 387–388.
  33. ^ Érszegi & Solymosi 1981, p. 133.
  34. ^ Runciman 1954, pp. 147–148.
  35. ^ a b Richard 1999, pp. 295–299, Innocent III and the Fifth Crusade.
  36. ^ Thomas Keightley, Dionysius Lardner: Outlines of history: from the earliest period to the present time, p. 210
  37. ^ Koch 1885, pp. 23–33, Hermann von Salza: Fünften Kreuzzug.
  38. ^ Van Cleve 1969, pp. 388–389, The Fifth Crusade.
  39. ^ Van Cleve 1969, pp. 389–390, The Fifth Crusade.
  40. ^ Van Cleve 1969, pp. 390–391, The Fifth Crusade.
  41. ^ Van Cleve 1969, pp. 391–392, The Fifth Crusade.
  42. ^ Fulton 2018, pp. 206–207, Mount Tabor (1217).
  43. ^ Van Cleve 1969, pp. 392–393, The Fifth Crusade.
  44. ^ Veszprémy 2002, pp. 101–103, On the way Home.
  45. ^ Tyerman 2006, pp. 628–629, War in the East.
  46. ^ a b The Fifth Crusade, 1218–1221. Map by the University of Wisconsin Cartography Laboratory, facing p. 487 of Volume II of A History of the Crusades (Setton, editor)
  47. ^ Asbridge 2012, pp. 551–553, The Fifth Crusade.
  48. ^ Maalouf 2006, pp. 223–224, The Perfect and the Just.
  49. ^ Runciman 1954, pp. 151–152, The Crusade Lands in Egypt, 1218.
  50. ^ Van Cleve 1969, pp. 397–428, The Capture and Loss of Damietta.
  51. ^ Fulton 2018, pp. 207–218, Damietta (1218–1219).
  52. ^ Archer 1904, p. 353, Siege Castles.
  53. ^ a b Van Cleve 1969, pp. 400–401, The Chain Tower.
  54. ^ Humphreys 1977, pp. 161–163, Al-Mu'azzam 'Isa: The period of independent sovereignty.
  55. ^ Tyerman 1996, p. 97, The Fifth Crusade.
  56. ^ Tyerman 2006, pp. 634–635, War in the East.
  57. ^ Van Cleve 1969, pp. 405–406, A Disastrous Storm.
  58. ^ Cahen 2012, pp. 796–807, Ayyūbids (genealogical table).
  59. ^ Runciman 1954, pp. 157, 492, Occupation of al-Adiliya, 1219, cf. Appendix III.1/5.
  60. ^ Van Cleve 1969, pp. 410–412, Prelude to the Siege.
  61. ^ Moses 2009, pp. 16–17, Outfitted to Kill.
  62. ^ Van Cleve 1969, pp. 412–414, Prelude to the Siege.
  63. ^ Tyerman 2006, pp. 639–640, War in the East.
  64. ^ Slack 2013, p. 96, Francis of Assisi.
  65. ^ Paschal Robinson (1909). "St. Francis of Assisi". In Herbermann, Charles (ed.). Catholic Encyclopedia. 6. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  66. ^ Maier 1998, pp. 9–11, St Francis and the Fifth Crusade.
  67. ^ Oliphant 1907, p. 165, The Expedition to Syria.
  68. ^ Moses 2009, pp. 126–147, The Saint and the Sultan.
  69. ^ Tolan 2009, p. 160, The Sultan Converted.
  70. ^ Tolan 2009, pp. 19–39, Francis, Model for the Spiritual Renewal of the Church.
  71. ^ Van Cleve 1969, pp. 416–418, The Siege of Damietta.
  72. ^ Lane-Poole 1901, pp. 221–222, Siege of Damietta.
  73. ^ Runciman 1954, pp. 161–163, Al-Kamil offers Peace-terms (1219).
  74. ^ Van Cleve 1969, pp. 418–421, Victory at Damietta.
  75. ^ Guillaume de Chartres (died 1218). The Templar Order (2020).
  76. ^ Perry 2013, pp. 111–115, The Fifth Crusade.
  77. ^ Runciman 1954, pp. 171–172, The Armenian Succession.
  78. ^ Furber 1969, pp. 609–610, John and the Cypriots.
  79. ^ Runciman 1954, pp. 164–165, King John leaves the Army (1220).
  80. ^ Fulton 2018, pp. 216–217, The Push to Mansura.
  81. ^ Humphreys 1977, p. 167.
  82. ^ Jackson 2002, The conquest of Iran.
  83. ^ a b Van Cleve 1969, pp. 421–424, The conquerors at Damietta.
  84. ^ Christie 2014, Document 16: Al-Kamil Muhammad and the Fifth Crusade.
  85. ^ Tyerman 2006, pp. 641–643, War in the East.
  86. ^ Stockmann, Alois (1911). "Prester John–Second Stage". In Herbermann, Charles (ed.). Catholic Encyclopedia. 12. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  87. ^ Mylod 2017, pp. 53–67, The impact of Prester John on the Fifth Crusade.
  88. ^ Foltz, Richard C. (1999). Religions of the Silk Road: Overland Trade and Cultural Exchange from Antiquity to the Fifteenth Century. pp. 111–112. New York: St. Martin's Press. [要ISBN]
  89. ^ Runciman 1954, pp. 166–167, The Crusaders Advance (1221).
  90. ^ Coureas 2017, pp. xxiii, Map of the Nile Delta.
  91. ^ Van Cleve 1969, pp. 425–428, Mansurah.
  92. ^ Maalouf 2006, pp. 225–226, The Perfect and the Just.
  93. ^ Tyerman 2006, pp. 643–649, The Failure of the Egypt Campaign.
  94. ^ Runciman 1954, pp. 168–170, Pelagius Sues for Peace (1221).
  95. ^ Donovan 1950, pp. 69–97, Failure of the Crusade.
  96. ^ Van Cleve 1969, pp. 427–428, The Surrender.
  97. ^ Kaye, Haley Caroline, "The Troubadours and the Song of the Crusades" (2016).
  98. ^ Mylod 2017, pp. 5–12, The historiography of the Fifth Crusade.
  99. ^ Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). Jacques Bongars. Encyclopædia Britannica. 4 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 204.
  100. ^ Mylod 2017, pp. 163–174, Ernoul, Eracles and the Fifth Crusade.
  101. ^ Bird, Jessalynn. "James of Vitry (died 1240)". The Crusades – An Encyclopedia.
  102. ^ Jessalynn. "Oliver of Paderborn (died 1227)". The Crusades – An Encyclopedialast=Bird. pp. 898–899.
  103. ^ Villegas-Aristizábal 2021, pp. 110–149.
  104. ^ Ruch, Lisa M. (2016). "Roger of Wendover". Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle.
  105. ^ Giles, J. A. (John Allen) (1849). Roger of Wendover's Flowers of history. London: H. G. Bohn.
  106. ^ Gesta Crucigerorum Rhenanorum. Part II of Quinti belli sacri scriptores minores sumptibus (1879). Edited by Reinholt Röhricht. pp. 27–56.
  107. ^ Powell, James M. (translator) (2004). The Deeds of Pope Innocent III. Catholic University of America Press.
  108. ^ Donnadieu, Jean. "Narratio patriarcae. The origin and destiny of a story about the Muslim Middle East circa 1200", Le Moyen Age, Vol. CXXIV, No. 2, 2018, pp. 283–305.
  109. ^ Edition in Wilson 2021.
  110. ^ Cassidy-Welch 2019, pp. 62–63.
  111. ^ Kennedy, Hugh. "Ibn al-Athir (1160–1233)". The Crusades – An Encyclopedia. p. 625.
  112. ^ Antrim, Zayde, “Abū Shāma Shihāb al-Dīn al-Maqdisī”. In: Encyclopaedia of Islam, 3rd Edition. Kate Fleet, et al. (ed.)
  113. ^ Kreckel, Manuel (2016). "Abū al-Fidā". Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle.
  114. ^ al-Maqrīzī, A. ibn ʻAlī. (1845). Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks de l'Égypte. Paris.
  115. ^ Coureas 2017, pp. 185–192, Chronicle of Amadi.
  116. ^ Röhricht, R. (1879). Quinti belli sacri scriptores minores sumptibus Societatis illustrandis Orientis latini monumentis. Osnabrück, Austria.
  117. ^ Röhricht, R. (1882). Testimonia minora de quinto bello sacro e chronicis occidentalibus. Genevae.
  118. ^ Röhricht 1884, pp. 12–14, Annales de Terre Sainte.
  119. ^ Stephen, Leslie (1889). "Thomas Fuller". In Dictionary of National Biography. 20. London. pp. 315–320.
  120. ^ Fuller 1639, pp. 160–169, A most promising Voyage into Palestine.
  121. ^ Bréhier, Louis René (1911). "Joseph-François Michaud". In Catholic Encyclopedia. 10. New York.
  122. ^ Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Reinaud, Joseph Toussaint". Encyclopædia Britannica. 23 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 55.
  123. ^ Reinaud 1826, pp. 5–68, History of the Sixth Crusade and the Capture of Damietta.
  124. ^ Woods, Gabriel Stanley (1912). "Cox, George William". In Dictionary of National Biography, 1912 Supplement. Volume I. London. p. 221.
  125. ^ Cox 1891, pp. 176–184, The Sixth Crusade.
  126. ^ Bréhier, Louis René (1908). "Crusades". In Herbermann, Charles (ed.). Catholic Encyclopedia. 4. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  127. ^ Barker, Ernest (1911). "Crusades". In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. 7 (11th ed.), Cambridge University Press. pp. 524–552.
  128. ^ Schaff, Philip (1884). “Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge”. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  129. ^ Lane-Poole 1894, The Mohammedan Dynasties.
  130. ^ Bréhier, Louis René (1908). "Crusades (Sources and Bibliography)". In Herbermann, Charles (ed.). Catholic Encyclopedia. 4. New York: Robert Appleton Company.

