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en:Complex analysis

Complex analysis is the branch of mathematics investigating holomorphic functions, i.e. functions which are defined in some region of the complex plane, take complex values, and are differentiable as complex functions. Complex differentiability has much stronger consequences than usual (real) differentiability. For instance, every holomorphic function is representable as power series in every open disc in its domain of definition, and is therefore analytic. In particular, holomorphic functions are infinitely differentiable, a fact that is far from true for real differentiable functions. Most elementary functions, such as all polynomials, the exponential function, and the trigonometric functions, are holomorphic.


See also: analytic function, holomorphic sheaf and vector bundles.

関連項目: 解析関数、正則関数の層?、ベクトルバンドル



One central tool in complex analysis is the path integral. The integral around a closed path of a function which is holomorphic everywhere inside the area bounded by the closed path is always zero; this is the Cauchy integral theorem. The values of a holomorphic function inside a disk can be computed by a certain path integral on the disk's boundary (Cauchy's integral formula). Path integrals in the complex plane are often used to determine complicated real integrals, and here the theory of residues among others is useful (see methods of contour integration). If a function has a pole or singularity at some point, meaning that its values "explode" and it does not have a finite value there, then one can define the function's residue at that pole, and these residues can be used to compute path integrals involving the function; this is the content of the powerful residue theorem. The remarkable behavior of holomorphic functions near essential singularities is described by the Weierstrass-Casorati theorem. Functions which have only poles but no essential singularities are called meromorphic. Laurent series are similar to Taylor series but can be used to study the behavior of functions near singularities.

複素解析で中心となる道具は複素積分である。ある閉曲線に囲まれた領域で正則な関数をその閉曲線に沿って複素積分すると値は 0 となる(コーシーの積分定理)(いまいち正確ではない閉曲線の近傍でも正則でないと)。正則関数の円盤内での値は円周上での値がわかれば計算できる(コーシーの積分定理)。複雑な実関数の積分を複素積分を用いて計算することができる。このとき留数の理論を使うと計算が簡単になる。関数の値が有限でなく「値が爆発」しているところを関数の極あるいは特異点というが(特異点は極より広い概念)、極においては留数を定義することができる(ほんとは孤立特異点ならできる)。この留数を用いて複素積分を計算することができる。詳しくは留数の項目を見るとよい。真性特異点のまわりにおける正則関数のおどろくべき挙動を示す定理がワイエルシュトラス-Casoratiの定理である。特異点が極のみの関数を有理形関数とよぶ。

A bounded function which is holomorphic in the entire complex plane must be constant; this is Liouville's theorem. It can be used to provide a natural and short proof for the fundamental theorem of algebra which states that the field of complex numbers is algebraically closed.


An important property of holomorphic functions is that if a function is holomorphic throughout a simply connected domain then its values are fully determined by its values on any smaller subdomain. The function on the larger domain is said to be analytically continued from its values on the smaller domain. This allows the extension of the definition of functions such as the Riemann zeta function which are initially defined in terms of infinite sums that converge only on limited domains to almost the entire complex plane. Sometimes, as in the case of the natural logarithm, it is impossible to analytically continue a holomorphic function to a non-simply connected domain in the complex plane but it is possible to extend it to a holomorphic function on a closely related surface known as a Riemann surface.


All this refers to complex analysis in one variable. There is also a very rich theory of complex analysis in more than one complex dimension where the analytic properties such as power series expansion still remain true whereas most of the geometric properties of holomorphic functions in one complex dimension (such as conformality) are no longer true. The Riemann mapping theorem about the conformal relationship of certain domains in the complex plane, maybe the most important result in the one-dimensional theory, fails dramatically in higher dimensions.


It is also applied in many subjects throughout engineering, particularly in power engineering.

これらは工学、とくに power engineering を通じて多くの対象に応用される。



Complex analysis is one of the classical branches in mathematics with its roots in the 19th century and some even before. Important names are Euler, Gauss, Riemann, Cauchy, Weierstrass, and many more in the 20th century. Traditionally, complex analysis, in particular the theory of conformal mappings, has many applications in engineering, but it is also used throughout analytical number theory. In modern times, it became very popular through a new boost of complex dynamics and the pictures of fractals produced by iterating holomorphic functions, the most popular being the Mandelbrot set. Another important application of complex analysis today is in string theory which is a conformally invariant quantum field theory.

複素解析は19世紀かさらに昔に起源を持つ数学の古典的な分野のひとつである。重要な貢献をした人物に、オイラー、ガウス、リーマン、コーシー、ワイエルシュトラス、さらに20世紀の多くの数学者がいる。伝統的には、とりわけ等角写像の理論が工学におおくの応用をもつが、解析的数論にたいしても使われている。最近では、複素力学系の発展やマンデルブロー集合のような正則関数の繰り返しによって作られるフラクタル図形を通して活発に研究されている分野でもある。ほかの重要な応用例といて場の量子論の conformally invariant である超弦理論がある(これはよく分からん)。
