利用者:Ayaka Tomizawa/sandbox


Kirazuri is a printmaking methods of Kurokirazri and Ukiyoe prints. It used mica powder for the background of the figure, and depending on the base color, it was called Shiro-kirazuri (white), Kuro-kirazuri (black), and Beni-kirazuri (red) [1](世界大百科事典第二版).

Type of Kirazuri[編集]

“Surikira”, which is printing method that mica mixed with the paint color.

"Makikira" which slides the mica and acts as an adhesive, onto the paper, spreads the mica and attaches it, and removes unnecessary mica with a brush.

”Okikira” puts a mixture of mica and glue on the place you aim with a brush.[2]

Feature of Kirazuri[編集]

It is literally sparkling. It's easy to understand if you imagine a glitter sticker, but you can enjoy that sparkle only by picking it up and moving it. If you don't move it, you'll feel just a gray color.[3]


In the first period, all 28 figures are in a large size with only the upper body written, and the background is kuro-kirazuri.[4](Sharaku p.84)


  1. ^ 『世界大百科事典第二版』日立デジタル平凡社、1998年10月23日。 
  2. ^ Ukiyo-e print technique that is not transmitted in the catalog”. ARTISTIAN. 11/12/2019閲覧。
  3. ^ The world of appreciating ukiyo-e with single glasses”. Vixen. 11/11/2019閲覧。
  4. ^ 特別展 写楽 東京国立博物館 展覧会カタログ SHARAKU an Exhibition Catalogue. 東京国立博物館. (2011)