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en:Judith Durham 23:42, 10 August 2022


ダーラム本人の写真 (1970年)
出生名 Judith Mavis Cock
生誕 (1943-07-03) 1943年7月3日
オーストラリア ビクトリア州 Essendon
死没 2022年8月5日(2022-08-05)(79歳没)
オーストラリア ビクトリア州 Prahran
  • 歌手
  • 作曲家
  • 音楽家
  • ボーカル
  • ピアノ
  • タンブリン
活動期間 1961–2022
レーベル Columbia, A&M, Pye, EMI, Decca
公式サイト judithdurham.com

Judith Durham Template:Country=AUS AO (born Judith Mavis Cock; 3 July 1943 – 5 August 2022) was an Australian singer, songwriter and musician who became the lead singer of the Australian popular folk music group the Seekers in 1963.

ジュディス・ダーラム AO(本名:ジュディス・メイヴィス・コック、1943年7月3日 - 2022年8月5日)は、オーストラリアの歌手、作曲家、音楽家で、1963年にオーストラリアの人気フォークミュージックグループ「ザ・シーカーズ」のリードシンガーとなった人物である。

The group became the first Australian pop music group to achieve major chart and sales success in the United Kingdom and the United States and have sold over 50 million records worldwide. Durham left the group in mid 1968 to pursue her solo career. In 1993, Durham began to make sporadic recordings and performances with the Seekers, though she remained primarily a solo performer. On 1 July 2015, she was named Victorian of the Year for her services to music and a range of charities.


Early life 幼少期


Durham was born Judith Mavis Cock on 3 July 1943 in Essendon, Victoria, to William Alexander Cock, a navigator and World War II pathfinder, and his wife, Hazel (née Durham).[1] From her birth until 1949, she lived on Mount Alexander Road, Essendon, and attended Essendon Primary School.[要出典] She spent summer holidays at her family's weatherboard house (which since has been demolished) on the west side of Durham Place in Rosebud.[2][より良い情報源が必要]

1943年7月3日、ヴィクトリア州エセンドン (Essendon) でジュディス・メイビス・コック (Judith Mavis Cock) として生まれた。彼女は、航海士で第二次世界大戦に参加した草分けでもあった、父のウィリアム・アレグザンダー・コックと妻のヘイゼル (née Durham) とのあいだに誕生した[1]。生まれてから1949年まで、エセンドンのマウント・アレクサンダー・ロードに住み、エセンドン小学校に通っていた[要出典]。ローズバッドのダーラム・プレイス西側にあった家族の家は羽目板を張ったものであり(今は取り壊されている)、そこで夏休みを過ごした。[2][より良い情報源が必要]

Her father accepted work in Hobart, Tasmania, in 1949. From early 1950, the family lived in Taroona, a suburb of Hobart, where Durham attended the Fahan School before moving back to Melbourne, residing in Georgian Court, Balwyn, in 1956. She was educated at Ruyton Girls' School Kew and then enrolled at RMIT.[3]

父親は 1949年にタスマニア州ホバートでの仕事を引き受けた。1950年初めから家族はホバート郊外の Taroona に住み、ダーハムはメルボルンへ引っ越すまでの間そこにあるファハン学校に通った後、1956年に Balwyn のジョージアン・コートに戻った。Ruyton 女子学園で教育を受け、その後 RMIT 大学に入学した[3]。

Durham at first planned to be a pianist and gained the qualification of Associate in Music, Australia (AMusA), in classical piano at the University of Melbourne Conservatorium. She had some professional engagements playing piano and also had classical vocal training and performed blues, gospel and jazz pieces. Her singing career began one night at the age of 18 when she asked Nicholas Ribush, leader of the Melbourne University Jazz Band, at the Memphis Jazz Club in Malvern, whether she could sing with the band. In 1963, she began performing at the same club with Frank Traynor's Jazz Preachers, using her mother's maiden name of Durham. In that year she also recorded her first EP, Judy Durham, with Frank Traynor's Jazz Preachers for W&G Records.[4]

ダーラムは最初、ピアニストになるつもりでいたので、メルボルン大学音楽院 (University of Melbourne Conservatorium) でクラシックピアノの Associate in Music,Australia(AmusA) という資格を取得した。ピアノを演奏するプロの仕事をいくつか経験し、またクラシックボーカルの発声訓練も受けて、ブルース、ゴスペル、ジャズの曲を演奏した。彼女の歌の経歴は、18歳になったある夜、マルバーンのメンフィス・ジャズ・クラブで活動中のメルボルン大学ジャズバンドのリーダーを務めていた Nicholas Ribush から、そのジャズバンドと一緒に歌って欲しいと依頼を受けたことから始まった。1963年、同じジャズクラブでフランク・トレイナー・ジャズ伝道師たちといっしょになって演奏を開始した。そのとき彼女は母親の旧姓であるダーラムを用いた。その年のうちに、自身の最初の EP、Judy Durham もフランク・トレイナー・ジャズ伝道師たちと共同し、W&G レコードで吹き込みを行った[4]。

The Seekers ザ・シーカーズ


The Seekers consisted of Durham, Athol Guy, Bruce Woodley and Keith Potger, an ABC radio producer; through Potger's position the three were able to make a demo tape in their spare time. This was given to W&G Records, which wanted another sample of Durham's voice before agreeing to record a Jazz Preachers' album. W&G instead signed the Seekers for an album, Introducing the Seekers, in 1963. Durham, however, recorded two other songs with the Jazz Preachers, "Muddy Water" (which appeared on their album Jazz from the Pulpit) and "Trombone Frankie" (an adapted version of Bessie Smith's "Trombone Cholly").[5]

ザ・シーカーズのメンバーは、ダーラムDurham、アソル・ガイAthol Guy、ブルース・ウッドリーBruce Woodley、ABCラジオプロデューサーのキース・ポジャーKeith Potgerで構成していた。Potgerがプロデューサーという立場を利用して、3人は空いた時間にデモテープを制作することができた。これは W&Gレコードに提供されたが、W&Gレコードとしては、ジャズ伝道たちのレコードを録音する前にダーラムの声をもう一度聞きたいと考えていたところであった。そこで、W&Gレコードはその代わりとして 1963年にザ・シーカーズとアルバム「Introducing the Seekers」の制作契約を結んだ。しかしながら、ダーラムはジャズ伝道たちと共に、「Muddy Water」(この曲はアルバム「Jazz from the説教壇」に収録された)と「トロンボーン・フランキー」(これは、Bessie Smith の「トロンボーン・Cholly」をアレンジした曲)の2曲も一緒に録音した[5]。

In early 1964, the Seekers sailed to the United Kingdom on SS Fairsky on which the group provided the musical entertainment. Originally they had planned to return after ten weeks, but they received a steady stream of bookings through the Grade Agency because they had sent the agency a copy of their first album.[6] On 4 November 1964 at EMI's Abbey Road Studios, the Seekers recorded "I'll Never Find Another You". In February 1965, the song reached number one in the UK and Australia.[7][8] The group had further Top 10 hits with "A World of Our Own", "Morningtown Ride" and "Someday, One Day".[7][9] "Georgy Girl" reached number two (Billboard chart) and number one (Cashbox chart) in the United States.[10] "The Carnival Is Over" is still one of the top 50 best-selling singles in the UK.[10]

1964年初頭、ザ・シーカーズは SSフェアスカイ号に乗船してイギリスに向かい、船上で彼らは余興として音楽の演奏を提供した。当初、彼らは10週間後に帰国する予定であったが、最初のアルバムのコピーを Grade Agency に送った結果、Grade Agency を通じて絶え間なく演奏会の予約が殺到することになった[6]。1964年11月4日、ザ・シーカーズは EMI のアビーロードスタジオで「I'll Never Find Another You」を録音した。1965年2月にはこの曲の人気がイギリスとオーストラリアで第1位になった[7][8]。グループはさらに「A World of Our Own」、「Morningtown Ride」、「Someday, One Day」でトップ10に入るヒットを記録した[7][9]。「ジョージー・ガール」は、アメリカのヒットチャートで第2位(ビルボードチャート)、あるいは第1位(Cashboxチャート)を記録した[10]。「The Carnival Is Over」は今もなおイギリスではベストセラーのシングル曲としてトップ50の中に入っている[10]。

On 12 March 1967, the Seekers set an official all-time Australian record when more than 200,000 people (nearly one tenth of the city's entire population at that time) flocked to their performance at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl in Melbourne, Australia. Their TV special The Seekers Down Under scored the biggest TV audience ever (with a 67 rating), and early in 1968 they were all awarded the nation's top honour as "Australians of the Year 1967".[11] On a tour of New Zealand in February 1968, Durham advised the group that she was leaving the Seekers and left in July 1968.[12]

1967年3月12日、ザ・シーカーズはオーストラリアにてある公式記録を樹立した。それは、200,000人以上もの人々(当時の市の総人口の10分の1近くに相当)がオーストラリア・メルボルンにあるシドニー・マイヤー・ミュージックボウル (Sidney myer Music Bowl) で開催した演奏に集まったからである。現地のテレビ番組「ザ・シーカーズ・ダウン・アンダー (The Seekers Down Under)」は過去最大のテレビ視聴者数(視聴率 67%)を記録したので、1968年初め全員が「1967年度を代表するオーストラリア人 (Australians of the Year)」として最高の栄誉を受けた[11]。1968年2月、ニュージーランドへ演奏旅行行っていた最中、ダーラムはザ・シーカーズを脱退する意志を事前にグループに伝え、そのとおり1968年7月には脱退した[12]。

Solo career ソロ活動

ダーラムのソロアルバム Gift of Song (1970) の販売促進用に撮影された写真

Durham returned to Australia in August 1968 and her first solo television special, An Evening with Judith Durham, screened on the Nine Network in September. During her solo career, she released albums titled For Christmas with Love, Gift of Song and Climb Ev'ry Mountain. In 1970, she made the television special Meet Judith Durham in London, ending with her rendition of "When You Come to the End of a Perfect Day" by Carrie Jacobs-Bond (1862–1946).[13]

In 1975, Durham starred in an acting and singing role as Sarah Simmonds, a burlesque type performer in "The Golden Girl", an episode of the Australian television series Cash and Co. Set in the 1800s Australian goldfields, the episode also featured Durham's husband, Ron Edgeworth, on piano. She performed six songs; "Oh Susanna", "When Starlight Fades", "Maggie Mae", "Rock of Ages", "There's No Place Like Home" and "The Lord Is My Shepherd".[14]

Durham recorded The Australian Cities Suite album with all proceeds to go to the charitable sector. The album was originally planned for release in October 2008, but was eventually pushed back to April 2012. The project was to benefit charities such as the Motor Neurone Disease Association of Australia (Durham was national patron)[要出典] and Orchestra Victoria, in addition to other charities which benefit from the Lord Mayor's Charitable Fund or its national affiliated network, United Way.[要出典]

In 2003, Durham toured the UK in "The Diamond Tour" celebrating her 60th birthday. The tour included the Royal Festival Hall and a CD and DVD of the concert was issued.[要出典]

In 2006, Durham started modernising the music and phrases in the Australian National Anthem, "Advance Australia Fair". She first performed it in May 2009 at Federation Hall, St Kilda Road.[15][16] It was released as a CD single.

On 13 February 2009, Durham made a surprise return to the Myer Music Bowl when she performed the closing number at the RocKwiz Salutes the Bowl – Sidney Myer Music Bowl 50th Anniversary with "The Carnival Is Over". On 23 May 2009, she performed a one-hour 'a cappella' concert in Melbourne as a launch for her album Up Close and Personal.[17]

In October 2011, Durham signed an exclusive international deal with Decca Records. George Ash, president of Universal Music Australasia, said that "It is an honour to have Judith Durham join Decca's wonderful roster of artists. When you think of the legends that have graced the Decca Records catalogue it is the perfect home to welcome Judith to, and we couldn't be more excited to work with Judith on not only her new recordings but her incredible catalogue as well."[18]

In June 2018, to celebrate Durham's 75th birthday, a collection of 14 previously unreleased songs was released on the album So Much More.[19]

Personal life


On 21 November 1969, Durham married her musical director, British pianist Ron Edgeworth,[20] at Scots' Church in Melbourne. Edgeworth had been with a group, The Trebletones, on the same tour. They chose not to have children.[9]

They lived in the UK and Switzerland until the mid-1980s when they bought property in Nambour, Queensland. In 1990, Durham, Edgeworth and their tour manager, Peter Summers, were involved in a car accident on the Calder Freeway. The driver of the other car died at the scene and Durham sustained a fractured wrist and leg. The response from her fans made Durham consider getting back together with the other members of the Seekers for a Silver Jubilee show. During this reunion Edgeworth was diagnosed with motor neurone disease. He died on 10 December 1994 with Durham by his side.[21]

In the late 1990s, Durham was stalked by a former president of a Judith Durham fan club,[22] a woman who sent her dozens of doormats through the post. The woman was subsequently prosecuted,[23] and was later imprisoned for other serial crimes.[24]

In 2000, Durham broke her hip and was unable to sing "The Carnival Is Over" at the closing ceremony of the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney with the Seekers. However, she sang it from a wheelchair at the 2000 Paralympics shortly after.[25]

In May 2013, during the Seekers' Golden Jubilee tour, Durham suffered a stroke that diminished her ability to read and write—both visual language and musical scores. During her convalescence, she made progress to rebuild those skills. Her singing ability was not affected by the stroke.[26]



Durham had asthma when she was born and at age four she caught measles, which left her with a life-long chronic lung disease called bronchiectasis.[27] Durham died from bronchiectasis at The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne on 5 August 2022, aged 79.[28] She will be given a state funeral by the state of Victoria.[29]

Solo releases


Studio albums

List of studio albums, with selected chart positions
Title Album details Peak chart positions Certifications
For Christmas with Love
  • Released: November 1968
  • Label: Goodyear, Columbia
Gift of Song
  • Released: 1970
  • Label: A&M Records
Climb Ev'ry Mountain
  • Released: 1971
  • Label: A&M Records
Judith Durham and The Hottest Band in Town
  • Released: June 1974
  • Label: Pye Records
Judith Durham and The Hottest Band in Town Volume 2
  • Released: September 1974
  • Label: Pye Records
Let Me Find Love 8
Mona Lisas
  • Released: March 1996
  • Label: EMI Records
  • Note: Re-released as Always There in 1997[34]
Future Road (with The Seekers)
  • Released: October 1997
  • Label: EMI Records
4 13
The Australian Cities Suite
  • Released: October 2008
  • Label: Musicoat
Up Close and Personal
  • Released: May 2009
  • Label: Musicoat
  • Note: Re-released as An Acappella Experience in 2016
  • Released: October 2011
  • Label: Decca, UMA
It's Christmas Time
  • Released: November 2013
  • Label: Decca, UMA

Live albums

List of live albums, with selected chart positions
Title Album details Peak chart positions Certification
The Hot Jazz Duo (with Ron Edgeworth)
  • Released: April 1979
  • Label:
25 Year Reunion Celebration (with The Seekers)
  • Released: November 1993
  • Label: EMI Music
9 22 93
1968 BBC Farewell Spectacular (with The Seekers)
  • Released: November 1999
  • Label: Mushroom
Live in Concert (Melbourne Welsh Male Choir with Judith Durham)
  • Released: September 2002
Live in London
  • Released: October 2014
  • Label: Decca, UMA

Compilation albums

List of compilation albums, with selected chart positions
Title Album details Peak chart positions Certification
Australia's Own Judith Durham
  • Released: 1971 (Australian release)
  • Label: Summit Records Australia
Here Am I
  • Released: 1972 (international release))
  • Label: A&M Records
The Silver Jubilee Album (with The Seekers)
  • Released: March 1993
  • Label: EMI Records
3 3
A Carnival of Hits (with The Seekers)
  • Released: April 1994
  • Label: EMI Records
Colours of My Life
  • Released: November 2011
  • Label: Decca, UMA
The Platinum Album
  • Released: July 2013
  • Label: Decca, UMA
So Much More
  • Released: 29 June 2018
  • Label: Decca, UMA

Extended plays

List of extended plays, with selected details
Title Details
Judy Durham
(with Frank Traynor's Jazz Preachers)

Charting singles

List of singles as lead artist, with selected chart positions and certifications, showing year released and album name
Title Year Peak chart positions
"The Olive Tree" 1967 33
"A World of Our Own" (with the Seekers) 1994 76
"Georgy Girl" (with the Seekers) 79
"I Am Australian" (with Russell Hitchcock and Mandawuy Yunupingu) 1997 17

Honours and awards

  • In 1966, the Seekers (Judith Durham, Athol Guy, Bruce Woodley, Keith Potger) received the Carl Alan Award for Best New Group (1965) at the Top Of The Pops Awards, in London.[38]
  • In 1968, Durham and the other members of The Seekers were named jointly and severally Australians of the Year 1967.[39]
  • In the 1995 Australia Day Honours, Durham, along with the other members of The Seekers, was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM).[40]
  • In 2001, Durham was awarded the Centenary Medal by the Governor-General for valued service to Australian society through music.[41]
  • In 2003, Rotary International invested Durham as a Paul Harris Fellow, in recognition of her extensive work on behalf of charities.[42]
  • In 2006, Durham and the other members of The Seekers were presented with the Key to the City by Melbourne's Lord Mayor, John So.[43]
  • In 2012, Durham and the other members of the Seekers were honoured by Australia Post with a special Legends Of Australian Music postage stamp.[44]
  • In the 2014 Queen's Birthday Honours, Durham, along with the other members of The Seekers, was advanced as an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO).[45]
  • In 2015, Durham was named 2015 Victorian of the Year.[46]

ARIA Music Awards


The ARIA Music Awards are a set of annual ceremonies presented by Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA), which recognise excellence, innovation, and achievement across all genres of the music of Australia. They commenced in 1987.

ノミネート対象 結果
1995[47] Judith Durham (and the Seekers) Hall of Fame Inducted

APRA Awards


These annual awards were established by Australasian Performing Right Association (APRA) in 1982 to honour the achievements of songwriters and music composers and to recognise their song writing skills, sales and airplay performance, by its members annually.[48]

ノミネート対象 結果
2013[49] Judith Durham (and the Seekers) Ted Albert Award for Outstanding Services to Australian Music awarded

Australian Women in Music Awards


The Australian Women in Music Awards is an annual event that celebrates outstanding women in the Australian Music Industry who have made significant and lasting contributions in their chosen field. They commenced in 2018.

ノミネート対象 結果
2019[50] Judith Durham AWMA Honour Roll inducted

Music Victoria Awards


The Music Victoria Awards are an annual awards night celebrating Victorian music. They commenced in 2005.

ノミネート対象 結果
2015[51] Judith Durham (and the Seekers) Hall of Fame inductee


  1. ^ Veitch, Harriet (6 August 2022). “Judith Durham: A Seeker who found international fame” (英語). The Sydney Morning Herald. オリジナルの6 August 2022時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20220806083652/https://www.smh.com.au/national/a-seeker-who-found-international-fame-20210512-p57r7k.html 6 August 2022閲覧。 
  2. ^ Information from Judith emailed by her manager, Graham Simpson,9 September 2011, 11:19 AM. Hi ---, Judith has asked me to write specifically to you to try to clarify your query about "Emily Durham's house". She does not remember now whether the house was demolished at the time Durham Place was subdivided, but her recollection of the century-old house is a weatherboard with a front verandah standing in the middle of a large block between the beach and the main road. etc.
  3. ^ Suzannah Pearce, ed. (17 November 2006). "Durham Judith Mavis". Who's Who in Australia Live!. North Melbourne, Vic: Crown Content Pty Ltd.
  4. ^ Malt Creative. “Welcome to Judith Durham”. Judith Durham. 24 July 2012時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ1 March 2017閲覧。
  5. ^ Popsike.com”. 9 August 2022時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ9 August 2022閲覧。
  6. ^ {{cite newsjournal=The Guardian|date=8 August 2022|access-date=9 August 2022|title=Obituary Judith Durham}}
  7. ^ a b Official UK Chart”. 25 April 2022時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ9 August 2022閲覧。
  8. ^ David Kent's "Australian Chart Book 1970-1992"”. 5 March 2016時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ9 August 2022閲覧。
  9. ^ a b “Obituary Judith Durham”. The Times: p. 45. (9 August 2022) 
  10. ^ a b The Seekers Official Web-site”. 7 August 2022時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ9 August 2022閲覧。
  11. ^ About Judith Durham”. Judith Durham. 23 September 2016時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。11 September 2016閲覧。
  12. ^ The Judith Durham Story”. Judith Durham. 19 June 2016時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ11 September 2016閲覧。
  13. ^ Archived at Ghostarchive and the Wayback Machine: Durham, Judith (1970年). “When you come to the end of a perfect day”. Meet Judith Durham [television special] (London). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4N4NAgpqXU 3 April 2011閲覧。  Song starts at 44 seconds into the video.
  14. ^ Vagg, Stephen (14 July 2019). “Australian Singers Turned Actors”. Filmink. オリジナルの20 July 2019時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20190720033117/https://www.filmink.com.au/australian-singers-turned-actors/ 10 January 2020閲覧。. 
  15. ^ Advance Australian Fair new lyrics”. Shoalhaven (May 2009). 17 February 2017時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ4 November 2016閲覧。
  16. ^ Judith Durham's national anthem”. ABC (15 May 2009). 4 November 2016時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ4 November 2016閲覧。
  17. ^ A Global First? A Cappella Solo Recitals – Judith's First Melbourne Concerts In 8 Years” (7 May 2009). 7 May 2009時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。 Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  18. ^ Judith Signed to Exclusive International Deal”. Judith Durham (11 October 2011). 14 March 2016時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。11 September 2016閲覧。
  19. ^ Judith Durham celebrates her 75th birthday by releasing a new album”. 2GB (3 July 2018). 2 February 2020時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ3 July 2018閲覧。
  20. ^ Body”. Telinco.com. 1 December 2012時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。10 April 2012閲覧。
  21. ^ Simpson 2003.
  22. ^ Walsh, Stuart (8 December 1998). “Seekers fan appeals against stalking conviction”. AAP General News (Australia). オリジナルの2 January 2020時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20200102133753/http://intenet-internetblog57.blogspot.com/2012/03/vic-seekers-fan-appeals-against.html 2 January 2020閲覧。 
  23. ^ Cauchi, Stephen (12 September 1998). “Durham's stalker loses appeal”. The Age (Melbourne): p. 7. オリジナルの8 August 2022時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20220808094350/https://www.newspapers.com/clip/46189733/the-age/ 8 August 2022閲覧。 
  24. ^ Alcock, Melanie (5 October 1999). “School raider gets 3.5 years”. The Examiner (Launceston, Tasmania). オリジナルの2 January 2020時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20200102133455/https://www.examiner.com.au/story/644362/school-raider-gets-35-years/ 2 January 2020閲覧。 
  25. ^ True, Everett (18 March 2014). “Australian anthems: the Seekers – The Carnival is Over” (英語). The Guardian (London). ISSN 0261-3077. オリジナルの6 August 2022時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20220806084605/https://www.theguardian.com/music/australia-culture-blog/2014/mar/18/seekers-the-carnival-is-over-australian-anthems 6 August 2022閲覧。 
  26. ^ “Seekers singer Judith Durham learns to read and write after brain hemorrhage”. ABC News (Sydney: Australian Broadcasting Company). (3 July 2013). オリジナルの2 February 2020時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://archive.today/20200202224853/https://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-07-03/durham-still-singing-after-brain-haemorrhage/4796554 29 July 2013閲覧。 
  27. ^ “Durham's voice stays pure despite the blows”. Sydney Morning Herald. (22 April 2010). オリジナルの9 August 2022時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20220809145953/https://www.smh.com.au/national/durhams-voice-stays-pure-despite-the-blows-20100421-szzp.html 9 August 2022閲覧。 
  28. ^ Graham, Jackson (6 August 2022). “Judith Durham, lead singer of The Seekers, dies aged 79” (英語). WA Today. オリジナルの6 August 2022時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20220806083210/https://www.watoday.com.au/culture/music/judith-durham-lead-singer-of-the-seekers-dies-aged-79-20220806-p5b7t1.html 6 August 2022閲覧。 
  29. ^ State funeral to be held for music legend Judith Durham”. Nine News (7 August 2022). 8 August 2022時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ8 August 2022閲覧。
  30. ^ a b c d Australian Albums Chart peak positions:
  31. ^ a b c Charts.nz – Judith Durham Discography”. Hung Medien. 21 June 2022時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ21 June 2021閲覧。
  32. ^ a b Roberts, David (2006). British Hit Singles & Albums (19th ed.). London: Guinness World Records Limited. p. 173. ISBN 1-904994-10-5 
  33. ^ a b c Judith Durham”. Official Charts (21 June 2022). 21 June 2022時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ21 June 2022閲覧。
  34. ^ Malt Creative. “Judith Durham”. Judith Durham. 23 September 2016時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。1 March 2017閲覧。
  35. ^ "ARIA Charts – Accreditations – 1997 Albums" (PDF). Australian Recording Industry Association. {{cite web}}: Cite webテンプレートでは|access-date=引数が必須です。 (説明)
  36. ^ a b c Ryan, Gavin (2011). Australia's Music Charts 1988–2010 (pdf ed.). Mt. Martha, VIC, Australia: Moonlight Publishing. p. 247 
  37. ^ Official Charts Judith Durham”. Official Charts. 12 April 2016時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ11 September 2016閲覧。
  38. ^ New Music Awards – 1965”. 15 February 2020時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ15 February 2020閲覧。
  39. ^ The Seekers: Athol Guy, Judith Durham, Keith Potger, and Bruce Woodley”. Australian of the Year. 28 March 2022時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ10 March 2022閲覧。
  40. ^ It's an Honour”. itsanhonour.gov.au. 4 March 2016時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ9 November 2015閲覧。
  41. ^ It's an Honour”. itsanhonour.gov.au. 4 March 2016時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ9 November 2015閲覧。
  42. ^ Rotary Central Melbourne”. pp. 45, 106. 15 February 2020時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ15 February 2020閲覧。
  43. ^ Judith Durham”. Ruyton Girls' School. 15 February 2020時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ15 February 2020閲覧。
  44. ^ The Australia Post Legends Awards”. 10 April 2021時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ15 February 2020閲覧。
  45. ^ Queen's Birthday honours: Australians recognised for services to community”. ABC News (9 June 2014). 8 June 2014時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ9 June 2014閲覧。
  46. ^ Webb, Carolyn (1 July 2015). “Judith Durham named 2015 Victorian of the Year”. The Age. オリジナルの15 February 2020時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20200215214311/https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/judith-durham-named-2015-victorian-of-the-year-20150701-gi24pk.html 15 February 2020閲覧。 
  47. ^ ARIA Hall of Fame, retrieved 15 February 2020.
  48. ^ History”. Australasian Performing Right Association (APRA) | Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society (AMCOS). 20 September 2010時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。9 October 2013閲覧。
  49. ^ The Seekers To Receive APRA’s Ted Albert Honour”. The Music.com (30 May 2013). 15 February 2020時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ15 February 2020閲覧。
  50. ^ The Seekers' Judith Durham To Join The Aust Women In Music Awards Honour Roll”. The Music.com (28 September 2019). 15 February 2020時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ15 February 2020閲覧。
  51. ^ The Age Music Victoria Awards 2015 10th Edition”. Music Victoria (18 September 2015). 13 August 2020閲覧。


  • Simpson, Graham (2003). Colours of My Life: The Judith Durham Story. Random House Australia. ISBN 1-85227-038-1 